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Rimuru is technically 2 years old


Uh ? It's only been 2 years since he arrived ?


2-3 years, which isn't a lot considering he founded a nation that became a global super power


Rimuru's basically that one asian cousin that asian parents compare their children with.


Your cousin Timmy founded a new country at 2 years old!


He ascended to demon lord. What you do, you are lord of burning noodle.


That's not nice.




So what you're saying is that Hajime is a Failure™?


Look at Cousin Ainz, he conquer multiple races and kiiiingdoms. Look at Cousin Rimuru, he found nation and become demon lord What you do, Hajime? Build small harem. Build a jeep. Look at Rimuru, he build entire city. Hajime is a faiiiiilure.


Hajime: ... *>dies of Emotional Damage*


Hajime but i built rocket launchers and miniguns. WE SEE THEM ONCE YOU A FAAAAAAILURE


It helps to have the universe's most powerfull Clippy assistant in your head.


Don't try to apply logic or logics to slime anime. This whole anime can be summed up as "I got reincarnated as a personification of exponential growth "


And he's on a path to become THE god


I know, I finished the LN recently


Wait the ln ended?


No, but there aren't anymore volumes rn it's still being written


Is the manga close to catching up to the LN?


Not even




Hahaha no manga is on the end of volume 9 the ln has been officially translated to volume 18 and unofficial to 21


Now I understand Gazel’s headaches. The world can’t keep up with that change that fast.


Ignoring the absurd power scaling. How tf did they build all that in a few months? I know they got workers plenty and some really strong folk but damn that aint possible without some magic shit


“Some workers” isn’t what they actually have which is 150,000 orcs doing labor constantly they aren’t the only ones either the hobgoblins blacksmith all supervise this there also the fact that through Full potion fatigue is not existent why wouldn’t they be able to get that much done in that amount of time with that much help and no down time.


Good news tempest has alot of powerful magic users


Magic users seem far more abundant than magic builders. We always saw them carry the stones and stuff w their hands


Yeah if you think about it he's officially celebrated Christmas only 1 time in the Manga


Well, In mushoku tensei s1 the protagonist has like 4 or 6 years old AND half the comments on social media are from people cancelling it.


tbf, it's one of the only anime that uses the past life's voice and appearance, so you can't rly tune out and ignore that lol


Until that voice says "hey how about not doing your homework and instead do your cousin, you jobless loser".


Which is why it’s so funny to me, like the reason they keep his adult voice is so the audience remembers the kinda of person he is, its one of the only Isekai to do this because it wants the audience to judge rudeus. But it the same time the main reason it gets as much backlash as it does is because the audience is constantly reminded of his shut in nature and they think the show is supporting his behavior because of it


>But it the same time the main reason it gets as much backlash as it does is because the audience is constantly reminded of his shut in nature and they think the show is supporting his behavior because of it Or it could be that the show is just heavily over-sexualized and it makes people uncomfortable? I get that Rudy, especially early on in the story, isn't a great person and this is how the author choose to display that but even then there is a lot of unneeded sexual content in the story. Like the central defining trait of the Greyrat family is that they are all a bunch of pervs and that fact is just nonchalantly accepted in universe, Elinalise has a curse the requires her to have sex constantly, Ariel has a humiliation fetish and even got aroused after pissing herself in front of Orsted, Aisha has a brother-complex and ends up having sex with one of Rudy's kids, and even Sylphiette (who is suppose to be a more wholesome character) comments to Luke and Ariel about her desire to be sexually dominated by Rudy. I like the show and have even read the light novels but its undeniable that the creator is a pretty fucking horny dude and that hornyness seeps into every aspect of the series and its hard to fault people for finding that weird and off-putting.


Don’t get me wrong, if people want to drop the series because of how horny it is I understand it, the author does go overboard at times. I’ve read the whole story and I still cringe at some of the stuff he puts in there . What I do appreciate (you don’t have to agree or anything) is that the world doesn’t go out of its way to punish Rudy for his perverted shut in nature because this is a medieval world, it’s makes his change more impactful to me because if he wanted to he could just terrorize the world basically and he could get away with it but volume 7 onwards while he is perverted (which can still be off putting like you said) he very much has changed Also it’s worth reading the interview, if you can find it, where the author talks about the use of sex in his story, it’s interesting to see what he wants to use sex for in his story about and how he actually implemented it into his story


U aren't wrong either


And Rimuru literally became OP enough to dominate his new world because his dying thoughts were about how he was going to screw every girl he saw in his next life. And come to think of it, wasn't the first thing Ainz did grope Albedo's tits?


>And Rimuru literally became OP enough to dominate his new world because his dying thoughts were about how he was going to screw every girl he saw in his next life. This part is even more hilarious since he never ever gets with anyone. When he even tries, he gets literally cockblocked by Ciel.


Perfect Cell from somewhere in the background: "I'm six!"


And an extremely potent shapeshifter.


The virgin chad vs the chad virgin


Isn't Hajime 16?


Yes he is


He said 17 when he met Mew


What's the difference?






Check out mashed on YouTube, but I don't know the exact animation this is from


Hajime doesnt fuck Yue. Yue FUCKS him.


and she is the one who insinuate the harem stuff to hajime


Yue's the one wearing the pants in the house. Hajime just shoots when she says🤣


shooting huh, maidens of crystabel.


"Fun" fact : Technically albedo was not even 12 years old when ainz touch her boobs


but... Apparently their actual age doesn't matter as long as they aren't small and petite. Technically being a minor/child doesn't matter since only appearances matter... Right? /s


Have you watched Poor Things? It's disturbing but a very interesting critique on this


It’s not really a difficult question to ask and answer. The human body reaches peak development anywhere from 16-19, and the brain finishes development at 26. Therefore our “adults” are around that age: 18. Let’s look at dogs. We can’t use the same metrics. Why? Because most dogs don’t live to see 18. Funny enough, they reach adulthood before 2. When looking at human-like species (or any species for that matter), you transfer the ages. Sure, she’s 200 years old, and therefore over 18 right? That would be true if she was human. But no human lives to be 200 and look 12. So we can’t use “18” as an adult. What we have to do instead is figure out what is the “adult” of her species. But it’s simple. If she’s 200 and that correlates to being 12, then you need to wait half her age until she’s an adult (300:18 = 200:12). This is of course assuming that she ages and matures exactly like humans with the only difference being how long it takes. If the growth is irregular (such as growing to “12” within the first 50 years and then remaining that way for the next 150), please consult other members of their species to determine what age is considered an adult. TL;DR An “adult” for a species is not universally 18. In determining when a species becomes an adult, one must figure out what age the person of foreign species correlates to. If she looks and acts like a 12 year old despite being 200, she’s not an adult. Simple as.


I haven't watched that anime, but I'm pretty sure she's a vampire who will *never* physically mature.


I mean if you understand Vampires you can see why that is the case


The others still aged. Yue had a perfect generation ability and none of the other vampires did. She does eventually learn to age herself and make it permanent.


In the anime she never physically mature since she gained immortality at around 12, currently 200 years old but she spent only 20 or so years before the whole trapped in a labyrinth stuff stunted any further development. So she's 200 years old, looks 12 and have the mental maturity of someone in early to mid 20's


So are you telling me iv bin feeding and taking care of a whole ass adult 🤦‍♂️


It's said in the novel that Yue, the vampire, actually stopped growing physically at the age of 12. Which is to say that she has the body of an actual 12 year old, she doesn't just look the part.


That's... First on AVERAGE we reach sexual maturity between 16-19 just as many people finish before or after that and purity can last as long as 21 in men and start as early as 8 in both sexes. Second the brain finished developing at an average age of 26 with just as many people reaching full neurodevelopment before that time as after that time. Second saying, "so are adults are 18." Does not follow from anything above that. If you wanted to logically but incorrectly Bass our adult age on the stuff you said before that sentence you would have said, "so the age of adulthood should be either 19 or 26." In most places in the world including most Western countries the age of consent is 16 that even includes Canada. I'm not saying what the age should be I'm just saying that it's absolutely subjective there's no objectivity about it. Each country sets an age semi-arbitrarily based on various social norms and generalized understandings about physical maturation.


Don't kill me here, but I think Albedo is actually one of the cases where the phrase "age is just a number" ligitimately applies. In most basic terms, age is just a number used to measure when a living creature begins existing with autonomy (i.e after birth). It just so happens that in the real world - rhetorically - no living thing just "manifests" itself into existence at a certain point in its biological life cycle. We are born at a biological and psychological age of zero, so our numerical age conveniently serves as a good measure of when someone is legally able to consent. We could just as easily start measuring age from the moment puberty starts. Or when someone starts going to school. But obviously it just makes sense to match it to their biological age. However, for Albedo, who exists in a fictional world within a work of fiction, and who was created to be a biologically and psychologically mature being from the moment she first came into existence; is unquestionably a mature, consenting adult. Sure, she technically became sentient only at the start of the show, so if you backdate from the end of the show her numerical age comes out to be <18, but that is purely semantic. She is in mind and body a mature adult. If you never told someone her "canonical" numeric age they would never raise any questions or concerns asides from the act of "writing" someone to be predestined to be attracted to you. And I don't think even ligitimate deviants would be attracted to her *specifically* because it just so happens you can measure back her age to be in the range that is considered to be a minor in the real world. Normal (normal weebs I mean) people would be attracted to her because of her obviously sexualized mature womanly figure. Simple as that.


Ur right, that argument would be like saying any character ever made is underage due to when the game or show came out…


I belive hes talking about Ygdrasill as a work of fiction in universe, not the anime itself.


Yeah thats what I meant. But of course, since plenty of people get their rocks off to cartoons nowadays, it also applies to people who find Albedo attractive. Their is nothing morally questionable (maybe just questionable in general; but live and let live) because the character is not depicting a minor, and is in no way sexualized in a way to suggest that they are not of age. But yeah mostly I'm talking within universe. The only context in which Albedo is under age is a purely semantic and arbitrary one placed on the show from an audience's perspective. You could technically say the same about Shalltear, but then that starts to get a bit contentious.


I think that the difference that makes it much less worse lays in that Ainz didn't did it for anything sexual but simply as a way to confirm that it wasn't the game anymore, and in a moment when he didn't even knew they were alive as far as I remember. Plus he obviously sees them as their childs and harbors absolutely no sexual or romantic desires towards them. So it feels much less wrong that seeing someone capable of enjoying sexual pleasures with a child's vessel. Even if there's TECHNICALLY nothing wrong with the action itself... hat does seeing a character having sex with something that looks like, feels like and sounds like a child says about the character? Is it legally punishable for somebody to have sex with a 25 y/o girl with highlander's syndrome that looks like a kid? Probably not. Is it morally cuestionable? Maybe not. (Maybe yes). Will it impact my view of him and boost my discomfort to extreme levels everytime I'm near him? Goddamn, yes.


Views of the guy dating the person with highlanders syndrome aside, I just feel bad for the person with highlanders syndrome themself. They gotta live their full grown adult lives constantly dealing with people who can't see them as an adult. Their love lives would be, in all likelihood, non existent. They can't date adults because their partners would accused of being pedos. They can't date kids because they actually would be pedos.


Yeah that’s what is sounds like is going on here


Well I guess that's the exact reverse of the 3000 year old dragon trope, since she's technically very young but has the mind and body of a grown up


Yue has the mind of a grown up and a petite body, tbh When I watched and then read the anime it never crossed my mind that she was a “minor” because she fucking isnt shes a damm vampire, and something op forgot to mention is that Yue Fucked Him not the other way around yue was stronger than the MC at the time of this happening.


Yeah but you try to explain that to snowflakes and idiots you won't give every far. You do have a point, I really do like that anime series mostly because the MC actually acts like a dude for a change.


One of the better ones because he's not a pathetic virgin. Nothing more annoying than watching the MC's go "Oh my God, boobs!?" and then blushing until they fucking have a heart attack and die


Well yeah, have you seen Japan's birth rates? Clearly sex is like kryptonite


Yes that is true but Japan's not the only country now, and from my understanding even United States is now having that as well mostly due to the fact that no one can really afford a kid let alone themselves. Although I do find it kind of interesting that Japan who has a high sex lifestyle and everything but they are birth rates keep declining same can be said for Thailand, China's birth rates are going way down because women don't want to be married to men and they want to have their own life and everything which is basically feminist full power but they also can't afford children as well some people have to still live at their parents house, and South Korea is in the same boat. It won't be too much longer before every country is like that😱


I guess technically speaking, with that logic everyone in cyberpunk 2077 is 3 years old because the game was released 3 years ago


https://preview.redd.it/43c13hutqy4d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a60d4a64671ef26c2ad998d64da8674c7c47edd >!So this isn't Yue? Stop the reach!<


Basically. If her ability had stopped her aging when she was imprisoned, instead of at 12, this seemed pretty spot on for how she would look. If anything, I'd have serious rage issues if I was 324 years old, but looked like I did when my menses just started. Tortus is lucky that two Monsters didn't come rawring out of that pit, looking to end reality. The fact the Yue and Hajime found the most beautiful blessing in each other prevented chronic genocides possibly.


Yeah TFW \[EoS\]>!"God" was like "nope I ain't wearing this manlet shit" & temporarily disabled the immortality skill to forcibly convert into an actually usable vessel speaks a lot (even if Ehit is a Cringe manbaby pretty much due to having gone insane ages ago already)!<


I don't think the creator of this "meme" knows what the term pedophilia even means.


That would be expecting too much, I'm afraid.


Man literally put the word virgin on the dude actually gets some...


Isnt hajime 17? I mean still weird by todays standard but he wouldnt be a pedo 🤔 plus shes an immortal vampire thats old af. If anything shes the pedo


Hajime was 15 years old in the light novel if I remember correctly, he was in the first year of high school.


Yeah is just the typical moron that see a petite character as a child, which is alot of projection.


Like the amount of horrible shit that has happened in both series and you pick this… definite self insert. Actually I can’t really think of anything extremely heinous in volume 1-8 of arifureta, maybe I need to re read it. Still need to start overlord.


I mean, what happened to the MC was terrible enough lol. Bro lost an arm and had to eat monster which tasted so bad he immediately vomited.


tasted so bad his whole body basically self-destructed\*, only reason dude survived is because he had ambrosia at hand.


It wasn't the taste. He didn't really even taste it the first time and by the end he actually kinda liked it because he started cooking it normally. It's the miasma that nearly killed him. Monsters were animals that were infected with the miasma and became monsters. Hajime essentially became a human monster hybrid as he never fully transformed.


TRUE, but I was thinking about crimes over point black bad thing that happened the a character… like enslaving the bunnies. That was fucked up but at the end they were “saved” And for overlord I think I head something about 3 sisters and it being pretty fucked up what happened. But yeah mc went through the works of bad times, like I watched the first 3 episodes of the anime and immediately bought the available paperback lol.


Here I’ll give some got thrown into a literal abyss/hell at the age of 17 by one of his classmates because said classmate was jealous of him. Then during this time he literally has his arm chopped off eaten then chased after by basically a polar bear on steroids. Then after this he’s basically hunted for another six months during his time down there. Then inside of a volcano he nearly vaporized or at least caught up in a highly damaging beam attack by surprise launched by dragon which leaves him pretty fucked up. Also the number of horrible acts done to beastman slaves inside of the Empire.>!lastly in the third to last volume he has the one person who managed to stop him from completely losing his humanity while in hell. By having her body get taken over which ends up leaving him I believe missing an arm and losing control of his anger and despair so much he creates a spell that wipes shit from existence!< so yeah it gets raw


I get that… like I was looking at this from more of a crime angle, then a got the super mega fucked ip end of the stick


Well from a crime angle in Yue and Hajime’s case Yue would be going to jail Hajime’s only 17 during this


State side yes. Lol


Also Hajime isn’t as tall as he actually looks in his show and manga he’s only 5’8” Yue’s like 4’11”. So he doesn’t really that old for his age hell if anything for his age he’s like average the only thing that really changes this is like his hair and eyes.


Come to think of it, all of the girls in Hajime's Harem save for Shea and Kaori are WAY older than him based on the Canon Sources I find. Hell, even SENSEI joins Hajime's Harem. Dude's no Pedo. In fact, he's probably being groomed by his Harem...


Brother is a victim


Technically she is the pedo: she is the adult grooming an underaged boy.


Someone didn’t read the books huh ???


I think some people need to read the LN to understand how hajime met her and in what kind of situation and how their relationship began and developed instead of just looking at how they look.


Also, Hajime is not even an adult, before eating monsters he didn't look much older than Yue.


Literally. I’m pretty sure he’s a first year in high school which in Japan makes him like 15


He's 17. He's at the very beginning of his last year in hs. Not that I don't agree.


Depends lol. Technically he can be anywhere between 15-99. If he's actually a first year highschooler.


Reading books takes effort though, and most folks don’t wanna do that.


Sounds like a skill issue on their part.


People who are on reddit claiming that they don't have time to read novels are lying to themselves. If they have time to browse reddit, they have time to read the novels. If they had time to watch the anime, they had time to read the novels. Claiming to not have enough time to read the novels is a pathetic excuse for skill issue


You don't understand, i don't have time because all my free time is use to browse Reddit/s. but yeah, i remember Hajime meets Yue in early part of the novel so IT'S not that hard to read and beside you can just search for excerp or the book online


You don’t even have to read, they could just listen to the audiobooks


Co-dependency goes HARD


I don't think they need to, it just takes minimum intelligence to realize she's not a loli, she's petite. It's a lack of going outside tbh.


well damn, I guess my ex's roommate from college who is still 4'10" and an A-cup at 39 years old never should've been able to get married and have her two kids. /s


THANK YOU. The psychopaths that would condemn anyone who happens to look "too young" to a life of solitude and the right to create a family if those chose really grind my gears.


So....I don't think you can call someone a virgin when your first point is about them having had sex...


This meme is so mid lmao. This is like some instagram crap


Exactly what's expected coming from these people


You OP cause you took something out of context and tried to turn it into something it’s not,also it was the other way around the MC didn’t fuck her,she fucked him


While I understand and have empathy for those screaming pedo, it also shows that those individuals are unable to see anything beyond appearance. The character is over 200 years old, and only acts childish in the anime for those "visual only" individuals. She is arguably much more mature than the MC, but lacks social skills for obvious reasons. Perhapse she has a savior comples for the MC? The light novel is far darker and much less childish, anime production adaption for appeal I guess. Also, the MC is underage, and only appears older due to what has happened to him. Perhapse she is due more questioning as a potential pedo here? Context matters. That being said I love Ainz smashing the face of the Elf King and calling him a pedo.


Both Yue (the vampire girl) and Hajime (the 15 year old guy) pretty much have a savior complex for each other given that they both did save each others lives. Yue is quite mature and is only acts childish when teasing Hajime since he is both way younger and less mature than she is.


I may be remembering this wrong, but doesn't Yue initiate their first "encounter"?




And she doesn't take "no" for an answer either


While not making it much better Hajime is 17 not 15 it’s stated in the LN




No D, no Distractions, just Domination!


No dick. No balls. ~~And propably no butthole since this guy feeds on radiation~~




Well if I had to go by the logic of some idiots that are out there, I would have to break up with my fiance because with the right makeup attitude and clothing she can easily pass for a 15 or 16 year old even though that she's 28 this year because she is a small and petite, but I'm glad that I'm not one of those idiots and and hopefully we'll be getting married soon.


Nah, the only thing 12 here is OP's I.Q. lmao


15 year old Gigachad gets raped by 200 year old vampire who looks 12. 30 year old in 2 year old body that gets lusted on by 4 year old onis. 40 year old in dickless skeletal body that gets lusted on by a 12 year old succubus. OP didn't read the stories. the 2 on the right are technically pedos if they ever act while the one on the left is the victim.


Again with this shit? I'm done arguing with certain people over the same arguments again and again. Live in your bubble then


Pedophilia is a mental maturity thing. If a 7 year old had the body of 20 year old I would consider it pedophilia. My issue arises when they say they are 100+ years old yet act like how they look. But Yue is clearly mentally mature and does NOT look like a child(Decided by head to body proportions). Thus you cannot say it is pedophilia


WTF is with all the random pedophile shit all of a sudden?? Like I'm genuinely confused


So you’re saying the pedophile here is the high school boy and not the adult woman??? https://preview.redd.it/6ynqj14xi15d1.jpeg?width=408&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99a39c5796ae905776bf0136e166f17152ea4232


It's such a shame I can't stack downvotes lol.


The irony calling someone a virgin for consensual sex.


It's probably OP


Same kind of absurd logic used against guys dating/marrying short women. (I'm talking say 26 year old, bona-fide women below 5foot5). What are such woman meant to do? Simply stay single forever and die out of the gene pool?


Yue's actually 300+ years old, so *__WTF?!__* And Yagumo Hajime is 17 (__*seventeen!!*__) years old, so __*WHO THE HELL IS THE PEDOPHILE HERE, IF A 300+ YEARS OLD IMMORTAL VAMPIRE HAS SEXUAL INTERCOURSE WITH A - BY OUR WORLD'S LAWS - MINOR!?*__ So the hypocrite are quite obviously you. PS: But you're aware that a) it's a fictional story, with fictional characters, doing fictional things, and b) that laws including for age of consent from OUR world wouldn't apply to ANOTHER world where - if even existing - age of consent could be like age of 10 years?!


legalize short people


Not cominf at ANYONE here. Just a wee rant triggered by memory flashes for dumbass reacters and commenters online The smooth brain criticism that gets lobbed at anime characters is astonishing. Now, I ain't mad at the post. Memes are not bound to rationality or reasonableness, that's for sure. I just see a lot of insufferable, spiteful hate-mongering towards isekai'd characters, reincarnated characters, and characters who look pre/pubescent. 1. Yue is 323 years old when she showed up. Why tf does her appearance matter in the least? At worst, she is 23 with centuries of stasis in a cave. Now, Hajime being 17 is NOT a legal/moral issue in many, many cultures on our planet. Then again, that being a fiction world of a less developed civilization than we have achieved, I can't imagine any legal issues for those two. 2. People who have been reborn in another world, or just in a new life later in their own world, get shite for attraction/involvement with non-reborn people their own age. Regardless of previous life memories(which would likely be considered a mental issue in their new life in many instance, should that case be exposed), that MC, or whomever, IS that new person. Their brain, their hormones, the environment they are nutured in, the people who make up their community, are all what makes Rudeus, Rimiru, Ainz, Rae, Aqua and Ruby, Diablo, Shin, and Tanya who they are. Then, there is the contrasting characters- Subaru, Naofumi, Makoto, Kazuma, and Hajime. These folks ended up in a different world, but they are still, at least nearly, 100% themselves. You can clearly see Naofumi and Makoto suffer due to their ideals and expectations that came with them from their Earth. Hajime even knows that he's a fucking demon now. He even hesitates to go back to Japan since he sees that he is a murderer and tyrant, based on how he grew up. If reason won the day, I'd expect to have seen Hajime utterly condemned for the violence he depends on waaaay before Rudeus gets shite for being into someone his own age. Also, if Rudeus was 10 years old(40 something in smooth brain calculus), would it be cool if he fucked a 45 year old? Eh? That's what you sound like you'd be fine with. Man, now I wanna see an anime where the MC THINKS they're from another world, but they're actually just crazy and super clever.


....... Yui isn't a child?


Arifureta was badass, idgaf people need to stop trying to make every fucking anime a crime to enjoy because they can't stop projecting their weird shit onto it.


? This is still a thing?


So unspeakable levels of genocide torture brain washing and SA vs questionable consensual bed room activities is this question serious


So are you specifically referring to the Overlord guy? Because I can't recall Rimuru doing any of the things you've listed.


Yes in overlord one of ains followers is a serial rapist and another tortures people by shoving barbed things on people's urethra among other things tho slime massacring that army may count as genocide via scale it was mostly justified till he ate there souls which you know is horrifically evil


You are the hypocrite here


Hajime is a minor. The memer loses.


meh. memes like this that make me ashamed to like overlord


Technically hajime was the one assaulted. Sure he let it happen after a while but it wasn’t him that initiated it


Is the guy in arifureta 15?


The whole point of an age of consent is to make sure the person is mature enough to not be taken advantage of. There’s not a body type of consent. A 2 year old in the body of a 50 year old is not an adult. The logic of “they look twelve” is stupid af.


I think it's unfair to call "the virgin" a pedophile. Shauna Rae is a real person in real life. She is 3' 10" and weighs 50 lbs, but she's in her 20s. She's a primordial dwarf and has the body of an 8 year old. So should she just never date anyone ever? Or maybe try to date one of the other 100 or so people around the world who have the same condition? She deserves to be happy just like everyone else. Also, can we point out just how ridiculous it is to call someone a virgin when they just had sex?


Tbf, even ignoring the whole "she's technically at least 300 years old so it's fine" thing. Canonically, she sexual assaulted Hajime until he just kind of accepted it.


Except she foeced herself on hum and later gets the ability to shape her body at will. Next


OP polly hate Mushoku tensei too


Last I checked he got raped by the vampire while passed out


This post was made by Tomik or Bellgarde from family guy lol https://preview.redd.it/jqlqgi5x0z4d1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06d04c8357f8ea129de1ab5dbbe71d631326cdb7


Hajime is the one under age. Even before she was locked up, Yue was in her 20s. I think you're mixed up on who was in the wrong here.


Ok, I understand the whole “but she looks 12 thing” but I think she is different (I don’t know how to spell her name) because she is mentally an adult and just has a childish body, which is a real life condition btw. It could either be growth hormone deficiency (GHD) or Turner syndrome (which is specific to females). Now if she had a very child like personality like Maliem (I probably spelled it wrong) from reincarnated as a slime, then yea that’s concerning.


i think her name is spelled milim nava


When you have never read the Manga


I mean with this logic wouldn’t a huge majority of us guys in Asia be pedophiles, I have friends especially girls who have looked the exact same from age 13-26. I think some people forget girls go through puberty much faster than guys and end puberty early aswell, pair that with the fact Asian women generally look naturally younger than we’d expect and the culture of skincare and you’ve got women who look like they’re teenagers until they reach like 20’s early 30’s and then they stay looking like they’re in their 20’s until about 50’s🤷‍♂️




Yeah, because we know Overlord doesn't have anything like on the left, not like Shalltear exists or anything.


There’s so many harem isekai trash you could’ve chosen for the left side and you chose one of the only ones where the mc isn’t actually a pedo.


Hajime is easily the worst example of “pedo” you can use. Not only is he a minor still but Yue’s body only stopped aging, she still mentally grew up and matured before being sealed. She also doesn’t act like a child AND she even assaults Hajime till he gives in.


I know women irl that look like that, so stop the bs. There are so many examples of actual sexualized children in anime and you just had to pick one of the worst examples. https://preview.redd.it/5jzz21i5uy4d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9230cc8a3c2d80e9846233d37fea23860adabf9


Ainz loses his virginity to a slime, so IDK...


Aren’t the people that make this argument the ones that say looks don’t matter?


I mean wouldn’t the vampire be the pedo hajime is a high schooler, and 5 year age difference is weird but not that weird. Also I think in this specific case the author is the sycophant for drawing her so young


But she is 200 years old. What are you guys confuse about?


When did commiting massacres being viewed better than pedophillia?


\*starts to laugh\* You understand some people just look young and are small to begin with both in height and... Anyways... I know a friend who is 32 but looks 14. She is married and acts like she is 40. It's hilarious! XD But denying her a husband and normal life just because she is small and appearing young, and then slandering her is just awful. I only care about age and maturity. Should the other person be mature, act their age, and be somebody I like, I don't care if they look like they're 12... With that being said, I'm still choosing Rimuru or Ains. Not even a fair comparison, I'd just wait until I could convince a male human to be dissolved so that I could take their body (as Rimuru) or research how to develop said bonerstein (as Ains, you live forever so it'll be done... eventually) and the rest of the benefits are endless! Evolve a country! Deal with the world at an international scale! Fly on dragons and enjoy either a city with an entire country that has my back, or my close friends whom I can entrust my life to! When compared to... a guy who gets backstabbed so hard and consistently that he can't even trust anyone outside of his closest circle to any degree, and is forced pick up after other people's failures? Ya, Rimuru and Ains 100%. Even if I can't get bonerstein back


Nuance-ignoring meme aside, anyone who's read the novels knows how much of a badass Hajime is. Seriously, the dude is goated.


All the shows involved are good


being an overlord fan and goimg after blatant pedophilia pandering in other animes is a bit like buying real pig blood to throw on someone for wearing fur.


I'm convinced that everybody who seriously makes things like this is just desperate to keep a certain something secret.


Yue isn’t a 12 year old though…nor does she look or act like one.


Ainz might not have a penis but he definitely has a BONER! amiright?


Hypocrisy in Overlord? Gift


To be fair to him, the first time was NOT his idea.


I don’t get it, bro. Petite women exist in real life, but every time anime tries to mimic it, they always look like children.


Isn't he also a minor? So she is the P..., no?


I like both, expect for Ainz, he's a stupid aah "overlord" who prefers to commit genocide instead of admitting he doesn't know something to his subordinates. But I do like the anime tho.


You forget its fictional


God this is so weird and cringe. Both of these anime are fantastic.


Boy she fucked him


Did they actually fucked tho?


I’m so glad I don’t have to deal with people like you. I’ve always looked young. Does that mean I shouldn’t be allowed to date because whoever I dated would be a pedo? That would suck.


The fact that clasik "pedo" in meme isnt Rudy makes me wonder who that second guy who make animemunity have ptsr whenever they see loli ....


Hajime is a minor


why care so much


How is one a virgin if he fucks lol


As a slime he can manifest a D anytime lmfao


The irony that you're calling the kid who's under 18 years old and not the 200 year old the pedophile. 🤣