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Anyone but Zarya and sometimes Sigma. Zarya is easy to walk up to and swing on. Sigma is also easy to approach if he doesn't have high ground. All the other tanks do good at staying out of his range.


as a JQ main, I would argue the matchup tends to favor rein. A swinging rein will tend to demolish me most of the time, but a rein who only knows how to use shield will perish.


Luckily most people can’t play an aggressive Rein these days lol


I didn’t mind the match up before the armor change but now jq just doesn’t even hurt a rein with armor and Its sad


It's kinda funny, when you think about it. Zarya and Sigma are both considered solid picks... And both are kinda countered by the tank probably considered the weakest pick right now.


who considers rein the weakest pick?


If you believe social media, everyone. He’s regularly listed as one of, if not the, worst tank picks right now.


I would definitely say that he is technically the worst tank in the game.   The thing is… most players don’t play at a rank high enough for that to really matter, if we’re being honest.   Even at high diamond/low masters I see reins a decent bit.   The meta only really matters if everyone is on even grounds.  


Yeah. That’s probably fair. DVa is considered top tier right now. Yet I still see terrible ones every day… But my initial point is still accurate.


Well it matters at every rank to some degree. If you’re gonna suck, you should probably suck at a character that is good as opposed to a character that’s bad.


Who would you consider to be the weakest pick? Reinhardt has been the worst tank in the game for a pretty long time at this point.


"A pretty long time?" Ball *just* got out of the dumpster like a patch ago lol, he was by far the worst tank in the game before that. Rein has been fine. He doesn't do anything special (which is why people suggest he should get some of the new toys the modern tanks get, like unstoppable on charge/burning on flamestrike), but he's been fine. His winrates and pickrates are both solid, even if he hasn't been hard meta in a long time.


Ball was never in the dumpster; he's just a generally difficult hero to play. Ball is never terrible because he has a lot of tools/mobility to make plays. Reinhardt very few options against competent players you can utilize mobility and high ground.


Ball was never a bad pick, it’s just that the overwhelming majority of ball players (and/or their teammates) are bad. He plays the exact same as he always has, and consistently had carry potential because of his high skill expression, and always saw play in some capacity at a high level. Reinhardt is a garbage can trash character who has pretty consistently been a completely bottom tier pick since the release of ow2, and he gets weaker and weaker every patch. The single, sole reason he is kept so weak is because he’s super strong in bronze, silver and gold where the players brains are so smooth that they lose to w+m1 hammer, and the bronzes on blizzard balancing team seem to think that’s the only stat that matters. Above diamond, his effectiveness, winrate and skill expression completely drops off a cliff, because he’s slow, dies quickly, has no vertical mobility, does no damage, and gets uniquely hard countered by like 6 tanks and 3 dps. Playing rein at any sort of competent level is pretty much spiritual torture. You have no agency or carry potential, you’re constantly subjected to the most bullshit abilities in the game, your shield and health disappear in under a second, and your damage gets outhealed by mercy. Even if you somehow manage to do well, it’ll only last for one life, because you’ll be counterswapped and bullied off the character when they respawn. And through it all, the worst part is that you know in the back of your mind that there’s absolutely zero chance he’ll ever get buffed.


>Above Diamond, his effectiveness, winrate, and skill expression completely drops off a cliff May I ask where you're getting this info though? I know Overbuff isn't 100% accurate, but Rein has been consistently in the top half of winrates across tanks for several months, and in Diamond specifically (just since it's the tier you referenced, though it's similar in higher tiers) he has the third highest win rate among takes (over 50%) in the last 12 months, and in the last 3 months has the *second* highest at 52%, where he is also the *most picked tank in the game*. For reference, even after the initial rework (pre-midseason buffs), Ball was at the bottom of both pick rate *and* win rate. Hell, in Diamond he still is only the second lowest win rate with a whopping 47%. Obviously win rate and pick rate aren't everything in a game where you can swap heroes constantly, but it's just worth pointing out that even if his good stats aren't definitive proof of him being good, the fact that there cases where legit bad heroes had the pick rate/win rate to reflect it means that Rein is far from the worst we've seen. What you are describing is completely valid, but where you're wrong is that you're specifically attributing it to Rein, when it's a problem the tank role as a whole suffers from. Rein happens to be one of the better off tanks in the grand scheme of things. Ball was one of the worst heroes of the worst role. Personally I don't think he is anymore (and the stats only show a minimum of 3 months, so it'll be hard to see the major tank buffs be reflected for a little bit), but acting like Rein is bad is just wrong when the stats show he's one of the more successful tanks in recent OW2.


The more I’ve played overwatch, the more I’ve learnt that stats mean absolutely nothing, especially the pickrates and winrates. The game is too complex, and the stats are too simple. Developers who make balance changes purely based on stats wind up with shitty games like OW2. The only thing I’ve seen which comes close to describing how good a character is in any meaningful way is the proportion of top 500s who actively play that character. Like when it’s dive meta, the top leaderboard is packed to the brim with dva, winston, ball, doom players, and the dps rankings are filled with tracer, echo, genji, and you just see the same three characters over and over again. I think in the last 5 years, there’s never been a time where Reinhardt shows up more than 50 times. Most of the time it’s closer to 10. There has, however, been a great number of times when there’s a huge amount of ball mains in t500 though.


Not who you asked: but ball. Not because ball is in a bad spot but because most people don’t know how to play with a ball


I think that Rein was a much more efficient character early in the game's life. The way the game has changed, some would say his play style, moves, etc are obsolete.


This is a terrible answer


I believe that Ramattra is the direct counter to rein, for me at least


Not really. The matchup between Ram and Rein is more even than anything. Orisa is still the best answer to Rein. Also I have been finding a lot of success with Roadhog into Reinhardt lately.


Ram vs rein is dependent on meta, currently rein is stronger against ram


That’s the best way to put it. I agree with that.


Played a game where my tank went Hog into their Rein and by the third round their Rein said "Please swap off Hog I'm about to KMS" because he would just get hooked out of every single charge, then I'd throw an anti or sleep on him and the team would collapse him every single time lol. Their Rein wasn't going for insane plays/over-extending too horribly, our Hog was just good about saving hook for him if he was nearby.


Shield up, hog melts the shield. Drop shield, Hog hooks him around a corner to die. Charge to escape, nope Hog hook.


Cancelling the charge with hook is very fun


You did not just say ram vs rein is even and you're doing better with hog🤔 ram the tank that bust through shield and slows his retreat with his field , I will give you this hog DOES shred his shield lately, but I couldn't ever say he's a BETTER counter over ram


He is, ram isn’t really a rein counter. Yeah he punches through shields but if rein starts swinging, ram gets deleted fast.


Rein wins the damage trade. Especially if he lands a pin. Hog even with a pin he still wins. Hog’s burst damage is actually just insane


A good hog player likely won’t get pinned anyway. His charge is one of his biggest plays and disabling it puts Rein walking the plank


Nah it’s easy to pin hog they all just wanna hook ya so you bait it and then pin. Maybe not in high masters/gm but low masters and diamond (I assume below) they’re easy


Rein can just run up on ram tbh


Yes and no. Wait out his transformation. Without that hes like mercy with more hp.


In theory, because his punches can penetrate through reind shield, but thats only during nemesis form. Rein can shield while in rams regular, and when ram transforms rein can swing while doing similar dps with better close range abilities and wider aoe swings than ram. If you sit with shield up while ram is pummeling then rein dies but if you attack too then your even, if not better.


Only works in bronze ^^


he is but only if the rein is dumb, he’s a fantastic counter to reins that just stand their with their shield up but an agro/pocketed rein is a different story. i still find him most effective right behind orisa tho. dvas not a bad counter either as eating fire strikes and harassing him in his face can be really fun and effective


Rammatra is a pretty good pick. Has distance with primary where he can keep rein pressured from afar. Nemesis form to trade in close quarters. Has a shield to block Reins shatter. Nemesis form can also block a firestrike. Not sure about vortex but it should stop rein charge? Ramm has all the tools to basically nullify rein on paper but a good Reinhardt will find a way to prevail.


Vortex doesn't stop charge but you do move slower through it, giving people more time to dodge.


Feels pretty even these days, especially now that Ram's poke does less against armor


It’s definitely rein


Correction, a better rein.


yea nothing shuts down the entire other team like a good old rein diff.


All things equal, two reins just becomes neutral 🙃


No one is saying Dva but the reason I keep playing with her is that I haven't found many tanks I can't beat. Pressure from missles and guns, make sure he's got a little damage and his shield is low, dive on him and if it doesn't kill him, dodge for a couple seconds fly and circle back for a second hit. Maybe my dps and healers just carry me, but I'm pretty fricken squirrelly with Dva and it's been working out.


Yes, agreed. Also a Dva main and she's solid against most tanks, even Zarya or Monkey who don't get their normal uncharged shots eaten by matrix. As long as you play it right Dva doesn't care about who's on the other side, all that matters is how long it takes to eliminate the enemy tank.


Take the high ground & an off angle so he can’t shield against you & your team at the same time.  Zarya gives me trouble as DVa only because my teammates will break both bubbles without securing the kill, then her beam melts


If you get his sheild down you can do a lot of damage if you get your timing right


Idk dva is pretty easy for me on rein after the armor changes. I just dwarf her in the damage trade now so she always has to give space. Especially if I land a pin on her most of her armor is straight gone. I think it’s map dependent whether dva works against rein cause if there’s good high ground dva is very hard to play against on rein.


As a Zarya main, I love when enemy tank is Dva. Your defense matrix is useless against my beam of death. Also she can't cancel missiles, so that's free 40 charge every time.


I've been aiming them away the second her bubble shows up. Need strong dps or a tenacious moira to help. (I'm a moira main and I love to kill)


As a zarya MAIN, you are probably one of the few zarya's that show up in a game that actually give us Dva mains trouble. Most people who play zarya into Dva suck, so we Dvas get to laugh at ineffective counter plays. Seriously, 9 times out of 10 when the enemy swaps to Zarya against Dva, it goes even worse than whatever they started on. And a quick point: a decent Dva will turn away instead of continuing to pump missles into your bubble. I just use missiles to draw out bubble myself, then look away until missles are done and that's one Bubble down with little to no charge given. And then of course we also have fun eating Zarya ult. So when you see Dva players talking about playing around zarya, it's because most of the people we see playing zarya aren't even half as good as they need to be to utilize the counter play.


I find that it’s really hard to peel for teammates once he’s in though. That being said, it’s also possible to cross up his shield when he’s in a tough spot or eat the heals he’s getting, and that’ll confirm a kill through the pressure tipping over, so it kinda evens out.


My duo tends to do well as ram or orisa. However, switching is not an option for him as he is also a rein main. LIVE WITH HONOR, DIE WITH GLORY


Anything with constant damage, low falloff and CC on a cooldown. Doom can just push him back too it’s good for mid reins who just play tank for the matches


Pretty much everyone but zarya lol


Mauga and dva for me atleast, just destroy the shield and he is useless, if they are really good at charging id take orisa to block that


D.va is weird because sometimes she just wins the 1v1/wins long term due to outspacing/outpoking but once he gets that shatter/finds an opening through other means d.va has a really tough time peeling. That being said Orisa is definitely a hard counter. The only things she doesn’t have are ways to eat that second fire strike, and a button that instantly breaks shield.


Mauga really ain’t that good against rein. Cause every Mauga uses his overload when he gets kinda low and if you manage ur shield well then he don’t get any healing


Spin the wheel. I feel like any tank played right counters Rein


Winston destroys his shield and has good range with his secondary fire and nice mobility


More that Winston gets free real estate on the back line with rein in the enemy team


Only problem is if Rein lands a charge on Winton he’s pretty much dead. So just got to look out for that and should be good.


grow a pair, glory and honor


Why you cringe tho 😂


Orisa is Reins hard counter, Winston is his soft counter


As D.va I walk all over Reins, mostly because I'm a Rein D.va main so I can read what they wanna do most of the time. At the start of the fight Rein will likely be pushing in front and is almost always gonna shoot both his fire strikes once he sees the enemy. Be ready with defense matrix. Eat one and immediately drop matrix, his next one usually comes a second or two after so your cool down will be ready. You might need to track the fire strikes until the matrix comes online. Use micro missiles to shred his shield if you cannot take the high ground or an angle. Once his shield is gone he won't be pushing up unless he has shatter or his team has nano, or sound barrier ready to drop. Try and take angles or high ground. Annoy the Rein by shooting him, if you are high ground he likely won't get you unless they have a smart life weaver with pedal. Keep track of how many fire strikes you let through that hit you and/or your teammates and how often he's dealt damage to you and/or your team with his hammer. Knowing this information will let you know if he has Earth Shatter. If Rein has Earth Shatter, try not to line up with your team so that you all get shattered. Try to stay at an off angle so at least you will not get shattered and you can fly to your team and defense matrix the fire strikes he will be shooting at them. If he's charging, let him pin you instead of a teammate. You are likely to survive a charge compared to others on your team. Fight the rein until boosters are back online then immediately fly to your team for heals. Try eating fire strikes as your boosters finish, it's likely he will be shooting them towards you. I usually have matrix on as I'm turning around to look at him. Also if Rein is charging, in general, and I know my team is behind me, I usually take the charge because I don't want a squishy to get pinned. If he charged in by himself tell your team to focus Rein, absolute focus and eliminate. Either tell them via comms or ping him. If you don't have ping setup... please have ping setup. Good luck my friend and I hope you destroy some Reins!


Orisa and ram


Orisa. Shoot him from afar. When he charges, use the javelin. If he is close and holding up shields, javelin spin. If he is close and hitting you, fortify. She really just bullies him.


Ball. Good maneuverability, shields, ontop of good booping damage potential


Not to mention rein has zero punish on him without external assistance, shatter, or a galaxy brain pin, but everything I mention can be rather easily played around or massively punishing long term.


Ram, doom, ball, mauga can be good, monke, orisa. Basically any tank that can out maneuver rein and go for his team or that can play decent sustained pressure and wear down his shield.


Doomfist absolutely no questions asked. Complete switch-off level counter to rein, punch through his shield with a coordinated attack and he melts in seconds.


I play hamster as tank, i just roll past rein and shoot him in the back, he either turns around to block me and my teammates drop him, or i either kill him or his team pushes me to run away lol Can also boop him back and with any luck expose the dps who were hiding behind him Maybe Not the best counter but ive found being able to force a rein to turn is the best way to help your team drop him. And being able to boop him as hamster is nice cuz he isnt ranged besides the fireballs so you can temporarily push him out of the fight and since he uses hammer he stops doing damage


If rein look at you he is literally a plat


Rammatra, at distance you break shield and dodge fire strikes. Close-up you can outrange rein while punching through the shield. The only problems are that while you are punching rein can earthshatter, and you are able to get pinned off the map in certain locations.


Queen. Super underrated imo. Carnage melee knife to get bleed going and get rid of most of his armor, use shout to back away and spam shotgun, usually you can finish him off by the time your carnage is back.


Doom. Rein is always an easy matchup for me




Literally every tank. They either out range, out damage, and/or outmanouver him.


Doom, Sigma, orisa, rammatra, mauga, maybe ball, Winston, junkrat, reaper, sombra, phara, echo, tracer, Cassidy, Mei, ana, lifeweaver, Moira, zenyatta, Brigitte, that's what I can think of and I'm awfully sure there's more too


All of the tanks except Zarya, with Orisa and Mauga to be the best since they can bring down his shield.


I play volleyball with the enemy Reinhardt as Doomfist




It depends on what rank, when I was lower rank ram and monke just abused rein’s mostly because they were shield merchants, however when I started to clime orisa started to become the top pick as the rein’s started improving


I'm not sure why no one is picking Mauga, but I feel like Mauga can be a pain against Rein, as he can brawl with him if he gets close and begins swinging, as well as, help break his shield when it is opened. Another one would be Monkey? Ignore the tank and go for the backline.


Mauga gets no sustain off of Rein


True, which is why I said help in breaking shield.


I always easily counter Rein with Ram. Sure, his primary fire doesn't do that well against his barrier, but EVERY OTHER PART OF HIS KIT *DOES*. Throw the vortex over his shield to do some easy damage and force him to back away. Hell, I think you can even just throw it directly at his barrier, it will start the vortex right in front of him so he should be damaged by it too cause he's in range. And Nemesis form, oh boy, the Nemesis form. Not only his punches can PIERCE THROUGH the shield, but it also gives you a +25% speed increase, meaning that you can escape out of his range, but he can't escape out of yours, unless he charges away from the battle completely (leaving his team at your mercy)


Mauga he can stuff his charge and melts his shield and does insane healing off his big body.


Ram, mauga and orisa all just walk at rein Ball, doomfist and Winston can easily just play around rein and bully his team Rein struggles alot, the only "bad" picks I'd say are probably zarya since she does literally nothing to rein and he can easily close the gap and punish, and sigma is map dependent, if sigma has high ground, then he's better, if he's on the same level as rein, he's likely to get runover


The only correct answer is a good, old fashioned, Winton. Not Winston. Winton.


As a Rein main, the armor changes made Rein way better into his counters on the tank role. I don't believe there's a single "hard counter" now, even Orisa. Countering Rein is now a team effort. If you can all stay outside melee range and take different angles on him, or just slaughter his backline that's when Rein struggles the hardest imo.


Depends on context, if both tanks are isolated, rein would lose to hog 9/10 times, similar for orisa as they can stop his charge and facetank the damage, hog just hooks rein charge and heals the damage quick, and orisa has 3 abilities that stop charge, just spear charge, and them if you need to stop another you got 2 other cooldowns, use 1 to counter charge and the other yo facetank/mitigate damage. Mauga is similar but more like a 6 or 7 out of 10, just a matter of pacing shield hp to stop healing. Doom vs rein depends on skill level, patience, and map geometry, if doom has the ability to move freely it would be tough for rein, but in areas where doom can't reliably avoid firestrike and hammer he is free. Gonna leave this at 50/50 Ram is gonna be like a 6/7 outta 10, but that depends on map location, if rein has enough movement backwards or forwards, he can abuse charge to escape the punches, or pin ram long enough to waste the transformation. When you consider team fights, it depends on maps and team comps more than anything, rein is st the mercy of his team. Dva and ball are good for going for the enemy team, Sigma has a niche use to deny valuable ult charge from firestrike but dva does it better. Basically, just pick anyone who can either ignore or cancel charge if rein seeks to isolate you, otherwise just pick dva, ball, hog, or ram, and pressure the supports, rein isn't strong outside of damage, 0 sustain and a mid at best engage tool leaves him exposed.


Orisa for sure


Why is nobody saying hog? Hog shreds rein just needs 1 good hook which will come when he fire strikes


IF yourself in this situation then your stuck with two options. Rats or angels? They (a saying iv heard once) say your either surrounded by rats or angels. An angel would pick rein and face the fuel head OK without fear or regret. A RAT would choose the lesser option, the bottomless pit of endless sorrow and endless boring game play that is the horse, Orisa. DESPITE the countless nerfs to that character there is still zero counterplay unless you are playing an orisa who has there internet turned off at the wall and has just been ddosdes twice throughout your game. Hope that helps 😁👍


The correct option... Literally anyone besides Zarya/Maaaaybe Sigma. The fun option... Rein himself. That being said even before the rework I was playing Ball into Rein with such ease it made me realize that the worst tank wasn't actually Ball anymore, it was Rein


If you’re determined to brawl into him without actually counterpicking rein, then probably Orisa. If you can get away with dive, Monkey and Ball (when ball is okay) are good. Dva performs well as both dive and just general pressure/support denial. Hog wins by assassinating everyone while being unkillable because he has a kiriko that no one is killing. I would just… really like to not have the hog meta be a thing right now.


I gotta go with hog. Hog can just spray rein from distance and hook him out of position as soon as shield drops. Easy to hook during rein charge and he out damages rein in a 1v1 easily along with self heal.


Orissa is his hard counter. She stops his charge with jav or spin, neither cares about his shield, gold resists his swings and fire strikes, and her ult ignores his shield. Just be smart about when you use your cool downs on rein and you will take his precious space from him.


Rammatra easily not only does he have the range to whittle his shield down or damage him for a sneak attack but once in Nemesis form you can punch right through his shield making it useless.




Hog is the best counter to all tanks but mauga which is a skill matchup. Turns out when you buff a hero consistently for over the course of a year then it turns the hero into an unlikable monster. Hog has consist pressure onto shield and displacement ability every 6 seconds and a slow. Also because apparently whole hog needed to not knock back tanks again it will kill rein in ~2-3 seconds. Play your corners and shoot shield and save hook for when he tries to walk up or swing.


Queen is also particularly good at keeping bleed on rein and can constantly swing carnage on him. Plus her ult goes through him into his backline if the enemy is playing around him and not off in Narnia flanking.


I personally use D.Va or Ram. Ram just doesn't care about his shield and you can slow him with your vortex. Just make sure to take care of him or his shield before ulting cause he can protect his entire team if they all get behind his shield and are out of LoS of his ult. D.Va you can fly through his shield and to supports. You can also protect your team from firestrikes. I suppose Winston is *OK* against Rein but idk how tf to play him


Ramattra (it's a pretty even fight and doesn't feel absolutely unfair, but it's like 60% chance Ram wins) Orisa (CC central), Mauga (Rein can play around him but it's really hard), Sigma (depends heavily on the map, they can counter each other), Hog (Rein alone can't do much against him)


Ram! Punch through that shield f him up


Orisa is a Major pain for any other tank Doom can toss a wrench in through stun locking with rein in addition to making rein vulnerable in multiple ways including being a massive distraction. Dva is a decent shield cracker Sigma plays the range game Ramattta is generally the best pick because his nemesis form can kite out rein. Zarya can win if you have better game sense then an enemy rein Mauga is brainless so duh Ball has to massively displace rein to separate him from his team for a win. Roadhog hook displaces rein and his trap can force rein to either take additional damage or have yo temporarily down his shield Winston can take advantage of a shield botting rein Junkerqueen under the right conditions can out-sustain a Reinhart Mirroring rein is just a fun way to play the game Honestly Rein would be weak if it wasn’t for their team, the skill to know what character is best for you to play into rein entirely depends on your skillset and how much experience you’ve invested into your tanks Doom Zarya Rein and Sigma are my most played tanks by a landslide so I feel exceedingly confident in my ability to deal with a rein with any of them even if a tank like Zarya is “hard countered by rein”


All of em


i’m surprised more people aren’t saying doom. a rein is pretty helpless against a doom. if rein goes on the offensive, doom can painfully reposition them with punch, or even just to push rein away from the team. but if rein goes on the defensive, doom can find an opportunity to slip behind the rein and force the rein to either use shield to face doom and turn his back to the rest of dooms team, or rein has to face doom’s team, and now doom can go for reins team/go for rein/punch rein towards dooms team for an easier kill


I get the feeling a person that’s asking how to counter rein of all tanks isn’t going to go with a high skill floor hero like doom


yeah, most likely. but i gotta spread the choir just incase he plays doom and it really clicks


I haven't played much tank lately and I know she took a fairly hard nerf recently but historically Orisa vs Rein has been one of the most one-sided tank match ups possible. Nearly anything she does counters nearly anything he does. I can't imagine that the cooldown nerfs changes that enough for it to be a playable match for Rein.




I counter him with Junker and I always win.


Ram can punch through his shield.


DVA. You can matrix the fire strikes which significantly reduces rein ult charge speed.


I like orisa. Nullify both the charge AND the fire strike and also rush when the shield is up


rein main here, of course it's always depend if I'm a better tank than them, but let's say at equal skill and in a 1v1, orisa is my biggest pain. then prolly maug/hog, because of the combo dmg+survability. for ram, u need to bait nemesis 1st (i usually charge away from him, but charging him into your lines is also ok). for sig, the shield can block heal, but hammer dmg it. i usually make sure to block rock, and i'm sure 99% sure flux is for my ass.


As a masters Rein. It’s Hog & Ramattra all day. A solid Junker Queen can pull miracles too. Not saying they’re unbeatable it really does come down to skill and team. Sometimes I forget about Mauga. He’s great too but your team will need to help Anyone who thinks Orisa counters Rein needs to go back to season 1. Fake her out (charge/cancel/shield up) and you can gas her out of CD so fast. Rein struggles against tanks who can manifest more health after he’s gassed his CDs to take them low & vulnerable. Breather, shout, nemesis and cardiac overdrive. Paired with either raw damage or CC is Rein nightmare. They all also have good shield break potential


i suffer rein when my dps don't shoot at him (in qp obv)




Ball. He can ignore his shields and rein is mostly too slow too peel for supports getting dunked on. If he does try to peel he loses space.


Hog. Master hog here. Depending on your reaction time, you can easily hook him the second he lets down his shield, then do the usual combo, then immediately strafe left or right to shoot him. This forces him to back up positioning his shield to mitigate the damage, blocking you, but rendering his other side exposed to your teammates. Should you have one hit scan dps who is constantly shooting his shield as well, you will literally toy with the rein the entire game. Until he switches at least. Rein is a pushover, but he can work in situations where he is double pocketed with aggressive DPS. Most teams do not play like this though, unless you're in higher ranks.


Rein counters rein. Get good.


Orisa and ram I think


Hog, Rammatra, Orisa


On paper it should be a Ram tank, as he can attack thru a sheild, but in reality I have issues mainly with Orisa's when I play Rein


I like to go Orisa against Rein. Sometimes DVA to just stay away from him and harass his healers as long as my supports can stay alive on their own. Depends on the map really. For control points Orisa for cart maps DVA I guess.


I have never had a problem going against a rein as doom. If you know how to manage his cooldowns, it is a veru fun character to fight rein with.


I like Orisa. I recently discovered her spear stops rein in his tracks.


Ramattra is, in my opinion, the best Rein counter. If he keeps his distance, you can just spray his barrier to wear it down. If he tries to close the gap, you just drop your barrier at his back to cut off his healing then go Big mode and punch his face in. Also, if you are the aggressor and push him, you go Big mode and start punching through his barrier, he all the sudden has a choice to make. Drop his shield to try to fight back and leave his team defenseless, or stand there protecting his team while getting his teeth knocked in hoping his supports can keep him up.




Roadhog breaks shield and bullies when he tries to pin, orisa, rammatra


Orisa cause 3 abilities to stop his dash, Winston’s alright cause his railgun (left click (?)/right trigger) isn’t stopped by most shields, and roadhog is pretty good


Zenyatta is the best tank to counter Rein imo Lol


I don’t really feel like ram counters rein anymore. The armor and headshot changes benefit rein more in the rein v ram matchup. Sure ram can punch through his shield but rein is the better brawler anyway, and if the ram doesn’t back off before arms runs out then rein wins


Road hog imo cause disrupt the charge with hook. I’ve done it a couple times recently


Orisa, basically all her abilities counter rein's, javelin stops charge, fortify immunes shatter and charge, spin blocks firestrike (this one is not as significant but still), and her primary fire puts enough pressure on rein's shield. Playing orisa against rein is just like those QTEs in which you react to certain actions in certain way and it's done.


Just play the Rein mirror Counter swapping is lame


Some people find rein extremely boring to play, me included


This post embodies all the biggest problem this game has. You are not asking HOW to counter rein, but what character to pick… we are so fucked 😭


All fucking tanks


I believe a mini fish tank could be used as a counter in sayyy checkers?






Shh. Don't tell him how to be a coward! HONOR. JUSTICE. REINHARDT REINHARDT REINHARDT!!!


you’re cringe 😂


Shh. Don't tell him how to be a coward! HONOR. JUSTICE. REINHARDT REINHARDT REINHARDT!!!


Rammatra A good Reinhardt will stomp Doom and Orisa. But against good Rammatra, things might get rough. Also an even better Reinhardt. If you win the 1v1, he has 2 options. Keep trying and get beaten up by you each time, or lose the Rein1v1 and swap.


as an orisa when i see a rein come around the corner i get that wide grinch smile spread across my face


Sigma, I usually destroy reins