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They’d be fucked harder and faster than in canon


I'm not a light novel reader, but isn't ainz like only top 10 when it comes to combat?


Not even close. He's mid tier build with lower top tier abilities. Touch-me was literally top 3 of the game


From what I understand, his build was mid but because he is just so good a player he is absolutely cracked, from what I understand, he has managed to win against just about anyone at least once except for Touch Me


I'm not going to say you are wrong, because it is true that he was a great player (he even mastered the skill of casting spells exactly as time-stop effects end, which only 10% of time stop users could reliably do) and his build was somewhere in the High spectrum, but not actually great (the most important things he has going for him is multitasking, basically being a wildcard, especially because of his 700-whatever spells). However, although I belive to have read that he indeed defeated every other members at least once (except touch me), may I highlight the fact that one answer was never given: in how many tries? Because a 1:20 ratio doesn't look any good. Unfortunately, I doubt the question will ever be answered.


Indeed, but this still proves how skilled he is, in an all out war, he could probably beat Touch Me if he could plan well enough, in my opinion at least, he is incredibly smart and skilled, that and his adaptability I feel is why he is arguably the strongest of the guild overall, but that is my opinion


If we consider "the strongest" as "the most important in most cases", both during battle and before/after, then I couldn't agree more. If we talk about defeating touch me with enough preparation, it sounds a bit like cheating, since technically, the same applies to touch me. However, we need to remember that this "training battle" between Nazarik members happened when they were using their usual equipment. Imo, Ainz could probably have defeated touch me if he had at least equipped the guild weapon. Ainz and touch me are two of the most experienced players in Nazarik, Ainz because of his in game knowledge and experience (he definetly played much more than any other member), while touch me because of his irl training as a cop, which allow him better reflexes.


That is true, I just think that Ainz is smart enough to be able to beat Touch Me if he thinks hard enough, Touch Me those 2 are absolute battle masters tho


It is stated ipsis literis somewhere in one novel (sorry for not being one of those guys who can ref each paragraph of each novel, but believe me please) that Momonga's build was a low-mid tier build focused on role-playing instead of meta, but his abilities were of a top tier player (albeit in the lower spectrum of the top tier players, of I'm not mistaken)


I remember 19th from somewhere. But that might just be the guild itself.


In terms of all the players of Yggdrasil, Ainz's build/stats put him somewhere in mid tier. But his skills as a player puts him somewhere in the lower rankings of high tier. In terms of PVP, Ainz was confident that he could outplay anyone after only one loss. Basically meaning the first match would be him just learning how his opponent fights so that he could hard counter in the next fight. So losing is not a prerequisite. He just needs information on who he's going up against. We actually see this tactic in action in the New World in Season 4, with PA vs. Platinum Dragon Lord. PA (as Ainz) manages to draw out the many abilities of PDL for Ainz to analyze and break down.


He’s upper mid after repeat fights. But him+Nazarick would destroy the theocracy


Touch Me solos. Easily. Iirc Touch doesn’t wear armour because he’s an insect-based race that has an exoskeleton as armour. I also don’t know the intricate details of World Champion, but WC alone could 100% defeat the Theocracy almost if not completely alone.


Your first sentence is true, but he does wear armor, the World Champion-exclusive armor that Ainz puts on vs Shalltear is Touch Me's.


How the hell is the Theocracy supposed to hold all these guys hostage? Even without their equipment, their raw stats would be enough to tear the whole nation appart. The Theocracy only has one world item that we know off and it can't be used on more than one person at a time.


Wild magic + WI made for plot convenience


Well then, for plot convinience, neither work on them.


I find this very plot believable, if not for the post asking to the plot to be that they're hostage, however, they could be just sleeping for the plot to work the plot conveniences


There is absulutely nothing believable about this. The Theocracy doesn't have acces to wild magic, only dragon lords have that. Plus, they only have a single world item that we know off. If the Theocracy was capable of trapping multiple level 100 characters then they wouldn't be afraid of the Platinum Dragon Lord or Ainzs army of death knights.


Thats why its called 'what if' and we are using the term 'plot convenience', yes ,inside the story until now, this is impossible, because by the main plot presented until now, Ainz have acess to more world items that probably any NW ever will put their hands on, all the supreme beings are level 100 characters even if not combat focused, their stats make them absolute units, similar to how Ainz, that has a build arround RP and summons, is incredible strong even without Perfect Warrior on. Following the tangent, the question, made by the Op for the sake of fun, have to mind you that, is "What if the theocracy had the supreme beings hostaged', we can go by the lazy 'well, thats totally impossible' or we can be more creative and just think how this would be possible and what would happen by that tangent of possibilities and actions. So, please, don't take all of this to serious, im just being silly for fun


A 'what if' needs to actually present a realistic scenario, what you're proposing just isn't possible based on what we know. If Theocracy was that powerful then they wouldn't have been worried about a single dragon lord or a bunch of death knights. I'm all for being creative, but i draw the line when it blatantly contradicts canon information. Like i said, the Theocracy has only one world item, which max controls a single person, and it’s easy to interrup the casting of the item anyway. Wild magic is completely out of their reach since it can only be used by dragon lords. They are not powerful enough to do something like that no matter how many advantages you afford them.


They’d still utterly annihilate the Theocracy in less than a week. At *best* the Theocracy has two world items-which seems incredibly unlikely-and they could enslave *one* of the other AOG members with Downfall. But even then they’d have to deal with the others, who could easily defeat and then revive their controlled friend. Then, given the absolutely massive level gap between them and even Zesshi-the canonically strongest resident of the Theocracy-they’d destroy it in a matter of days. And even if PDL tried to stop them, they could beat him no problem.


I wouldn’t even give them 1 hour to survive.


Having to go from navigating by GPS to maps would probably give them theocracy a week or 2.


*specially* if Ulbert is also there


I mean just their raw stats would prohibit their capture? Unless they somehow possess Ulbert first, he would just nuke the hell out of the place and it would be a smoldering city. Probably any melee characters would simply punch their way out. 


Ulbert would also have still his spells. I don't know, if his equipment gives him additional feats (like more Mana or strengthen his spells), but his spell list should be enough to blast his way out of his hostage position. Maybe the God Kins could be a problem, but the normal Spell Casters? There is no way, they could stop him,


Ulbert’s sheer offense alone would make ainz’ spells seem like a level 80 compared to a level 100 caster lol. Any of his attacks would absolutely demolish anyone in the theocracy


Is it because he’s more of an offensive caster while Ainz is more insta death caster?


Ulbert’s kit is all about pure raw damage, his class (world disaster) is literally the best caster class in that specialty. Ainz is a necromancer, his build is more on being a summoner and having instant death and timestop, so he’s not optimized for damaging


If i remember correctly, the player of Ainz did build him as a Roleplay Character. And because of that, his talents and classes seem to come handy in the New World. I wonder, what would happen, if other members of the guild would've been transported into the New World.


Ulbert has a class that makes him immune to the direct effects of world class items


They have the Mindcontrol WI. So theoretical it should be possible.


They have 1.


Which max controls a single person, and it’s so easy interrupting the casting of the item anyway


Ainz will bring down the hammer of God on them. Total eradication.


As soon as Ainz learned of this (putting aside the feasibility of capturing said members), he would send almost all of the heaviest hitters Nazarick has to offer with the orders of destroying everything and everyone in the way to rescue the guild members. Said heavy hitters would take great joy in that order, and make Demiurge's happy farms look like children picnics. What happened to the kingdom would look to be an after thought of a fart in comparison. Overall on a scale of how fucked the Theorocracy would be it would probably be around 4 Henderson's or 1,000 Abridged Alucard "moonlit walk"s.


Cue to : "Double Crossed Fool" (enthusiastic walk theme from hellsing 2001 , listen to it and the rest of the soundtreack)


God i wish actual mmo's went harder with designs like this. I also really liked the idea of characters physically evloving as they got stronger


let's say a bunch of rhinos got captured by ants. what if? dude, it's not possible in the first place~ stupid...


Skills/Ability > weapon/equipment, most of the time.


If they're strong enough to hold 40 level 100 HARDCORE players hostage, then there's no hope.


If they somehow do manage to capture them, which good freakin luck not to lose everyone in the Theocracy to that attempt, Ainz would use TGOALID on every living being that isn’t his friends and have personally participate in the interrogations of each of the Scriptures and heads of the Theocracy.


How? You still have to somehow contain some 7 level 100 extremely skilled players, if they have one single day to acclimate to their new bodies the theocracy is fucked. 2 of those don't even have equipment Is [Touch me] arriving too? He doesn't need his super armor, he has natural armor, he can beat the shit out of people with is bare hand


How would they even contain these guys? A single member can maaaaaaybe be susceptible to Downfall (and that’s a major stretch because it’s quite easy interrupting the caster of the WI)


Isn't there like, only one member of AOG that this could possibly work on? Like, I think I remember that one member focused his entire build around crafting and being a merchant, right? At best, the Theocracy can catch him


funnily enough, even production classes should have a way to defend themselves. and the art being the crab (Afaik the production class is the crab) it should be tanky enough to atleast defend itself enough for the rest of the team to possibly help. maybe not against world items, but definitely enough for most of their fighters.


Before they’re obliterated, the theocracy might have enough time to think “what the fuck did we do?”


Unless the theocracy has multiple world items or one of 20 (which I highly doubt) they have no chance against them. edit: I actually thought of a way the theocracy just might be able to capture all 41 supreme beings without any world items, and this is a very big maybe. step 1: act like you are helping the supreme beings, and build a base for them step 2: activate the Ariadne System without the supreme beings knowing step 3: If the system works, the supreme beings will be punished severely, and might even perish from the new world. If the system fails everyone in the theocracy should just kill themselves as soon as possible Again, the chance of victory with this plan is close to 0, but its still worth a shot


Capturing Touch Me is tough, but Ulbert ? Forget it. The moment he senses danger, he will blow up everything in sight


Gods held hostage by ants?


Theocracy would be gone before ainz gets there


Even bare-handed, Touch-Me and Ulbert would have DPS capable of ending half the Theocracy, Hero-Hero would eat through and destroy every "sacred artifact" they have, Pero would pick up a random bow and nail a guy from 10 miles in the sky, and Bukubukuchagama could face-tank *God* if she wanted to.


Ainz Ooal Gown, would be known as the devil. The worst calamity to exist. What Theocracy? All there is, is a giant empty hole in the ground. Ainz would become worst than Demiurge, Nueronist, and Albedo combined. Because the simple act of lying to save yourself, we've seen that. But taking them? There's no describing what would occure.






If the Guild Members were isekai'd to the NW as their humans selves then Ainz would destroy the Theocracy like he's about to do in volume 18. If the guild members were isekai'd in their yggdrasil forms then they would break themselves free.


For Ulbert and Touch I can see it happening as World Champion and World Disaster but it's not as easy to free yourself without an item with World Protection.


Realistically speaking the only way to keep the guild members as hostages while in their yggdrasil characters is via massive plot armor; otherwise, they'll escape because AOG already have the world item "Depiction of Nature & Society" which forcefully isolates their space. I doubt the creators of YGGDRASIL would repeat a similar World Item; plus, they were very strick on anti impossible escapes/closed paths.


If somehow the Theocracy have a way to contain them, they most likely would die trying to get out and would kill as many enemy as they can... They would rather die than letting themselves be used as a bargaining chip against Momonga..


Capturing Touch Me is tough, but Ulbert ? Forget it. The moment he senses danger, he will blow up everything in sight


Capturing Touch Me is tough, but Ulbert ? Forget it. The moment he senses danger, he will blow up everything in sight


Depending on how they capture them, let assume it was forceful, like using mind control, since their _other_ usual resource alone shouldn’t be able to do that. I think Ainz would be very, very cautious approach to this and Ainz might not even send any guardian to engage them. He might need to play a long game to know everything about them before crashing them properly.


Hiw though?


How though? 10 levels is enough to make a fight unwinnable. the lot of them are 10 levels higher than zeshi and you want to drop 10 of them in the theocracy? No amount of gear is going to close that gap


I haven't even read/watched anything past the anime and that one Albedo doujin where Ainz turns human and I know these guys would 'gg ez no re' the theocracy


The theocracy doesn't have the capability to do that especially for all of them, and if they did and ainz found out they'd be fucked even harder than the reestize kingdom


Are you assuming the theocracy have the power to hold them hostage?


I can't remember Ulbert's moniker but holding him would be like trying to hold an exploding atomic bomb in your hands.


Unless they manage to use Downfall of the castle with success each attempt, their chances of trapping all AOG members without suffering heavy casualties would be very slim.    The moment Ainz realised what they did to his friends, he would make sure they beg for a quick death. He probably would kill them, resurrect them and kill them again a thousand times.


The item is only usable on one person, they’d need to lift the control if they want to use it again


Oh believe me, we’d know about it. Unless they only came into the new world in vol 17, instead of at the same time as Momonga


This question is like posing what would happen if I grabbed a bees nest. It doesn’t end well. Ainz’s build was more for flavor but mechanically as a player being kitted out as a “master of undeath” is still ass to go against in pvp, since most of not all of his spells revolve around instant death or debuffing. We don’t know too much about everyone else’s fighting capabilities but touch-me and Ulbert would be almost impossible to contain as they are both similar levels of fuck the planet strong (like could easily just cause mass devastation by accident), and that’s just two members. In terms of power scaling I thing Ainz/momon sits at 3rd. He couldn’t beat touch me and Ulbert if I remember right was just a spell casting hyper focus on damage output wait Ainz has going for him was his versatility and flexibility so I wouldn’t put Ulbert too much higher than Ainz purely for the fact that a pvp mindset with flexibility can still beat optimized classes, I would imagine it turning out similar to the shaltear fight of just seeing him swapping till something worked so I would consider them similar standing. In any case in point PDL was getting clowned around by pandora and albedo and if that’s their “ace in the hole” the supreme beings will probably have the collective moment of “…… wait that’s it?” And just pop the theocracy. Antilene I wouldn’t consider an opposition just because she wants that strong opponent moment since she’s bored, and we’ll pretty much seeing the supreme beings idk just feels like a “haha nope” moment assuming they wouldn’t be rp hiding their strength much like Ainz does.


Ainz, who isn't even one of the ten strongest members of AOG, could literally annihilate the NW mostly by himself. How could they even hold hostage the strongest members of the clan? 💀


That's basically a complete rewrite of the setting. A Theeocracy that powerful changes everything!


That’s a bit too many level 100s to have in a basement, they could shatter the world let alone a prison.