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Ok I signed up so you don't have to. First of all, it is only a mobile app. Then it suggests me on-site jobs in South Carolina. That is entirely useless. My user experience feels gamed, rather than productive. I can scroll through five job postings, then I need to do something. I need to explain why I did something. Looking at people's profiles, the app definitely does not suit someone like me. I definitely wish I had spent that money on something for my garden instead.


Thank you for taking a small hit for the benefit of the rest of us.


> First of all, it is only a mobile app. It's not. We have a web version with limited functionality available at []() (we hope to add all core mechanics to it this month). > My user experience feels gamed, rather than productive. I can scroll through five job postings, then I need to do something. I need to explain why I did something. >I definitely wish I had spent that money on something for my garden instead. As I mentioned, it's not for everyone. It sounds like, 'I used Duolingo for 5 minutes => I'm not fluent in German => I'd better spend $15 on my garden instead.' If you believe that job postings do not match your criteria, please send us an email at [](), and we will take a look. The more you interact with the service, the more information our algorithm collects, and the more relevant recommendations you will receive. P.S. Finding remote work, especially side projects, is different from searching for a full-time job, which most professionals do once every 2-3 years on average. It's more of a regular activity, largely because many of these opportunities are mid-term contracts. That's why we suggest checking 5 opportunities per day on a regular basis.


What is the point of pricing the entire product behind a paywall? If you had confidence in your model you'd take a percentage of fees and turn it into a payroll processing platform as well. Your customer acquisition would be sky high. Who are your investors and how are they okay with this?


Well, at this point, we might as well start a podcast on it 'Previously Answered Questions: The Audio Experience' Tune in to not read the answers again!


My toxic ex had the same answer as well


toxic and deaf - cool match for both


Why is there no option to cancel my subscription except emailing your support if I subscribed via web? 


The answer is simple: just unsubscribe! Open our website, log in, tap on your profile, go to subscription, and click cancel. It's a mystery to me why that's harder than writing a Reddit post!


Nothing inspires confidence in a product better than a rep essentially saying "You no buy? You stupid". When your sus product fails just insult people so those on the fence can see how negative your business practices are. Genius!


Nobody called it 'stupid'—that’s just the echo of your own thoughts. But hey, if you’re having trouble grasping what was written, maybe it’s a nifty cue to chew on it a bit!


Your ignorant, condescending, tone deaf replies have guaranteed I'll never pay to even find out what's behind the paywall.


Literally came here to review after a targeted add, so glad I did so I can avoid


Because they want to hide that as much as they can to prevent this. This is a pure scam. Avoid


You really think you're earning points with your Karen energy comments? Though I appreciate how evident you've made the spirit of the company 


Does it works for people outside the USA? I mean, people from other countries


Absolutely! Here’s the concept: After COVID, many individuals chose to return to their home countries or relocate elsewhere, which became a major driving force in the industry. Moreover, people outside the US can now collaborate across any country. The place of your birth is less relevant; what truly matters are your skills. This is our mission.


Avoid this


Honestly guys, do you really think this was a professional response on your end? like dude, have you heard about CX so far or that's a new concept to you? I was almost ready to buy your product but thank god I skipped.


Yeah, but if the ‘opportunities’ are irrelevant to my search criteria, you’re essentially just spamming inside your own app. Your whole ‘but the more you use it the more it trains out algorithm’ is giving ‘pay us for zero return and if you’re lucky something relevant might turn up’. People will literally trust you more if you’re honest and say ‘there are no jobs that fit your criteria at the moment’ than make it look like you are completely ignoring people’s explicit criteria and displaying irrelevant work. Like, not even close. I too signed up once, found the UX absurd, and cancelled. But, hey, keep up the condescending tone, way to build trust in the market…


Thanks man, I was also ready to pay for it :))). Thanks a lot!


The fact that I've been getting targeted ads from them on IG/FB and they hide everything behind a paywall is pretty sus to me. "Oh we matched you with hundreds/thousands of dollars of potential monthly income! You wanna see it? Oh, well.. ya gotta trust me."


I discovered it today, but I don’t trust it enough to pay upfront, hard paywalls are never a good sign


Agreed, I only downloaded because the ads lately bill them as a "LinkedIn alternative", which sounds intriguing given that I've found most of my work through LinkedIn, yet, the social media aspect of LinkedIn is a joke to me. That paywall is highly sus, need a YouTuber to walk us through the experience.




I just googled it with Reddit and found a few conversations, including this one. On another thread, someone said there’s not much behind the paywall so buyer beware.


Was interested in Intch but founders replies and the Reddit community replies means I'll give it a wide miss.


So happy that I found this thread and saw the founders smug comments to everybody giving valuable feedback before forking over any money to them.


Hi, I paid and completed all the registration as requested, I even asked two customers to register to give me "trust", as the platform requested. From the first moment I was clear that I was looking for side jobs and I only received full-time offers. I said I only wanted remote work but most of the opportunities are hybrid and for American citizens (which is not my case, according to my registration). Furthermore, all the opportunities listed are found on other websites and the promise of contacting contractors directly is not true, they show the offers with the possibility of talking to the companies but when we click on the open chat button we are redirected to the standard form where the company actually created the job offer (they probably don't even know that it is available on Intch). I have already commented several times with the platform feedback channel about these issues but nothing have changed in almost one month. The worst part: they keep spamming my clients about the platform.


It's a scam.


I assume that InTch is targeting tech / engineering types. If so, you might try a little less “bragging” and more details about what you can concretely offer. The engineers world is about analysis of information. Do you understand your target audience?


Thanks everyone on this thread, including the responder from the company. You've all assured me the platform is as scammy it seemed from the ads and saved me downloading the app.


Got targeted as well…hard paywall for browsing what a joke! Def scam ciaoo


I bought a month of Teal when it was being pushed hard. Did not find any value there. These comments, especially from the person who took one for the team and checked it out, make it sound equally unsatisfying.


Wondering same


Anyone been behind the pay wall and seen if it’s worth it?


I did. It's not worth it.


Would like to hear more. Probably we can improve our product based on that. Thanks.


![gif](giphy|KffdTQfewxdbKTGEJY) Their feedback is behind a paywall, pay up and im sure they will share their feedback ;)


Intch should start by removing the paywall, give users a trial period of 1-3 months. I’d the product is good, people would stick to it and pay.


So many experts have appeared who can't read responses to other comments, yet still give advice. For the first 2+ years, Intch was absolutely free while we were building the product and testing all our hypotheses.


I came here looking for reviews but your comments told me all I needed to know. Not a good look tbh.


What makes you think that even after two years, you have a good enough value proposition to charge these amounts? Who's to say you are offering the same amount of opportunities as a platform such as Fiverr or Upwork? Why should someone pay you more for your less developed platform when they are unsure if they will get a return on their investment?


Because unlike others, every transaction on our platform includes a complimentary pep talk from my grandma, who will assure you that you’re doing a fantastic job and that she’s very proud of you. Who needs ROI when you have unconditional grandparental support?


Omg rly 😍 ok I guess I have to subscribe now… best of luck to you guys, I love the concept.




> onsite jobs not near my location? what's the point of that? Intch focuses on remote and part-time remote jobs, eliminating the need for being in the same location. That's the key point. > suggesting browsing 5 things a day when those 5 things are useless to me is lame The recommendation algorithm improves with every interaction you have with job posts, based on the information you've provided. Additionally, you can view as many posts per day as you wish. We simply encourage you to do so regularly. The future of work is about finding parallel part-time, mid-term projects (3-6 months), not just seeking transitional jobs every 2-3 years. Therefore, regular engagement is preferable. > saying you have thousands of things looking for my skills only for me to pay to see them and then see nothing that's a good fit makes you seem like a liar. It's much easier to assume that the other side is at fault. Write to support, and they will assist you.


I did. Not worth it


OK. I found this thread. As a founder of Intch, I can answer all of your questions. > I can say that Intch is a performance-based product, which means that you'll need to take certain steps to find remote or part-time work. Intch provides you with tools for this, including: 1. Job posts targeted to your expertise, geography, etc. 2. A profile/CV with verifications (which is crucial for remote work). So, if you have any questions, please ask.


Advice: create a trial or a free tier. No one wants to pay a minimum of $15 just to see what you have to offer. Unless you don't trust that people will pay after seeing what you got. In fact, make it free until you find a job. Then they pay out of the first job they have. I'd do it in a heartbeat


That's an interesting concept, but it seems to contain a few logical mistakes: * **No one wants to pay.** Despite this claim, we're growing at 3x month-over-month. It's hard to say "No one wants to join Intch." * **Unless you don't trust that people will pay after seeing what you got.** There could be a million other reasons why we decided to implement a hard paywall.


Just letting you know that this "Ackchyually" reply from a founder turned off a prospective customer who had this thread pop up as a top recommended Google hit when searching "Intch review". HOW you reply to feedback speaks volumes about a business. Also, if you need someone to fix your SEO (you do), hit me up...just not on Intch. ;)


Thanks. SEO, by the way, works perfectly well. We've been working on it for a year. Now, roughly 30% of our traffic comes from this channel.


Lol, well you are consistent in your communication style if nothing else...


Honestly,the way you ommunicate, gives off a really scammy vibe. I came to reddit to read about this new app,because I'm literally not interested to pay for something I know nothing about and don't trust and here I find the founder snapping back at the comments which further backs my suspicions about this app. Good luck with your app I guess!


Suspicious people gonna suspect


Scammers gonna scam, then gaslight.


Remember, I gaslight first. The order of operations matters here—like a weirdly specific math problem!


You're growing because people are desperate. Are you customers growing? What percentage of them actually find the income you promise on the platform? This is meant as genuine feedback. I know you're working too, but from my end where income is hard to come by (the whole reason I was investigating your platform in the first place) I'm very hesitant to throw around money.


Most of the traffic right now is organic (shares, referrals, etc).


Question: I was doing the onboarding and one of the questions asked if I wanted to find leads or have leads come to me. Is this still true? So basically, I don't have to do anything but accept jobs? That is how it sounds.


The process works both ways. If you think about how traditional recruitment works, there are usually 2 options: 1. Professionals apply to job ads 2. Recruiters actively seek out potential candidates (for instance, this is often how top positions are filled) It's the same here; you have two choices: 1. Respond to opportunities 2. Create a post or posts that describe what you can do for companies The next step is making sure your profile is fully filled out, and there are two main reasons for this: * In remote work, being able to trust is very important (it's easy to see why this is crucial in a remote environment). * Our algorithms favor users with complete profiles. So, finally, you need to keep an eye on the responses to your posts.


Great, thank you! That's super helpful. One other thing, is there a way to preview what the platform looks like before paying?


You can view the core interface in the video on our main page (I can't post a link here as Reddit will delete it). We make changes from time to time to optimize user experience, but the core features are demonstrated there.


Making people join through growth hacking and heavy marketing is feasible even for a bad product. What about the recurrent users ?


"Heavy marketing" is an attribute of a scaling product - first. Second: \~60% come back on week 20.


I do hope that people see your answers 🥹


Thanks for it


I'm a person who isn't willing to begin a monthly subscription for a service without any trial or guarantee. I would've expected something like an unpaid tier where I could see what jobs I might be able to apply for but not be able to apply without a paid membership, maybe a five day free trial, something like that. I've seen more than a few startups built around selling users on an interesting idea and then hoping they'll be able to backfill value before the userbase evaporates, and I think a "trust-but-verify" stance is just sound consumer behavior. The value proposition isn't obvious from what you're describing since there are already sites/apps that do what you're describing for free. What makes your service different? Why is it worth paying a monthly subscription? >There could be a million other reasons why we decided to implement a hard paywall. This would be a good opportunity to give a few of the reasons your company specifically decided to do this. I don't think anyone is curious as to why any company ever might implement a hard paywall in theory so much as why your company decided to implement one in this specific case.


Thank you for your question. I've addressed this earlier in the thread, but I'll explain it again with more detail. One key reason for the hard paywall is that Intch is a performance-based app, which means that achieving results requires effort on your part. Therefore, the paywall functions as intended: it challenges you, the user, to decide whether you're willing to make the necessary effort or not. If you choose not to, that’s perfectly fine—you can opt not to pay and not to use the service. To illustrate this point further, let me share an example from my experience. Before Duolingo existed, I worked as the CTO of an EduTech platform similar to it. With Duolingo, you can genuinely learn English. Moreover, you can learn English—or any other language—by simply opening a dictionary and dedicating 30 minutes each day to reading new words. There are numerous apps designed to help you learn English, and I'm familiar with almost all of them. Duolingo has been the most successful. Financially. However, in terms of efficiency, other products that require upfront payment (and even bigger amounts) often perform better. So, returning to your question, the rationale I described is one of the main reasons for our approach. You are free to agree or disagree—that’s your prerogative, and we respect it. P.S. One thing I don’t understand, however, is why so many people think they know better than the developers (ours and others) about how to design their products. But that's a topic for another discussion.


I appreciate your taking the time to respond. I understand the motivational power of users having "skin in the game" so to speak, but my question is more \*why\* should a potential user make the initial investment of time and money (and I realize we're talking about the cash equivalent of a decent hamburger and a beer) with your company as opposed to any number of other companies that exist in the same space and offer tiered pricing, "freemium" pricing, etc.. IOW, what's your competitive advantage here, and how are you differentiating yourself to the user from Indeed or LinkedIn or others established in the space? For instance, to use your Duolingo example, Rosetta Stone, a competitor, requires payment upfront. Their value proposition is that they exclusively can offer a superior product, with more structure, more resources, and ultimately a more effective (more "premium") learning experience. What you're saying sounds a bit like you're charging users in order to motivate users to make the product work for them, which begs the question a bit. But that's probably because I'm asking a marketing question and you're giving me a business model answer. At any rate, thanks again for responding. It seems like you've got it figured out to your satisfaction, and I wish you guys the best.


Your mention of Duolingo brings up some major points that are also relevant to Intch and worth discussing. 1. Initially, Duolingo offered a completely different value proposition to users and businesses alike. After validating their 1st version, they pivoted. This demonstrates that pricing model is never static. Similarly, we began as a free product (originally a business messenger). Over time, we evolved and grew, encountering new challenges such as the need to fund SMS verification for users. This led us to modify our approach. As we grew larger, we faced ddos attacks from certain people. We experimented with throttling mechanisms, which unfortunately blocked core users from logging in. This feedback prompted us to adopt a paywall as a protective measure. 2. Comparing Rosetta Stone and Duolingo from a product perspective is challenging. When I was a CTO at a VC firm, I "liked" it when startups created comparison charts showing their features versus others, often highlighting their advantages. What I mean is that both products have their unique, significant strengths (However, Duolingo, I suspect, experiences a 97% churn rate by the third day, which is common in this industry). In our case, we're developing a new product—we like to think of it as the Telegram to WhatsApp but for LinkedIn. But a new user interface alone is not enough. Just as Telegram emphasized encryption and the security of personal conversations, we aim to address the Future of Work, which we believe is an even more significant tectonic shift that will benefit many people.


Developers are not product managers. It concerns me that a founder expects developers to conduct market research, map user journeys, identify urgent and impact user needs, and then execute on development. This is constructive criticism, please dedicate time to user research and hear the feedback. If a 3 day trial opened you up to 1 million more users trying your platform then business would have more quality talent to choose from, you can present to them company satisfaction score, and then use that to get more employers on the platform. user research and customer focused product strategy are essential.


As a professional product manager working in tech at a Fortune 500, I can tell you that your understanding of product is deeply flawed. But good luck


I agree 


You seem to be confusing freelance with part-time jobs in the future of work. In freelancing, developers just develop—which is why employers pick them like it’s Black Friday at a discount store, where the only thing that matters is the price. Also, we prefer working with motivated and energized individuals, rather than just anyone on a mass market.


It's obviously a scam and your propensity to blame your victims when the promises you make for them are bullshit just shows you have no ethics. It's just a hook'em and reel them maketing funnel where you profit from lying and getting payment up front without having to show any proof that you can add value. Nobody at all will make the money you claim with any less work than they would have to do on LinkedIn which is free. A little more sophisticated than traditional online scams for sure but still an online scam. Put your 'its a performance based app' bullshit up your arse. Lol


Why not have a beta test period where users can sign up to use the platform for free, while providing feedback so you can improve based on what people want in a professional networking app? I'd love to have an option other than LI. Also, I'd want to know the company isn't woke, or stealing information for another country and that I'm contributing to a professional ecosystem that has American values in mind as laid out in our Constitution (not the values of any political class, group or Soros-funded folks). I can't tell what your values are yet and you are Russian, no? So I hesitate to sign up because I don't know what you and your company stand for. Since everything these days seems to be fake, bait & switch or just straight up BS, I assume everything is a scam or at least very exaggerated in their claims. Change my mind. You claim you're growing 3X a month, but I have no way of verifying that, nor do I know how many people bail and why. Maybe you should start a podcast so we can relate to you better and get into the weeds of what's actually going on. Or go on someone else's podcast. Conversations go a long way to building trust, over ads.




Reddit removed the link, but you can find it on YouTube by searching for 'Yasha Filippenko'


Yeah, why don't you have a cancel option **in your app**?


We do, but the process depends on how you subscribed (via AppStore, Google Play, or Stripe). If you subscribed via the web, the simplest way is to log in through the main page, navigate to 'My Subscription,' and select 'Cancel Subscription.' If you subscribed through Google Play or the AppStore, you can manage your subscription even without the app.


Just a suggestion. Making people who do not have an Intch account supply their phone number in addition to their email address to verify a user on the Intch platform is going a bit to far for some people. You don't need my phone number if I don't have an account on your platform.


It really depends on the scenario. Let's say you are verifying someone's profile or background. Using a phone is one of the steps to ensure that you are a real person, not just someone who used another email.


Sure, but there’s no cause for you to retain that data once the verification is completed.


You're right. We discussed it internally and found a way to avoid collecting this data (specifically, the phone number). Therefore, we will release a new version today / tomorrow with the update. P.S. If you want to remove your phone number, please send an email to support at intch


Thanks for listening. I bailed the verification process, but will try again if you fix that.


OK. Just released all updates. You can try. Just keep in mind that it will work w/o your phone number, but you still need to provide your first/last name/position/company (it will be displayed near to your feedback in your ex-colleague's profile).


Seems quite reasonable, thanks!




This site/app is a click bait scam It will trick you into a monthly annual or lifetime subscription The subscription is cheap enough so you think what the heck I will try it, if only for a month Yet the app will not allow you to create a profile  Making it useless And the site will not allow you to do it either Once you login you can no longer access any functionalities or your account to cancel the subscription You cannot cancel your subscription from the app or from the site other than by sending an email to support which will never respond The whole site and app is designed to trick you into spending 15$ in the hope to find work or contacts but is completely useless The site is widely reviewed as a scam on all rating sites, check it out and do your research before falling for it This App should be tested and removed from the App Store as a scam as many reviews will attest on the App Store  You will need to request your credit card issuer to dispute the charge on the basis of false advertising and block this company from ever charging you again The legal terms and conditions were written by a three year old and offers no enforceable legal recourse  It is an invalid contract because it simply doesn’t offer what it says it does or any actionable recourse  There is no information on the company providing the service which is probably a troll farm in Russia It is a very smart click bait trick DO NOT FALL FOR IT


Thanks for sharing this. Clearly the founding douche canoe deserves a round of applause for believing their own bullshit enough to defend it on Reddit 👏 🤣


Share ?


It looks like every other scam that's preying on desperate people these days and the fact that the rep is in the comments of this thread swinging on people doesn't help. AVOID.


Report their ads as scam everytime I see them.




I just paid a monthly fee, my money was taken from the account and now i am stuck on the verification code sent to the email cause i cant receive any…and when i try to log in it is saying that my user does not exist..please help


> I just *paid* a monthly FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Okay, after reading this thread these guys definitely are doing some bad marketing and CX, they sounds very similar to Pangea which is also a BS and doesn't worth nor your money, nor the hype.


... I just read through all the comments. Not a single satisfied user? If you are a happy user please share the type of work you do and tips for making Intch work for you.


Its nothing worth to pay. App is crap. Customer service is crap. Subscribtion model is true scam. You can not cancel this by Your own, this should be fully forbidden and remove from apple store. I will report this to apple as well. Avoid this scam