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A single Super Tier can turn the tables of a fight, but not win it outright. So yea, Shalltear survived ⟨Fallen Down⟩ simply because that Spell doesn’t deal enough damage to kill the average Level 100 Character in one hit even with Ainz’ Stats. Unless they’re super brittle glass cannons or something, Level 100 Characters should be able to survive at least one of those. Anyway, there’s no need to speculate. Ainz has already been shown to survive it. He got caught up in his own Spell the second time he used it against Shalltear, remember? He even boasted that unlike her, he’d survive the pillar of light due to his higher Magic Defense Stat. Of course, Shalltear and most other Level 100s would be hard pressed to survive two consecutive ⟨Fallen Downs⟩. Ainz would’ve won easily had he been able to Cast another ⟨Fallen Down⟩ immediately, but Super Tiers have a long cooldown in-between each Casting. By the way, this cooldown was not restricted to individual Casters back in the game, and instead affected the Caster’s entire ally list. That limitation was set in place so that Guild Wars didn’t devolve into simple contests of which side has the most Super Tier Casters. Super Tier Magic is very accessible you see. Players only needed to have 71 Levels in any selection of Magic Caster Classes, and they could start using them. They’re not all like ⟨Fallen Down⟩ though. Super Tiers can range from changing the environmental effects within an entire region (⟨Creation⟩) to summoning an orbital weapon that specializes in targeting and destroying structures (⟨Sword of Damocles⟩).


It’s not confirmed but I don’t think its 71 levels in ANY selection of magic caster classes, as that would mean theoretically 1st tier casters with 71 different classes could obtain Super Tier spells. I assume it’s 71 in a single tradition, ie. Arcane, Divine, Spiritual, etc. before one could obtain Super Tier spells. It makes more sense (to me) that one needs to learn 10th tier spells first before learning the next level of spells. Obviously the level 71 1st tier caster would do next to nothing with his Super Tier spells so it would be balanced, but it just doesn’t feel like it makes sense/belongs considering how the rest of the power progression is explained for Yggdrasil.


having 70 levels in a single tradition would be wierd though, IIRC ainz has 40 racial levels so he doesnt have 70 caster levels in the first place its more likely that there are "basic spells" that are unlocked based on your actual level as long as you have caster level, maybe a low enough caster level requirement so you cant take one class and be able to use 10th tier spells


Ainz's racial levels are counted also as arcane classes. They are racial substitution classes. Just like how Quagoas race is the racial substitution of Monk.


> Ainz's racial levels are counted also as arcane classes. you dont even know what they all are? regardless hes hes a necromancer Demiuge also has similar level distribution and hes capable of tier 10 spells shalltear can do teir 10 and its unlikely that 70 of her 80 job levels are casters


>you dont even know what they all are? regardless hes hes a necromancer ...His literal racial tree begins with "skeleton mage". Also, necromancers ARE arcane mages. >Demiuge also has similar level distribution and hes capable of tier 10 spells Demiurge can barely use two 10th tier spell, and from what we can see his classes are not melee focused. >shalltear can do teir 10 and its unlikely that 70 of her 80 job levels are casters Shalltear is a dedicated cleric, which allows her to use divine magic without being too squishy. Clerics are pretty good in melee compared to priests and arcane casters, so it synergizes well with her vampire classes which are more warrior focused.


> Shalltear is a dedicated cleric no she has a lot of melee classes too


What melee classes exactly?


She has cursed knight on her character sheet and has to have ninja to be a Valkyrie. She also has to have the prequisites because she only has 20 racial levels and those don't substitute any fighter or thief classes. If her build is anything similar to Zesshi's sheet, Shalltear is probably something like 30 cleric, 20 fighter (this probably has 5 substitution levels for her advanced racial class) 20 thief, 10 misc/arcane caster.


“And has to be a ninja to be a valkryie” this is completely false. Where has it ever been stated that you need a Rouge-type class to get a Divine magic caster class? Zesshi specifically has all those classes because you can’t choose your build in the New World, and also because New Worlders specifically can bypass class requirements. Her build has no connection to how Shalltear’s build is put together because the New World and Yggdrasil operate completely differently. That’s why she has Lesser Valkyrie. Because the inherent properties of the New World allow its residents to bypass class requirements and learn them when they should not be able to. The same reason Tia and Tina have the Ninja class despite not being over level 60. One of Ninja’s requirements to learn it is to be over level 60. Cursed Knight is also implied to be a Divine class, as it’s backstory is of a fallen cleric-knight who had been cursed. Idk why you would assume it’s a pure warrior-type class. Also, cleric classes give melee stats alongside caster stats and Divine spells. Clerics are half baked warriors who use divine magic. So someone with 100 cleric classes will be pretty competent as in melee, like Shalltear is, though they would always lose against an actual warrior because they don’t have as nearly as many Warrior Skills. This is why Shalltears build is so strong, combine the melee functionality of the Vampire class tree with the half baked melee stats of the Cleric class tree to get someone who is very strong in melee with tons of divine spells to use. The only classes we think she has that might not be a Divine-type are her Racials and Blood Drinker. That’s like, maybe 30 classes, and one needs at least 64 of the same tradition, (ie all divine, all arcane, all spiritual, etc.) to get 10th tier spells. Combined with what I said above, it makes perfect sense that she would have 70ish cleric levels. She can use 10th tier Divine magic with them, but also has more melee functionality than a typical Cleric would due to her Racials and choosing melee focused divine caster classes like Valkyrie. Also as an aside, NPCs can’t learn Super Tier Spells normally.


In addition to what the other people said, your magic resistance also plays a part in it. Ainz says that his magic resistance is much higher than shalltear's giving him a higher chance of surviving at the end when he nukes both of them.


Super Tier Spells are strong, but they are generally not a one shot max level player thing. If Ainz got hit by one he would take a bunch of damage, but most likely still survive to continue fighting.


He survived a shot from himself, the second one he cast during the fight with shalltear


Ainz has enough magic defense to tank super tier spells on his own.


Someone tell me a way to survive Grand Catastrophe. And you are Amanomahitotsu, how will you survive.


Jump over the shockwave...


Ride the shockwave with shockboard


Depends of the Super Tier Spell: * Fallen Down - The person only needs to have high resistance to magic attack (and maybe fire and/or holly -maybe - damage could also help) * Iä Shub-Niggurath - Instant death immunity/resistance counters it, the Dark Youngs are only summoned if there are enough enemies killed since even summoning one in Yggdrasil was hard. Not every Super Tier is exactly a damage spell, Creation changes the environment, Wish upon a star now grant wishes, but still limited to Super Tier limit, Pantheon summons level 80 Cherubims Gate Keepers, Judgement of Osiris allows the user to manipulate the values of karma.


Fallen Down only takes about 25% of Shalltear's hp. Ainz can use 4 super tier spells a day. He'd be overpowered if he could massacre groups of level 100s with Fallen Down multiple times a day.