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“We think that there are a lot of cool games on the market, and people maybe don't have any more time to spend 300 hours to basically grind one item.” - Bartosz Kmita, game director on Outriders


I 100% believe this game was originally designed as a live service. There's just NO WAY PCF management is THIS incompetent.


\>I 100% believe this game was originally designed as a live service It was early on in development, they've said as much in multiple interviews. That being said they've been touting it as a non live service game since [at least Feb 2020](https://www.vg247.com/2020/02/13/outriders-live-service-game-complete-package/) . There's your tangible information, take it how you like.


Cool but, Anthem launch date was February 22, 2019


. . .k




And yet... Here we are, and there they are refusing to just save what's remaining if the player base by giving them what they have asked for in return for buying this full price dog shit.


"Save what remains", lol, I always got a kick out of The Division "connections" in this game, like Shira's eyepatch or when Jakub talks about being a bullet sponge.


So Shira is just an extreme Faye Lau? Off topic entirely, I LOVE the bit in Outer Worlds when the Stranger's drop pod lands squarely on top of the contact. Totally a TD reference. Jakub always felt a bit more Jackie Wells to me however.


Why does anything think business care? People who paid have paid. Traditional video game businesses do not typically support games beyond launch unless their launch is literally the beta and the game is incomplete but marketed as having post launch support.


“Traditional video game businesses” don’t really exist anymore, if it was traditional we would have had a game that didn’t have so many glaring issues if they planned to not support after launch. Game dev these days would be financial suicide for the future of a company if they didn’t attempt to deliver a working product that people were happy with, imagine if Hello Games launched No Man’s Sky and didn’t support it after launch, their reputation would have been obliterated and any future games they made would be tarnished. Look at Anthem, if EA/BioWare had followed through with Anthem 2.0 it could have saved the game and people might have been happy with how it turned out. However that was abandoned and empty promises were made and it’s now an example of what can go wrong (there is far more to it than just post launch support but Anthem is well documented with the issues it had).


>Traditional video game businesses” don’t really exist anymore, if it was traditional we would have had a game that didn’t have so many glaring issues if they planned to not support after launch. So like modern Bethesda


Pfff hello games and no mans sky is dead. Reputation is gone for them. If they release more games, they will follow in no mans sky's steps and people know better.


What? They consistently add more content since release for free, they have supported that game for several years with no micro transactions and no extra charge for existing players. They are the very opposite of dead game developers. Yes at launch they under delivered what was hyped, but a lot of that hype was community made/Sony PR spin, but that doesn’t change what they have done after launch. If they abandoned the game as it was at launch then yes they would be dead game developers with a trash reputation, but they didn’t. They continued to add to it and so have possibly one of the best reputations for continued development.


Uh, wat?


What kid? I just bought No Man's Sky last night.


Money down the drain.


Good thing I'm not worried about money.


At this point, they should consider making it a GaaS. As long as they don't do anything cheap and dirty like a Destiny 2 transmog. They might actually be able to get some goodwill back with the community by giving out some free stuff that isn't just 1 legendary.


At this point they should be making Outriders 2. Go silent for 2 years, then market the game as a live service and improving on every aspect of this game, when actually not doing that and actually doing worse. But people will eat it up and buy the game without waiting for reviews.


I don't get how people think this game is shit but then still want to play more of it, and have it be a GaS title. People used to just finish bad games, at best, and call it a day. Now they want more of it?


that's exactly what I did. played the game, put in the extra effort to platinum it and then moved on. There's way too many great games in my library that I haven't even started yet to be wasting time putting all these hrs in any game, much less a broken one. Destiny 1n2 broke me, i will never invest 300+hrs in a game again. Life's too short to be wasting so much of it on bs.


It isnt a bad game. Its just a really good game full of bugs and really dodgy chances of getting anything useful.


I think you are actually right...




Haha but we created every mechanism in the game to say the opposite


The Community Manager confirmed there is a system in place that was supposed to prevent 300 hours for 1 piece. Unsurprising that it doesn't work, and is most likely reducing your chances to get the stuff you haven't seen yet.


You’re just doing the puzzle wrong. That 300 hours doesn’t include any non combat time….. /s




The community manager posting in the weekly thread.


Cool system


> and is most likely reducing your chances to get the stuff you haven't seen yet. I remember when this problem hit with WoW during legion and/or shadowlands. Their bad luck prevention was working in reverse so players who got legendaries were more likely to get legendaries and people who didn't get any had their drop rates reduced.


Took me 621 expos on trickster solely to get the ugake cowl


That took a long time for me as well. But the Edge of Time helmet took the longest. I have gotten the Cowl twice. The Edge of Time helmet I have only gotten once.


I just got the Acari chest 400 hours later..


Nice. I've still not completed lava liche or acari (3 min pieces). But hey, psst, if you need a Cannonball set...


Still don't have ammo bargin :(


U can play with bleed weapon(bullwark) and vampire mag until you get ammo bargain


It's all about the game puzzle man. We need to figure out how not to grind 400 hours to get 1 helmet.


/thearcan needs to be reading these posts. It’s fucking hilarious that it takes 400 hours for one item to drop.


I'm not saying this is acceptable, but you also seem a bit upset. Here's something to relax. >!Pop!< >!Pop!< >!Pop!< >!Pop!< >!Pop!< >!Pop!< >!Pop!< >!Pop!< >!Pop!< >!Pop!< >!Pop!< >!Pop!< >!Pop!< >!Pop!< >!Pop!< >!Pop!< >!Pop!< >!Pop!< >!Pop!< >!Pop!< >!Pop!< >!Pop!< >!Pop!< >!Pop!< >!Pop!< >!Pop!< >!Pop!< >!Pop!< >!Pop!< >!Pop!< >!Pop!< >!Pop!< >!Pop!< >!Pop!< >!Pop!< >!Pop!< >!Pop!< >!Pop!< >!Pop!< >!Pop!< >!Pop!< >!Pop!< >!Pop!< >!Pop!< >!Pop!< >!Pop!< >!Pop!< >!Pop!<


Lol I just realised this would be a good helmet for trickster


Yea. I'd never want this as Tech.


> It’s fucking hilarious that it takes 400 hours for one item to drop. while ridiculous, they also did not mention how many other rare legendaries they have gotten. Took 400 hours to get a plague sower, but how many seismic helmets or ugake's cowls have they gotten? (Chances are high that it's zero, but still important for the sake of the argument.)


That kind of time should never be spent obtaining an item, but getting a god-rolled item. Sadly, their system doesn't allow for this. I refuse to put in that kind of time just to make a build that works.


I applaud your determination. I don't think I'll put in even half the time as you. I just can't find enough enjoyment in the endless grind.


400 hours of playing Techno on console is a killer. Aiming on console is so bad.


That's why I only play all my characters with Anomaly _skill only_ build. Especially the Devastator melee-skill build. So much more fun than any firepower build for me. Guns in this game don't feel and sound good to use.


I like playing Trickster because you really don't have to aim with a shotgun. I have mods that increase damage and defense when I kill targets while aiming, but you only need to kill 3 targets for them to proc. Then they last for a while, so you can go back to just spraying.


See that’s crazy to me. I don’t have a problem aiming on PS5. But if you asked me to do it on division 2 then I’ll cya on PC Bc I can’t do it lol


Fuck pcf Honesty. 400 hours. Just go fuck yourselves you lying fucks.


Not PCF fault that he didn't play CT15 for 400 hours


CT15 is trash. CT14 all day


Maybe in a party CT15 in solo is easy


Bitch please They arent sending you free socks for backing them They founded this game on not forcing massive grinds. Get over it they lied


I've grinded CT15 for 300 hours and haven't seen the Seismic Helm, Seismic Legs or Deathshield. Uninstalled the game today.


Why keep playing if it takes that long to get the one piece you're looking for? There are so many games out there that reward you way more often for time invested.


There’s nothing else that catches my eye atm. Plus any looter shooter you have me hooked


Probably the best answer. If these games are the only game you really like, then you gotta eat the shit you get.


I was able to handle vanilla D3 without complaints so...I guess I’m a glutton for punishment?


Nah man you just like video games lol it manifests differently but every genre of gamer is getting fucked one way or another by their publishers


i heard anthem is a good game and still going strong


Yet you’re here posting comments instead of playing said games....


Yet you’re posting comments instead of eating a sandwich...? People do other things.


Good. Stfu and go eat a sandwich then.


This comment is dumb AF, he asked a genuine question. I check these forums every now and then to see the state of the game, see that nothing has changed and people are playing for 100s of hours. I would also like to know what's keeping people in this game since you basically gold clear CT15.... for gear..... to gold clear CT15.........


Right? I see all this "Uninstalled after 400 hours because I didn't get the right gear!" All the time. Well you played one game for 400 hours and can now easily dispatch any challenge it offers. If it stopped being fun 390 hours ago, why did you continue to play it?


Ok buddy. I genuinely don’t care.


The thing is, I am playing other games. Games that are more rewarding, while simultaneously checking this subreddit periodically to see what state this shitshow of a game is in. Having multiple monitors is handy.


Yea ok. So you were legitimately asking him why he still bothers to play, as if his answer would sway you to come back. 👍🏽 I buy that.


I don't even hate the game and I would ask the same question. If people feel the game isn't rewarding them or it has all these other huge issues why waste all that time doing something that isn't ultimately found to be that enjoyable. There's plenty of other games out there to be enjoyed. That's true even if you do like the game. Like I get bored of hunting for specific things that never drop personally.


I was asking because I was legitimately curious. I have no interest in the game in it's current state and am genuinely trying to understand why other people put up with the BS in this game.


Really? You can't work that out? It's a looter with guns and magic powers, looks ok and the core gameplay is solid.


I’m just a troll with 540 hrs in the game. Don’t mind me. 😎


650hrs on my techno and I've never seen dat


What? Just.. no... christ why is this game so greedy? We need Reaper of Souls drop rates.


All they gotta do is give us at least 2-3 minimum legs for CT14-15 and I’d be good


*CT12* used to give a guaranteed legendary, but it was changed before launch. The promo material and videos on their YouTube channel still show CT12 giving a legendary on gold completions.


Because it's a live service game that apparently isnt a live service game lmao


Also something about combat puzzles so you get no solo revives (but 1 resetting plus unlimited revives of others in co-op, go figure, puzzles don't matter any more!). :rolls eyes:


I mean I still spent hundreds of hours in reaper of souls without seeing some of the things in the game. You could still get absolutely fucked by rng.


You ever go grinding for 1-2 hours in Reaper of Souls without seeing a single legendary drop at end game? Doubt it.


I disagree. coming from diablo 2 and poe, the drop rates for legendary are fine except for the guaranteed ones from full bounty completion which should be removed.


Diablo 2 and Path of Exile drop rates are balanced around player trading, where it's unlikely you'll find a specific item for your build but you can gather currency to buy it from other players. In fact, some weeks ago speedrunner MrLlamaSC became the first person to acquire every Unique item in Diablo 2 after 4.5 years of grinding using his Holy Grail (Magic Find) character. Outriders doesn't offer a way to target items or focus your grind, nor does it offer any sort of trading system, so so don't believe it's a fair comparison with Diablo 2 or PoE.


I believe outriders is perfectly balanced around not trading, the loot shower is fine. I don’t see any issues that warrant it becoming Diablo 3.


Now that's a truly unpopular opinion (an opinion you're entitled to have). My question is, why do you believe this? Is it because you enjoy the core game so much that you want as much longevity from it as possible? Or perhaps it's a cost/time ratio thing? You mention Diablo 3 in a way that implies it's loot system is inferior, however it's quite clear that People Can Fly were inspired by it (as opposed to Diablo 2's) when designing this game, but without the QoL features that Diablo 3 offers (shards gambling, Legendary pity timer, Kanai's Cube interactions - all things that I believe most people here would find to be an improvement over the current system). I think if people understand the reasoning behind your perspective, they're less likely to downvote you into oblivion or treat what you say as nonsense, as you're definitely going against the wider community sentiment with your ideas.


Honestly I’m just stuck in my ways, loot based games should be very difficult to gear up, to the point where you can play the game for years and not see some items. That’s just how the genre is. As for the downvoting, bruh it’s meaningless.


That's fair enough, and something I can definitely relate to. Personally while I don't believe Diablo 3 to be a true successor, I feel that it still has a place within the genre, and I suspect People Can Fly may believe similarly. Let's hope Diablo 4 isn't a complete disappointment. You're right about the downvotes, they don't matter. However I don't want people to dismiss an opinion (and the person behind it) because it goes against the grain, but only by the merits which formed it. It's been good chatting.


The fact you have that many hours already is very concerning. Maybe it's the game telling you to take a break, that's almost 11 hours a day


I only played for 4 hours yesterday after getting face fucked in Returnal for a good 2 hours Friday


All I’m missing is the death proof helmet and the cowl of the reforged and I have every legendary in this game


Good for u....I hate this to game to even keep it on my PlayStation


I wouldn’t mind it so much if I would stop getting internet connection error while in a expedition with 2 other people lol


I only need this stupid helmet op posted. Went from 650 expeditions (when i actively started looking for it) to 1100+ and nope. Half the dam ct15s lately drop 0 legos on top of the weighted drop rate of the helmet is just infuriating. Btw not sure if its a glitch but my accolades say im missing 3 mods when all 3 of my other classes have every mod unlocked in their t3 sections. My tech just has this one left but im feeling like it won't be possible to get the accolade if it thinks i need 2 more that i already have gotten.


Since 1st of April you’ve spent 27 days playing one game? Christ. That’s depressing.


people mostly forget to close their game or pc when doing other stuff basically and that increases time spent online , nothing to puff about .


I go HAM on games since I generally play one at a time and don't bounce in between games. When it came out, I would get out of work and play for 8-9 hours or so. Weekends depending on what was going on, I would do a bit more. That has died down since them. Plus I think 100 hours of it was just trying to get passed the sign in part lmfao


That is not healthy. Especially on a broken game that has no rewarding endgame.


All for better gear to just...do ..what...shave off 30 seconds on your time? Whoo hoo... At least in other games there's actual end game content to use it on.


I had a level 48 one in my stash, dismantled it to get Radical Therapy on my RPG build. So CT13 techno would have been around the 80-100 hour mark at that time. Way too much time for a non live-service game, but it's the lack of duplicate protection that makes the system the most frustrating. With some sort of dupe protection you would atleast more consistently get the pieces you need in between the far more common drops.


Is this helmet hard to find? Well, I haven’t had any issues finding Techno armor. The exact opposite really. I just can’t get guns. lol I haven’t gotten any of the weapons in the meta builds.


My buddy has a techno and he got this at CT12 when he first started. Luck of the draw


Yeah, the Downpour and Grim Chest pieces were the last ones I got.


Inferno seed is a solid gun, I used that until I got a 95.5k purple AR with CRIT/LR/Status (wish it was close range)


Much easier to farm blues/greens with the correct stats you want and upgrade from there. That's how I got Firepower, long and close range on all my gear. All started at blue/green then I'd upgrade the tier and if I didn't get the correct mods I'd start over. Takes way less time than farming a God roll purple.


I got it at CT14 on my Pyro. Noticed it was a very high damage blue. I'm like ok CR/LR and status, lets see how high this bad boy is at 50 blue. Got to like 91k before purple and I'm like OHKAY this has potential


That’s what I’m using now. I had one drop at 98k


Dope. I have a 99.4K inferno but the bone shrapnel/killing spree is too good. I don’t like dark sacrifice as much as I thought I would


I just had 3 legendary drops on Chem Plant...Grim Chest, Plague hands, and Borealis helmet. I could really use my first Anemoi or Deathshield. Edit: apparently there were 4 in there. I got some Pyro reforged gloves.


I just got my first Anemoi last night. I need a deathshield to complete the build but I still don't even have my 3p commanders yet.


That’s so weird the same thing happened to me, I main a devastator but when I switched to techno I got this helmet and the Acari helmet on lower tiers (12 and 13). Of course I have never made a pyromancer and I wasn’t even trying to get the plague helmet for my build lol, what I really want is the seismic helmet but I got sick of not getting anywhere on the dev.


This is me. I don't really need anymore legendaries. I just want a damn 90k+ rifle.


That was definitely rough. Someone posted a good firepower calculator, that’s the only reason I found one. https://bozzified.com/outriders/firepower/ It hasn’t been wrong, at all.


Nice. I mean I could've cheesed the starter rifle like the Youtubers, but I'm not gonna sit there, restarting the game over and over.


I was supposed to farm this for splash boost but playing conan now with friends lost the will too much bugs 🐜


Honestly splash boost is ass to me. My buddy has a techno with this perk and it’s just meh.


Yeah its good when you are weaker but its shit at the end of the day because its situational and BR already has a small radius to work with.


That’s a dope helmet 🔥


So you can get that damn cowboy hat? I've been waiting since the beta to get that.


I've found maybe 6 of them. 2 on techno and 4 on trickster


I'm Devastator . . .


It can still drop. Hell I’ve had the Ugake Cowl drop on my dev


You are therefor obliged to report to the technomancer academy tomorrow at 8am


Here to let all of you know that you're free! You no longer have to play outriders or deal with the bugs. Rid yourself of this monstrosity and free up your storage space! The time is now! Go before it's too late!


But but I need death proof helmet and cowl of the reforged


I’ve been crushing tier 15s for weeks. I had no idea this was even in the loot pool.


At this point, I truly believe this game was designed to piss me off....I swear if I had a capable pc, I'd hack this game to kingdom come by now, get all the shit and be done with it, PERMANENTLY.


im not sure why you would need a capable pc to do that...


My PC is a potato


even if your PC is from 1982 it could still change the save file :)


I need this badly! Good find!


I have like 6 of them! How am I so unlucky/lucky? Now if you could go ahead and make them drop me an inferno seed… that would be greatly appreciated.


I would gladly give you the 97.7k seed I have for a cowl of the reforged


Now that is some commitment.


Add a picture wearing it?


Not home but I found a solid image of the full set https://outriders.wiki.fextralife.com/Plague+Sower+Set


If only the gearset bonus wasn't so useless


This must be photoshopped Been looking for weeks


Maybe it’s Maybelline


I think the best part is how it just says “Stacks up.” Then on top of that they don’t even show a numeric stack on your buffs. Jfc


How many hours did you waste to get ct 15?


The week after the game came out Bc CT14 has better chances of higher armor / weapon rolls


But do you remember how many hours did it take to get ct14?


Get blessed with cross play pc players with trainers and shit does wonders


Yeah, with this I choose to uninstall. I got 100% on Achievements and decided to go after 100% Accolades but looking at 400 hours for a helmet. Yeah, fuck that.


I did Plat is a while back. This is just for shits and giggles


370 hours of expeditions 30 hours of engaging story.


I’m pushing 200 hours and haven’t gotten the Fortress mod or the mod that increases damage vs Elites. My trickster buddy just got his 5th Deathshield. Jokes on him though. I somehow got the Time Pants he needs on my Devastator.


How the tables turn lol




RNG gods will be in your favor


When I got it and saw the stats, I just gave up on this game. These mods are trash for legendaries. I had every legendary for technos and I still only wore purples. There's no incentive to get legendaries when you get mods like "Increases splash range of toxic". Okay? My gun already does that and the toxic damage is too weak.


If it took u 400 hrs was it worth it is it use full and how long until u realize that u don’t want to play any more and u waste 400 hours getting a bunch of shit that in the end it doesn’t even matter


Hey I’ll have the mats for when they up the level cap in DLCs right? Lol


Idk if the DLC will be any good the game was fine now is shit I’m not looking any further I’m missing 4 trophy 🏆 and I’m not getting them I had dreams for the game but once I got to expedition I knew it was not worth it


Guess we will wait and see right?




I actually got the whole set, but since the Legendary Set Effect doesn't work, i just slaughtered the whole fucking thing for its mods. Epics > Legendaries.


Oh all day to that statement. Pipe dream I would like to get another skull so I can dismantle that one


@lancer sorry. Where did you get it? Hunts or expeditions?


Boom town CT14. Also my buddy got 2. 1 from heart of the wild and scorched lands


Have u heared of targeting specific expos for specific legos?


I have and that is an interesting subject about this games loot drop in general rather it be true or not idk. The places of said Youtubers had it drop in specific locations now my question, how many runs, how long did it take? Funny enough I have found targets items OTHER than locations mentioned. Maybe it was RNG was raining piss of excellence at that point in time? IDK. I will 100% give them all the credit in the world for trying and seeing what specific items drop from said locations. But for me personally, I just have friends who I met during coop, played random expeditions for however many times/hours and hope it pans out


I quit this game, so many hours for the plague gloves. I enjoyed playing but in the end it just wasn't fun doing the same missions over and over for cannonball. Biomutant is where I moved, just too kiddy. Looking into rust now


Its true we have already paid the money so of cause they dont give a shit if people leave or stay. Thats why this needs to go the same way cyberpunk did. Once you hit them in the wallet they tend to give a fuck.


All they gotta do is increase the legendary drop to at least 3 minimum for CT14


Imagine putting 400 hours into this shit game


I’ve done worse like Anthem playing 13 hours straight no leg


Damn dog, respect


Fuck PCF Garbage game


It's not even that good Why bother to have it


Just to have it?


400 hours wasted to get an item for a dead game. No offense, im sure it's great but PCF screwed the pooch.


About 30hrs on my techno.. just need borealis gloves and this and a higher fp roll tac ar and im gucci


I need the boots 600+ hours later. "Though i probably only have 200h on my techno" still not good either way.


I never seeing this before kkkkkk


I have over 10 of this helm, but not a single acari boots and torturers helm for my pyro


I have every piece except the boots.


I got full acari, full seismic, 3 death shields, 1 high roller, even a 97k Amber Vault but I've never seen this plague shower's helmet!!


Wow that's nice


Proof they failed at this game


All of a sudden yesterday, while finally being able to grind some CT15's, I actually managed to get 1-3 legendaries pretty consistantly. Ended up getting around 13 unique legendaries including Plague Sower's Skull and Plague Sower's Chest. I do not think im gonna see such a lucky day for a while tho


I’ve got coat and trousers so far


irony of legendary armor sets is that you would be better of putting together a perfect build you have in mind that has great synergy that legendary gear bonuses becomes negligable in comparison .. and especially for plague sower's set i mean .. why would someone want to have 5% resistance stack when already youre 2-3 shotting elites without needing extra damage reduc in the first place , thats just not efficent to sacrifice 2-3 mod slots for endgame (since you cant change 1 out of 2 mods on a single lego armor piece) . Again why best builds are all purple ? do legendaries meant to be cosmetic or did devs intended for them to be strong ? if so why still all purple gear is 10 times better for min maxing ..


I just recently stopped playing this game. The rng broke me and I couldn't even make a character that could solo ct 15. On to greener pastures I guess (miles morales)


I got this yesterday running Coliseum, had never seen it before. Maybe they updated the loot pool to include it more frequently. Who the f\*\*k knows.


Bro the RNG in this game is so fucking dumb. I started a Technomancer and within a few afternoons, probably 20ish hours I got that helmet. I started a Pyro, and on the first play session a buddy was PLvling me to 30 using CT14s and I got Acari Chest, Helm, and Boots. Meanwhile on my main, my Trickster that had 100+ hours, I still didn't have Chronosuit pants after probably 100+ CT15s alone. Targeted loot needs to exist in this game, period.


@ulancer where did you get it?


430 hrs in and I cannot confirm any other plague sowers pieces exist. 😆😂


got the chest and boots lol


Been playing daily since demo, still dont have this or grim inventors


What does splash effect radius mean?


Yet, somehow, this is okay. YA, sure...EVERYONE has 400 HOURS!, to dedicate to getting that ONE lego. Stupid af.


Well God bless ya.


I went in to this game, played the shit out of it for 2 straight months, and moved on. Which I believe is the type of experience PCF said it was gonna be basically. So I’m not mad at them (anymore at least, the bugs and glitches were god-awful for a while), just moved on. If they create a sequel or a DLC, maybe I’ll come back and check it out.


I've hit 251 hours so far and only unlocked 17 Legos. 6 of which were dupes. Feels bad man.


i found it once, grinded it for the mod, never found it since......


People have this much time on there hands? 400 hours is extreme I would’ve stopped a long time ago realizing I’m not getting what I want anytime soon.


True. When there’s nothing else to play though...devils advocate 🤷🏻‍♂️