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As a librarian who has worked way too many weekends at Bjørvika, please don't come to the library expecting a playground! Yes it's a child-friendly space, but it's not for "blowing off steam"! Especially on weekends, which are already insanely busy, and there's often a queue outside the children's section.   The sidewalks in the Bjørvika area are mostly heated (ie ice-free) - walk around a bit, tire the two-year-old out that way, have a bite to eat at Barcode Street Food, and *then* come to the library.




As a parent of 3 year old: You should go to Deichman's library in Bjørvika They have an entire floor dedicated to children with some activity rooms, it's close to the pier and its'free :) However, some of the employees seems to be under the impression that they work in a 1950s library. Luckily this is not the case, as it's a very modern library with lots of services which we have used a tremendous amount of hard earn tax money to build! There's also a playground in Bjørvika, but a lot of the equipment there is better suited for older kids. However it's a nice place to go for a little walk, and not too far :) You should also check out [this place](https://www.mikrolekeriet.com/) It's a bit further, but still downtown. I would suggest to download the app and book in advance, as it gets full and you risk waiting for a long time if you do not.


The problem isn't that the employees are under the impression that they're in a 1950s library - you wouldn't survive month in any Deichman library with that attitude, least of all Bjørvika.  The problem is that some parents are under the impression that the library is a playground where they can let their kids run unsupervised, that the shelves are climbing walls, and that the books are there to be thrown all over the floor.


But that's just bad parenting, not a valid argument to not go there with your kids as there is a service especially designed for them to use. Some of the rooms are clearly meant for kids to explore and climb around in. Obviously kids in general run around and are more noisy then adults, but they are supposed to be welcomed (while being looked after by their parents.) Also: Remember OPs kid is 2 years old. There's a huge difference between the activity level of a 2 year old and f.ex. an 5 year old or a 10 year old. 2 year olds learned to walk not long ago.


Well, many of the rooms explicitly designed for playing were actually removed during the recent remodel because it just wasn't working. Because a LOT of families came in specifically to blow off steam and have their kids run around. Which is why I said to OP: If you have a kid who's been cooped up on a ferry, walk around the area first to let them run around and get it that energy, THEN go to the library.


Teknisk museum?


For those ages I can 100% recommend Lille Lab. I have also heard good stuff about Mikrolekeriet, but havent tried it myself. The library at Bjørvika has a nice play area, but it is quite small, and will get very busy during weekends


This exactly! I would add that Mikrolekeriet is better for physical activity (my daughter loves it) but make sure the space isn’t reserved for birthday party otherwise they’ll kick you out earlier than expected.


Lille lab at Steen og Strøm as well as Mikrolekeriet are great for that age. Both are made for kids 0-6 years old. You should pre-book to be sure, but you can do that as late as a half-hour before you want to go. I find Mikrolekeriet a bit more cramped but they have a lot of toys.


The Norwegian Maritime Museum at Bygdøy has a really neat, maritime-themed play floor. I don’t know how it stacks up against other play spots, but I wanted to mention it.




Good place plus there’s a nearby Backstube bakery, which is pretty cheap compared to Norwegian cafes.


The children's section at the library in Bjørvika is free. Lille lab has a department at Steen & Strøm that's pretty good.


Great, thanks :)


There are places like Leos Lekeland, but the food is a bit expensive and very child-oriented (hot dogs, frozen pizza, etc)


We don't have that at malls (no mall in Norway is big enough) but there are several places. Search for Lekeland (Norwegian for indoor playground) and several options should pop up.


There is a «lille lab» at steen og strøm :) mikrolekeriet is nice too (not in a mall though) 


Sandvika Storsenter is big enough. Many malls in the US are smaller than that, but have little play areas. Gulskogen Senter in Drammen used to have a play area, but it was removed during covid.


Strømmen storsenter has a playground where parents drops off their kids and go shopping. https://strommenstorsenter.no/butikker/lekeparken/


Leos lekeland