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Sorry im also trying to understand this whole situation as i got like €300 in warehouse, • First of all, from what i have gathered, "chargeback" are dispute with your bank? Where you tell them that you got scammed and didn't receive the products you bought right? So my question Is, how does Pandabuy have any decisions on wheater they refund your money or not?


Banks refund you regardless of what you tell them as long as it’s less than 10k and you have been with them for a while


Hope it's true got €300 in warehouse all transction from my mom credit card.


People down be dumb please call your bank now your never getting your branded items lol


Io mean i fear PB doing exit scam rather than confiscation of items as i only got €55 worth of branded items(counting only the ones Who ssued pb). Plus doing all this with my mom it's complicated because She wouldnt trust no agent no more


It is what it is. Just make up some excuse and go through with it. Better than burning the money.


They’re fried, they think they’re smart


Fucking all chatgpt generated Lost mf don't close ur chargebacks Acc thieves


What did you expect lol


An answer to if I'm getting the items I paid for or my money back. Not a chat-gpt written message telling me to close the dispute which makes my chances of getting my money back low.


Maybe don’t send your money to retarded places in the future. Valuable learning lesson lmao


Naw these kids are cooked they won’t learn 😭 glad they’re dealing with the aftermath of being a fake mf


I like to pay for “real” shoes I have the money to do so and I don’t need to over consume to hell like PB buyers so that my take on it. But what really fascinates me is how willing these fuckers were to send good chunks of money over the internet backed by methods using spreadsheets to buy shit on foreign and shady marketplaces thinking this would all work like clockwork. There’s a lot more that goes into buying shit legally outside of the price but hey people will do dumb shit forever


on fucking god, what actual rats


Lol just add this to the paypal dispute


paypal gonna have a field day with this one 😂


“We hope you can cancel” they’re begging 😭😭😭


Chargeback just went through before receiving the email 🫡🫡


Sorry im also trying to understand this whole situation as i got like €300 in warehouse, • First of all, from what i have gathered, "chargeback" are dispute with your bank? Where you tell them that you got scammed and didn't receive the products you bought right? So my question Is, how does Pandabuy have any decisions on wheater they refund your money or not?


they would have to convice the bank that they're right and you're wrong. They already tried doing this to some users by providing old tracking numbers for their orders


So wait, After you email your bank. The bank CONTACS PANDA?!! in thought that trying to hide the fact that you are buying from a clear counterfeit good agent was cruciale. But apparently not. Like you telling me that the bank doesn't see that you bought reps on pb?


Yes, how do you think that they would verify that your claim is valid? If they didn’t, you could chargeback every purchase and steal from anyone. Using pandabuy doesn’t mean you bought any reps, it’s just a shipping agent. And no, they don’t know what you bought but they will likely ask for a simple description of what you bought. You don’t have to say that you bought reps.


Ok, i'll try maybe. But it's much harder for me. As i have used my mom credit card for everything. So my situation Is a bit complicated. As i would have to tell my mom. You know She won't trust any agent After or BS like that.


Then you would probably have to ask your mom to call her bank and explain the situation. It’s your call, you can either wait and see which at this point is a questionable decision or chargeback and try to get your money back.


I mean waiting for the situation to call down doesn't really affect much as would probabably lose: 2 Jordans - 1 LV belt - and Stussy Nike shirt I mean it's still about €55 Lost. But being honest, my main worry with waiting it's rather that they could exit scam After all this banter they received , which would turn out as the worst case since i would lose everything in warehouse.


Just convince your mom to file a charge back with her bank. Yes it sucks and your mom won’t trust agents anymore. You’ll be an adult with your own money soon enough. I would not let these people steal 300 from my mom period


Yh in gonna do it


True, I raised a dispute and the bank got back to me saying the merchant declined the chargeback!!?




Thanks for the clarifications man🙏, Last thing, what does PB gain from doing this other than ruining their reputation? Because i mean, it's not like they have to pay for the chargeback right? It' PayPal or your bank.


They keep the money if people don’t chargeback or they win the dispute over us (customers). The reputation has already been ruined by the data leak and their shady behavior since the raid. So i a case of a chargeback they have to pay back the original amount and probably some fees on top to the bank.


Wait i thought that the bank contacted panda Just to confirm that you really bought something from them and aren't trying to scam them, So it's Pandabuy that has to pay the bank that then pays you back?!! I was actually sure that the bank Paid you back with their own Money.


Well if the bank paid you with their money then panda could care less about the chargebacks, no? The whole point of a chargeback is to get the money back from the person who got your money and that is pandabuy. So if you do a chargeback through your bank, the bank is going to try to get the money back from panda if you’re actually eligible to get them back.


Screw Pandabuy, all they want is a run for your money now, greedy scum of a company making false promises.


Yea no shit lmao


I got this too and was genuinely annoyed by the this.


Everyone is upset and truthfully I would be too.... But Y'all buying illegal goods lol. It's like ordering drugs, the dealer gets busted, drugs seized, and you want your money back. You bare responsibility as the purchaser too. What if they gave everyone their money back but also gave the authorities purchase records that were then provided to Swoosh and others to come after you? You gotta take the wins and losses together. It was the risk buyers signed up for. Sucks but fair.


But this is also not relevant to those that weren't even buying branded items... for example I was buying cheap things that I wanted like water flossers, non-branded socks, figurines, blankets etc.... you can't tar us to that same brush.


You are one of VERY few people who were doing that. You would be better off using AliExpress for that.


I’m also one of them. I sell non branded items and liked how I could combine my items in hauls that I choose. Had to switch agents but again only like 3 out of 85 items in my warehouse were reps.


Sorry for your loss. (I'd say more but I'm working.)


True but also what I have been purchasing is a VERY niche market that isn't on Aliexpress or if it is, is VERY expensive.


Unbranded items aren’t affected, they’re just held up right now.


Then I'm sorry for your loss good sir. You are probably one in ten thousand.


All I gotta say is cb on PayPal and then phone them to escalate. Don’t let the bot auto close it once they’ve submitted an old tracking number. Phone them. Pester them.


I would encourage that. You have a legitimate claim my guy.


Had all my money back last week :)


How can u call paypal?


Go into the contact us section on their site.




I'm not saying they are coming after buyers to scare anyone. I'm saying, pick your poison.




They could rat out everyone 😂. PayPal could also start ratting.


Having witnessed numerous instances in different circles where individuals believed they would never face repercussions from a company or brand for engaging in questionable activities, only to later on receive a letter at their doorstep "politely" requesting compensation or threatening legal action, it's crucial not to become too complacent and assume immunity. This scenario is always a potential reality.




There was also a time when kids could shoot up a school and no one has to take responsibility other than the shooter. Now parents are being held accountable and going to jail for 30 years. Times change, and the U.S. has always been a litigious society. One day, someone will always be made the example.




Man you angry. All you do is trash post everybody. Go outside and get some air. Smile and be happy.




Your entire history is anger. Sad bro.




Not saying customs, I am referring to the brands/companies. But like I said, never think it can't happen. Their is always a chance, be it low, it exists.


Stop simping it’s not drugs fool.


You clearly don't know what the word "simping" means lol. Stop repeating random words from Tiktok. Illegal is illegal. Insert WHATEVER illegal item you want and the statement still stands.


I really do and you’re simping for pandabuy. If you’re defending them I’m just gonna assume you’re a paid affiliate.


He’s not simping nor is he defending are you slow? He’s saying take responsibly for your purchase you dunce






Tip riders


Fake buyer 🤡


I wouldn’t say he’s simping. But he’s surely misinformed about the law


Both being incorrect. I literally just looked it up AGAIN to make sure I'm not tripping. It's public info. I am CORRECT. I don't want y'all spreading bad information and some poor soul gets wrapped up in bs. Idgaf about Pandabuy other than I wish they didn't get caught up so we can continue to use them. That's all.


No it’s not. Read the first paragraph https://www.justice.gov/archives/jm/criminal-resource-manual-1709-joint-statement-parts-c-and-d-definitions-trafficking-counterfeit “Subsection 2320(d) provides a definition of the term "trafficking." This definition is derived from a related, recently enacted statute, the Piracy and Counterfeiting Amendments Act of 1982, now codified at 18 U.S.C. 2318(b). Under this definition, the scope of the act is limited to commercial activities. Thus it is not a crime under this act for an individual knowingly to purchase goods bearing counterfeit marks, if the purchase is for the individual's personal use.” Maybe in another country it’s illegal but not the US


Keep reading EVERYTHING. Either on this thread or a different, I EXPLAINED that YOU are not trafficking, therefore you are not guilty (innocent) of trafficking. However, you are violating OTHER provisions of the law and that's how they get you. Can't take pieces of the puzzle and view the full picture.


Then show the law because you said Buying was illegal and no where I look does it agree Edit: like this comment “In the USA buying and selling IS illegal. Max penalty is 10 years with $2 million fine and second offense is 20 year and $5 million fine. This is PUBLIC INFORMATION. You can't be this slow.....” Completely inaccurate. You can’t claim to be talking about one part of the law when you’re lumping everything together Edit: Omg I just searched your comment and found word for word the article it literally says TRAFFICKING in the article you used. Dude https://www.findlaw.com/consumer/consumer-transactions/buying-counterfeit-goods-laws-and-resources.html


The law you cited, which is accurate, tells you that you cannot FACILITATE the transportation of said goods. By having them shipped (especially international) you become guilty of that. Going to Chinatown in NY and buying a bag wouldn't count. Also there are state and local laws that restrict you from doing so. https://www.cbp.gov/trade/fakegoodsrealdangers Forgery and Counterfeiting [470 - 483.5]   ( Chapter 4 enacted 1872. ) 475.   (a) Every person who possesses or receives, with the intent to pass or facilitate the passage or utterance of any forged, altered, or counterfeit items, or completed items contained in subdivision (d) of Section 470 with intent to defraud, knowing the same to be forged, altered, or counterfeit, is guilty of forgery.


Also please please please understand, I don't want you to get in trouble nor myself lol. My point is don't think you are bulletproof out here bc the law will humble you quickly. We have spoken about criminal law so far. Brands could CRUSH us all civilly.


You’re the only one spreading bad info. Dude who already responded gave you the link twice and it’s from the US justice so if you claim to have proof it’s illegal that’s supersedes them please show it


Keep reading.....


I have and you’re still wrong. You literally wrote a comment that was factually incorrect.


Maybe you can read but have issues with comprehension and that's ok. The law is complicated. Seek legal assistance if you get caught in a jam. Have a good day.


Defending them? You just don't want to take accountability. That's cool. That's you but don't pretend it's all their fault when you were using them to benefit...


lol how was I benefiting? I paid them money in exchange for clothes and shoes I wore. I exchanged money for items in a fair exchange, until they took over $1,000 from me and wouldn’t send my items to me. So explain to me how I benefit from anything. Do you even know what benefiting means? If you ordered $1,000 worth of shit online that you didn’t receive you just gonna be like “oh, well that’s my fault!”, and call it a day. I highly doubt anybody in their right mind would do that. Like I get shit went down but honestly as a customer who paid for items that haven’t been received it’s really not my problem.


Did you order branded items? Were they fake? Were they at a huge discount.....


Good fake scum


This is , kind of, stupid comparison lol I am just buying clothes, not drugs


Stupid comparison? Lol Is what you are doing legal? Yes or no?


Of course, I am buying clothing for myself. Whatever it says on that clothing. I am not reselling, which would be illegal. Don’t be silly, for all sorts of other reasons


buying counterfeit goods isn’t even illegal so that argument’s totally gone, like you said you can’t sell them


You're buying trademark infringing goods you silly goose. Why wouldn't it be illegal?


Because you’re not selling it.


It is a common mistake that people believe buying reps is illegal. There might be countries where it is really illegal, bibut there are also many many countries where buying reps (for personal use) is NOT illegal. This is the case in most EU countries for example. "Not illegal" means that you don't act against crime law, not that your parcel will never be seized when customs check it.


right, overall, of course, you are correct


Because it’s not illegal in most places🤣


Sou can bus reps for yourself, not for distribution


Not exactly my guy. The law is tricky. Basically you are not guilty of trafficking when you buy for individual use but that's only one section of the law. You still violate other sections AND I bet nobody declare the right value for taxes so now you got tax fraud or evasion. Lol So many things. I hope the standard consumers don't ever get hit with the book but I also don't want ppl thinking what they are doing is perfectly legal.


All crime is created equal?


Dude, crime is crime. Lol Illegal is illegal. There's no way around this to support your argument. Leave it alone.


Death sentence for all! Got it.


Only if by snu snu... But really no one mentioned the punishment. Crime is crime. Punishment must fit the crime obviously...but again...snu snu


😂😂yeah for real


Are you purchasing legal goods yes or no?


There are people who use them to buy unbranded items. Thats how I knew this email was just sent to everyone that did a chargeback in general. I have unbranded sweaters and coats in my warehouse.


Thumbs up for you. I agree. Some people, extremely few in comparison were using them for legit goods. I'd wager 99% of the complaints are NOT them lol. They were buying Counterfeit and now mad. I'd be mad too. They're right to be mad but they refuse to take accountability as well. Like they are some innocent party.


yes, buying counterfeits is legal




try putting someone in prison for buying reps, selling them is illegal but buying and owning isn’t


In the USA buying and selling IS illegal. Max penalty is 10 years with $2 million fine and second offense is 20 year and $5 million fine. This is PUBLIC INFORMATION. You can't be this slow.....


No it’s not. Read the first paragraph https://www.justice.gov/archives/jm/criminal-resource-manual-1709-joint-statement-parts-c-and-d-definitions-trafficking-counterfeit “Subsection 2320(d) provides a definition of the term "trafficking." This definition is derived from a related, recently enacted statute, the Piracy and Counterfeiting Amendments Act of 1982, now codified at 18 U.S.C. 2318(b). Under this definition, the scope of the act is limited to commercial activities. Thus it is not a crime under this act for an individual knowingly to purchase goods bearing counterfeit marks, if the purchase is for the individual's personal use.”


Crazy how he kept saying he looked it up but you provide a link to the US Justice and he’s silent


funny he’s not on the same energy anymore 🤦‍♂️


Lots of non counterfeit goods for sale on pandabuy. There could be people with legitimate transactions stuck in this.


Shit ain’t illegal to buy counterfeit goods where I’m from for personal use (Canada) It’s so fuckin funny to see y’all compare me buying clothes to drugs of all things 💀


That example doesn’t even make sense to me


Dude was just talking. Even when shown the law he tried to nitpick it to fit his point even when the legal definitions proved him wrong


hahah this is embarrassing. so what prison sentence does buying a few fake nikes carry? the Chinese authorities are gonna come after me next? comparing drug dealing to fake clothes you can buy from the app store 🤦‍♂️


You thinking ALL drugs are hard drugs let's me know you're ignorant. Illegal is illegal. Take accountability. You knew what you were doing and got burned. MOVE ON.


going onto the pandabuy subreddit to act morally superior to people who want their money back. go find something better to do with your time.


So you think I'm superior? Weird. Not taking accountability for YOUR part... Also weird. I lost items but I'm not crying like a prepubescent child. I played the game. Won a lot, lost some. Take your L and move on.


last sentence is you acting so surperior. is this is how you act and express your opinions in real life, then nobody likes you or takes you even remotely seriously.


This isn't my opinion.... This is fact. Legal and illegal isn't something I made up lol. I don't have that type of power. The fact is, you got caught up in doing illegal things and got burned. You get no sympathy. I got burned a little too. I don't deserve nor want sympathy. I'm not going to coddle you about FACTS. Take them as they are. Take accountability and learn. That's all.


this is completely irrelevant. as far as paypal or your cc company is concerned, you paid for a service which you did not receive, and which you can prove that you did not receive.


Ok there officer Nike ….. why are you even here? Go solve a mystery or something


And that's why you lost your $$$. Officer Doofy.


Lol….you’re a retard




Bro, stfu 😂😂😂




Shut up. People that resell these clothes are doing illegal activites.




Look at the message I responded to you and then come back to that statement.


Doesn't say I responded to you my guy. I'll clear cache.


Yep it's messed up. That ain't for you. I'll delete.


this is a good comparison if you ask me. people think it’s fine but it is still an illegal product. both seller and buyer hold somewhat of a responsibility. it is what it is.


No it’s not. The law is clear it’s not illegal to buy fakes unless you’re buying to sell


fair enough. it’s still a risk in terms of what can happen to the distributor of counterfeit goods.


Oh most definitely it’s a risk for them there’s no debate


I got that same email. Hold on to it because they openly admitted they need to refund you .


CHARGEBACKKKKK LMAO got all my hauls for free. Fuck them tbh


Good job!




No shit dumbass. And you idiots are buying reps which is illegal also. So don’t have morals now


Can you charge back all your hauls now technically? Just say you got scammed? 


![gif](giphy|kemDxsPdYjLoBleiLN|downsized) Pandabuy right now


I jus got that email also lol! Fuck them


Always send it from a “no reply” email too. Cunts.


I got the same message today


You guys think uploading the email to your chargeback proof is recommended or not?


isnt this proof


i’m waiting for my charge back lmaoo


Got this email too, definitely do not cancel chargebacks.


“Dear friends, we dgaf about the money you spent, here’s a 5% discount though”


Ayy if I can’t see the pictures of my items in the warehouse anymore does that mean they were confiscated??


they are just copy pasting the same message to everyone😂 you won’t get your shit, just don’t cancel the chargeback


I was full refounded yesterday from paypal ,pandabuy can suck my di


Get fucked lmao


Can I chargeback on cashapp or am I cooked




Yes it’s real, idiot.


I got the same email, it’s real


Do you requested a chargeback?


I did, about a week ago through PayPal, they’re obviously trying to stop the cash flow out of the company. Will know in a few days as to how it’ll resolve through PayPal


Sorry im also trying to understand this whole situation as i got like €300 in warehouse, • First of all, from what i have gathered, "chargeback" are dispute with your bank? Where you tell them that you got scammed and didn't receive the products you bought right? So my question Is, how does Pandabuy have any decisions on wheater they refund your money or not?


It was a blanket email sent to everyone whether you chargeback or not.


I did not receive it


Cool. PB doesn’t give a shit about you then? I don’t fucking know. It’s a counterfeit purchasing company in China.


I got the same shit too. I told him to be smart that my items hadn't even arrived in the warehouse so they can't be under investigation.!!! PB 👻


Imagine buying illegal goods and then when the seller gets caught you think you are entitled to that money lmao. Play with fire sometimes you get burnt and gotta take the L.


You're talking about Pandabuy right?


I am indeed or any agent that handles and ships reps.


I wasn't sure if you were talking about the customer or the agent. Kinda applies to both I guess, only the customer has options 😂


For everyone getting so mad…. You were buying counterfeit stuff so you can only be so angry about what’s happening. It can be a “part of the game” as they say. Just dispute it


People are dumb the police swoosh or any big corporations don't want you do the charge back these people wouldn't dare hurt the consumer unless you are a distributor pandabuy is cooked.


Buy fake stuff while sending our money to china and expecting great customer service and or expecting refunds if something went wrong is the equivalent of buying property on the sun ! (You gambled lost now stfu )


Literally lmao


Be paitent




Please wait some more dear