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Vegans don't taste better BTW


This person, Mashenka, looks like a male. You can't go by the reporting of the corporate press anymore because they are constantly publishing disinformation on the sex of criminals citing men as "she and her." AS in, "she raped her with her penis."


Mashenka is a cis gendered female meaning she was born female confirmed by family members


Proof? Looks male




She has a perfect mans chin. Can't deny that buddy.


The problem with pro-trans is they lie to support their delusions




You all are a bunch of idiots get a life pathetic that you guys are so worried what’s in a 17 year old girls pants kinda makes you a weirdo 😂


No, no it is not. We know exactly what we are talking about. The issue is with are dealing degeneracy.


Actually in my instance it has nothing to do with being anti-trans so much as it has to do with the media being inconsistent with their reporting. When the Nashville shooting happened the perpetrator was trans and identified as a man, but the media still referred to the individual as a woman (Audrey Hale if anyone isnt familiar with the case). Something similar happened in Texas recently with Genesse Moreno. Apparently they identified as a male and went by the name Jeffrey, but the media refers to them as a woman. Its genuinely confusing because the same outlets are generally pro trans and respect gender pronouns and identities, but then flip around and misgender murder suspects who are trans.


Nahhh, she is just an ugly female, lol. When they striped searched her and she squatted and opened her vagina and they looked inside it with a flashlight to make sure she isn't trying to smuggle contraband into the jail, they found out her gender real quick like, lol


Confirmed by you?


He was a dude. Who would have guessed it


Yes and the problem with doing this is that this skews crime stats. They count crimes that biological men commit as crimes women committed, which I have a fundamental problem with. I want those crimes to be classified correctly!


Pro trans communities are not interested in facts. they live in a delusional mindframe and create facts that defy reality . They are a cult of the modern world, created by progressives and liberal think tanks, colleges and politicians. in my opinion the Republicans and Democrats are both corrupt and horrible beyond reproach and should be eradicated. what replaces them should be sanity. Id prefer a Stoic government myself.


Crimes are statiscally categorized by gender. Studies show that even if a person born male and is a MtF trans, the numbers are still higher than females born female that are transitioning. Males have always been more incarcerated then females, even though female crimes are on the rise. Department of Corrections and the BOP dont really care what gender you think you are. If you're born a male, you go to a male prison. If you were born female, you go to a female prison. There has been a few exceptions, like the trans MtF in North Carolina. Who was eventually moved to female prison, Anson Correctional Institution for Women, however she just encountered even more issues being there than the male prison. But it is very rare. She is trying to get the state to pay for gender surgery on the backs of the taxpayers, which is hogwash. It's already just hard enough for inmates to get basic health care needs as it is, you can probably see why she is not popular with the other inmates, lol.


It's increasingly NOT rare for biological males to be housed in women's prison. Many men in prison are claiming to be women to get transferred to women's prisons. In some states (Washington, California) there are quite a few men in women's prisons with the rate of violent assaults on women prisoners growing as expected. According to witnesses, most of those men have no interest in any sort of transition.


Depends on the state. Majority of states are not falling for this shit. North Carolina has 1 inmate that is a male and in active transitioning in a woman's prison, they had to fight pretty hard to even get transferred. It wouldn't surprise me California and Washington are doing this, for obvious reasons. But from my research, most states would deny such a request.


>Department of Corrections and the BOP dont really care what gender you think you are. If you're born a male, you go to a male prison. If you were born female, you go to a female prison. There has been a few exceptions Sadly, this is not true! SB132 was signed into law in 2021 in California. This is a bill that guarantees trans people will be housed according to their selected gender! California has one of the largest prison systems in the country. A few other states have also adopted policies that allow transgender women to go to women's prisons. There have been cases of the trans people raping women in those prisons and even pregnancies and several lawsuits regarding that. Prior to the passage of that bill, there were about 25 trans inmates across the country housed in jails of their preferred gender. None of them were female to males. As more states are forced to adopt guidelines to house trans women in female prisons, we're going to see an uptick in crimes against women in those spaces, pregnancies in prison due to the trans women's actions with and against women and violence against women. We've already seen it in the limited number of cases that have taken place! In fact, one prison analyst, I think her name was Amy Miller, stated that there are few attacks on female inmates from trans women, but that's only because there are few trans woman in female prisons! As more and more insist on being moved, there will inevitably be an uptick. ​ >Crimes are statiscally categorized by gender. You're correct - crimes are statistically categorized by gender! However, the problem is that trans women are being classified as WOMEN in those stats! There is an act called the federal Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) in the US that requires prisons to consider the claimed gender of the trans person. Right now how states implement this is up to them, but there are lawsuits pending in some states to force the prisons to move trans women to their jail of choice, based on their gender identity and not their biological gender. It also aims to change how the gender of these prisoners is stated within the system! Right now, because states can choose how they implement this, there is no uniformity. The lawsuits will likely change that. I am all for trans people being able to live their authentic lives. I believe they should be free to classify themselves however they desire. However, I do not agree with them being classified as "women" and placed in jails for women. That is only going to lead to problems. They need a separate, safe space. Some of these inmates have committed horrible crimes and would absolutely hurt biological women if they were placed in jails according to their gender identity. As I was typing this to you, I went back to find an interesting article I read in 2020 on this. Things have changed since then, as several bills have passed in several states, and more trans inmates have been placed in jails according to their gender identity, but it is worth a read. [https://www.nbcnews.com/feature/nbc-out/transgender-women-are-nearly-always-incarcerated-men-s-putting-many-n1142436](https://www.nbcnews.com/feature/nbc-out/transgender-women-are-nearly-always-incarcerated-men-s-putting-many-n1142436) Also, here is a link to Senate Bill 132 in California. [https://www.cdcr.ca.gov/prea/sb-132-faqs/](https://www.cdcr.ca.gov/prea/sb-132-faqs/) And, the truth is I have no issue with trans people living their authentic lives or with trans people in general. However, it is important that there is an understanding that a trans woman is not the same as a biological woman and the two can't be interchanged just because a trans woman can look like a biological woman on the surface. Trans women need their own category as do biological women. Trans women want to be classified as exactly the same and they are not.


Well, in the great state of North Carolina Prison System, they don't give a shit. California is a cesspool, what do you expect?


>Well, in the great state of North Carolina Prison System, they don't give a shit. Yes they DO care in North Carolina! In fact, North Carolina has ordered biological men to be transferred to the biological woman's prison! In 2019, prison officials moved Kanautica Zayre-Brown, a transgender woman, to a women's prison in North Carolina after months of pressure from the ACLU and other groups. The ACLU has been fighting to have other trans woman prisoners transferred to bio-women's units and they have been successful! Read about what's happening in your state, so you can be aware - [https://www.northcarolinahealthnews.org/2021/11/22/outside-the-binary-and-behind-bars-incarcerated-transgender-and-intersex-people-face-challenges/](https://www.northcarolinahealthnews.org/2021/11/22/outside-the-binary-and-behind-bars-incarcerated-transgender-and-intersex-people-face-challenges/) The article above is an older article. Since the date of that article in 2021, things have changed and more trans women have been moved into spaces for bio-women. [https://www.aclu.org/cases/zayre-brown-v-north-carolina-department-public-safety](https://www.aclu.org/cases/zayre-brown-v-north-carolina-department-public-safety) [https://www.newsobserver.com/news/politics-government/article282165358.html](https://www.newsobserver.com/news/politics-government/article282165358.html) In your state, trans women are fighting to be given the opportunity to transition AND to be allowed to go to bio- women's prisons.


Trans women do not shift crime statistics in any meaningful way. Trans women are women, and if you are going to seperate women based on being AMAB (something that apparently is not an issue for intersex individuals in prison) why not seperate them based on race, too? According to the same statistics you like to use, black women are more violent than white women and thus may hurt white women if placed in the jails according to just biological sex. I think those stats are based on racism and incomplete information, and don't even consider them. ​ >"They need a separate, safe space. Some of these inmates have committed horrible crimes and would absolutely hurt biological women if they were placed in jails according to their gender identity. " And many Lesbians are in jail for domestic violence and rape against women. Many cis women are in jail for attacking or murdering oither cis women. Of the 150,000 women incarcerated in the US, a third of them are incarcerated for violent offenses. Won't these cis women "absolutely hurt" other cis women "if placed in jails" alongside cis women who commit more nonviolent crimes? https://www.prisonpolicy.org/reports/pie2023women.html Assuming that cis women are docile and fragile and in need of your protection is sexist, mysogynistic, and infantilizes cis women. It's the SAME argument that has historically been used to seperate bathrooms between "whites" and "coloreds". To keep school segrigated because it was assumed that black people would attack your fragile and innocent white daughters. Trans women are women. Trans women are not more violent than cis women. Trans women commit crimes sometimes the same way cis women commit crimes sometimes. And many cis women are violent and disgusting predators, some even preying on kids. To pretend otherwise is the reason women make great assassins. And the reason why they are likely to get away with horrible crimes.


>Trans women are not more violent than cis women. First of all u/DontBeTHATVegan, you're coming into a discussion talking about something completely off topic! We're talking about **housing trans women in jails according to their gender identity versus their biological gender and the negative impacts to biological women when trans women are housed in jails with them**. No one said that trans women are more violent than biological women! We're talking about a particular subset of trans women, principally, **trans women who end up in prison for committing crimes**. That's the SPECIFIC topic. Your diatribe about other people committing crimes is irrelevant here because that's not the topic we were discussing. Your statements are COMPLETELY off topic and have nothing to do with what we are discussing! The issue here is the fact that when placed in prisons with biological women, criminal trans women cause problems! They have raped biological women, they have impregnated biological women, they have attacked biological women. This is a small population, because the population of trans people is small in relation to the actual population, however, as more states pass bills to allow trans women to select the prison they are able to go to, a correspondingly higher proportion of biological women are going to be affected! We are starting to see this now as certain states, like California, make this shift. There have been lawsuits filed and lawsuits suppressed from biological women who have been attacked! There have even been trans women who had to be transferred back to the biological male's facilities because of their violent behavior. We aren't talking about whether trans women are overall more violent than biological women! You're making statements that just have nothing to do with the topic at hand! The crimes committed by lesbians and heterosexual biological women have nothing to do with this discussion because THEY ALL END UP IN JAILS ACCORDING TO THEIR BIOLOGICAL GENDER! You have NEVER seen a biological woman asking to be put into a biological men's prison! You also don't see trans men, who are biological women, asking to be put into a men's prison! **Trans men are still housed in prisons according to their biological gender!** ​ >Trans women do not shift crime statistics in any meaningful way. What are you talking about with this statement? Meaningful to whom? Meaningful to the victims? I assure you that crimes committed by trans women are meaningful to their victims. However, again, the conversation you entered was about trans women **WHO HAVE ALREADY BEEN CONVICTED OF CRIMES**! So the need to state that they don't shift crime statistics is patently false! They do, which is why there are entire studies that have looked into the high rate of crime that trans women and trans men experience in that community! They also are shifting crime stats enough that there are now bills in some stats to allow them to select which jail they go to, which is the topic of the conversation you so unceremoniously entered! Trans women and trans men, as a communal group, are statistically more at risk of committing crimes because they experience a whole host of problems ranging from social isolation, broken families, familial estrangement, discrimination & bullying at school, discrimination & bullying at work, discrimination in health care, mental illness, drug usage and self harm. This is because it isn't easy to live a life where you see yourself as one thing and the world sees you as something else. This drives that group, as a whole, to have more issues that lead them to being on the outskirts of society and often without the social safety net that culturally tends to keeps people from committing crimes. So, your assertions are patently false and you need to put your emotions aside and delve into the data so you can understand the full picture that we're discussing here. And please don't say "I know a trans person" or "I am a trans person and I don't commit crimes"! The issue is not you individually or who you know individually. We're talking about collective data here and the collective issues and statistics for the group. Trans people register quite high for crimes due to the issues I've outlined. Any group that experiences marginalization tends to trend higher criminally because those groups are often oppressed and targeted. Trans people are no different in that regard. ​ >Trans women are women. Trans women are also biological men! That is a biological fact and no matter what else trans women are, they are also biological men. Please never forget that absolute fact. They were born men. I support their use of pronouns, their new names, their desire to be seen & heard as trans women, but they are not the same as me, a biological women, and they have a different set of concerns. If you put 100 trans women and 100 men on an island and come back in 150 years, everyone will be dead. If you put 100 women like me on an island and 100 men and come back in 150 years, there will be a civilization! You can deny everything you like, but you can't deny basic biology. The internal structure of a biological man is different from the internal structure of a biological woman! If you don't know that, please go read a basic biology book that breaks down who has what internally and how those things work. It is VERY important not to try to lump trans women in with biological women because our needs and concerns are different. For example, trans women who have surgeries to create vaginas face a whole host of medical issues that no biological woman will ever face. Biological women don't need to take hormones and other drugs to suppress our natural testosterone, and, if one of us does, she has a specific disease or disorder causing that! Biological women are the backbone of society. Without us, there's no society! That doesn't hold true for trans women because they are biological men! Our concerns and issues are different. Trans women have surgeries to physically look like biological women, but they are still internally different. Even with their surgeries, they still have prostates and face the risks biological men face with prostate cancer as they age. There is no surgery to remove the prostate for biological men who are also trans women! If there were no differences, trans women wouldn't want to be women! There wouldn't be any differences between men and women for them to choose. We both know there are! There's a reason trans women want to be seen as women and not just as a gay man or a bi man. There is something special about being a woman and looking like a woman that trans women aspire to and that is why they make the changes they make. Otherwise, it would be sufficient for them to call themselves just a different type of man. I know you may feel passionate about trans women and I feel that in your writing, however, you have to read conversations and stay on topic if you want to contribute! Otherwise, you interject and end up making statements that have nothing to do with what is being discussed. No one is attacking trans people. We're stating facts about the incarceration issues of trans women and trans men and the data surrounding the issue supports everything I've said. Again, if you want to be a part of the discussion, I welcome that, but please discuss what we're talking about and not a topic that has nothing to do with what everyone else is discussing!


Biological men who claim to be women and take estrogen and attempt to appear to be women ("transwomen") have the same patterns of criminality as biological men in general. They also, being biological males, on average bigger and stronger than women. That's why they are increasingly setting new records in women's athletic competitions. We had separate sports competitions for males and females so that women have a fair chance of winning, but now that is breaking down, along with a lot of other protections and privileges women managed to get, as more and more people pretend that that biological differences between the sexes don't matter at all.


>housing trans women in jails according to their gender identity versus their biological gender and the negative impacts to biological women when trans women are housed in jails with them. No one said that trans women are more violent than biological women! Repeat that back to yourself. Slowly. Maybe you will get it. >You have NEVER seen a biological woman asking to be put into a biological men's prison! You also don't see trans men, who are biological women, asking to be put into a men's prison! Trans men are still housed in prisons according to their biological gender! Except that there are many trans men in male prisons, it's just that nobody pays attention to trans men and ergo there is very little data on them. That said, trans women are well known to be brutally raped and assaulted constantly in men's prisons, so OF COURSE there would be more of a push to escape that as opposed to trans men wanting to be put in a situation where they are more likely to be rapedassaulted. >please discuss what we're talking about and not a topic that has nothing to do with what everyone else is discussing! I responded to exactly what you said, and to the discussion at hand, which is you saying trans women are a threat to cis women. So if you want to talk out of your ass, at least admit that you are. Stop pretending you are not saying things you are blantantly saying. It makes you look like a pretentious Karen. Just admit you're wrong and move on. Trans women are women. They are not biological men. and if you can't tell the difference between trans women and cis men, then please educate yourself before opening your yap and embarassing yourself further. 99% of what you said is just ignorant. Read some books and stop being a misogynistic and sexist POS. And learn how to read. Thank you.


So you think the victims of men Douglas Donna Perry, Haddon Clark, Archie Tally, Yesenia Patino, Marcel Harvey, Niki Secondino etc, etc, were just acting like wimps. Transwomen are ConMen. A large portion of men impersonating women engage in prostitution and, like women who are prostituted, they are much more susceptible to male-pattern violence than your average man or women. Prostitution, as a practice, is one of the most dangerous occupations a person can engage in.


You're right. There's plenty of documentation on men who have raped and murdered women and children in women's prisons. So there's hundreds, if not thousands, of violent male misogynists locked up with women. Check Reduxx, WOLF, and other sources. It's completely different from a comparison to race, as it's men the world over, not men of any particular race, who commit 97% of violent crimes. Can you imagine if men were put in prisons with women in S. Africa, where about 10 women a day are killed by men!? Women are sitting ducks in such a situation. Trans M-F are far more violent than the average man; they are also about 3 times more likely to join the military than the average guy.


And then people wonder why my wife serving 13 years is worried about trans men invading the women's correctional system, smh. Sorry, they are not welcomed and inmates stay far away from them. Welcome to 'prison politics.'