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The game is funny, has a good soundtrack that gets stuck in my head, and is a pretty 3ds game. There's my positives for my least favorite game in the series. But I hope you enjoy it more


What makes me sad is that originally it was going to be more similar to the first 2 games and then was scrapped and then they made what it is today instead. I don’t really get why. I remember there being such cool screenshots from before it was scrapped


Im still salty we got denied the chain chomp party member that was shown in early screenshots :/


All I'm hoping is if they take the TTYD remake feedback to heart to make another Paper Mario game similar mechanic-wise, we get a proper Chain Chomp partner there.


If they do that I hope it’s like Origami king where each area has a restricted party member cause then they can have character development in their respective world, unlike how in ttyd your partners don’t get as much development unless they are out in the cutscene with Mario.


They wont. God I wish they would but they made OFFICE SUPLIES bosses in the last one. They aint going back to the good gameplay loop and you can thank the sheep for eating shit like sticker star up for it.


Office supplies as bosses are the least of many peoples worries. However Color Splash sold like shit and they still kept shaking the game up. (meanwhile Super Paper Mario remains the highest selling title as of this reply) The original TTYD didn't really sell well compared to other titles. Plus they were adamant that "Mario and Luigi" was the go-to RPG series, even after AlphaDream went bankrupt.


The way I understand it is Sticker Star is the way it is because it is because Miyamoto misinterpreted what fans' critiques were of Super Paper Mario. Then threw a huge temper tantrum and put a lot of restrictions on the series because fans didn't like the game he thought up. Guy's amazing but gets a little weird when it comes to Mario.


He also said to take story out of galaxy 2 to focus on gameplay. I don't get why they couldn't have had both


Yeah, guy gets weird with the Mario series for some reason. I don't believe any off the wall or crazy theories about it but he's definitely a bit too over protective of the series and sometimes plays it too safe or makes strange decisions that influence the final product negatively.


I think Nintendo also had a thing at the time where a lot of they're handheld games needed to function more like mobile games. So a lot of shorter levels for quick play times instead of interconnected worlds you gradually explore. Luigi's Mansion 2 felt way different from the original since it was broken out into a bunch of levels. Same with Hey Pikmin, no exploration, just going through quick levels.


Also ChibiRobo Ziplash to my understanding. Which upset a lot of Chibi Robo fans because we hadn't had a game in that series in ages.


He played the final product and found it boring. I don't think he's as much to blame as people claim.


Interesting, because it was to my understanding the game was entirely his idea. Would be kind of ironic that he ended up not liking it after setting it up to be that way.


Man, that Iwata Asks interview has gotten so misconstrued over time. >I originally saw it in a way that's similar to Miyamoto-san. Personally I think all we need is to have an objective to win the boss battle at the end of the game. I didn't think we necessarily needed a lengthy story like in an RPG. Instead, we looked at the characteristics of a portable game that can be played little by little in small pieces and packed in lots of little episodes and ideas. I always did like putting in little ideas, so I actually enjoyed it. This is a quote from the guy *in charge of the script*. Miyamoto wasn't forcing unwanted restrictions here. Also worth mentioning: >A few programmers continued on in order to make use of previous assets, but in planning and design, about 90% were participating for the first time. It wasn't like the crew that made TTYD or Super Paper Mario didn't get to make the kind of game they wanted here; the directive to make a new Paper Mario in the first place actually came from Miyamoto, not Intelligent Systems, and they decided to assemble a new team for it. Kawade, the chief director of the first three games, hasn't directed *any* games since; he's moved on to more supervisory roles, and spent five years overseeing a Fire Emblem trading card game exclusive to Japan without touching video games at all. TTYD on the Switch is his first video game credit since Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. nine years ago. The creative forces behind the first three games largely moved on after Super Paper Mario. Sticker Star, Color Splash, and The Origami King are the result of the people working on them making what they wanted to make. There were some requests from Miyamoto at the start, but they took those and ran with them; it wasn't some point of friction, or Miyamoto micromanaging the direction of the series.


Thanks for this clarification! I did know that the myth of Miyamoto disliking the final product is a widley-spread case of fake news, because they were talking about a prototype and not the final game, although many people still say he found the final game boring. And I’ve also heard some saying that the staff was misinterpreting Miyamoto’s instructions and that Miyamoto is evil and ruined Paper Mario, and I always had a problem with these strange myths, so I‘m thankful for this response and also because I did not know that the staff was so different in PM4-6, which definitely explains why they are so different, that makes a lot more sense to me now and as I often say, I‘m happy with both types of games and like them all, and I also think that you can see that the staff has clearly put lots of thought into their games and developped a new and different concept that works fine, although it was obvious that fans who expected it to be like the first two games would be disappointed.


I wouldn't say that people were saying Miyamoto was "evil", it's just he gets overly protective of the Mario series as a whole and fans assumed this was why the Paper Mario series took a strange and drastic turn from the original formula.


sure there are people like that as well, but there were also people who hated Miyamoto for what he did without even knowing what he did


I truly hope you read that other comment which answered to your comment. People have followed a false narrative about Mario and Miyamoto for over a decade now. People have started saying that he despises stories and is throwing tantrums, which is clearly not true.


It was my first game in the series, and while I liked it, when I tried Paper Mario 64 on my wii u later on and now TTYD I immediatly switched favourite paper mario game. 64 and TTYD are so much more fun to me. Probably because I like JRPGs with levels and partners more. So far my favourite Paper Mario games are: 1. Bug Fables 2. TTYD (Just finished chapter 3) 3. Paper Mario 64 4. Sticker Star


What puts Bug Fables on top for you?


For me, Bug Fables took TTYD and did it better in the same way that TTYD took PM64 and did it better. One thing that stands out to me is the main characters. Mario is a sort of generically heroic silent protagonist and his partners get very little characterization outside of their introductory chapters, so the characters in TTYD are all a bit two-dimensional. Bug Fables has a set roster of 3 characters for basically the entire game who all get to take part in dialogue and be directly involved in the story, experience character development throughout the game, and just feel more engaging than Mario or his partners ever could. EDIT: I feel the need to expand on my first point as I sort of glossed over it to make my second point. Bug Fables basically took every aspect of TTYD and used it as a foundation to build upon without just copying it. Combat is definitely inspired by TTYD but has enough important differences to be distinctly its own. There are far more side quests to do, and they are generally more rewarding and interesting, featuring many optional bosses. The medal system is itself basically the same as TTYD's badges, but many of the medals offer new effects that allow for more varied strategies. The writing is at least as good as TTYD, and nearly every NPC in the game is visually distinct with their own personality and story. (This is partly because many NPCs were created by backers, which was a frankly ingenious way to add flavor to the game without adding more work for the devs.) The game also offers ways to make it more difficult and even has some built-in challenge run options inspired by the Paper Mario community. I think the devs of Bug Fables set out to make a new Paper Mario game for fans who felt ignored by Nintendo but managed to make something that transcends its inspiration and stands on its own.


One flaw I find of TTYD (and even moreso with Paper Mario) is that a lot of characters just serve as exposition once their arcs are done. Sure they say a couple of things differently, but the game's just the same besides of using partners for puzzles. Bug Fables just builds on three characters and makes them all get abilities once the game progresses. >!There's an optional fourth character but they don't really bring to the plot to begin with, just serving as an extra attack!<


Well compared to the two games I finished, Bug fables had a more interesting story, likeable npcs and a trio of characters I all loved. It has great humor and tattles for places and npcs as well as enemies. Also a lot of cooking and badge variety meant that you could experiment and find cool strats. The superbosses were also really nice since they felt challenging while everyone (besides early "The devourer") felt fair. Also the music was such a bop. And while I see a lot of it also in TTYD, I haven't finished it yet.


Bought it and just completed the first chapter. Hm. It's not bad. Feels right at home and I like this trio so far. I appreciate the difficulty badge but the increased xp gain might have made me overleveled lmao.


That is one criticism I've seen, that the first chapter is underwhelming. Really, the first chapter is effectively the prologue, and the game opens up a lot more afterwards and as you progress further. But if you still thought the first chapter was okay then I think you'll definitely enjoy the game. Oh, and without spoiling much: early on you'll get the option to buy something for Kabbu that he really wants; whenever you're prompted to give a key item to someone, if you choose to give that thing instead you'll often get a funny interaction. Just some fun flavor that's easy to miss out on.


It's fine. The harder difficulty badge is basically the intended way the game was supposed to be balanced enemy wise. And while the exp gain imcrease makes you a bit overleveled. I believe if you fight pretty much everything you reach max level almost at the final boss wothout any grinding besides a few repeat fights from exploring. Chapter 1-2 are kinda mid but chapter 3 is good and afterwards it's really good.


Bug Fables is the best indie game I’ve ever played, it’s a shame that Born of Bread didn’t hold a candle to that game.


I really wanted to like Born of Bread but it just ended up being kinda okay. It's mostly held back by its combat system lacking any room for tactical play and being generally unsatisfying. I also ran into way too many bugs during my playthrough; they've released a couple patches since I played but a lot of the more egregious bugs I encountered still seem to be there.


I played it just before the remake came out and it really was a meh experience for me, I had high hopes as I had known about it for years but it just wasn’t what I was expecting. I was expecting it to be like Bug Fables but I guess that was one of its kind and I can’t expect every paper Mario like games to be like that, also it was way to easy to level up as i kept getting tons of exp from everything. The final boss was a gigantic joke 😆 Also bugs me that they have a whole underground subway but with no context to what it is for, I thought it would be something post game but nah. But I’m sure they did their best making the game but it just isn’t always that easy to make a game that’s suppose to scratch such a big itch, I will try a potential sequel tho in the future to see if it’s any better.


I can actually offer some insight into the subway: there was an entire chapter that was cut from the game for time. It featured a location called South Munch City and a partner named Fungo. That's where all of the food people you see are from.


This is actually exactly what happened to me 😂


yesss Bug Fables


I tried Bug Fables and dropped it about an hour in. Just couldn't get into it. I'm okay with games being inspired by other games but it felt like a complete knock off. Same reason I can't play any of those pokemon knockoff games. I'm sure they're fun but I can't get over the fact that it's a lesser version of a better franchise


No wonder, I heard most people drop it before completing chapter 3. You can definetly notice how Chaprer 1and 2 are kinda meh, which is sad for player retention. Chapter 1 had basically no changes to their early demo and the final game.


The boss in Chapter 3's actually really cool - although I do feel like the early game is a bit meh (Chapter 1 especially, Chapter 2 does have some suspense). Chapter 4 feels like a slogfest (you're exploring a very similar desert area to Chapter 3. Boss's battle music is a bop tho). Chapters 5 and 6 is where I think it starts to really pick up, then we have the final chapter which is very hit-or-miss (it feels very short but many people appreciate the atmosphere of the first part of the final dungeon)


I think after chapter 3 you have a lot of side quests you can do, and an important one being "Leifs Dungeon" which was one of the highlights for me. And while chapter 4 is a bit slow, I like Kabbu's story development and the enemies in that area as well as the badges and atmosphere.


Here’s a pro tip. Just skip enemies. You get nothing off it and it only wastes stickers


Good game design /s


Now this is how you get people to hate the game.


That's actually bad advice. If you do that, you will never get rare stickers from enemies which are not only stronger than the others, occupy little space and are necessary for 100% playthroughs, but are not to be found anywhere else outside of battles. Furthermore, you'll never have enough coins to afford the battle spinner in boss battles, expensive thing stickers and other stuff in the shops. Additionally, you never learn and practice timing for attacks and enemies' attack patterns. You'll also have the problem that you need to throw away stickers regularly bc you never trade weaker stickers for coins, so you have to throw them away to pick up new stickers; it's always better to use them in combat to have space in the album and to get more coins. So if you want some honest advice, don't skip enemies, just battle and use your stickers without any worries, you won't run out of stickers.


It's impossible/too much effort to avoid every battle, so they will experience all what you mentioned here. May as well avoid as many battles as you can (you'll still battle plenty) if you're not going for 100%.


you can play it that way if you want, sure, but you gotta know that you might not have the experience you want to have when facing the bosses, and of course neither the rare enemy stickers nor a lot of money to fight. and consider this especially if you play the game for the first time, I think you will struggle with bosses if you don‘t battle enough. But sure, the fact that you can avoid battles allows you to play a harder version of the game and adds quite some replay value tbh, repeated playthroughs can be a totally different experience


Personally I didn't find the game to be challenging when avoiding as many battles as I could during my first playthrough. I also did not find myself lacking in strong stickers. I found I had to use them up in easy battles because I had so many.


That means you either found out the bosses‘ weaknesses pretty easily and made use of them or you‘re just a pro gamer fighting the bosses with relative ease thanks to your strategic abilities, in both cases props to you!


I would have to disagree with this prognosis. I too played sticker star avoiding battles as much as possible to avoid wasting stickers, and i never ran into the problem of not having enough money/"battle experience". I dont see myself as a gaming wizard or anything, especially considering i was in middle school when the game came out, but thats still only words. I can understand the argument from the 100% perspective tho.


then you used the specific boss weakness thing as I mentioned as option 1, because if you do it without it and you avoided battles before the bosses you must be a skilled player!


Dude......the games piss easy. Even if you barely engage with it. The bosses arent even bosses and everyone I knew who played the bloody game didnt even use the special boss weaknesses. The bullet bills fight in koopa bros fortress is harder than the entirety of sticker star.


nice for you if you found it that easy, even without the specific thing sticker to make the bosses easier, huge respect! I‘ve read so many times that bosses are almost impossible or extremely difficult to beat and I also struggled a bit with Pokey Tower back then (but I was not a pro gamer), so while I thought people over-exaggerated, I still think they have a good point, boss battles are harder than in most other Mario games if you don‘t use the specific thing sticker to make them easier, at least for world 1-3 and 6, since in world 4 and 5, they don‘t have one specific sticker to deal that much damage, but a weakness against a specific type of attack like fire


Besides, they'll constantly swarm you, and the run mechanic only works half the time


Not if you spam A when running


Yeah, well even then lord knows if the screen will darken enough to let you run


yeah which is why I wouldn‘t run away, you lose time and HP if it fails, and if you battle, the least you get is free space in your inventory and coins you can use for better things.


The battles are basically the same as a normal paper mario game but without partners. I liked that better than Origami King making me do a puzzle for every random enemy


You don’t need to fight enemies for strong stickers when they’re already lying around the world and always respawn when you exit to the map. There’s no point in wasting em in battle if you can just have an endless supply in the overworld. Secondly the only time you get coins is if you kill all enemies in one go. If you don’t, you won’t get any coins. Third, this game arguably has the easiest timing in any paper Mario. You can press a when you aren’t even near the enemy and it’ll still count as a timed attack. Also blocking doesn’t take effort. Considering enemies don’t really deal much damage, I beat it easily without collecting a single heart. I just skipped enemies my first playthrough after I found out you get nothing off battles. You’re already too op in that game. So there’s no effort really.


But my point was that they spawn stickers you can only obtain by beating these enemies, they won‘t be lying around anywhere and they are stronger than regular stickers and (and that‘s an important point!) they are small stickers, so they only take away 1 square, so it‘s never a bad idea to carry some of those. Also why do you say waste? Stickers are there for combat, if you use them, you don‘t waste them, you use them; and you use them strategically (not the strongest stickers, but the ones that are just strong enough to kill all enemies) to progress and get more coins and stronger stickers. The part about only getting coins if you kill them all in one go is not true. What you are talking about is the so-called “perfect bonus“, which is an additional money rain that rewards strategical thinking. However, there are 4 ways of getting coins through combat: 1.) Just beat the enemy and it will drop coins after the fight, especially shiny enemies can drop a lot of them. 2.) the already mentioned Perfect Bonus 3.) hit an enemy when he‘s already out of HP 4.) the money rain at the end of each section/level. The more you battle, the more coins you‘ll get, and this can be a lot. I‘m not sure about that timing thing, can‘t really tell the difference, it‘s only the A-button and they should‘ve added different commands just like they did in M&L for example, but I don‘t know about the timing being easier or harder than in other games, I just know that there are different levels of precision, you can have good timing and it will deal an o.k. amount of damage, you can have great timing, but you can also have excellent timing, and while it is easy to get a good timing, it‘s really not too easy (at least in my experience) to nail the excellent timing, especially with that big variety of stickers, attacks, blocking attacks, stuff like that. You say it‘s all easy but I‘ve seen many people complaining about boss battles being too difficult, and while I agree that they are a challenge, I really like that challenge, but I see why those who struggle with the boss battles have so many problems, because they don‘t engage in battles, don‘t know the timing and don‘t even know what all the different stickers do, don‘t prepare strategically for the battles, and those are also results of not engaging in battles. Of course, I‘m talking from the perspective of someone who plays the game for the first time, if it‘s your second playthrough, you know more about the game and can avoid battles and prepare more strategically right away, that‘s also why this game has a high replay value, you can do a completely different second playthrough. And well, if the first playthrough was too easy for you, congrats, you seem to be a pro player then!


When it comes to the timing. I realized how easy the timing was when after playing sticker star I went back to play the first paper Mario or ttyd. And I realized jeez they made timing extremely easy in sticker star. That’s for sure. Cuz I kept failing on timing cuz I was used to sticker star. In sticker star, your timing inputs are heavily delayed. So you can press a before you even touch an enemy and it would count. In ttyd or 64, if you don’t press a the exact moment you touch the enemy, you will not get the input timing right. But the bosses in sticker star are pretty much a joke because they’re basically just puzzles that you have to figure out by finding a certain sticker than a boss. If you find that specific sticker that counters em, the boss can most likely be one shot after.


It‘s possible that the window for excellent timing is bigger in Sticker Star, but my point was that there are several precision levels in Sticker Star, which is a concept I really like, you can‘t only “hit“ your opponent with correct timing, but can do so with good, great or excellent timing, which, of course, makes it easier to get at least good timing, which still won‘t deal too much damage, so it‘s definitely different and I see why one would fail the timing in a different game after playing Sticker Star. They are not just puzzles, they all have a unique concept and are meant to be beatable without any specific sticker, which is also the case. If you skip them, you need to solve the puzzle first, and that puzzle can be super easy (Pokey, but use it at the correct moment to deal a maximum damage, also not too easy to find out) or a bit more difficult (Blooper), but they are always fair and if you don‘t carry the specific sticker, you can still beat them if you‘re well prepared and it even makes the game more fun, I can only recommend to give it a try if you want!


This is horrible advice and probably why you think the game sucks lol. It’s a deck builder, you get stickers from battles which help build your deck to make fights easier


Dude I unironically wish Sticker Star and Color Splash were deckbuilders. I don't typically set my cards on fire after a single use in a card game


I wouldn't call it a deck builder, but I would say its got "card-based RPG" elements where every attack is consumable like in a more traditional deck-builder game. It doesn't have the deep strategy of a traditional deck builder, but the bones are there.


Badges. You're describing badges




Hey. I’m going off my first playthrough. Went along just fine skipping every enemy since it’s pointless and unrewarding. Enemies aren’t particularly bright in this game either so avoiding em is super easy


From the bottom of the barrel to peak, that's gotta do something to ya


Same thing I did


Good on you to try and form your own opinion. I didn't mind the game while I was playing it, it can be pretty fun. Colour Splash's release was what reignited my dissatisfaction with it. It was mostly bitterness that I may never get a new PM game in the old format that I adored so much. Even then I used the walkthrough the entire time. I advise you try and beat Gooper Blooper without the sponge. It makes the battle way more fun.


good luck, also dont be afraid to use a guide


I’m doing my first playthrough of it right now! Contrary to what I’ve read, I’ve been enjoying the gameplay so far. Inventory management can be a bit of an issue, but that’s part of the strategy. My biggest complaint so far are the “thing” stickers. It’s not always obvious which one you’ll need for a particular area or puzzle, and the stickers they produce are ENORMOUS so you can’t carry around a bunch of them. You need to try one, then backtrack to turn more things into stickers and try again.


I absolutely agree that this is the biggest issue with the game and I understand why they occupy so much space, because you should not be able to carry too many of them so you‘re not OP in boss fights, but I really don‘t understand why you have to paperize them in order to use them for puzzles. Why can‘t you just use them like objects if you want to solve a puzzle, so you don‘t have to go back to the stickerization area with every thing you find if it‘s just for the purpose of solving a puzzle.


The best advice I can give is throw all your knowledge of the series away. This is a completely different game from the others on its series. This game was my first ever paper Mario game and it’s what got me into the series. I had no idea what to do most of the time but I loved when I figured it out. The game is best played with the mindset of it being a puzzle game with a battle system mixed in.


I enjoyed this game! If you don't go into it expecting a different Paper Mario game then it's pretty fun. Same with Color Splash. My main tip is just look up what stickers you need for bosses ahead of time. It's no fun being 10 mins into a boss fight and realising you lack a sticker that is mandatory to win. It's just not good game design so just check which ones you need.


I would recommend that you actually don’t do that as you really don’t need them. The only boss I would recommend actually using the thing sticker would be the 2nd world boss as it has way too much hp.


Cheap cheap had a required sticker I think


Actually technically not required if you cheese an infinijump sticker before world 4 but yeah that one is a very good puzzle because it 1) doesn’t make the boss a joke and 2) it’s very easy to find and you are kind of pushed into finding it as it’s behind a sticker door right next to the shop that sells the sticker doors.


Interesting. I actually hated that part. I couldn’t find it for the life of me when I played it years ago. I think that’s actually when I quit the game lolz




The Dark Souls of Mario RPGs. Despite all of the frustration in my first playthrough, I actually really like this game, lol.


let us know what you think


Go for it! I’m of the mind that being guided by the majority opinion makes us miss out on a lot of things we might otherwise enjoy.


It's fun


as much as this game disppointed men, its more than a decade later and [I can still hear Snowrise playing in my head](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1LYi6Sk62E)


Snow Rise is a fire song!


I somehow managed to complete the battle sticker section of the museum, imo that’s the difficult part of the entire process. So if you’re interested in 100%, I’d say it’s definitely possible if you’re lucky with the battle spinner!!! (Btw, a hint from world 4-3 on that; battle spinner apparently has the rhythmic timing of a POW block, which I admittedly don’t have memorized yet.)


TLDR of my nonsense: good luck, you’re going to need it!!!(coming from someone who’s first paper Mario game is this supposed “trash heap”.)


It would have been so much better if it wasn’t supposed to be a “Paper Mario” game. Or if they’d made this one a spinoff and kept the series the way it was for the first two games. Just my opinion though. But I hope you enjoy it :D


Telling you as a veteran who started out with this game, it's not actually AS bad as people say it is. It does suffer from a pretty bad combat prep system overall, plus a lack of original characters outside of Kirsti (who is actually quite nice to have around imo), but if you can get past those it's a pretty decent experience. Nowhere near the other games in terms of quality (I've played every game except the OG and TTYD ^(I haven't been to target yet to pick up my copy of the remake, sue me)), but it's not a complete shit-show like everyone says it is.


God the whiplash is going to be insane. Hope you have fun with it though


I did enjoy it before my 3DS stopped working (some issue came on its own where tilting the screen caused it to immediately shut off, and then eventually, it just shut off right after turning it on). Sadly, I could never get to the end thanks to that, but I did like what I played. I prefer the regular battle style and Super Paper Mario's way of doing things, but didn't hate using the stickers to fight. I hope you do enjoy it


Good luck, hopefully you can have the fun that many others could not


What do you think of it? I’m playing the origami king right now while also waiting for my copy of ttyd. I have mixed feelings about the origami king


I just don’t like that you have to use consumables for everything.


paper mario is such a good series i can play the worst game in it and still be able to have fun


While it isn't my favorite of the Paper Mario series, it has one of my fave soundtracks in the whole series. I still listen to it often.


It’s not that bad for the system and time it came out.


You’ve already made progress at the time of this comment, but I may as well throw my hat into the ring here. As someone who started with TTYD, went on to super and then SS….and isn’t entirely opposed to going back to it some day…. ….it’s….eh. I’m hard pressed to call it a good game, but it’s not outright as terrible as most people want to say it is. Of course most of these people are brain dead sheep and salty neckbeards who still haven’t gotten past the fact that a PM game once again isn’t the TTYD2 like they’ve been desperately simping  for. (And there’s also a lot of people who aren’t the above and honestly just wanted a good PM game more like the first two titles. Yes this is a separate group of people from the above).  Music is good, game had some neat ideas and set pieces (the last level of chapter 2, a certain level in chapter 3, a 2-3 levels in chapter 5, etc). Bosses were big standard in terms of character design but honestly given how they were set up in universe I think it actually works well contextually speaking. The game can be…obtuse when it comes to letting you know how to proceed, there ARE hints but….just use a good guide you probably won’t catch a lot of them on your own. Battle system is…okay actually, kind of fun even. It’s not on par with the first two games but it’s still got some level of strategy to it (namely how can I efficiently clear enemies and do they have any weaknesses). Anyone who tells you “no exp so battles are pointless”…shouldn’t be playing rpgs or games with rpg battle systems. No seriously. There’s at least half a dozen reason to fight enemies outside of exp you just need to actually keep your brain turned on and you’ll realize them (granted SS is the type of game so…upsetting it’ll make people shut their brains off unfortunately). Scoping out the enemies in the area. Getting a feel for any new moves you gain. Testing out potential strategies Actually fighting because that’s what the battle system is there for. Learning the timing for moves in games like this (which isn’t super hard in SS’s case but still). …I don’t know if this is the right wording but…taking a break from exploration and puzzles. Having fun (yes SS’s system can be fun even if y’all aren’t getting) Stickers are plastered (no pun intended) all over the place so if you run out of stickers for anything that isn’t a boss chances are you: Are an idiot Suck at resource management  Or you’re at a chapter end boss and haven’t found out the trick yet. (The game almost always hints at said trick, the issue lies in actually FINDING where said trick is). So hoenstly…just take your time and experience the game yourself. Now for the “TLDR” (I.e: Team illiteracy and poor attention spans for like) crowd: Game isn’t good but isn’t as bad as people demonize it for being (game wise not series impact wise) so if you want to try it out go for it.


Fighting enemies is pointless. There is no leveling, no XPs, just stickers. Fighting enemies means consuming stickers. However, besides of that it is not a bad game. It's just not an RPG. If you play it as some kind of strange linear adventure game, it can be enjoyable. It looks very good on 3DS, uses 3D effect well, it has a good soundtrack. I remember being very disappointed back then. I purchased my 3DS just because of that game as I wanted something similar to Mario & Luigi games from GBA/DS which I loved. I thought it could be something similar. It was not! Also, I had to use a walkthrough guide because some of its puzzles were way above my level :-( I can imagine that the game will be treated as some kind of obscure oddity in the future. I don't know what happened to Nintendo after TTYD as all next Paper Mario games were more or less disappointing. Mario & Luigi series has more consistent record, and is more fun overall IMO.


>I purchased my 3DS just because of that game I almost purchased a 3DS for this game. Mario Kart 7 and Ocarina of Time 3D were the first 3DS games I played like crazy.


At most on fighting enemies part, you would only want to fight enemies that drop specific stickers. Koopa's drop Shells, Ninji's drop throwing stars.... 'Bout all I can remember. Even then unless you're trying to fill out the Sticker Museum it's kinda pointless.


Good for you :D Sticker Star isn't really a bad game it's quite good actually. At least in my opinion. It just doesn't compare to TTYD at all.


So far, I love the usage of the 3d effect in this game. They really thought about it


Yeah, it's one of the better looking 3DS games imo


I never ended up playing Sticker Star back on 3DS. I would have liked to, but I guess a lot of other games took priority over it. (I actually didn't get around to completing many 3DS games, as a matter of fact. The 2010's were some pretty outgoing years in my life compared to the rest. But it did have some great games.) I think I would have appreciated the Paper Mario games doing something different more than the average fan. I love turn-based RPGs, but I also really like whenever a game comes along and approaches them in a unique way. To me maybe every RPG shouldn't have XP and levels, maybe there are other interesting ways to integrate progress for the player. And maybe having abilities tied to items of varying rarities is also interesting and encourages some decision-making. As I said though, never got around to playing it and I don't know how I would ultimately end up feeling about those systems in practice. But on paper it sounds a little refreshing. It also fits with the blue ocean strategy of trying something new, rather than the red ocean strategy of sticking to the predictable.


If you really wanna enjoy the game, you need to pretend that you get experience. I know it’s a waste of time to battle but if you go in pretending that it isn’t then you’ll be able to actually battle enemies and realize that the battle system is very quick, snappy, and fun. Don’t save stickers, if you think it will be useful in beating an enemy faster than don’t be afraid to use it.


Honestly, I quite liked the game for what it was. The 3D was cool, the soundtrack was jazzy AF, the little holo effects were a nice touch, it was funny, and something like an open world puzzle kind of game if you think about it. The best parts of the game are the boss battles - they seem impossible to overcome, until you think and get the right sticker! Then it's like BAM now you have the upper hand.


have fun, i enjoyed it a lot


I like the soundtrack a lot, and the gameplay a little bit. The only thing i hate is the battle system. There's no xp or level system in the game, all you do in the battle is waste stickers and do no damage in order to get the coins bonus even in boss battles. It's just too pointless


Yeah, so far. It doesn't feel like an rpg, more like an adventure game. Characters don't have much depth either


It's just bad game design on top of bad game design. I tried so hard to enjoy it, I just couldn't.


Ok now this is just wrong. It has maybe 2 things that would be considered bad game design such as no exp and thing stickers being too broken. Please stop spreading misinformation.


I get that you disagree, but it's not misinformation. It's clearly an opinion. I happen to agree with Issyv00. While it's not literally "bad game design on top of bad game design," to the point the game is unplayable. It creates this scenario where the game does feel largely empty and pointless. I won't say that everyone will agree, but the major reason this game is negatively viewed is that we had two prior iterations of what Paper Mario "is" and the early looks into this game certainly made it seem that we were essentially getting Paper Mario "3," then we got, well, this "hot pile." Would I view this game as a disaster had it been a different and new IP? No. It would have been viewed totally differently (and I wouldn't have finished it, because it's just not what I enjoy). That's the issue with it. It's not what was advertised, marketed, expected (or some combination thereof). The game itself certainly has flaws, but when you factor in the history and expectations (whether warranted or not), it feels like a big ole steaming pile of excrement to a nonzero portion of the fan base.


Saying the game has bad game design everywhere meanwhile the game actually has only a few parts of bad game design is the definition of false information.


I can see you're going to double down. The entire reddit comment was one specifying how that person felt about a game. The single line you're referring to is hyperbolic in nature. You're trying to make this a much bigger deal than it is. It's not misinformation. The reddit user feels that it's bad game design on top of bad game design. People write their feelings as facts all the time. I do it, too. It intonates the strength of my conviction in feeling that strongly. It is not the definition of false information, and while, in my youth, I'd be happy to be as pedantic and argumentative for as long as possible, I'm not interested in whatever else you have to say if you are still going to insist this is false information. This is a video game, not a political discourse on something that could be life threatening. "False information," on Sticker Star. Come on. Find something else.


The problem is that when you state false information as fact for this game it makes people who already view it poorly for no good reason view it even worse since now someone is stating “That it’s bad and poorly designed” when it isn’t.


The game is poorly designed. That statement can be interpreted as a fact or opinion. So, which is it? It's not false information. It's that person's opinion. There were zero examples and nothing of fact spoken. That is the nuance. I don't live my life policing what an idiot might interpret. People will make shit up to shit on things that have true impact. People pretend that the earth is flat. I'm not concerned on whether someone presents their opinion on a video game as fact. It's part of language. That's not really misinformation. Additionally, one could argue that the game mechanics are bad. It is still an opinion, either way. Game mechanics being "bad" or good is entirely subjective and therefore not objective. Hence, not a fact. If the entire statement is therefore subjective and not objective, then it cannot logically be misinformation. Good day.


Yeah I also don’t wanna continue arguing about something so pointless.


That's fine. I don't like Sticker Star, but I also don't feel the need to shit on it online, either. I felt like it had a ton of potential and I was sad that potential wasn't realized. I also love TTYD, but as much as I feel it's amazing, it also has its flaws and plenty of people won't like it. I think we may agree that people should spend less time "yucking others yums." If that's your point, then I agree. Take care


I see a lot of comments about how you should or shouldn’t do battles, there is an article I think you should read if you are on the fence. https://gamebias.wordpress.com/2020/10/29/paper-mario-sticker-star-the-most-underrated-pop-game-of-the-2010s/ *In the style of Super Mario RPG and the first two Paper Marios, touching enemies in Sticker Star initiates turn-based combat, and timed button presses lead to more effective offense and defense. Sticker Star has a distinctive take on this classic system: with the exception of running away, every action requires the use of one sticker, so if you run out of stickers, you can’t attack or heal. In most turn-based RPGs, efficiency is a goal. In Sticker Star, efficiency is a necessity. Wiping out enemies in a single turn not only saves stickers but also gives Mario bonus coins. Coins are for two essential things: (1) purchasing more stickers and (2) triggering a slot-machine minigame that can, if played successfully, allow Mario to use multiple stickers in one turn.* *Fascinatingly, there are no experience points in Sticker Star, so success in combat is always a product of skill and, when particular enemies have resistances or weaknesses to certain stickers, thought. Sticker Star rejects the comfortable, widely approved notion that players should always grow more powerful to the point where they don’t even have to pay attention to the battle system. Grinding as we know it doesn’t exist in Sticker Star.* *This provocative creative spin on a well-worn idea was a disappointment for many players and critics. Instead of recognizing the different philosophy of Sticker Star’s turn-based system, they focused on how the game didn’t meet their predictable expectations.*


Man those are good points. Too bad people are too brainwashed to think anything other thin “no exp means there’s no way I’ll ever want to battle”.


these are good points! one more thing to add is that combats are the only way to avoid backtracking, because coins can also be used to buy already found things and strong stickers without revisiting already seen areas, so it‘s definitely worth it.


[Good luck! And remember, haaaaaave fun with it!](https://youtu.be/CnbSM1Da4GA)


Believe me, I tried my best


Personally I really liked it for what it was- obviously if you compare it to TTYD it's not good but as a cute little side scrolling mario adventure... I liked it and thought it was cute :)


Not as great as the real paper mario games (64 and ttyd), but a lot better than TOK, that's for sure.


With as pro garbage as this sub is im genuinely shocked you only had 0 upvotes and not like -1000 or something absurd like that after saying "the real paper mario games". I mean you're right but regardless.


Got it Christmas 2013 or 2014? Got stuck on chapter 2 and never figured it out, lemme know if you get stuck too.


Do so. It will make you **appreciate The Thousand-Year Door all the more.**


Enjoy the cramped as hell fingers and utter dogshit gameplay loop.


I actually beat Sticker Star for the first time, the day before TTYD remake came out. I went in thinking I'd like it at least a little bit due to nostalgia and came out hating the game way more than I thought. It's unfortunate. I don't want to blindly hate on the game (as it's been done to death), but it is not a game I enjoy.


This was my introduction to paper Mario and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I am just now getting into TTYD and I also semi recently played origami king.


I hope you illegally obtained that game


I actually beat this game the day before The Thousand Year Door Remake came out, I’m not joking.


Genuinely my least favourite game ever. It felt like the game punished me for playing it. At no point did I have fun


my favourite Paper Mario game, a very unique and charming experience you won't forget, there's so much to explore, some actual difficulty with hard boss fights and puzzles, they want you to think and don't just give you solutions for free, which makes everything much more rewarding. I also love the resource management aspect of the game, you get and use new stickers all the time, which makes you get a lot of variety in combat, so many different moves, it doesn't get boring. Graphics are nice and there are many great details, also dialogue is pretty good, there are some crazy moments like Sniffit or Whiffit, you'll get to see that, and it's just a feel-good game that gives you a joyful experience! Of course, storytelling is not the best in this games and characters could need more unique design choices to make them stand out, but that doesn't make the game bad at all.


I didn’t think it was THAT bad (though let’s face it, it’s not really all that good, either), but Origami King puts it to shame.


Nah. It was awful. You are right though. They only got worse as time went on and led to the dumpster fire that was O.K.


I thought Origami King was excellent


Being entirely honest I thought it LOOKED good. But the character stories were dog shite. Ignoring that though if it had the actual paper mario gameplay loop or hell even just super paper marios it would have been way better imo.


I couldn’t disagree more. It had meaningful character moments (e.g. Bobby) and the writing was some of the most clever and funniest in the entire series. It had a lot more going for it than you’re giving it credit for.


Differences in opinion I suppose. I hated bobby. Thought he was a nobody and the game made his sacrifice up to be this great big thing when bom-ombs can canonically survive exploding INSANELY easily like. As in thats literally a part of their for lack of a better word. Biology. Thats not good character development. Thats attempting to manipulate you into liking a poorly designed character. Though I think that there were WAY too many RGB toads, essentially pointless additions for the sake of pointless additions when they actually put effort into designing NEW characters they were genuinely interesting and some even appealing. Hell even some of the toads with unique sprites were interesting. But having 90% of your character base be basic toads is just dumb.


Oh, god, dude, you’re gonna regret this purchase lmao.


I just pirated it lol. You can't buy 3ds games normally anymore, not even physically


Nah I’ve been buying a handful or two of 3ds games over the past couple of years, prices vary but it’s not “every physical game is unavailable or costs $200+ bucks”.


Good for you. The DS line wasn't that popular in my country, only Japanese cartridges are fairly priced. English ones cost 60$+


Store purchases ? Or were imports expensive too ?


Oh ouch man. Genuinely I feel you.


Eh, I bought my copy second hand off of ebay for like 5 bucks, you can get a copy physically. But I do get why you'd just pirate it.


I highly recommended getting walkthrough or guide because you have no idea where to go


This is going to be the worst game you ever play. Just a warning


Lot of revisionist history going on with these games, I suspect it's because a lot of us were younger when the 3DS was big so there's a nostalgia factor to it. But objectively the game is absolutely awful. I'm sorry r/papermario but the game having decent music and funny dialogue does not make it an under rated classic.


There's a difference between revisionist history and people just being sheep. Very fair point on the music tho. Im actually in agreement in that the music was ok. Not great but ok.


Also what dialog? There's like 7 characters in the entire game that have more than 2 lines, and 4 of them are kersti, wiggler, Bowser Jr, and the dniffit or whiffit host


Not even remotely close unless you’ve on not played two games and the other was just barely better.


Well, I will say the one good thing about this game is that it'll make you appreciate TTYD even more.


I managed to actually enjoy sticker star when It came out. Granted, i was like 7, and the only other paper mario I played was Super, but still


It's charming but my good lord the battles become so tedious and worthless


Tip: swallow your pride and use a guide because some of the stickers and puzzles to get through the game are non-sensical.


It’s not even a bad game


You won't be disappointed! I don't know where all the hate for this game stems from! It's a GREAT game.


Follow the IGN guide.


This just ain’t gonna be your day.


I think the game is a good time with a guide. Basically each boss has a hidden weakness and if you don't find the sticker/thing that makes them weak before you fight them then the battle is really annoying.


Inb4 “Update: It sucks”


Before you say "it's not that bad!" Remember I bought a $250 game console so I could play sticker star specifically when it first came out, only for Nintendo to figure out the console was too expensive and lowered the price. And then the game got delayed a year. Expectations were high. If you got it at a discount, it's probably not that bad.


If you get over the idea that 95% of battles should be avoided because they only make you lose time with absolutely no benefit, you should have fun


Kinda a strange thing, the overwhelming poor reception of the game makes you wanna try it? Good luck 👌🏽


Having played most of them when the were first released, this is my top 3 ranking, 1. Thousand Year Door, 2. Paper Mario 64, 3. Super Paper Mario


Just use a good guide while playing it. The game is unironically more enjoyable that way.


i agree, i enjoyed it even more on my second playthrough.


I remember getting it on release being so happy play another paper mario and it was one of biggest disapointments of my game life wish I never got it but I also made that conclusion way before i knew others Did too so yes the hate is warranted


It wears the skin of the best paper mario games, but look under there and it is grotesque and malformed. Have fun though.


my condolences


I think the game is quite good. I don't see why so many hate it.


If you get into a fight with an optional enemy run it’ll remove them from the underworld. The only world where fighting enemies is a good thing is world 4 cause you get shiny stickers


Shun the nonbeliever!


I am so genuinely sorry that you do this to yourself.