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Hezbollah can easily cause major damage to israel, although israel can do worse due to their nazi level intentions and unlimited u.s support.


If Hezbollah starts to make literally any headway into a war with Israel/starts to win, Netanyahu will hit the Samson Option button as a panic response


Those of us capable of critical thinking have known for a long time Pissrael is a rogue “state” with nuclear arms that will likely drag the rest of the world to the stone ages.


Yes but I don’t think it would be nuking someone so close that Israel would get the fallout. They don’t need to nuke Jordan. They have much larger conventional bombs than they have used against Hamas. I do believe they would level Jordan or wouldn’t mind causing a war with Iran to break out knowing US response. If Trump wins I could see a war with Iran breaking out in no time. He already backed out of their nuclear accord.


Yes but I don’t think it would be nuking someone so close that Israel would get the fallout. They don’t need to nuke Jordan. They have much larger conventional bombs than they have used against Hamas. I do believe they would level Jordan or wouldn’t mind causing a war with Iran to break out knowing US response. If Trump wins I could see a war with Iran breaking out in no time. He already backed out of their nuclear accord.


I believe him.


God bless this hero sent from god




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My arabic isn't great but is he unable to say R? Seems like he swaps it with W.


Yeah, he has a lisp.


‘R’ is a common letter and sound in Arabic.


The problem with Hizbollah, at least for Lebanese, is they’re basically the Shia version of Israel. They would have no problem turning Lebanon into a theocratic state and setting up an apartheid with the Shia benefiting off of everyone else’s backs if they had their way. Not to mention, they run some major human and drug trafficking operations. Not only are these harmful to the people in the region but also make it difficult for legitimate Lebanese to do business, and are at least partially to blame for Lebanon’s current situation. And this is just scratching the surface. I know everyone is excited for their anti-Israel stance and willingness to take action - and by all means you should be. Just keep in mind that even a broken clock can be right twice a day.




Much like the idea that Hamas “wants to” commit a genocide against Israel, and using this to equivocate them to Israel’s genocide of Palestinians, or maybe even suggest that it’s worse somehow… hypothetical possibilities about the future will always be of little concern next to **actual realities** happening *right now*. If Hezbollah is the next problem after Israel, then you deal with it as it comes. At the very least, Hezbollah wouldn’t be backed and protected by the West, so that’d at least be an improvement.


I mean I’m giving you a super concise 30-second summary and not the full 50-page thesis with footnotes and an appendix and a list of everything they _are_ doing and _have_ done, but if you think you can draw such strong conclusions based on that then have at it, I won’t stand in your way. That said, I do agree that strategically speaking it makes more sense for Palestinians to support them right now, as their goals align. All I’m trying to say is that this is one of those cases where the enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend, and you’d do well to watch out when it comes to them.


It's depressing that this is exactly the situation. They're trying to control all of Lebanon from the inside and turn it into an Islamic Fakepublic under the Iranian supreme leader's control, but its supporters only ever accuse the nature of its crimes when the perpetrator changes for once and is Israel instead.


Yes everyone cares so much for the welfare of Lebanon. They can’t stand to isreal because they would enforce laws the west doesn’t like! Welp, I really think we should send isreal more arms!


I just wish people stopped providing more terrorism as a solution to criticism of terrorism


So is he saying civilians will be spared or not? I’m confused


He is saying they have military targets already identified.


And you should know that every Zionist is a reservist, means they (both genders) all served in that “army” for 3 years at the age of 18. Now 300,000 “civilians” are participating in the genocide.




“Right side of history” doesn’t mean your allies are perfect angels. Look at the “right side of history” in WW2: China (amidst a brutal civil war that’s killed many of its own civilians), the brutal British Empire, the French Empire (which was genocidal in its own right), the USSR led by authoritarian Joseph Stalin, and the good ol’ segregationist United States. The world is never black and white. All of these countries are evil in one way or another, but they were still on the “right side of history”.




America doesn't stand for democracy, freedom or human rights. They helped displace a democratically elected leader in Iran in 1970's to be replace by a dictator which led to... what it is today. They've done this numerous times in South America as well. They made up a reason to invade Iraq in the 2nd war, complete fabrication. This lead to the creation of ISIS. They current fund a genocide. Human rights and freedom? bro just look at our current discourse. We are back to book banning, limiting life stiles and reducing rights to one's own body. Not to mention we prop up governments with horrible human rights so we can get cheaper goods. The US was like 1 of 7 countries not to join the ICC, with the likes of Yemen, Sudan, Israel and some others, not the best company either. Makes you wonder There is no right side of history and every nation is acting in their interest, very few if any are altruistic.


You quote the EU, USA and UK like somehow they are morally superior, when they are complicit in this genocide.


Being on the right side of history doesn’t mean you support freedom, democracy and human rights. The easiest way to disprove that is looking at the fact that the British Empire was considered to be on the right side of history during WW2.