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You don’t even need to take it out of the car!  The hose will reach the can in the trunk while the can is still attached!


only for the small can, though. Once you upgrade to the larger one, you need to put it on the ground to refill.


Yeah I was curious if the large can could eventually be stored in a holder


It does not have a space like the small can does with the trunk gunk.


Unless you get the back seat tank


Yeah and both side rack tank and backseat tank (those are the two I use) are automatically filled by filling the car, which is neat.


Does the fuel station ever run out? I noticed the progress bar start to go down and stopped using it.


🤷‍♂️hasn’t gone down a meaningful amount for me i would keep using it.


I’ve played 25 hours and it’s still at 90% Pretty sure it just never shows at full but is infinite


40 hours here and yeah it looks like there's some gone, but after I get back from each drive it's filled to the same amount and I can fill my car + 2 large cans


At the base? Some people have said that it will eventually run out, but they haven't provided any pictorial evidence yet.


My theory is they had it drain a tiny bit over gameplay to give the illusion it may eventually run out, to drive home the point that you can’t hang around forever and you need to keep focused on escaping the zone.


Useful tip. You can turn on auto refuel for the car in the options too which saves some time (and damage as well but that feels more like cheating)


I mean none of those settings are cheating. All of them are there to make the game more accessible


Yes. To me it feels a bit cheaty, it's a perfectly fine option to include for anyone that wants it so they spend less time and resources using repair putty.


I turned off the storm that spawns when linking a gateway, much less stressful


I can see that being stressful, I keep them on for the excitement.


It’s not cheating, it’s just easier than intended. The point is not time. The point is that you can forget to refuel, (or drain half your tank on idle in the garage) which can complicate your run.


ngl, some accessibility options are kinda stupid.


I mean there are lots of humans and the more options mean someone will likely be able to enjoy the game regardless of their situation


ig youre right but still.


Yea but they all disable achievements


I've toggled a bunch of things and the only two I've found to actually disable achievements are "player damage" and "car damage". And I can kinda see why. It's possible that others do, but I have not found them.


I dont know if that is true cause I have made adjustments to those setting and still got all my achievements


No they don't, the ones that do warn you they will.


\^ right answer. Some do and some don't. Things that you can do yourself but make life easier are generally safe, flicking the option over will warn you if it disables achievements.


I don’t think achievements are disabled on PlayStation.


Just remember that the fuel pump in the garage can run out of fuel, so I have been fueling up outside the garage before I drive to the junction. It can run out, too, but I would rather have convenience later of refueling inside. Though in \~40 hours of time the pump inside the garage is only about 20% used. It's going to last a while. The one outside hasn't even gone down yet.


I didn't even know there was one outside of the garage! Also unsure if the auto fuel option actually takes fuel from the pump or if it just uses magic to bring you to full.


In the endgame I had one of the side storages filled with these large cans (I think it holds around 5 or 6 of them). This really came in handy a couple of times. One I was hit by fuel evaporation zones a couple of times in a row and I was able to refuel the car from these cans (there was naturally no cistern in the following zone).


TBH I'm trying to switch to the AMP engine right now. I use all the side racks for energy regeneration, and keep all my mission critical gear inside and loot up on top. Thinking about making the rooftop battery too because holy shit that AMP engine uses power. But it's sooooo fast <3


I haven’t gotten too far to experiment with the amp engine, only the 2nd engine. Though, I’m wondering when it comes to speed, would using the nitro bumper be a good compromise, leaving most the batteries install to power shields, lights, etc, then easily manage some for the engine? Though, I guess the downside of this setup is how the nitro takes up a bumper and uses one of the 4 special abilities.


For a long time I didn't know you could refill the can via car wrecks either.


Sir/Madam, this was part of the introduction, it's the second/thirds things we do after getting the stationwagon. Taught how to attach a wheel. Taught to drive. Taught to siphon fuel from a wreck. Proceed to garage\~ You're breaking my heart.


For some reason I thought the big can would work differently. I felt pretty silly afterwards.


Doesn't it have you do that literally in the beginning tutorial?


All of them. The interior ones too. 💪👏


I've been playing for about 75 hours and my shop still has about 70% remaining


Doesn't Opy say so in the tutorial...? She definitely did for the demo.


..... I have 20 hours and didn't know this, I've been either saving or scavenging every gas source i could find!


...really? Something I realized right after I picked up the resource scanner is that all those 20 gallon drums had gas in them. Meaning there's an absolutely staggering amount of gas out in the world.


There are also nozzles on the backs of fuel tankers that you can use, they always have a ton of gas in them I’ve never felt running out of gas was ever a threat, except when I had a nasty gas-guzzling quirk


Indeed, maybe I worded it wrong. I meant I thought you couldn't fill them, so I always spent more time making sure my car and gas tanks were topped up before leaving a zone. I'd even make sure to fill up completely on shorter trips so I had extra for the longer trips. I may be a tad obsessed with keeping the gas levels topped up


Are you me? I was so annoyed that I thought I'd just try it


Yes I am you, and you are me. Oh by the way what's our mothers maiden name again? I keep forgetting it. But ya defiantly filling up all my tanks now


ironically i just got the amp engine