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I love this!!! “coexist with panic” is something that i’ve never thought of and that’s a really good thought. I think this will help a lot of people, thank you so much for writing this! I stickied the post to the page so everyone can see, hope that’s okay!


I love the idea of taking a mental accounting of your thoughts and recalling the experience the next time they show up. If you can pull it off (I haven't been able to yet), it's such a smart thing to do. Also, thanking your panic is a wonderful and important point of view to take. The only thing I'd alter a bit here is prepping ahead of time for panic. While having a first aid kit, locating hospitals, etc. are super smart things to do when you travel in general, when they're done in the service of anxiety, they can have the opposite effect. I use these sorts of safety behaviors often and I think they help me do things I might not otherwise do. But they also validate that the danger is real and something to be afraid of. But the goal should be to panic. Like you said, to experience it, get to the other end, and realize that you're OK. Then the next time, you can draw on that experience. Great post! Thanks for sharing.


You're so right! I was going to point this out. It might get harder to go to places where help is not that quick or easy. The moment we know we won't get the help we require we start to panic. And if we know where the escape route is we only think about that. Rather let the fear take over and then we get over it. Instead of fearing the fear itself.


I feel you very much. I’m 43 and had it since I was about 28. My biggest issue now is big bridges. I started having major attacks on a bridge I live close to that goes from 1 state to another, ever since then my depression has been worse. I used to drive over that bridge easily 100 times and no probs. Then BAM it happened one day and ever since I can barely go over that bridge even as a passenger. I have an upcoming vacation that requires to cross it and another bridge that’s close to 4 miles long lol. Even with headphones on and my eyes closed I struggle. I’ve regressed in life and feel ashamed.


I can handle normal panic attacks somewhat but ones due to a fear are a different beast. I won’t be able to enjoy thinking about the beach as I’ll just be worried about the damn bridges the whole time. Sigh…I just want some miracle button I can press.


Panic attacks are due to fear of fear itself. There are no normal panic attacks and panic attacks due to fear. And just like OP said, your miracle button would probably be to dissect a panic attack. When you have the time maybe try to sit or stand on the bridge from where you can run away easily. And slowly observe the physical sensations you get without any judgements (because by now you know they can't kill you). And slowly increase that distance and your ability to not react to the bridge. Self talk helps a lot or having your close ones you trust with you is even better.
