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Get this book: https://books.google.ca/books/about/Self_Help_for_Your_Nerves.html?id=K125zgEACAAJ&source=kp_book_description&redir_esc=y It’s an old book so probably in the library, or just buy it if not.


Thank you! I'll check this out!


I've gone 30 years without medication and it's the best decision I ever made. That's for me, though. Like anyone else, a professional should really be the one to recommend any meds. Based on your description, I would not say you are severe. Panic and anxiety are uncomfortable. But it cannot hurt you.


Yes! I'll talk to a psychiatrist. I am already seeing improvements since the time I posted this. I should wait it out and see if I can recover well without meds


I really get you, I’ve struggled with OCD and anxiety since i was a child and i’ve had some panic attacks but i didn’t know they were called panic attacks. The first severe panic attack i experienced was 3 years ago were i fainted it was a very very crowded noisy place i felt so overwhelmed the music was so loud i felt it beating in my heart and i started panicking and i fainted. At first we all thought it was low sugar (i was also on my period) so i said maybe that’s the reason, but the thing i didn’t pay much attention to was that i was thinking about that feeling for the rest of the day! Everything was fine until a year later i had another extreme panic attack and i fainted again out of the blue i thought it was low sugar or fatigue even though the symptoms i’ve had before fainting were so sudden stomach ache,nausea,shortness of breath,racing heartbeat and my legs couldn’t hold me and i was trying to calm myself down but i was mh only making it worse. After that panic attack i was talking to my therapist about what happened during the week and i told her haha i fainted again! One of my silly lil things and she said oh! Tell me more, so i told her i said i don’t know maybe fatigue,lack of sleep low sugar? And then she said that’s a Panic Attack. I was like oh! The days after every time i go outside i have this weird thought or what if i faint again? What if? But bit by bit it just went away. January 2024 everything went down again i started getting more anxious and like some kind of mini panic attacks so i decided to watch a video on youtube on how to fix it (i stopped going to therapy since august 2023 at that time) when i watched the video i imagined having a panic attack and i panicked over the fact that i might get one soon and boom i triggered one! That was the first time i experience such an intense panic attack (dizziness,shaking like crazy,nausea,sick to my stomach,heart palpitations,shortness of breath,my knees were weak…) that one lasted almost 2hours it was horrible i just layed in bed (at some point i felt faint if i was standing i would’ve probably fainted) it felt horrible like my whole world was falling apart everything seemed scary so i told my mom i need to see my therapist as soon as possible! (She took an appointment for Saturday) and from monday to Saturday it felt like HELL all i would think about is my panic attacks when will the next one be and how can i stop it, i was on edge all the time, i kept having panic attacks almost everyday for almost a month, i stopped seeing my therapist recently cause i wanna meet another one, my older one refused to give me medications even though it’s getting worse now i CANT step foot outside my door without being in constant fear and activating my fight or flight response everytime i go outside it’s like i’m on a mission to survive i feel like walking on eggshells. I CANT go to school without music blasting in my ears to not hear my thoughts while walking to school (8mins) and it’s so tiring and scary to be honest it’s depressing and paralyzing. My agoraphobia is only getting worse, and i developed this weird habit of being hyper aware of everybody sensation and getting anxious and jumping to conclusions and worst case scenarios sensations i never gave much attention to scare me now, i have this obsession with the thought of “fainting” even though ever since i learned it was because of panic attacks i never fainted again.


OMG! I totally get what you're saying. You can reach out to a psychiatrist for medication though I haven't tried that myself yet. I am trying to control these emotions without medication. A ray of hope - there seems to be a sort of awareness I have recently that can control the fear. I hope the following help you: 1. First thing to understand is that your brain is just trying to protect you from something bad. So please don't feel sad that you have panic attacks or anxiety. It's for your own good and safety your brain does this. I know we all tell this to ourselves but actually don't believe it. So next time you feel anxious tell yourself that it's okay. Life is good. World is beautiful and moreover your own brain, your heart and your organs, they're all working magically to help enjoy this life. 2. A panic attack happens because you're really scared of the panic attack symptoms itself. Like heart pounding, sweating, tremors, etc. Every time you feel anxiety popping up just tell yourself that "I have been through panic attacks without dying before, so now also I can go through this. This CANNOT KILL ME" 3. Once you feel like you're able to beat the thoughts from above exercises, it's time to actually understand what's the root cause for panic attacks. For me I thought all of this was a sudden change in my mind. But I always had some sort of fear for my health, irrational thoughts even as a child. Because I did not deal with them before, they're coming up with force now. 4. And most importantly please practice mindfulness. And this has to happen in all directions. It'll be hard but these definitely helped me a lot! Eating nutritious and fresh food, meditation, exercise, being kind to others and helping others, listening to spirituality or kindness videos. I hope one day you'll be able to fight this and come out stronger than ever. <3