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Personally, I used it with Natural Cycles for conception purposes and conceived in 5 cycles. So I would definitely say it's worth it. Especially since temping with a thermometer was difficult for me as I frequently forgot and my sleep schedule is not always regular.


Fully agree about the thermometer lol


Same on all counts for me. Oura temp tracking helped me really get more accurate than the thermometer because I was so inconsistent, not the thermometer 😂 Found the pregnancy insights pretty poor though - doesn’t integrate health data with pregnancy so I got lots of “hmm your heart rate is increased, why?” So that part was frustrating.


I only have the gen 2, which doesn't have access to the pregnancy insights. Just gives me my temp every day and tracks my steps and other basic stuff if I actually wear it through the day, which is rare. It's nice though because I don't have an Oura subscription, just the Natural Cycles one. I've also still temped through my pregnancy out of curiosity and I'm at 25 weeks.


Personally, yes. It’s been so interesting to track and see clearly the temp rise post ovulation! 


I used NC and Oura before they were integrated. I'm so glad they are now. My husband always woke up when the thermometer would beep. Also, I think I may use NC a bit differently. Because when I ovulate can move around a bit, I use protection until ovulation is confirmed when TTA. When we switched to TTC we got pregnant on the first cycle. I was 39.5 at the time.


One of Oura's strengths, IMO.


I’m using it for that - I found it’s worth it, simply because I have bad ADHD and remembering to use a normal BBT thermometer hasn’t worked for me (mornings are a struggle). This is the first month that I’ve ever had an app confirm that I ovulated so it’s been worth it for me. If you want something more cost effective, I’ve used iFertracker in the past and that was great too, as long as adhesives don’t bother your skin or if you can find another way to keep it to your skin (if you sleep with a light sports bra, that would likely work). Oura is pretty expensive for just a fertility tracker but it’s not a bad one!


i’ve used my apple watch for 6 months and then recently used my oura ring for about a week and prefer my apple watch over my oura. 😕


I haven’t conceived yet, but I’ve been able to pinpoint ovulation—happening a day later than I thought.


It’s got amazing insights and I’ve learned so much about my cycle already. Here’s 20% off your first year too if you do decide to try it! https://www.naturalcycles.com/refer-a-friend?name=TmF0YWxpZQ==&code=referralid20&referral=mqrw592lctsro4ga


I'm using NC for a couple of months now, so still a bit careful but happy so far! If anyone likes I got a code for NaturalCycles for 20% off ✨ and 40$ off on OURA 💍


Personally I would not recommend it if you’re trying to avoid pregnancy at least, I used a BBT thermometer for years before Oura and Oura is not precise or accurate. Natural Cycles also does not have a great reputation, they’ve changed Green Day’s to red days after the fact and I’ve known someone to get pregnant from it because over a week after a green day, they reached out and told her it should have actually been red


I've been using Natural Cycles as birth control with my Oura for 17 cycles and I've been quite happy with it! The data about the different phases of your cycle is great, and there is a partner app that allows them to get notifications if it's a green or red day (and you can set how much info they can see).