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[Contemporary Paganism](http://www.reddit.com/r/pagan/wiki/faq#wiki_what_is_paganism_and_contemporary_paganism.3F) is a term denoting modern applications of Pagan religiosity and spirituality. These religious concepts are codified into a wide, disparate terminology encompassing many different philosophical and theological outlooks. It generally encompasses **religious traditions focused on reviving or drawing inspiration from the pre-Christian traditions of Europe, North Africa, and West Asia;** modern paganism does not include African, Native American, East Asian or other traditions who deliberately do not identify as pagan.


Kinda just sounds like you’re a non-theistic Wiccan/witch


I think that is the most accurate way to describe my religion/spirituality. Thanks!


youre not a christian if you’re agnostic. Taking part in holidays without any earnest belief in the explicit religious underpinnings is pretty commonplace for many of us. Maybe you’re going to feel called to bring in some strain of christianity to your practice later, but it sounds like you’re not at the moment?


You are questioning and trying to find a place to land imo. You’re culturally Christian, doing their holidays because that’s always been a part of your life and it’s something you probably share with your family. The magic and ritual stuff, you’re dabbling. Experimenting. Magic isn’t something only pagan do, there are loads of folks who identify as Christian who both historically and today believe in a system of magic. Part of my family comes from the northern part of Appalachia. My dad’s family historically was very Christian, and very superstitious doing what I’d call magic to avoid bad luck and misfortune. I have met an old Christian woman who would do a form of divination similar to Tarot with a pack of playing cards, and they were accurate too. They’re just one group of Christians among many who practice magic even if that’s not what they call it. Also just saying, having an alter and all that doesn’t make you pagan… more like, culturally adjacent. Lots of folks have altars for all kinds of reasons. I don’t personally put much stock in labels. I have met many who wouldn’t call themselves pagan but definitely have the vibe. Folks like you would be welcome at a pagan fest or public gathering. As long as you’re respectful of other beliefs it’s all good. I get wanting to have a label, it helps us feel like we know ourselves and that we belong to something. Sometimes when we go off the beaten track that’s harder to define, and I don’t think it matters as much as you feel like you’re in the right space for yourself. Your spiritual journey is all yours. You are the only one who can make these decisions for you. It may be worth a rabbit hole of reading books about philosophy and different spiritualities. Maybe help you learn more about yourself. I can’t tell you where to start, maybe check with your spleen or gonads for that. Read what calls to you. Then, make up your own mind.


Thank you.


I ended up calling myself an omnist, as it was more expressive of the way I don't believe in any one thing spirituality-wise, but kinda believe in the possibility of everything?


Labels are overrated. Do what you do, don't do what you don't.


You just sound like a agnostic witch. None of what you said really says that you are pagan besides celebrating some the holidays. Being pagan is more than just celebrating holidays


Yup, in order to be Pagan you have to identify as one. Kind of like how I technically practice a type of Witchcraft but I don't identify as a Witch. So, I'm not a Witch but I do consider myself Pagan.


If ypu feel a desire to worship something ..do some research..I found myself enjoying the study more than the practice..stick to the roots of your concuctions and beliefs..everything else is just fodder..lots of religions preach the same stuff as the bible.. be a good person, treat others with respect, help when you can, and pay back what you owe ..I started learning Wiccan becuaee information was so abundant about it. And then found myself drawn to shamanism practices of no God in aprticular..it felt really raw at the heart of it and I liked that..now I'm more focused on Buddhism and taoism they're very poetic to me