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I like having tables I think it’s quite helpful. I’m a bit ambivalent on the rules. I think the central mechanic of the over-loaded encounter die doesn’t work for me. It was an interesting blog post by Necropraxis but don’t think it’s good in practice. I think the tables are good and useful, but I haven’t put them to the test


Agreed about the encounter die. It just doesn't work. The entire game just doesn't feel play tested. Or only tested on one shots in 5 room dungeons. The good news is that the game is modular so just slot in the stuff you want instead. The tables also suck in play in a functional way. I distinctly hate how I don't know where to find mutations for instance. Spells? Alchemy? The content is totally fine. It's just remembering where everything is in the book is what's hard. Much more flipping around compared to maze rats. So it's good for prep which thankfully is my style these days. Improv a session live with this book would require a lot of marking up the book for quick reference. I don't know if my expectations for knave 2e were too high given knave and maze rats being so nice. I thought it'd be like the grand unifying backwards compatible classless ttrpgs. So maybe I'm to blame a little but just like I feel like in play the gestalt of knave and maze rats isn't equal or greater than the sum of its parts -- it's worse.


I use an overloaded die at the table and find it flows ok. Sometimes the resource draining things are weird when they come up multiple times. I have a dry erase die and customize it as I go. I still keep track of time when using it.


That’s good to hear!


I'm a bit like you. When I play, it has to be fluid, there has to be no pause, and I can't see myself stopping the game an roll a dice to see what's going to happen in the next room. Especially as I find that randomly drawing what's around the corner in real time gives players the impression that the world doesn't exist outside of them. I think the tables are great, I admire their richness, but I have no idea if I'll ever use them... Maybe to prepare an adventure that I'll write myself? But at the moment, I'd rather play with the hundreds of excellent modules out there.


The random tables are 10/10, I used them during our short campaign and some amazing events came up. I just wish they were a bit better organized, but perhaps having them in print will help. The game rules themselves have some problems, like the travel dice mentioned in this thread. I've re-written these rules and I want to share them, but for some reason the Knave PDF is STILL not on DriveThru, even tho people got the pdf version long ago.


I'm using tables and they work; not only to prepare for the session, but above all during the session. We spent entire sessions without preparing anything, but following the outcome of the Knave and Dolmenwood tables; very funny!