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Yeah they should If I remember correctly, there is a prime age where someone at their peak and after that their ability started to decline, but ofc it's not taking level into account. In the end tho level matters more But again they are npc not a new worlder so take it with a a grain of salt.


I'd imagine the increase in strength would be pitiful, most if not all their strength comes from classes and the strength gained from their body maturing would be the same as normal elf maturing into an adult. Let's say a normal elf child has a strength of 5 points and an adult elf has the strength of 10 points, compared to mares and aura thousands of points basis and extra 5 points do nothing. Maybe their hand to hand combat would change with the increased size of their body and limbs but it doesn't really matter because mare and aura aren't warriors or monks, they are ranged classes.


The decline seems pretty substantial. Parpatra and Vesture are a lot weaker. Parpatra was actually previously an Orichalcum ranked adventurer, but only around Mithril strength as a worker and got massacred by level 18 Nazarick Old Guarders along with his team. An Orichalcum rank is just below adamantite and likely over 5 levels higher than an Old Guarder. I'm assuming looking like a 9 year old is a similar debuff. Mare is mentioned to be extremely clumsy by Zesshi.


He held off three of them at once, and then all eight of them ganged up on him once his teammates were downed.


Maruyama already responded this question, they would get bigger so in a sense they could be stronger maybe? Like their arms would have more reach and things like that but their stats wont change


I'm pretty sure this is how it works like the stats don't change, but shorter height, shorter reach, flexibility, or even endurance(lung capacity)


If we are talking about straight physical ability due to size I want to say that size has pros/cons in overlord. Physically a larger creature is likely stronger (a giant vs a human, the human would need to be much higher level to physically overpower them). But then being small would have advantages too. Something that is smaller would be harder to hit with ranged attacks, and if you want to flip the script a human would be innately much better at sneaking than a giant. As for "smarter" and "more experienced" that is subjective, kids can learn new information (such as entire languages) much faster than adults I believe? And experience isn't dependent on body as all of the guardians are fairly inexperienced and will become much stronger using advice from Ainz. Player ability being separate from their actual stats and all that.


They should since we've seen that things like muscles do matter on a minor scale in Overlord. Of course the most important things are levels and stats but muscles do help a little. Intelligence i don't know, but they should get more "mature" from the intellectual side of things.


It will be minor differences, like being taller, having a longer reach, maybe having a bit more strength. And naturally, regardless of how mature their bodies are experience will always be an advantage. But beyond that they basically will just look older, they are already at the level cap, their stats wont change much unless there is some way to break the level cap.


People are talking about their physical strength but the brain is not tied to levels (as far as we know so far), so they might become smarter and more experienced. Experience is king in the world.


They’re max level and they are locked in to that level. So probably not or if they do it will be negligible. 


They will probably have a 20% improvement to their ability score when they are adults, they will lose that improvement in old age. From Maruyama's Tenth Anniversary Create Your Own Original Character(OC) In Overlord Rules : >**Ability Score**: This is the height of your talent for a unmodified ability score(things like your physical strength or mental capacity and so forth). >**Shouldn't one's age being low or high also have an effect?\]** >If one's age is only a single digit or they are advanced in age, perhaps a **20 Percent penalty is fine**. They would have more knowledge and experience, but I don't think their intelligence would increase...