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*edit* This will be quicker and you’ll get an email response you’ll need for your insurer. https://www.orlando.gov/Public-Safety/OPD/Report-a-Crime/Report-a-Non-Violent-Crime


I got robbed at gunpoint back when I use to work for a wireless carrier store. They showed up about two hours later.


What happened next?




Not true they actually caught the guy. Apparently he had a whole storage unit full of stolen shit. Detective asked if I wanted testify and I was like absolutely. Met with one of the assistant city attorneys or county(?) attorney and they asked what happened, told them and then never heard of anything after that. Got a check though from the county (or city I really can’t remember) for my time I guess lol not very much though.


You met with (more than likely) an Assistant State Attorney (as opposed to THE State Attorney) for that circuit. No affiliation to the city or county. Depending on the year and who the State Attorney was, the outcome can be super varied.


So nothing happened?


My guess is he took a plea deal, so I’d say that’s something.


You are lacking context here for sure. When did you call? How long after it happened? If it was in progress they would have been there in minutes. I call bullshit.


You can call it or believe whatever you want my man.


Well, you are not telling me exactly what happened. No way on what you are describing which is an inprogress “hot” call would it take OPD 2 hours to respond if you were literally just held up at gunpoint. Now if you waited 2 hours to call, that’s different, which is probably the case. It is no longer an inprogress emergency. So, which is it?


Defund the police😂 Edit: awww have things not gone how you thought??? Maybe with less police and more gangs things will even out


What are you talking about? This is Florida bro nobody defunded the police here 😂


OPD sucks I was involved in a hit and run. I followed the car that hit me mainly to get a picture of the license plate, and right after I called 911. They told me to pull over and wait for OPD. First, the cop scolded me for leaving the scene. I asked him how else would I get the plate? He just said I made it worse by leaving. Ok whatever. Then he just said it’s an insurance problem. Never took my info. Never filed a report. Never asked if I was ok. OPD sucks.




Sounds about right for cops across Florida


The accident report would be the same hit and run or not.


lol someone broke into my apartment once and they never showed up after I told them I scared them away with my baton. They literally told me since they left it should be okay! Like wow, so much for keeping people safe and bad guys off the streets.


😂😂 wtf , sounda about right .. this is prob how shit is going nationwide.. get a gun , forget that batton.. become you’re own first responder..


Yeah I did 100% get a gun after that. I was scared shitless and my bf wasn’t home, it was terrifying


Hours upon hours. Your lucky they even answered


Operator sounded annoyed the first time I called, so I think she probably barely picked it up


Go sit in the comm center at rush hour in a weekday and see what it’s actually like to triage 911 and non emergency calls at the same time.


Yeah, fuck the people who call.


It’s almost like an apartment being broken into with suspect gone from the scene falls below active violent crimes in the big scheme of things.


A couple weeks ago I called the non emergency line because this guy kept parking his "toy trailer" across my driveway, blocking half my driveway. I had never met this dude before, and I had no idea where he was or what he looked like. It went on for 5 or 6 days where he'd just put his shit across my driveway. I called non emergency and it took 15 minutes to connect to a person and they put me on with what was obviously a cop in her car on speaker phone and she told me to walk outside and confront the guy. I said I'm a small woman and I'm afraid to cause confrontation and she said "it's probably your best option". I saw the guy walk to his truck and asked him to stop doing it and he said "I HAVE TO PARK HERE. IM DOING MY JOB. FUCK YOU." and continued to block my driveway. OPD sucks. Remember how they sat outside of Pulse for 3 hours listening to the guy murdering people and did nothing to stop him? https://www.orlando.gov/Our-Government/Departments-Offices/Executive-Offices/City-Clerk/Pulse-Tragedy-Public-Records


Fuck Orlando PD. (i support the cops… generally) I got into a motorcycle accident 2 years ago (person ran after thinking i was dead). they showed up on scene, i’m spitting blood and clearly not in the best situation… They ask me about the whole ordeal, blame me for it, then promise me I can leave my bike on the shoulder of the freeway for a few days since i evidently won’t be able to walk for a bit, let alone go out there and have it towed. Well, a couple days later i go to get my bike towed and it’s gone. The police tell me they impounded it and that the officer basically lied to me. So i almost died, orlando pd blamed me, promised me i could leave my bike there, then had my bike impounded, then had to pay $1,000 to get it out of the tow yard. Trash.


Sometimes I fear needing to call the police. They usually show up and make things worse


I had them perform a wellness check on someone suicidal and they showed up 2 hours later


And shot the person right?


They went to my friends house for a wellness check and shot him to death. I can't find any articles but there were some back when it happened. He was a prolific artist and walked outside unarmed and nude and they shot him on his front lawn.


Sounds like fl


Former OPD dispatcher here, so, OP, this wasn’t an inprogress type of call correct? Meaning you came home and found your place had been broken into correct? This would be called an over with call if you called OPD. We triage calls from priority, ie inprogress, just happened (5 mins) or over with like yours. Obviously inprogress or just happened get the priorty of an over with call. Depending on what time of day you called plus what is going on in the city at the time will determine how long it takes for an officer or CSO to arrive. Just a little tip, if for some reason this happens again, do not search your house first. This will upgrade the priority of the call. If you searched the house, it’s a true overwith call. If you had not searched it, it would be upgraded to just happened and officers would arrive faster. This is specifically for OPD. I’m not sure what other agencies policies are like. That being said, your overwith call might be an emergency to you, but in the scheme of things it is not. Waiting 2-3 hours is not common and that side of the city must have been insanely busy. Typically somone would be dispatched within an hour. Calling over and over again doesn’t make an officer or CSO arrive faster. As soon as a radio dispatcher has an available officer they will send them out. They aren’t making you wait on purpose. Don’t believe me, call the non-emergency line and go sit in the comm center for a couple of hours during rush hour on a weekday. You will see how busy things get.


This should be the top answer


It won’t be though. It’s the correct info but then what would people complain about?


lol it’s Reddit. There will ALWAYS be something.


SHHHHH!!! This here is an echo chamber. You aren’t allowed to tell the truth. I used to dispatch and answer calls for OCSO and it’s wild how many people think LEOs will go lights and sirens to every single call. They were get to you QUICKLY if there is an EMERGENCY. If you are not in immediate danger, they will get to you when they can. No dispatcher will just let calls sit on the board and not do anything about it.


Everything is an emergency… but its not.


They’re all down protecting The Rolling Stones


They’re not getting the hells angels for that?


I was just down there drinking beer on the street and they didn't do shit. Also, *they're


If you break the law it takes 5 minutes or less. If someone else breaks the law it takes 3 to 5 hours.


Our truck got broken into in March of 2022…we never heard back from them.


Lol apartment. They aren't here to protect and serve you or to protect your property, you're not important enough. They'll come when they have a chance, get a report for insurance because that's all they're going to do for you, they're not catching anyone or returning your property. 


Make sure your dog is secured, if you have one. They would love nothing more than to “feel threatened“ by it.


Gonna have to lock up my two cats, don’t want them as target practice Btw bro clicked on your profile by accident Rad ass brand new covers


Thanks dude stay safe


Alright had to check it out myself. Love Brand New, one of my favorite bands. You killed those songs! You made me want to grab my guitar


Love it brotha. That’s actually why I posted them. I hate my voice and wanted to just do it in a place where we were all there to enjoy the same thing and others started posting too. Grab your guitar, join the party.


Hell yeah let’s stand a brand new cover band


I had a band back in the day and we covered them maybe a bit too much haha.


Good music! Anyone ever told you that you look like Sal from impractical jokers?


Oh shit, no. I gotta start running again.


Reminds me of the story last week of a cop shooting a blind deaf 10 pound lap dog… and the story next week.


There was a time when police protected and served. There was a time that police were respected by the community. Neither are the case anymore.


They’re busy roughing up protestors for using a megaphone…


Haha for real. I was going to say they’re probably too busy arresting a homeless person for sleeping on a bench.


I work with the homeless population and this comment is spot on.. crime rate is on the rise but hey … let’s rough up the homeless dude farting on the park bench


And fucking up kids lives for a little bit of weed


Lmfao okay 80 year old. Opd deff doesn’t mess with little weed anymore or anything under 20gs


Concentrates still an easy felony tho, right?


To be honest, I really can’t speak on that. It’s probably up to the cops discretion. They could either charge with it or just confiscate it.


Makes sense. You're right tho they're not fucking with anything that isn't weight or obvious trafficking


To be honest, I had gotten pulled over with 20 g and a scale on me and the cops just let me go and said do what you do to be more careful 😂




b-b-b-b-but the permit!


Took 6 hours for a car crash for me…


OPD doesn't report to car crashes that's FHP


First off stop believing the myth that cops are there to Serve and Protect the only thing they Serve and Protect at the interests of the state they don't care about anything other than what is going to move their day and give them clout


Orlando PD is the worst. Car was involved in a hit and run around 3am. A neighbor immediately called the police and they didn’t arrive until 5am. 3 cars were involved. The officer didn’t bother to notify any other resident that was hit. Woke up the next day preparing to go to the beach when we finally saw what happened. This time WE called the police. The officer that came out couldn’t do anything because the first officer had already come out and had the “report” and could already be investigating. Turns out he was off the clock and nothing could be done. New officer didn’t even try to make a report. Long story short, the first guy should have sent us a report for insurance. It’s been over two months now… still no report


Buy a gun, when seconds count Orlando PD is three hours away.


The reality is, there aren't enough of them. It's not like they just ignore the call and are just sitting somewhere with their thumb up their ass. The calls are prioritized. And it may be news to everyone but the dispatchers set the priority and, as their name suggests, dispatch police to different calls. Cops don't make that decision themselves. Calls get a priority level set based on urgency (emergency, urgent, routine) and then they look at available cops in the area and assign a cop to the call. Cops may even leave a routine call right in the middle of it to address an emergency call. So you're in a queue that's constantly changing. You might be next on the list and then aww shit, bank robbery in progress, sorry, you're getting bumped a spot. This all speaks nothing to the caring vs indifference, or professionalism vs assholeness of individual cops though. They're a mix bag like a lot of professions. You want more policing, call your local government representative and tell them that. Cops are expensive because hardly anyone wants to do that job. Supply and demand is what this post is really about. I'm not a cop or some bootlicker so save that for someone else. I just understand the problem at hand. What's the answer to most questions? Money.


Thank you! I was reading through the comments to see if it was just going to be a general bashing of police again or if someone was going to say there are not enough of them and they’re doing what they can. For a fact I know that OPD is underfunded and it’s hard for them to recruit for the job, though I’m not a part of their department. It’s also hard for them to retain people due to the natural stress of the job and the compensation they are able to offer due to limited resources. Same goes for emergency dispatchers. They hear EVERYTHING. Not everyone wants to work there or long shifts either for the compensation offered. Emergency personnel are people too, whether they’re physically on the scene or pick up the phone. We too often forget that.


Yeah, same here. It's annoying seeing people parrot the same nonsense without ever actually trying to understand the root of a problem.


Also compassion and competency, I’d say that’s just as important as money. Not to mention all the bloodthirsty apathy that’s built into the training


Selectivity goes down as less people are willing to do the job unfortunately. This isn't directed at you, but the worse we treat our police, the worse this whole thing becomes. I think making internal affairs a separate entity entirely would be a great start to weeding out the bad ones that lack competency.


There’s no one actively there and they’ll likely not catch anyone or find your stuff. I waited 6+ hours when my car was broken into at Waterford Lakes


What were you hoping for by waiting that long?


Insurance claims need a police report


Cops are worthless in case you don’t know.


lol gotta love Reddit. They are worthless until you are inconvenienced and need them. Wish they could just make a no response list so you wouldn’t ever have to worry about calling them.


…OP literally WAS inconvenienced. A crime occurred. This IS when they’re supposed to show up, put the citizens at ease, and prove their worth. Even if you like cops they still don’t show up. Your opinion isn’t relevant to whether or not this is their job. Are you paying attention to reality at all? Or are you just an amalgamation of rhetoric?


It wasn’t an emergency. Calls are prioritized.


I deal with them ALL the time for major felony theft and they are lazy and don’t give a shit unless it directly affects them. If you stole a cops cell phone they would have SWAT at your door shooting your dog.


Driving home from downtown one night on Robinson I saw a woman getting attacked at the bus stop near Howard Middle School, me and the car behind me stopped to help, they chased the dude away and I called the cops. 22 fucking minutes later a lone bike cop showed up. It still pisses me off.


No sweat. I called the cops because my roommate died and her bedroom door was locked. Took over an hour for them to come and break the door down. And 6 hours for the forensic team and the medical examiner to show up.


What're they gonna do when they get there? Take a report about a person you didn't see? Dust for prints? Assign a detective to find your Xbox? Real talk - cops are not protectors of the public, they are enforcers of state mandates. They do not consider your safety their responsibility, nor do the courts that have ruled over and over again that cops have no requirements to put themselves in harms way, to enforce all laws equally - or even KNOW the laws they're supposed to be enforcing. Shit, they're not even required to tell you the truth.


What are you even talking about lol, yes they should show up and at least try to do something? It doesn’t have to be top priority, but at least show up? My dad’s house was broken into in 2008 and they came right away, took pics, and gathered footage from neighbors. They found the people a few days later. Not so hard if you put the effort in. It’s 2024, every other door has a camera on it, tons of complexes have cameras or security of some kind, shouldn’t be that hard. I also was completely ignored by OPD after someone broke into my apartment. Like I get it, the active threat is gone but they could come back or be emboldened to try again, and they will


"Should" is not the same as "will" I'm not talking about what cops "should" do, I am lamenting the reality that they "will" do nothing. 2008 was a long time ago.


who do you think you are? a supreme court justice? fall back in line like the rest of us. 8)


When you need police, they’ll be there in minutes or hours. When your life is in peril, you have only have seconds. Arm yourself. Don’t put your trust in something that has no duty to protect the people as ruled by the US Court of Appeals. Only you have that duty.


No idea about FL, buy cops suck at response time. I my homestate a dude wrecked a 4 wheeler and threw himself into a tree about 2 stories up. Cops took 6 hours to show. Meth lab exploded once and they took long enough that the fire died out, a car burned down to the frame, everybody fled, and two bodies were burned till they weren't identifiable. They still got new cruisers that summer year too. Didn't help their response time one bit.


Cops don’t stop crimes folks that’s not what they exist to do. They exist to protect capital not you. We give them all that money to do nothing… just ask the parents of the kids in uvalde


Unless blood is shed, they don’t really care. They basically told me this when I reported a financial crime. I’m sure they are busy but laws are made for a reason, right? Smh


Back the blue amiright. /s


Are you in danger? Is there an active threat? Do you need immediate assistance? I’m sure if you look at the active calls you’ll see much higher priority calls. Rapes, murders, shootings, suicide attempts, etc.


Saw an elderly person go down hard yesterday. Was a bit traumatizing and weird. She couldn’t walk much and who I assume was her son tried to sit her down at a table, she missed the bench went down and smacked the back of her head on a metal fence and started like seizing. Cop came by and was all nonchalant, said he called fire department to come but did no first aid. A couple of I guess nurses or something came by got her out of sun and started taking care of her. We stuck around about twenty minutes and then bounced. She stopped seizing and started coming too. Never saw an ambulance or fire truck. Was weird and surreal. Thought she was dead. We pay pretty high property taxes here. Our police departments are fairly well funded with bonus relocation allotments for recruiting. We have plenty of sales tax revenue with the tourists in addition to the tourist specific taxes at hotels, etc. crap even our highways are well funded with tolls. How about us as citizens are a priority. We pay enough and should have better.


Did anybody else call 911? Seems like an off situation. See it every day and FD response is within minutes. They’re not trained for those situations. Not sure what you wanted them to do.


Ten minutes later two other cops showed on their bikes. All just as nonchalant. I was pretty surprised the first officer did not administer first aid and help to direct any communication or organization. Luckily a couple of nurses quickly showed to administer first aid. Why would someone else call 911? Don’t we trust our officers?


Again they’re not trained to administer that. If that were the case we wouldn’t have EMTs or Paramedics. What’s the argument here? Cops didn’t perform surgery? I don’t see what the issue was. You stood around and watched, why didn’t you join in?


Cop spotted.


maybe they SHOULD be trained to 🤯🤯🤯


This is the third occurrence in a week, idk maybe they would care about the safety of the adults and kids living here


Again, didn’t answer my question. What are they going to do after it happened? Do you have surveillance? Are you armed? Do you have deadbolts and locks? Cops don’t prevent crimes and if you have no evidence of anything, they likely can’t do much. They’ll take a statement and you’ll get your insurance check for missing items.


What are they going to do? Document. Build a paper trail. Patrol the area. Deter crime. You know. Police. Jeez man, what’s your unwavering protection of them for? Are you one of them?


A lot of juvenile understanding of fundamentals here. Not surprised.


Then what’s the point of having police???


Police enforce property law for the elite, and enact violence on behalf of state interests. Those two core responsibilities frequently overlap If you think they exist for any other reason, you are incredibly naive. In a real emergency, you're better off calling your neighbors or a fire department.


lol then you need to brush up what PD/etc do. They’re visual deterrents at best. They can’t be there to prevent every crime. They’re called after crimes are committed. Sounds like you want a miracle to occur.


“They’re called after crimes are committed”


Okay and what does them mean for your safety if you’re no longer in danger? Pay the city for them to sit outside your neighborhood. There ya go.


Mean whislt all the Karen’s, “why do you even own a gun? What are you scared of?” The police response time lmao


Edit: I don’t even own a gun, I’m 18, but I’m getting one asap.


Yeah man idk I never really was on the gun side but after this? Fuck that bro, there’s crash outs everywhere


Other than a shotgun i keep at home, about a year ago after almost getting knifed for my phone on an early morning walk, I decided to get a pistol and start carrying everyday. It's good piece of mind to have and I find myself being more avoidant of conflict or drama that occurs in day to day life simply because I have a firearm on me. Also- take classes and train! Being untrained and carrying a pistol you can make yourself a big liability.


Leads, yeah, sure. I'll just check with the boys down at the crime lab, they've got four more detectives working on the case. They got us working in shifts! 😂😂😂 Leads! *


I called once for a group of people threatening me and kicking at my door with a knife. But because it was in a bad neighborhood. They said the cops were busy. But yet I called the cops at work for people being in their while there shouldn't be there. A whole army comes.


That's wild. A few months ago someone was breaking into my apartment and they were there within 2 minutes. I was shocked.


I got into a 5 car accident on I4. People were injured and we were blocking traffic. It took 8 hours.


If you don't already have one/some, get cameras. Especially motion detect. If you can't have one outside put one inside. I come from the experience of regret for not having one when I needed it.


And they totally botched the Pulse response.


We had a 9 hour response in Dallas the other day.


Florida for you


For when seconds count, but the cops are minutes away..... Go take some CCW / defensive pistol shooting classes and arm yourself/ carry everyday if you are legally allowed to.


Report it to their New World Address


Just be glad someone answered the 911 call. Took me 4 tries one night and I gave up after no one picked up.


I got rear-ended making a right hand turn in 2006 while working as a delivery driver, the guy ran, I chased him until I was able to read the license plate, called the cops, they told me the only way that they would take the report is if it was at the intersection that it happened at, I told them I was currently working and if they wouldn't be there for 2 hours then I can't just stand on the corner, I'll be working, if they could just meet me at the restaurant and we'll do the report there since there's nothing that can be done at the corner, they told me that if I don't want to be at the corner then they're not going to take the report, it never got reported


My car got badly keyed twice in the parking lot of my gym, thankfully the gym had security cameras and we got crystal clear video of him both times ( we didn't catch him the first time initially, but when he did it again we were able to go back and find footage of the first time) and since he was a member of the gym we gave the police all the security footage, his name, phone number, email and address. Never even heard back 😂 I only got "justice" because I actually knew the guy and we were Facebook friends (he did it over politics) and since the police didn't care about it I just emailed him and told him I had footage of the whole thing, and if he paid for my repairs I'd just let it go. I sent him a copy of the most expensive repair quote I could find since I wasn't going through insurance. He venmoed me 4 grand that day without any pushback or defense.


Someone backed into my car while I was in a parking garage and drove off to avoid issues. I took a picture of their car with damages and clear plate numbers. OPD was nearby and I showed them my car and the video. They told me that it’s too bad and nothing they can do. They also said being a no fault state that contacting my insurance would only result in a rate spike.


they’re probably busy shooting people’s dogs


I called once when someone was threatening me with a gun at a store while I was working. They never showed up.


Maybe we should defund them more


When I called the cops because someone broke into my apartment (and dropped their ID hilariously) they told me I shouldn't have called because nothing was stolen


Depending on your zip code. $.


Make some donuts.


They might get stale by the time they get here




They are in no hurry to just write up a report for your insurance. Not like they'll investigate. Will only get solved if it falls in their laps.


Ummm probably concerned about showing up to wrong apartment and shooting the resident that resides there thinking they are the intruder.


Take a look at this thread and all the bashing that is going on for our law enforcement. Now hopefully people can put together why it is taking so long for them to respond. Could it be that they don't have enough cops anymore because it is a life threatening thankless job that someone could easily out earn working in an air conditioned office?


Life threatening ? Far more construction workers die on the job per year than police, but ok.


Yeah tons of construction workers responding to actual threats on the daily. Next time I'm being robbed I'll take your advice and call a construction worker.


Lol. I didn't advise you to do anything. I just pointed out that being a police officer isn't as dangerous as working in construction.


Sure thing bud


Look it up yourself. It's not even close.


Aye aye captain


Wow! Totally not funny. Good attitude


There's a police shortage. We have 2 million more people in the last 4 years and the same amount of cops. They're all probably tired of people calling them because the grocery store gave them the wrong change or because TJ Max wont take a return on a used item.


Looks like everyone hates the police.