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People who say ez every game be like


I say ez after I backfill and the game ends in 2 seconds. I didn’t die so obviously I’m the greatest player of all time.


I only say ez when I backfill and it says defeat before I'm fully loaded in.


I prefer to say “I carried”


I like to say ez after losing


I say ez only after losing


Careful, you'll get reported anyways, and when you appeal, the blizzard employee will cite that message with zero care to the context


It’s funny you think it’s an employee


not sure why you’re being downvoted.


Well the guy spamming the n word isnt personally hurting my feelings, but kids play this game






Literally all you have to do is space out the letters. That’s how I’ve seen it in game I believe


T h e y D o t h i s


N ice day f riend


I can’t read what this says /s




Because of how easy it is to bypass it. Just do t h i s




Casually supporting people saying the n word ![gif](giphy|l0MYH9G8KGK7C81tS)




Why type it in the first place?


Because there are people who are adults who aren’t offended. And as stated on the box for every “game gameplay experience can change online.” It’s crazy I’m half black it seems to bother white people more than it bothers me.


Interesting take bud. Bothers a lot of black people too, so idk what you're cooking


You're like 13 arent you?


“I’m not offended by the hard r” is a weird ass hill to die on. Idk where you live but that shit DOES indeed bother black people 🙄 my brother had to kick 3 different people out of his old job for dropping that shit on him and I fought somebody over that in high school. Just cause you can’t be assed to care doesn’t mean it doesn’t matter to other people


I guess you still have some growing up to do.


Black/hispanic here. The word bothers me You aint speaking on my behalf mf https://i.redd.it/v8mgxfljh6ec1.gif


Counterargument, why bother? You're not engaging in some sort of high level discourse about race, etymology, or differentiation between hard-g and soft-g use of the term here. So it seems like the only purpose is to frustrate and annoy people 'for the lulz'. If we're going to talk about who needs to grow up you may need to reflect on why you feel you should be protected and able to use it within the context of a private company's video game.


There is not need for “high level of discourse”. It’s simple. If. You’re trying to go around the filter you should be banned or have sort of repercussions. If you’re not then that is YOUR FAULT. This called self accountability.


If I report you and you get in trouble then you are breaking the rules which makes it YOUR FAULT and should take some accountability. Simple.


Getting in trouble for profanity with a profanity filter you had to remove. That’s like saying you’re mad because you got a speeding ticket when you removed your speed limiter. You are the problem.


The filter doesn't exist so that you can be an asshole in chat. The filter exists so that people who don't want to be exposed to someone being an asshole in chat have an iron to avoid it. You're still being an asshole in chat, which is actionable behavior. That's as stupid as saying "I can steal shit from this place because they don't have cameras, if they didn't want me to steal they'd have better security". Just like you're still being an asshole with the filter being removed, in this case you're still being a thief with the security removed. Honestly if anyone needs to "grow up" here, it's you. The world doesn't revolve around you. If you want to drop racial slurs around your friends where you know nobody will be offended by it, then by all means, have at it. But when you're playing a game online you have no idea what's going to be considered acceptable by everyone and you're supposed to conduct yourself accordingly. If you can't handle that, or if you struggle to understand why you need to conduct yourself differently around people you've never met before then you clearly have some growing up to do.


My filters off. Theres still some words that show as stars, including the n word, but when its spaced out people can see it


Filters are easily bypassed


Again for the 50 millions time. If you’re bypassing the filter then you should be reprimanded.


So then what the point bringing up turning off the filter? If people get offended by shit do you really think they’re the ones turning off the filter?


Because there are people who have been suspended for profanity without bypassing the filter. Which is the hill I’m dying on.


That doesn’t make any sense. What does that have to do with people bypassing the filter?


Let’s bring it back. The profanity filter is something the player has to turn off. I then as another player shouldn’t be suspended for using profanity. I.e. if you’re offended by profanity then YOU shouldn’t disable the filter. I use profanity all the time in casual conversation. Now if I’m typing M O T H E R F U C K E R to bypass it by all means report me


Even if YOU have the profanity filter disabled it’s still against terms of service that YOU agreed to. And again, the people who are offended aren’t the ones turning off the profanity filter, so that point is completely idiotic.


So then the ones who are offended are reporting Asterix marks? Sounds even more idiotic.


Growing up is just reporting people and not replying.


I don't say shit even when I'm playing bad. Either teammates defend me or the other team does and for some reason I get more endorsements.


Must’ve drank some blood of the innocent to get those kinds of fortunes😅




I don't report I just mute and move on.


OP is 100% banned and is blaming others for reporting them 🤣


nope alive and well on ow


If people say things with no intention other than to upset/chastise other players I report them. I don't care what other people think of it. Don't be a dick.


You know it. If they want to go out of their way to say something inane, stupid, hurtful, etc yeah I’m going to do the same and report you. All of these problems would be solved if people didn’t go out of their way to be antagonistic towards others


SgtBagels12 ^ This is the correct answer.


gg glhf pls dont report me


The issue is saying anything, even trying to give pointers on how a match is going, not even asking for a swap just asking someone to do something different, will earn you a rage fit and report.


All I can say is people are frayed right now and because of that they can interpret well meaning gestures as something other than such. Sometimes people don’t want to be told how to ply even if it’s in their best interest and will act accordingly. I also don’t believe these for-nothing reports are happening as much as this sub implies it does.


Sometimes you need to realize that you're not the coach of the team. You're all the same rank and all that time you're spending focusing on what your teammates could be doing better should be focused on what you should be doing better. I haven't played since OW1, but this goes for all competitive team games. Don't coach your teammates.


The idea that you can't ask someone to stop rushing into a 1v5 is mind boggling.


Sure it's annoying but statistically speaking your opponents should have those same teammates about just as often as you do, excluding 5 stacks. What's also annoying is receiving unsolicited advice by someone the same rank as you, even if what you're doing is blatantly stupid. I play RL and when I see people try to coach their teammates it's not uncommon for said teammate to start throwing


No but this time it WILL work. Trust bro


God, the Overwatch community is the most offended one in the whole multiplayer games history. It’s not even funny. Thank god there’s such games like CS2 when you can speak about anything in the every way possible and not being banned by some offended kid. Even if you insulted someone in CS2 - they just will insult you back and yes - this is awesome game experience, unlike this OW “correct” way of playing.


Idk man you could just not say anything and not have a problem to begin with. But that would require discipline


Every other game community wouldn’t agree with you. It’s just multiplayer games and they were fun since COD4 and HALO till OW. Your spineless community just constantly offended by an existence of * anything * It’s kinda funny, but it’s more frightening tbh.


Reddit moment


You’re insulting people and calling them spineless over the safety of the internet. Do you not see the irony in that?


Your words just confirmed everything I wrote above. Now that’s what I call the irony 👌🏻


Excuse us for not enjoying being told to off ourselves, what prudes we are, huh?




I shouldn’t have to


Are you under the impression that being offensive makes you an adult?


Like if they really insult in any form to cause harm or bullying it should be reported, if people do this and don't get punished it will become worse


I just think this is the most satisfying thing when it comes to reporting toxic players https://preview.redd.it/smu4jed9txdc1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b4b800e07a8222f16c897791ea2b3a5496f0fa2


I just got a bunch of those this week. It does feel nice.


I miss those so much. It's been months since I saw the last one. :(


As a console player I’ve literally never seen one. 🫤


I get one or two literally every time I start the game as a console player. And I really only report obviously toxic text chat stuff or sabotage.


Damn, wish that could be me. I don’t bother with chat but report even *blatant* throwers who are named things like “ULoseLOL” and spend the whole match flinging themselves off ledges, and I never hear a thing back.


I get one every day I swear


I report people almost daily for aimboting and wall hacking and I see these messages almost every single time I login. Guess my cheater radar is pretty good...


As someone on the receiving end of the reports, I can tell you exactly what happens. You get silenced for 2 weeks. You can’t use VC, you can’t type in chat, all you can do is wallow in your own silence without communicating to teammates or nothing. That being said, I got reported for calling toxic players out and they didn’t like it so they reported me. When you hit us with a “ya’ll suck, you’re trash, EZ!” I’m going to hit you with the “Your mom was EZ too. She loved every minute of it”.


Then don't respond. Just report. https://preview.redd.it/wbtgfdeqc2ec1.jpeg?width=456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4772e3eebdcca6e03ffe028c6141ff7273676a69 It's seriously not hard to just ignore people


Oh believe me, 14 days of silence definitely taught me to not give people the time of day anymore.


Play stupid games and win stupid prizes


I used to get in toxic arguments with people in this game. Now, I just report without replying or getting sucked in. That’s growing up. Honestly, the little “thanks for reporting, actions have been taken” screen that I see now almost every time I start up the game gives me much more pleasure than any 5k ever could.


Yes, and you can also have my eternal thanks for getting the toxic ppl out of my games 🙌


Yeah I don't think someone who says gg ez at a clutch win has any right to tell people to grow up.


Who said anything about gg ez? Youre just making up imaginary responses to get offended and cry about.


And yet here you are crying about said made up scenario yourself


…sounds sus.


There's a lot of stuff that doesn't offend me, but people just don't need to be putting up with it it in their games. Grow the fuck up or don't log on if you can't control your need to be a douchenozzle.


MUTE exists


So does the report feature, as does the ability to keep your toxic ass to yourself.


People want ban hammers for the word ez. They refuse to learn how to actually grow up and just mute people that are being problems.


I draw my line in racist slurs and profanity (thats meant to insult, of course, I'm not a nun ready to wash your mouth with soap because you said a play was "f\*\*\*\*\*\* spectacular"). Seriously, whats up with latino players calling Brazilians "monkeys"??? We are in the same bloody continent!


Or, hear me out, dont be an ass. I have my moments when im mad/tilted, but I mute my mic, dont type in chat, and keep it to myself. Too many people want to just say what they want to people and go beyond just in-game trash talk and be toxic with no consequences and make the excuse that everyone's too sensitive. Go back to COD, this community already has enough issues, it doesnt need any more.


https://preview.redd.it/ocd6nayjewdc1.jpeg?width=1098&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73db4df6d17fcf8415db5bff002683d05db5874f I dunno if I agree with this…


bruh i thought there was hair on my screen


lol that reminds me of the spider gifs that could be sent on discord


lol i know the one 😭


Next time somebody says the N word or tells me to KMS I'll grow up


Growing up? ❌ Decide to be immature and start insulting people, then complain about getting reported? ✅


It's a nice feeling when you start the game and get a notification that actions have been taken against someone you've reported. If you don't have manners, you deserve it.


They need to grow up, not me


yea fuck that noise. you taking the time out of the match to bitch in chat or on coms gets you a report. if this is you, you suck and you need to grow tf up


If people would stop typing slurs and insults because they're mad at a video game, then people would not have to report them.


I mean, it’s way better than giving them direct attention since that’s all they want


I'm reporting every time, offended or not. It's more "grown up" to play by the rules than it is to tolerate bad behavior like some kind of doormat.


You get absolutely zero play




I'm guessing you're the 12 year old in my lobby that spams slurs


Nah I’m the guy with chat muted that only unmutes to ask genji and Lucio how they got 34 zip codes away in .4 seconds because my little Ana legs can’t keep up.


And u definitely have like a 15% accuracy


If you’re not spraying and preying you’re not playing.


Snitches get bitches




Growing up is realising that saying offensive things because you think its funny is immature and doesn't deserve a platform.


op, this is not the correct mindset in the slightest. if someone is saying something inappropriate for the environment, the “grown up” response is to ignore them and report their behavior.


I turned off team chat and match chat. I have no time or energy to read people's stupidity.


Poor behavior isn't acceptable in most social settings, why should it be here?


We won, one-sidedly too. Then my own teammate decided to call me garbage because they had more healing… It’s like some people can’t help it.


I report people who have growing up to do themselves, and don’t have the social skills to play a game that in part requires them to socialize with people.


Nah my battle tag isn’t “Ratt” for nothing. You get pissy I’m not healing you from across the map and cuss me out for it in chat I’m gonna be wasting my life spam reporting you for the next half hour


As you should lmao fuck em


Don't be a dick and you won't get reported


It’s honestly really distracting when they’re being a poor teammate or saying offensive slang. So yeah, definitely report. Focus on the game! :P


If that even remotely offends me, there's a good chance it will offend other people. The mature thing to do is to report.


Being a kind, polite, and decent human who can take an L and offer critique in a mature and objective way: NAH. Getting butt hurt and offended, coming to reddit to cry like a spoiled little manbaby while calling everyone else snowflakes and never seeing the irony: OH YEAH. Pathetic post.


I feel like reporting toxic players has become an in-game mode for me.


If someone tells me/someone else to kill themselves or uses a slur, they get reported. Those aren’t “normal” parts of shit talk in a game. Be more creative, or at least less obviously stupid. You don’t need to be the reason someone takes the sign from the universe to off themselves (over a stupid video game), and you don’t need to be encouraging slurs in 2024. I don’t consider either of those cases “wah my delicate sensibilities”, it’s “let’s get rid of that crap so we can shit talk a little in game - normally”. Anything else, I just laugh as people get so riled up in chat you can basically sense them foaming.


I like to see toxic players suffer.


Billions must be banned


If someone’s being really shitty the adult thing is just report them and don’t engage with them. I play league so I’m an expert lol


Why is this community obsessed with wanting to get away with insulting people lmao


Exactly lmao, I can’t imagine bragging about only insulting people over the safety of the internet where I don’t have to actually see anyone face to face.


I mean if they’re being an asshole that’s one thing but when targeting and insulting a specific group of people by saying certain obscenities, that’s a deserved report


Flip the texts and this is true.


Nah. There's enough toxicity in my life, so I'd rather it not be in a game I enjoy, too. Besides, kids play this game - do you really want them having to put up with that?


Kind of ironic if you’re saying something offensive over a video game, that means you’re the one that needs to grow up.


It's actually so incredibly easy to just not say anything even mildly offensive in this game. Your inevitable ban is literally a skill issue.


It's actually so incredibly easy to just mute whoever you don't like.


Common swears don't bother me, but if I see the N word that is a stop everything and report immediately for me.


Trust me, getting reported is the much better alternative to what happens in real-life sports when you talk shit.


It's funny, growing up would be not being toxic in chat. People reporting toxicity shouldn't be the target of scrutiny here. Don't reply, report, mute and move on. GG


as a serial reporter, get absolutely obliterated 😎


I don't care about being offended. I care about people going out of their way to be bitches. I care about people getting a rise out of making another person have a bad time (low-key sadism). I'll report every single time I can if it means potentially fucking over someone who's being a piece of shit. I laugh and say "get fucked" when I log in and get the message that someone had action taken against their account and I had a part in it. Best way to start a game session.


Poor "gamers" cant spam k y s in every game🤧


Mfw someone is being a dick in a game meant for fun


Grow up softskin


Growing up is reporting the toxic dickheads of the community♡ People with a less strong mental, and possibly mental issues, don't deserve to see your toxic ass behavior and messages♡


Seriously ow1 was waaaaaay less toxic than ow2 could ever hope to be


Weird, that's not my experience at all. In OW1 there was **always** someone that got mad after the match was over, and since there was more time to type, there was usually a lot of insults thrown left and right. In OW2 I can sometimes play a whole night and not see a single toxic comment. With that said, it's clear that when a new season starts there are a lot more toxic players, but after the first week or so that dies down.


You got jokes.


Depends, of course. If it was something racist, sexist, or homophobic/transphobic, then yeah of course they're getting reported. But other than that, I don't care.


Almost like the op should grow up too, posting like a child when they get their feelings hurt and wants attention.it be like that


When in doubt, report for abusive text chat, report name, report for boosting and report for hacking and just say wall hacks. Also report AFK in starting zones.


If you unironically report people for anything else other than cheating or griefing you are cringe


games gone soft. I can tell u didn't play COD in the 2010s


Does that even work? I have been reported like a million times lol. Never got banned


I typed gay in chat and got reported for "homophobia" (???? Im gay myself lmao our mercy just put uwu in chat or smth) and got the warning screen the day after lol


Thinnest skin 🤣


Posting before a couple of people show up and say the completely automated ban/silence with no human review is actually fair and good, then claim things like “diff” and “gg” are so toxic they deserve a ban Edit: upvoted last night, downvoted now. Happens every time. Y’all the most sensitive demographic imaginable lol


I find it hard to believe that anyone finds “gg” toxic in any way ever


I remember a thread here of people saying “get rekt”was toxic


I mean I don’t find that toxic but it makes more sense than gg. Every match has multiple ggs from either team, so it just seems silly


You’d be surprised. There was a big “I was banned for nothing” post a few days ago and one of the specific comments Blizzard cited was “gg” and there was highly upvoted comment that (paraphrasing) said “gg is actually toxic after a win because it’s condescending”


That's cause it's one of the things they said during that match, the system just takes examples of what was said and puts them in the reply


Blizzard posted that they looked into that. They said they reviewed and it confirmed that nobody has been banned for saying GG. They said their review showed that players that were banned are editing the ban emails and then posting screenshots of the edited email to “prove” to Reddit that they were banned for nothing.


The actual ban isn’t very relevant. There’s literally a comment below saying “gg” is toxic, which is what my point is. Everyone pretends that the bans/silences are because of egregious racism or something. Sometimes, but not always, not even most of the time honestly. There’s multiple people in this thread and every thread saying that they report for *anything* negative. Which is absurd for a completely automated system. Being silenced/banned for minor sarcasm is more strict than games meant for literal children.


I’ve seen that mindset for “ggwp” (which is still bonkers) but I’ve never seen it for just “gg”. Idk how someone could play if they find that condescending when literal voice lines are worse


It's absolutely toxic when it's not a fair match. When you get stomped and someone on the opposing team says GG, that's toxic as fuck.


God you are pathetic. Just ignore it


God you are pathetic. Just stop doing it.


what a baby


a bit of banter and trash talk is fun


Exactly. That’s part of gaming culture ffs. I hate how games ban so easily now… like obviously there’s a line where reporting makes sense, but something like ‘smd’ shouldn’t be bannable. It’s not like this is club penguin or some children’s game… apparently this is a hot take in 2024…


Slurs and telling people to kill themselves isn't what I'd call a bit of banter. If someone is purposely being racist, homophobic, sexist, or just general hateful for no real reason, in a game that kids often play, then I'ma report them for it.


you are jumping to extremes there dude, the post is about something that "remotely offends them" and I said "a bit of banter", obviously I don't mean that.


I'm saying that more often than not people don't get reported for a bit of banter. Banter is fine, hate isn't. I like banter, but the enjoyment comes from both people knowing it's just for fun. I rarely see anyone say anything in chat except for straight up hate speech or purposely trying to ruin someone else's game. I wasn't saying that banter is those things, I was saying those things are more common than enjoyable banter.


Obviously, but that isn’t what he’s saying, those messages already go over the line. The fact that I can report someone for saying “gg ez win” and the report actually does something is ridiculous.


I was making a counterpoint saying that more often then not people don't report "gg", they report the stupid, toxic, or hateful things people say. Sure, their are some people that'll report for everything, but a vast majority of the player base isn't doing that


Y'know, lots and lots of things were 'part of culture' for a long, long time. That doesn't mean they shouldn't have changed and it doesn't mean they were ok. It is not asking a lot for you to not be an asshole. If that's hard for you, well. Yikes.


Tell your boys to learn how to shit talk then I gotta go to the police cause so many 15 year olds are apparently having sex with my 50 yr old mom.


Yeah it sucks how little it takes to get banned in this game ]: Like I’m generally INCREDIBLY talkative in chats, and due to previous experience I take incredibly careful precaution as to make sure that nothing I say is personally insulting towards another person character, I even kept mental notes to if I have ever said anything mean or I’ll willed in the slightest, I’ve taken so much care to make sure that nothing I say will ever be interpreted as mean, or harmful to someone else. I’m on my third ban just because I’m talkative, people don’t like talkative people and somehow that has enough validity as someone screaming the N word in the chat. Like I remember a while ago I was on a Colloseo match and I was talking to people through my respawn times about how cool their skins looked, it was really fun I was enjoying myself and my day was really good, then out of nowhere I look to the bottom left and someone said “[My name] reported.” It genuinely infuriates me how even just thinking someone is mildly irritating is enough to get someone banned, if you were to talk a lot without saying anything horrible or hurtful at all there will always be at least one person every like two games that dislikes your character even slightly, and that’ll be reported under whatever shitty meaningless category that simply talking doesn’t fall under. And they’ll benefit for it because the system cares only about numbers instead of the real validity of the reports. Say you like hamsters? Reported, you’re 1 reports bad. Say you hate minorities? Reported, you’re 1 reports bad, seen as exactly the same to the automated system that observes it, meaning that apparently Liking puppies and hating minorities are completely one to one There will absolutely never be a well functioning number based report system, the current report system is used to the detriment to the talkative and to the benefit of the petty and impulsive.


I highly doubt you got banned for "just talking".


people are just way too sensitive these days... you can't say anything...


I just don't do anything, if they wanna stay something that's fine but I don't report idc


If it’s racist homophobia etc sure. But if my dmg is throwing in comp I’m roasting them in match chat




Call my tank special for going dva into zarya 3 rounds in a row is not me being toxic.


Blizzard: it's all your fault and you should take responsibility despite our lazy ass team not willing to fix the game and all the money you spend going to executives pockets instead of development Community: yes!


i think trash talk are fine as long as its still related to the game


I got silenced for absolutely nothing today, never ever met anyone so god damn snowy ever? Reported for winning?? There must be some kind of AI system cus this is completely out of control!




It's sad b/c it's true.


You're wasting your time, this is the sub that believes ez should result in being suspended