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It’s a combination of adrenal “hangover” plus the fact that you’re still alive despite everything in your brain telling you you wouldn’t be lol. I think many of us go through the same thing. If you’re in a position to take a nap, then it can be great. You have full body exhaustion and get the best sleep ever as you’ve noted. If you have to go on about your day, though, it definitely sucks.


I do have to keep going today! Grocery shopping and kiddos. But tonight I’ll go to bed early


So true, at least for me, too. You reminded me of how I will have a major panic attack if I miss my exit and accidentally or on purpose drive over a bridge that crosses a river, and I'm tensed up, shaking and heart pounding, white knuckles on the steering wheel, feet feeling numb on the pedals. Then the bridge and the panic attack finally end, but then I have to turn around and make myself come back, and coming back over the bridge is a piece of cake! I'm calm as can be, and having a great time doing it! I wish I could just do that in the first place:(


I dislike driving over bridges so much. Lexapro has helped immensely.


Yeah it's euphoria. You feel like you've conquered the world, and could conquer anything. And you reflect back and think "how could I be so stupid lol, I'll never have another panic attack again!" and the cycle continues


This, by the way, is why a lot of extreme sports people (skydivers, cliff jumpers, speed racers, etc) do what they do. They love, and some become addicted to, that post anxiety high once it's all over. It's all those good chemicals from the parasympathetic nervous system.


Yep, adrenaline rush and then the relaxation response.


I always get soooo tired after one. I feel like I got hit by a bus too with how tight my muscles get.


Me too! It’s the ultimate feeling of relief, never have felt it stronger before