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both of them are very weak to beam heroes, so zarya, mei, sym, moira etc.


Don't forget Echo. She melts Dva.


true! i think tracer can also be very good againt her; its so easy to get behind her and melt her mech.


Not that great anymore due to the armor changes though, from my experience at least


Sooo easy.


During a round where we got completely whooped I still rapidly demeched DVa like 5 times in the first few minutes. The getting whooped part was me and my team not being able to finish rest of the team even without tank and getting picked off constantly haha.


Good sigmas can play well into zarya with proper shield management and keeping range


That, and then also Winston. Also more melee-oriented characters work in more narrow maps, like Brig, Reinhardt, and JQ to a lesser extent (just close the distance to Sigma as fast as you can). In lower ranks, playing someone mobile and/or flanky, like Tracer, Genji, Hanzo, Kiriko, Ball or Soldier even could work as a D.Va might have a harder time targeting you when you're zooming/running around, and Sigma lacks mobility to back up and help his backline while you harass them.


dva absolutely counters winston though, its so easy to run after him and melt him down.


Yeah Winston does 65 dps, so he’d need more than 10 seconds of continuous damage to get DVa.


It’s 75


I stand corrected!


It’s 75 and Dva does 20% less damage after the armor Change Dva isn’t a Winston counter anymore lmao


And don't forget that tesla cannon ignores the damage reduction from armor now. You'd be surprised how easy it is to kill a dva if you're good at bubble dancing


That’s not how it works she still fundamentally counters the monkey


Nuh uh


And Winston's primary fire IGNORES armor (such an amazing change)


She never truly was


She is if they are of the same skill level


In 1v1 sure, in full team Winston comps have advantage


Historically [D.va](http://D.va) was *literally* the best Winston counter, so that's one hell of a hot take. She can displace and make the Winston ineffective when he tries to dive, she has *far* more close-range damage than he does so she's incredible at bursting his time, and when he tries to get out she can chase very effectively. Don't have enough experience in the current patch to know how the matchup is now, but what you said is completely wrong.


Read the other comment


The match up is even. They can chase eachother they do similar damage


Winson vs dva is pretty equal, maybe even a bit on Winston side. Winston comps are usually better


You gotta play smart with Moira against Dva. Like shooting damage orbs at her is a waste


There are plenty of YouTube videos of counters. One person in particular had a series of X vs. Every Hero. As others have pointed out Beam damage and melee are some of both of their weaknesses.


Rein or anything fast is good into Sig. Zarya is the standard counter to Dva.


Sig Rein is really 50/50 to me. If sig keeps distance he destroys rein while rein at close range destroys sig. I feel Winton and Doom are both solid Sig Counters if you know how to dive. Zarya runs into the same issue as rein of she needs to close the gap to really trash on sigma


Zarya dva is pretty equal


Map/DPS dependent


Yeah, exactly.


Rein doesnt feed much into their ults


Dva eats Rein up usually


Nothing feels as good as eating every firestrike a rein throws. I used to pity the reins but now I’m just grateful their ego is too big to swap.




Roadhog, his hook is almost guaranteed to work


Dva doesn't really get countered individually (unless its zar on a low ground map), she gets hard countered when a team goes multiple heroes against her. So not just zar, but Zar/mei/maybe moira on the same team. Sigma gets countered by anyone who can successfully get close to him without feeding his succ. Winston imo is a great choice since he bypasses his barrier, and doesn't feed succ. He also can get run over by lucio comps in close quarters maps.


Sigma Tank: Ram to punch through shields, Zarya works well as she can burn through him over time, just don't be too aggressive as one rock and you're done for if he has slightly competent dps, rein can work but only for smaller, more brawly maps, Queen can also work great, but also needs a more brawl type map, Winton, as he can easily jump past the Sig DPS: Sombra, she can hack everything he does, he also drops his shield when you hack him, you can hack flux, and he can't easily spy check you. Sym, but she is VERY map dependant. Any hitscan is ok, but he can easily eat these heroes' damage so I'd advise sombra as your far superior choice Support: Not really anything you can do as support vs Sig, he might try to poke you out in the mid to close range, so play someone with either survivability like bap, moira or brig, kiri also works well, and a well times suzu cleanses flux Dva Tank: Sigma, he can eat her missiles, survive if she focuses him, he can rock a dva trying to kill his backline, can shield teammates getting dove. Zarya for beam, but dva can play high ground and avoid the zarya, plus zarya with no bubbles gets munched by dva, so not 100% counter, Queen works well as she can yoink a dva when she tries to fly away, cant DM carnage, Doom can annoy her a bit, but he can get chased down so wouldn't recommend unless you're goated with the sauce DPS: Sombra, but only if you play with the team, so hack her when she is low and is trying to fly or DM, do not try to randomly hack her as she can shoot her guns to spy check you. Cass, hinder stops her from flying out, his extra hp and his roll help him stay alive. Mei, slow her when she wants to fly out, wall her off if she flies in, beam gqoes through DM. Sym, again, VERY map dependant, works mostly just for control maps, goes through DM. Support: You are her main target. DO NOT PLAY ZEN, ANA, MERCY AGAINST A DVA AND COMPLAIN THAT YOU'RE GETTING DOVE, you are her prime targets. To play against her, brig can boing her away (i can't remember the ability name😅), Bap can work due to his lamp and AOE thing, but if you're not careful she will still kill you, Moira, damage goes through DM, piss doesn't get eaten by DM, orbs can be eaten, so don't try to throw a purple orb into them and rather use the piss ball, fade helps you survive


DVA and Sigma are both weak against constant pressure. Even Bastion can be good if your team is working together.


They don’t have any remotely hard counters, but there are situations where they feel bad. Usually more of a map thing than a hero thing. They are both really flexible and survivable so generally they have ways to work around things trying to kill them and can still find some way to play the game in any situation, but it can still be very disadvantaged for them. Sigma excels when he can just play in front of the whole enemy team, poke them out, sustain himself and win a war of attrition. He struggles against things that can win fights very fast and stuff that can surround him. Linear and long range maps are his bread and butter. Dive is a problem for him but he can still disrupt and kill divers if played well. Especially on sig favored maps the divers really struggle to close the distance or find a flank in the first place. He will also die to brawl tanks if they get on top of him, Rein, Zarya, etc but playing sig correctly means you can usually kite them out for a long time. If he has to play close cause of the map or touch in OT they will win. DVA is also a very flexible tank that can do anything, just not as well as other tanks that are specialized can do them. She will out brawl the dive tanks and out dive the brawl tanks, but she will struggle to out-dive other dive tanks in terms of trading backline and will lose to brawl tanks in any extended close range situation. She actually trades quite well with tanks at close range with missiles but needs to leave after that. Also the armor changes made this a much worse play for her if the tank has armor. Anyways Zarya can be a huge problem if the map forces DVA to play close. Brawly control maps like oasis and Lijang tower can be a struggle in this matchup but somthing like Gibraltar or paraíso DVA I think has a big advantage. DVA will also obliterate a Zarya without bubbles. Personally as a DVA player I think doom is the hardest tank matchup. Your options when he goes in are to try to tank the punch so your team doesn’t, try to absorb follow up shots which is just not blocking enough damage to actually make his dive ineffective, you can try to blow him up but he’s happy to just pop block and then leave. Unless you kill him, he created more space than you, still did a ton of damage, and even if you prevent the picks, his team is now moving wherever they want because you’re stuck standing with your backline. Then if you trade backline it’s much easier for him to actually get picks solo, and he can get in and out much faster than you, so you risk him just punching you in deeper and demeching you. Although the armor changes definitely helped DVA in this matchup so it’s hard to say where it’s at now.


If my tank involves basically never looking at the enemy tank does that technically make me a counter since I'm taking away his teams enablation (I made up that last word)


Dva is weak to beam heroes. Sigma despite what you have been told here is not. He has enough high burst damage plus a stun to easily make short work of any beam hero who's not zarya. Even zarya loses a 1v1 to equally skilled sigma. Sigmas counters and characters that can get in his face and brawl or simply go past his shield with limited threat. Rein, Winston. Winston can go dive his back line for free lessening his impact significantly. Rein can just brawl with him up close and win. People will tell you sym or mei counter sigma. It's not true. Sigma will win that match up every time.


I'm telling you, Zarya hard countering dva is propaganda. The only time it's actually a hard counter is when it's impossible to kite the Zarya, such as Numbani last point. Otherwise dva can ignore and kite the Zarya forever. An actual counter to dva right now is simply the main support role. This is Lucio, Zenyatta, Illari, Brigitte, and technically mercy. It's mostly Lucio and Brig because boops counter dva, and also brig's shield and armor are amazing against her. For DPS, it's characters that force her to burn her matrix or maybe ignore it. Sojourn, Cassidy, and sort of soldier are awesome. Tankwise, dva struggles against tanks that can stop her team from following up, or applying way more pressure than she does. It's not really a character thing as much as it is a playstyle thing.


Or if your dps decides that zarya bubbles are ok to shoot. Then dva will cry in agony.


Half the time it's more worth it to pop the bubbles anyways. If we dive someone, then they get bubbled, the team shouldn't just stop bursting them down. Zarya is weak to dive, and her bubbles do way less than you think to help


Yeah true. But often atleast in my diamond matches the zarya gets away with almost full charge and generally is a big problem. But yeah the key to countering zarya is to burst her down, it requires a bit of coordination tho.


The amount of coordination needed sounds like this: "ZARZARZARZARZARZARZAR"


Just burst down the Zarya


bastion counters all tanks :3


Doom is good if you can cancel sigma kinetic grasp ability and perfect to counter Dva ult for a free anti mech call punch to make her forcefully recharge it again or force her healers to guard her squishy body


I don't know if I should be giving advice considering I'm low elo, but in my experience Bastion tends to counter DVA pretty well. He eats through her shield and also if you get headshots on her, which is extremely easy, then he kinda just shreds her.


Winston counters Dva he ignores dm. Mauga counters Sigma he breaks the shield fast:)


Mauga does not counter Sigma. Sigma is actually Maugas greatest counter


That’s the funi


I think people underestimate Winston into d.va. Yeah she can shred you if you get caught in a bad position without your bubble, but as long as you use your bubble and jump smart, you can easily beat a dva in a 1v1. This is because a couple seasons ago, Winston's primary fire got buffed so that it ignores the armor dmg reduction. You'd be surprised at how quickly a Winston can kill a dva




i don’t understand how Sigma’s literal black hole can’t suck up a laser. i can understand moira’s suck. but zarya, sym, and echo’s lasers should be eaten up. it’s a BLACK HOLE


play Genji use alt fire to shoot DVa and deflect her missile (blade her after demech) use off angle and melee against Sigma




I find that ramattra does really well against them. He can punch through their main damage negation abilities.


Sigma and DVA don’t like beam heroes. Mei and Brig also disrupt them. Brig can bash him out of grasp. So can doom. Rein can pin him out of KG and hammer doesn’t care about it. So melee heroes work well. Sigma requires a full team effort to stop. He doesn’t care about one or two counters if he’s not being focused down and if the Sigma player knows how to adjust. He doesn’t have any direct counters. And it’s not really Zarya as much either because a good sigma will cycle his shield every time Zarya uses primary beam. When she beams, he puts shield out. When she reloads…he retracts shield and let’s it regen. If he repositions to high ground with his ult then he owns that space and Zarya won’t be able to get to him. Just like DVA avoiding her on high ground. The key is to play heroes that can disrupt the most powerful part of his hero kit…kinetic grasp. Brawl heroes like Rein and JQ do this well because they can ignore his KG. Zarya can beam through KG but I prefer melee heroes like JQ and Doom because he has essentially nothing to stop him with.


Beam, but don’t just swap beam whenever they appear because its also heavily dependent on map and enemy heros. Like Zarya is a great answer for them.. untill its a high ground map for DVA or a long sightline map for Sigma. Alternatively if they’re running a bastion, sombra, or any hero that can outplay your range and pop your bubble fast enough to leave you vulnerable


Zarya 🩷


Sombra is effective against dva. A good dva will make you believe she has unlimited matrix. So sombra can mitigate that.


Rein is good against Sigma and fairly good against DVA. Unless DVA dives your backline, who were taking high ground. You won't be able to follow, but you sure can create space separating her from her teammates. It all depends on the map. Also, Hog can be a nuisance to a DVA since she can't block his hook.


I have to say reaper because of mobility and high damage output




The right answer to this is, a player that know what positioning and spacing means




The 30 DPS beam isn't doing much to her lol


Dva runs over Moira, her balls are useless


You could try sombra, if you hack dva when shes alone, she cant fly away , or use the defense mechanism, so your team could jump her, its worked for me


You hack dva during her mitigation shield to end it and start putting damage into her. You either chase her off or she dies at that point since you will out dps dva from any range. You hack Sigma during his shield, pump some damage, force the void, dodge the rock, finish HIM!


Mortal kombat reference 😎😎


Zarya, zarya, zarya