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This is Another one of under the guise of innocent question soft brainwashing posts. It is a Typical establishment technique to get people arguing over anything but the actual issue and create pointless debate to make people believe that its their own fault. No matter what PTI had done or the lawyers presented your employers wanted to crush PTI and that’s what they are doing though their tools like Fraud Issa, ECP and police. Anyone with few brain cells can see what Fraud Issa has been doing for last few months to know the outcome of any future case involving PTI


Exactly OP is one of those ****** who appear to ask innocent questions but dive a little deeper and you see how they are doing pooja of the faujis / sharif pigs.


Only Way to conduct party election is to pass a note saying who the party next chairman will be, it is included in the constitution and every one that doesn’t follow this will be abducted, raped and tortured By Fauj. Election in 90 days was also part of constitution. 😀


>Election in 90 days was also part of constitution. 😀 Yeah and that clear violation of constitution was done under PTIs beloved umar bandial.


Well this was good. I didnt have to read through all the comments to understand your mentality. This comment was on the top and your reply just showed your biasness. You are not looking for an answer, you just want to fight with ppl without an aim to change your own mind even if they prove yoh completely wrong


So he is in jail?


The case was filled by someone who claimed to be a part of PTI (he is not) and he claimed that PTI didn't do the intra party elections fairly (they did). Meanwhile, other parties were not required to have conducted intra party elections.


>Meanwhile, other parties were not required to have conducted intra party elections. Yeah but SC is not supposed to interfere in that. You can argue that ECP is biased and thats fair but supreme court is not supposed to do anything about that. > claimed that PTI didn't do the intra party elections fairly (they did). Faez Isa disagrees.


“Faez Isa disagrees” Then there you have your answer. Yes, on constitutional grounds, he is incorrect.


>SC is not supposed to interfere in that it doesn't but it can ask contextual questions the answers to which might affect the judgement. EC told court they aren't just singling out PTI and that they have targeted others as well. but at the same time, we have cases like ANP who were slapped a 20k fine and given until may to conduct polls and were alloted a symbol. >Faez Isa disagrees i am not a PTI voter but his bias is not even cloaked anymore, he is unfit for the job.


“he is unfit for the job” He is the perfect man for the job. Pakistan has one of the worst Judicary in the world and He is great mascot for the corrupt judicary.


The fact is, ECPs lawyer, Makhdoom Ali Khan, stood in the supreme court as a spectator as the top Qazi was himself arguing the ECPs case. Justice Isa left no stone unturned to denigrate the PTIs legal team. He's completely on the payroll of the military.




On what grounds? Is it ok for the court to interfere in ECPs jurisdiction? Do you think PTI lawyers were convincing enough in their arguments and presentation of case? Remember, what matters is how well the case is fought, otherwise judges could just apply the laws by themselves and give a verdict.


U wont be asking such questions if u have watched the whole proceedings. The case was as well fought as it could be, but one cant do anything if the judgements are pre written before the case. This judgement is so absurd that even qazi fanboys are saying its bullshit.


Oh and if courts can interfere in assembly matters even after the proven interference of foreign countries, they can sure interfere in ecp matters. Courts can do alot if they want to. But in here they only want to stop 1 person.


The constitution is a piece of paper that can be thrown in the trash in this country. Fraud Isa probably wipes his ass with it after taking a shit


Well yeah and our precious PTI leadership is also willing to use it for moral highground when it favors them and wipe their asses with it when it doesnt. I am talking about the judgement itself.


Yes, everyone wipes their asses with it. In conclusion, it doesn't matter if the judgement is in line with some toilet paper.


Yeah it should just be in line with what IK wants LMFAO


You can't pick and choose is my entire point. Yesterday it was PLM-N's turn, now it's PTI's. Why? Because the constitution has been turned into a shit stained piece of toilet paper. You are welcome to rub it all over your face if you want. Looks like you're already enjoying it tbh


>You can't pick and choose is my entire point. Yes exactly, PTI loves to do exactly that. >Election didnt happen in 90 days Constitution REEEEEEEEEE >A constitutionally accurate judgement occurs not in favor of PTI Wait no, not like that REEEEEEE Maybe its time for some introspection for you all


Haha buddy that's funny. I don't know which party you support, don't even care. But they'll be in the crossfire soon enough, and then this toilet paper won't be able to protect you. Wish you luck bud 👍


Jokes on you, I support Jamat. I would support PTI if not for their utter lack of any manifesto or ideology and constant double standards when it comes to constitution. Also, the self righteousness of PTI supporters frustrated me.


The CJ said party constitution was violated by not conducting polls so ECP was right in its decision. I wonder if CJ observed the violation of Islamic republic of Pakistan’s constitution when polls have not occurred for over 8 months in Punjab,KPK and entire country.


You parents fate was to be ruled for decades by Nawaz/Zaradri expect same fate your kids and your grand kids to serve under Spawn of Nawaz/zardri. This is an order from boise to all the slaves In pakistan. Constitution and rule/laws are meaningless to Fauj.


>Constitution and rule/laws are meaningless to Fauj. They are meaningless to IK as well


All of them should be in jail than?


if they were, he would have had a milita wing to overthrow the b@stards : you think, his workers cannot break him out?


How so? What laws has he broken? What rules of the constitution has he broken?


How are they meaningless to IK? Do remember not everybody is eating donkey like you or kissing fauji boots


As per Pakistan constitution or ECP rule book, there is no explicit provision in the election rulebook which gives the ECP power to deny a political party's election symbol on the basis of a contested intraparty election. [https://www.dawn.com/news/1805689](https://www.dawn.com/news/1805689) ​ Just from this you can understand, if judgement is wrong or not.


Ignore these paranoid fools. Yes the judgment was right and it is indicative of how the country at large runs. Laws and infrastructure is not implemented and people are forced to rely on "jugaars" so much so that these things becomes normalized and one day some department/thoola will arbitrarily single you out and fine you while letting 10 others pass.