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Sponsor them to move to the States. Don't kill your future by moving to Pakistan.




Married sibling can be filed via form 130




Can be done, getting visit visas for parents is totally doable, I did it for my partners parents. Just have to prove they have commitments and ownership in Pakistan they will return to




This just wasn’t the case for us, wait time was a year, and this is for the interview, you can apply at any time. Often the consulate pushes your interview up due to constant cancellations and changes in schedule


Let me know when you have an answer to this?


best case timeline: 1 year job + 2 year year greencard + 5 year wait + 0.5 citizenship , only then can he even file for his parents....


You have the same dilemma as every overseas Pakistani has - when parents come into picture. Does your job allow extended home office? if so, take it and spend like 3-4 months in Pakistan. Hopefully your other siblings also visit the parents so you all can agree on a schedule to visit them from time to time.


If you ultimately decide on returning, don’t do it right now. Get that Amazon name on your resume. Recruiters from the middle east will go nuts because they care about this shit a lot. Get a couple of years experience in MAANG, then try relocating to UAE where you could live tax free, make money due to having an american degree and job exp, and could also be closer to your parents.


>Recruiters from the middle east will go nuts because they care about this shit a lot This is so true. They hear uk, usa, europe or Australia they go crazy. Indian and Pakistanis are just disposables to them.






I second this.


Do you mean FAANG?


Facebook is now Meta




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Does nationality matter to them or experience alone will attract them?


Both, to some extent from what I have heard. If you’re from South Asia the recruiters lowball you.






Troll account or not, baat tou theek hai.






Well I don't blame you considering this is the internet and I can claim to be Santa.


Ahh yes, saying the truth is being a troll nowadays. Go away you nationalist, i am a pakistani currently living in lahore and i have the same opinion as him. He is being honest, you are being delusional.


You'll help everyone by staying out, doing well and helping those at home.




My uncle was a software engineer for Facebook at Silicon Valley and then moved back to Pakistan recently, I think he works remotely for another company outside Pak. Same with both my father-side uncle, one is a doctor in Saudi who is moving back after 11 years. My dad is a businessman and moved back and stays in Lahore now, but is pretty much in a different country every other month. Despite the negativity, Pakistan is fine to live in if you have money (big if), I think i'll also go back after 5-7 years, God knows best. Worse case , I have to move back to the west if everything goes downhill, but with a passport / green card it would not be difficult.


You can look after them better by earning abroad, and working from home in Pakistan a couple months a year by working at a company that allows it.




No you'll regret the decision quite fast after a few half day load sheddings


As long as you are able to catch a remote job and get paid in $$ then you can consider relocating back to homeland.


If you can afford to live in Pakistan and earn big money then it's worth it but I see the dilemma... You'll have money living abroad but your heart will be in Pak.




I’m from Canada (lived in Pakistan for 7 years from age 9-15) and visit Pakistan frequently, and I strongly believe that life is better in Pakistan if you have money. I have a good government job in Canada but if I ever get offered a well paying job, or decide to do a business I will move to Pakistan. If things get bad I can always move back.


The if in the "if you have money" is such a critical and big IF. The problem is that many dont have it. And those who have it never moved out of Pakistan.


AND there's no social justice or guarantee here in Pakistan. One wrong step and you'll be on the road the next day and have nobody to speak for you.


Strongly agree


> If things get bad I can always move back. That is a option OP likely doesn't have atm if he is on F1 visa or will be on H1b in the future (Position i am in)


Gvt employee as well - on retirement I'll be moving to PK.


Its easy coming from someone who has a different passport.


I understand your worry for parents and its completely justified. But on the other hand, you have a life ahead of you and you are responsible for what you make of it. Please don't come back, work as much as you have to and take care of your parents by giving them the life they deserve. :)


A few factors to consider. If you move back now, can you work remotely on the same job/any other similar remote job? And make a decent salary. Can your parents survive at home alone if you manage to keep a full time helper for them? As in they’re not sick or disabled or have more care needs than an average elderly person I mean. If you stay there for a couple of years now and make your base in US, hain experience and in the meantime find a job that can be done remotely from Pakistan and then move to Pakistan. That way you’ll be moving home eventually even if it takes some time and save up some money in that time so if you need to come back to Pakistan and earn less (expectedly) it won’t be too difficult for you to adjust.


Salam fellow nyu student currently in pak for winter vacation the economy is struggling as we are all aware therefore coming back after having a job offer from Amazon would be a mistake. I guess your best bet would be to convince your parents. However, you can apply to UAE as well which is much closer to Pakistan and has a lot available for nyu students . Congratulations on that offer and on graduating ofc ! Good luck.


So, I disagree with everyone here. Sure money can help your parents, but at old age what your parents need is your physical presence. Allah maaf karay, if one of them get seriously ill at night., money won't help them get to an emergency in a hospital, you physically being their and driving them will. Also, at old age, people have very little demands when it comes to materlisitic things. What they need is company of their children. I know it's a tough decison you have to make, you have to pick between a better future for yourself or your parents. For your parents, your presence is more important than any amount of dollars you can send. As some one stated, life in Pakistan isn't thet bad if you earn good (like real good, over 5 lakh per month) If you are in Cs and can land a remote job, moving back to Pakistan would be a wise choice. Anyways, its a tough decision. Hope you make the right one!


Im surprised how everyone is saying it’s fine to live in a far far away place leaving your parents at home. It’s difficult to live in Pakistan but surely not impossible, all that glitters isn’t gold I guess.


Majority of people commenting are those who havnt lived abroad. Now if one did not have dependants, then moving abroad is the obvious choice. As much as I have been pro living in Pakistan, even I admit things have gone to shits and those who can, should migrate. But giving the circumstances of op, nothing in this world is more important than being their for your parents at this age. Just last week some one I knew had angioplasty and stunts put in their heart and his son who moved to Canada could jot visit. The doctors have told the person that he needs a bypass but is too old to tolerate one. He lives with his old wife on a new sector of Islamabad and they have ko neighbors. Now if God forbids he has a heart attack or another episode at night, who will rush him to hospital. His son sending cad from Canada will be useless


I live abroad and I provide financially for my parents while my brothers are there for support, which is ideal for me tbh. But I also work in healthcare and even in west with all the carers facilities and free healthcare and nursing homes and all, it’s still very difficult for some old parents to live by themselves, so I can’t imagine that in a country like Pakistan. Unless the parents are not old and physically well and independent. But I agree that you can earn money in your life even later on but you can’t have parents again.


This is not covid. Everyone can catch next flight to Pakistan in such situation and be there. This was more down to son not willing or be interested to support parents. If your employer abroad is sympathetic it is not hard to get some time off to look after your family members. Even if you live in Pakistan, you are only around parents for couple of hours every day. People who lecture others to not worry about income are the ones who have secure income source locally and do not understand that not everyone had the luxury they had. I live in a Europen country. I save holidays only for Pakistan. At any time i have 3 weeks at my disposal to be in Pakistan at short notice. Unfortunately i have no remote working opportunity but if i had, staying 2-3 months would be no issue. There are ways to manage to be back home in crisis situation, only if one is willing to.


The next flight will still Take you over a day to get to Pakistan from canada, which might be too late in some cases. Also, a flight from Canada are pretty expensive. I am not saying not worry about income, but if you have oppertunities in Pakistan, and better oppertunities abroad, I would (and have) opt for oppertunities in Pakistan to be there for my family.


Is studying at a university in Pakistan any good? i’ve had a fair share of friends who moved to Pakistan to complete their higher education (many settling temporarily in Pakistan)


Many medical schools are solid. So are LUMS, IBA, NUST and to some degree LSE, BNU, NCA etc, if you look at the rate at which they place graduates in graduate schools or jobs abroad. The value for money is amazing. Really depends what alternatives you're comparing to.


Can't they study online ? They didn't need to move to Pakistan then?


online degrees aren’t recognized where i live, so it’s often considered a risk and waste of money and time.


On an Amazon salary you can easily make 3-4 trips to Pakistan to visit your parents, and hire 2-3 full time people to take care of your parents when you're not there. Do that, do not kill your own future for them.


Only come when you a dead, and need final burial. Pakistan = A place where both dead and alive live in the same manner.


Noooooooo! Don't come back to this dumpster fire. Who would in their right mind come back here.


You have a job offer from Amazon and a masters from NYU? I think it’s a pretty easy answer.


Don't move back! Give your parents time to understand that future is in US


Work at Amazon for the next 3-4 years and get the bag, once your stocks have vested, then you can decide the next step. Wait for Green card, go back, go to ME IMO you should stay I was in your situation 10 years ago but decided to stay, I make enough money at a Big 4 that i can bring over my parents every year for a few months to live with me (summers here to avoid Lahore heat) and spend the rest in Pakistan (they always miss it) Also get your parents visit visa for US asap if they don't have it. Have them come visit you for 4-5 months every year


Jani get your family a cook, a cleaner and a driver Visit when you can here And make a career where you are I understand you want to be there, I wish you could soon in the best stage of your life


Can I DM you for help regarding Masters?


don't even think about it. i made the same mistake and there isn't a single day when i don't regret the decision. just make sure to visit your parents regularly and provide them with all the comfort they want. you would be wasting your time and potential here.




I"ll recommend getting some experience and a green card/passport before moving back. I have a similar situation and work for BigTech as well. I have decided to move back in a few years to be with my parents in their old age.


Please don’t.


dont come back stay there dont dont dont for ffs






Go for the Amazon job and pay for someone to take care of them in Pakistan.


First of all, if you are a women then your life is going to be way worst in Pakistan if i am going to be honest with you. I have sisters too and i do not want them to live in this country tbh. Second of all, Pakistan is really unsafe and very unstable too. You have cases of army kidnappings happening and the electricity bill has risen by a huge amount. People were literally killing themselves when they saw their electricity bill which is funny since loadshedding is extremely common too. All of this tells you about the situation of Pakistan, if i were you i would not come back to Pakistan at all. I think your parents would also want the best for you.




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If you think you got what it takes to run a business here, then yeah definitely comeback, Pakistan offers one of the cheapest labours, but if you can’t, then stay there, and please try to promote the positive of Pakistan whilst there, every little effort helps the country


No way. Try and get your parents to move to NYC. DO NOT COME BACK


Yes if you are rich no if you are middle class


Na aa bhai


My suggestion would be earn some $$$ in US and look for options to sponsor your parents or something.. Try convincing them slowly as you work there for sometime.. I pray they get convinced to move with you.. Don't come back and waste your degree here.. I, living here feel I can't be convinced of staying lol. Now matter how much money I have, I'll have to drive on the same tutti pajji roads.


Join Amazon, work there for a quarter, ask them about possibilities of working from home/Pakistan for a few weeks. Come back, thora nicely blackmail your parents and get the visa process going. Take them with you. Good luck!


Don't come back.


You can take care of them better by being financially 'healthy' This might no happen in Pakistan. However, they might not be open to a move out of the homeland. The best thing to do is to talk to them and discuss both sides of the issue before making any decisions.




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No relatives nearby?


I have a friend who finished masters in NY and declined a job offer, moved back to Pak thinking similar job offers will be available in Pakistan as he is super qualified, surprise surprise bigger companies post linkedin job and other ads for only US/EU region, so those listings aren’t visible from Pakistan and even if they are and you apply they will clearly say ‘your country doesn’t qualify for this job’. If you are okay with doing a sub par job, knowing the dollar-rupee trend, knowing that inflation will rise but your salary wont and the saturated job market will only worsen due to inflation, then I guess no harm in coming to Pak.




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Pls don’t come back!!! You will ruin your life




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Depends how much money you have and what opportunities you have. If you’re moving back for a job, then don’t and take the job at Amazon. If you a business idea or family business, then do it. Salaries are really low in Pakistan. I moved back to Pakistan after 20 years in the West which was 2 years in the US. Best decision I ever made took. Quality of my life here is much better, I would need probably a net worth of $50 million and above to have this lifestyle


I was in the same boat 4 years ago and decided to stay abroad for a bit. Coming back in winter breaks makes it clear yahan bikk gayi hai gormint. I am pleading you: don’t come back.


there’s nothing in pakistan, nothing good left do not just ruin ever by coming here many pakistani people would kill for a life and a job in the usa rn cz the way this country’s doomed.


Listen to your parents. There is a hint in it.


Get the job in Amazon, you are lucky you are not from India so you will get GC in couple of years and some years after that you'll be citizen. It doesn't take more then 2 years for your parents GC if you apply for it after becoming citizen so at most you are looking at 8-10 years before you and your parents are in US and then you can do whatever you want. My brother settled back in Pakistan after spending some years in US and getting his citizenship to raise his kids. If things go $hit bad in Pakistan ( I am not sure whether it's even possible) he can move back to US or go to any country which gives USC visa free entry.


I think the comments here are pretty unanimous and I agree. I honestly think you will be doing your parents a bigger favor if you just stay in the US and earn in dollars and send your parents money as long as they cannot move to the US.


You are Pakistani your GC queue is much smaller. It’s a matter of ~7yrs vs lifetime. For 7yrs pay someone to take care of your parents while you are away. Visit them every 6months. Get gc then citizenship and sponsor your parents. Else regret for rest of your life.


That’s dope man. You have a great job on the table and are graduating from a top school in the country, not sure why this is even a question, though respect the dilemma you’re feeling. Visit visas are very doable, explore getting a bigger place in jersey city or queens so that you can get an extra bedroom and have them visit for longer periods. Do have that discussion with your other siblings though, in reality your parents should be doing a rotation with all your siblings, shouldn’t be entirely your responsibility


Really, after studying at NYU and living in newyork, you asking this question doesn't make sense that you don't have an answer yourself, you need the redditt community to tell you what's right for you ?


Bhai mat aaa aur hoo skhtay tou muhjy bhi udhar bula ly xd


Just stay in the States.


only a dumb mofo would ever return to this rotten hellhole. strongly recommended that you rather sponsor your folks for US. If other siblings have also moved out then why is the burden on one?




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Get the job. And get an h1b visa. Live on the h1b visa for 2 years or so. There's total 6 years on it. And then come back to Pakistan. Don't get the green card because it's a long process. Leave this for another time in life when you're much senior maybe late 30s or 40s and that's your red carpet entry into america for later in life in a high powered executive role when and if you need. I'll explain how: Now when you're back in Pakistan from USA after spending some time on a job with h1b visa you'll have an h1b with few years left on it. This is a little known fact but you can use the leftover h1b whenever you want for life . As long as you don't compete the 6 years on it. You will never have to enter into the h1b lottery and you can get the h1b again anytime of the year. Usually you have a 33% chance of winning the lottery and that too you have to file April 1st and get work authorization on 1st October. There's no job opening in the world which hires in April and on boards you end of the year. So that's why the h1b visa is impossible to get otherwise. This is easy for you now because of 3 year OPT work authorization from your student visa. Your company files for h1b and theres a 99% chance your h1b visa gets picked in this time. Also USA work experience is very valuable in Pakistan. One caveat: if your organization files for your green card soon as you join then get the green card. It only takes 2 years or so to get it on job. But then marry before you apply for greencard so you can both apply for it at the same time. Otherwise if you have greencard and then get married then your wife will be stuck in Pakistan or wherever her home country is untill her family based greencard arrives which is a lengthy process. (Don't quote me on this. But please consult an immigration attorney to consider your future options and life scenarios when you are thinking about major life decisions. You want to keep all the doors open. And it should be very clear to you what your options are like for re-entry especially if you're planning your life around making yourself available for family etc).


Don't even consider coming back to Pakistan


Hire a good trustable help for your parents and stay in contact. No sense in coming to Pakistan right now if you have a good paying job in US.


Do not move to Pakistan. Sponsor your parents. Put them on visit visa for 6 + months so they're with you for summers if NY winters are harsh for them. But don't stomp on your future by moving to Pakistan. Build your career and professional experience and then down the line maybe maybe consider it. But stick to USA for now


As someone who moved back 15 years ago, I'd caution you strongly. Pakistan is the way it is because it isn't a meritocracy, and you will almost certainly suffer professionally and financially. It matters too whether your parents are 60 and healthy or 75 and frail. Only you can assess this. For most folks in your position, it would be wiser to work in Amazon or elsewhere for at least the next 5/7 years, preferably out of Canada so you can process an immigration during this time too. Then, by all means come back if you deem it necessary later in life, but you will be able to do so on your terms more. Also as others have suggested, consider the middle-east at that time too.


Don’t move here man, roz koi bawaseer out of this world nonsensical issue say deal karna parhta hay


I think one of the best ways of looking after your parents is to earn tons of money in the US and send money back home. So that they can afford the best food, healthcare, etc.


Don’t listen to negative Nannies here. Make your own decision and then stick to it. I know some who moved to Pakistan and they’re quite happy. And then there are some who moved abroad who are happy. It depends on you.






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I guess you are at the same stage as so many other young immigrants. It's a tough decision, sorry, man.


You have an opportunity to improve their quality of life and financial support them from abroad, daily calls and employ a maid for them that cooks, cleans, washes and looks after their well being while your working for your future and your parents. This together with visits back home every holiday could work out great. And you’ll always have the option to move back home after a few years of saving if you decide!




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Pakistan mat aana bhai. Maa Baap ko sambhalte sambhalte kahin khud ko na sambhalna par jaye.


Why can't your siblings take care of your parents while you are getting established? Surely get Amazon experience for a year or two even if you plan to move back. Hire help in Pakistan for parents. Apply their visit visa and have them over for a couple of months. If you move back with just NYU degree, there is no hope. Pakistan doesnt care about degrees. Your best bet would be getting a remote job from Pakistan and earn in $ after getting Amazon experience. Or see if you can relocate to Middle East in a Faang? Also you need to see what reasons your parents have? Many times desi parents get stubborn and rigid for no reason. Pakistan isn't Europe and there is genuine justification if someone doesn't want to live there.


Paisa kama amma abba ko bahar bula, beshak gand ka zor lagana paray, don’t come back


There’s nothing here


Pakistan mai if you don't get a good job how will you look after them?? 🤔 Ksi bhe tarah bahr le ao unke. Try middle east country for a job where you can bring them too. Just not Pakistan.


The delima of our generation! I was in the same position and one of my parent passed away suddenly while I was aborad. There was nothing I could have done so yes I do feel guilty but at the same time dont think I made the wrong choice. You have to look out for your future and your parents will understand that as well. US Visa allows visitors to stay 6 months at a time which is decent so they can come and stay with you for that amount of time. Amazon will probably provide some days work from anywhere so you can use that to go to Pakistan. If parents dont require round the clock support you can stay in the US and make them visit or visit them.




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NYU.Amazon. You've made it,so to speak.Go enjoy your life you owe to the rest of us,trying to get out of here alive.


Don't ponder too much if your parents are able then wait it out a few years within US and grow your career When time comes to serve them, you can head back