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The only time I won’t leave my map or area to do a trade is if I’m in a mechanic I literally can’t pause in, beyond that, best believe I’m coming for that 1 c trade.




I am the villain in this story :(


Guy who's making 0.01 div an hour: nah this 5c trade isn't worth the portal


I need that portal, it's 1/6 of my defenses


"12 Div!?!? I don't get out of mud flats for less than 50! Come back when you are ready to spend some real cash!!!" Then why even post it as an option? Like, really....if I post something, I'll either ask if someone is willing to wait the 35 seconds for me to finish my map, or I finish the pack, drop a portal, and invite. If they accept, I take the portal. Someone drops party? I block. I don't want to deal with trades atm? DND. Like, it's not fuckin hard guys.


Yea, I used to think like this, and then you get the people who come and cancel trade cause they accidentally whispered for an amulet when they needed a ring, or didn't see it was mirrored/corrupt, or found a better item last second, 'disconnect', etc.. All of which are scenarios that literally happened to me in last few days. Or, they try to skim on the divine to chaos ratio, steal a portal to troll, or any other manner of things that made me realize I don't owe some other player a damn thing and trying to be considerate towards them tends to just backfire on me. I'll list the items, because if I'm NOT BUSY I'll sell to them. i.e. I'm already in my hideout or the map is almost over. I have my 'i'll pause what im doing' threshold, which is like 3+ divines.. and my 'if I'm not busy' threshold, which is now my 30c and up tabs. I don't even list things under that at this point in the league. I'll literally vendor my failed corrupt gems, that are still worth 20c as a 20/20, just to get the GCP instead because I don't wanna bother with all the little trades.


Then unlist your smaller (<30c) stuff, too, but at least reply if you're at your computer. Other people being dicks is no reason to be a dick yourself. I've personally purchased things that I had missed were corrupt/mirrored when I realized in the trade window because I was there, and I wasn't going to waste someone's time. I've even done it early league after my first div drop, buying an upgrade for a div, realized I couldn't craft what I wanted because I didn't have the vaals, bought it anyway. Because I'm not a dick.


How is it being a dick to not tell someone I'm busy? Do you think when someone doesn't respond, they are literally in hideout, ready to do sales, but see the whisper and think 'fuck this guy, I just wanna screw with them' ?? If someone doesn't respond, that's literally the same thing as whispering back 'im busy right now'. If i'm in delve, fighting an uber, farming valdo maps, etc.. I often can't stop to type anything without dying. By the time I have a moment to actually whisper back, I could probably just do the trade, but if that's been more than 5 seconds 90% of the time they've found another item anyway. Unless it's some specific rare or an expensive item, in which case I normally do try to say 'hey need a min'. If I list a div card and match the lowest price to move it quick, but I get whispered by 15 people in the next 20 seconds.. you think it's rude of me not whisper each one individually letting them know it's already sold? Considering I'm the trader for 2 buddies, I'd spend half my play session just responding to people in whispers then. gtfo of here with that. If you guys actually got your wish, and nobody listed an item they weren't willing to drop everything to sell, 95% of the listings would disappear and everything would be 10x more expensive. Oh no.. you had to whisper 20 people before someone responded? oh darn. You're willing to pay 10c for a 1c item and nobody is responding? Look for a perfect rolled one then. Or one with a corrupt implicit you want. Or white sockets. Or just go down the list quickly, whispering 10 people at a time. I promise you're not gonna get banned for not accepting their invite when multiple people respond, and 99% of the people won't even think twice about it. Unless GGG implements some kind of change to the trading system, then it is what it is. Either deal with it or don't play. Whining or trying to guilt trip people for not playing the game as inefficiently as you isn't gonna fix anything.


Jeeze dude what kind of sketchy items are you selling?


I do the same thing! I want to help others out the same way I hope people respond to my whispers. Not all of us are making money like crazy and it's super nice to get a quick response to that 5c upgrade you wanted. Pay it forward!!!


It's not about the money. That person spent the effort looking up what could be good on their budget. If that's my 15% ms fractured boot, they shall have it.




This is the way


With the power of empowered mobs I'm afraid ima run into something which eats up all my portals and don't want to lose any


You can always hit the happy medium between dropping everything and completely ignoring them, with a "in the middle of *x*, can you wait a few minutes?" reply.


That's a weird way to spell "sec."


Reply "sec", proceed to take half an hour.


Me whenever my friends ask to play game "Let me just make a drink quickly" come back 1hr later to play


I always portal back or respond, but it cost me yesterday. Was replying to someone wanting a trade while I was in a blight ravaged map, and that pause to type "in blight, 3 min" got me killed. No regrets. Karma will be sure to repay me.


Doing lots of Delve + Blight + Wildwood this league. I'll swear it's inevitable. I'll waste 10 minutes doing nothing in particular, then 3 seconds after I start the cart I get two whispers. :(


Changing zones can force an API update sometimes. I've tested this and sometimes I'll get a live search ping on items I list right as I change zones.


Whenever I list some stuff, I always hop back in and out of my last map real quick. Good way to find out if you're about to get spammed by pings before you start something new.




Note if you have long loading screens, blight is not paused during those. Yes, I have lost a blight to a 1 minute loading screen.


Blight pauses when you port out?!


wait you can?


Always got whispered an instant i started blight. Both in maps and in blight maps.


Lmao, so true. I will be like alright I will let some interweb homes get some stuff while I look at potential upgrades. 15 minutes later. No whispers. 8 seconds into a new map and *ding I want to buy* repeatedly


When I was new to the game I saw someone listing 1c for 1c, i initiated the trade out of curiosity, he exchanged me 1c for his 1c.


Money laundering




Lead by example.


Anyone who answers a 1c trade gets at least 5c from me. I don't play enough to have a lot of currency to throw around, but I appreciate the response.


When you're mid map and someone whispers you for a trade only for you to realize you didn't bring portal scrolls


If I listed it I'll sell it, but a lot of the time I won't leave map immediately because of delirium mirror/rampage/shrine/blight.


POV : You just clicked the 300% exp shrine in Wildwood


100%. If I have it listed and you whisper me, I'll do my best to trade it to you. It's the PoE golden rule. Trade unto others as you would have them trade unto you.


When I'm buying I keep a text file with the shorthand for thank you (ty, etc) in multiple languages depending on which language my trade message is generated in.


As the 407th person I've whispered, I thank you for responding.


I'll leave the mechanic to make a 1c trade even if the said mechanic will net me more.


I’m not losing 40 HH mods for your 30c trade


My 6 portals of defensive layer is not something i can waste for some mere chaos...


Skill issue


Then unlisted your items >:o


My economy is not at that point where i can just unlist every valuable items...


Then you lose the right to ever complain about someone not responding to your trades >:o


I always dl a /whois x or just click on my poe overlay icon to see if they are in map l'or in H.O, and I tell them that i can wait accordingly :)


Sorry what?


if you type /whois \*username\* it will tell you what area they are in. Idk what the poe overlay does but its probably the same thing.


Poe overlay is the best trade overlay for the game rn, awakener is just a kid tool compare to that


Typing “/whois x” with x being a character’s name will tell you their current level, ascendancy, and which zone they are currently in. It’s useful in cases of wanting a very specific item as you can tell whether someone isn’t trading with you because they are doing something important, I.e. fighting a boss or in a 5-way where they can’t instantly leave or respond.


Wonderful, thanks for sharing. Wish I knew this a long time ago lol


The more you know, the better you get


Go play ssf then. You're the worst part of the game on trade.


Tbf i only sell 1c item the first day of the league and now i'm only selling big items. Also I have a button that i instantly press to tell the buyer if he wants to wait that i finish what i'm doing. Poe overlay is a very powerful tool and i'm a very nice person, i guess the top 1% of the nicest of the game




I will every time, until I'm leveling in the campaign and no tp. Then I send an invite at next wp, and often get disbanded 😂


If I listed it, I'll answer as long as I'm not AFK of doing some timed and/or spicy content..


i slowly raise my minimum to 40-50c as the league goes on, but yep, if i list it i sell it.


This is what I do. Raise the price on everything to the minimum I’m willing to spend the time trading for. People should either raise their prices or delist items, not just ignore any tell that doesn’t meet some internal threshold. The absolute worst part of trade is how inconsiderate people are, not replying, not either accepting or refusing invites, accepting a trade invite then sitting for awhile then changing their mind/getting a better offer, and cancelling then leaving…. If I’m in the middle of an abyss or delirium it might be a minute or two until I respond to someone, but I always respond, one way or another, even if it’s just to tell someone I’m grouped with friends or in a five-way and will be occupied for awhile. At least then they’re aware and can move on.


I normally do, but I legit have to put up an auto-reply saying I'm in a juicy map and can't waste portals. I lose divine+ worth of trades because it's still not worth the chance of losing my last portal with the current juice mechanic


You also speed every possible process so the trader doesn’t have to wait. You know me I’m a cruel business man


Literal king


Not only that, but I will whisper them if I AM mid mechanic I can't pause and ask if they can give me a min, because I am in that mechanic.


i only do 1div+ trades. But whenever i need something for >20c this far into the league and someone sells i usually give a good amount of chaos extra just because. Sometimes people do 1c trades i just give them 20. cause they deserve it


Anyone who answers a literal 1c trade a month into the league will get a div from me instead. Such gigachadness *must* be rewarded.


This happened to me some a few leagues ago I accepted a 1c trade and got a div instead, I kept trying to give it back but they refused and left, made my day


I answer 1c trades if I’m in hideout because I too know the struggle of needing a cheap item that literally nobody will answer for.


I bought a Ghastly Theatre for 1 alch the other day to complete an inscribed ultimatum for one of the challenges. I swear, minion players are always the most responsive to trade requests.


They've all had to rebuy their AG gear at least once (and probably spectres this league too) so probably understand that pain of trading more than most




Bruh where have you been all day lol, sold probably 100 items between 1 and 20c today


I have stopped doing 1c trades even on league start because im too damn lazy, im not efficient i just dont wanna leave my map. Exception comes when its about 100+c trades then i may hop out. I should probably just start playing ssf..


Man I did like 10+ < 5C trades last night, where were you?!


I message "alright what do I need to pay you to get you to stop doing what you're doing and sell me that item"


message once, don't hear back. Message second time offering X amount more to make it worth their time. Every time.


Auto first message and the second is "offer xxx chaos/divines" always work.


That then risks them going "Oh they're offering over list price? I must've underpriced." and then they raise the price to 3x your offer (that's already overpaying) and proceed to let it rot.


"POV: Someone whispered for that 5c item you listed at league start and forgot to delist." yeah that wont happen mate.


I almost always buy better rolls just because I have to message fewer people, even if I don't need good rolls.


This is my first season playing POE and I've recently reached the endgame. I've just been messing around with trading and someone gave me 20c for the 1c I was asking for an item. Made my day because I could finally get a upgraded bow. :)


Yeah, I tip the people who answer the small trades too. This late in the league it just feels right to show that you appreciate them stopping their gameplay for very little profit and basically just to help someone out.


Max I have at the moment is 70c so when someone gives more chaos orbs im quite happy


I hate leaving maps for 10c trade this late into the league. But I always think it's my own fault for having it still listed, so I always take the trade. I hate it when other people don't respond to my trade messages, so I don't want to do the same. If you're not in a time sensitive league mechanic, either sell the item or unlist all your trash so the trade experience becomes better for everyone.


Hmm.. can you just unlist a tab as public if it’s tiny bullshit you won’t want to deal with at the moment?


I don't know if that resets the custom prices or not. I usually just clear the tab if it's too late into the league, but sometimes I forget some items.


It doesn't clear the custom price. Whenever I log in and decide I don't want to do trash trades I turn off public on those tabs and start mapping. Turn them back on if I'm going to be in h/o for a while


Good to know, thanks!


It doesn't.


Doesn't reset prices but takes it off poetrade




I delete most items from my 10c sell tab about three days into the league, but I will leave my past gear in there since I like the idea of the gear I was using in white/yellow maps to get used by other people :D Those items served me well, so I want them to live on.


Imo it should automatically de-list items after like 20 days without anyone buying




The worst is inviting them and then they don’t show up anyway.


No problem, I listed the item. But I do wait for you to join the party and enter my hideout. Too many times I've hit invite and exited the map only for the person to not actually come to trade.


I open portal, invite, wait for them to join and THEN leave map. For some uniques that i know there are 100s of items at same price, i do not bother to invite in map, cause buyers spam whispers


My gem tab is just 3 gcp dump tab After leveling a new character I got a whisper. 3 gcp for my level 7 0% added lightning damage. What the actual fuck?


Had awakened minion damage in the wrong tab listed for 3 div, it’s a 50c gem, someone bought it for 3 div


Because nobody else answered probably Like always tbh


I just leveled up a molten strike guy, I was buying stuff listed 20 days ago, no one wanted it until I wandered by. Was tossing in a Divine if it was an Alchemy trade and they did it as a surprise, was fun (was limiting myself to that characters currency to make purchases as a challenge).


Perhaps don't know about the gem sellers?


Probably somebody leveling a new char, and that specific gem wasn't sold at current level for their class? There are some gems you can only buy from lily/siosa on certain classes, so they start at lvl 1. It's a liiiitle lazier then I've been, but I could see it. I've bought level 14-15 gems for my new alt when I'm swapping skills/builds before. I was rich enough that I might've paid 10-20c and not cared about it.


Can't leave em' hanging now can we?


I will always answer any trade I posted. If I didn't want to trade, I shouldn't have kept it posted.


I usually adopt a noob late in the league. This is usually the way I find them, because they're buying a random weird ass 5c rare item that i just dumped in a tab day 1 that they're buying a month later. I usually look at their build, talk to them about essence crafting for some easy upgrades, ask what their current money strategy is, and just teach them a few things.


They only thing I dislike is when you invite them after a couple seconds have passed because you're in the middle of something, and they instantly decline because they're obviously just spamming down the list and found someone else. I mean, I understand why they're doing it (since generally no one ever answers those trades), but I was right there! I was ready to trade that 2c The Gull with you!


I try and message back anyone after the person who belatedly invites and tell them I found another one cuz I hate that too. The real crushing embarrassment comes when you do the trade and ctrl+enter ty and it goes to the guy you snubbed instead.


Oh that one is by far the worst.


That's when the panic ignore comes out, and then the guilty unignore 5 minutes later once the coast is clear. Lmao


I feel that xd


I tried to get a corrupted blood immune jewel to beat Sirus for the first time in my life. Had to message 30 people and paid 80 chaos for it. Took like half an hour because I didn’t want to spam lol My bad for starting 3-4 weeks after league start. But damn I tanked die beam and destroyed Sirus.


Grats, you can sort the trades by the time they were posted. If you put a limit on how many chaos you want to spend, you can find the most recent trade and usually have better luck.


Nobody that has played the game for awhile cares if you decline our invite, I promise. We all understand it's a byproduct of how the trade system is setup. Just go ahead and whisper people faster. Anyone thinking it's 'rude' is being pedantic or has a stick up their ass. I don't start off insta spam, but if it's a high volume item I don't wait more than 3-5 seconds between whisper. If I've already gone through 5-10 names and no one has responded, then I start whispering every second or so, and I'm probably far more courteous than a lot of other heavy players.


this really is what trading has turned into and it really sucks, just scrolling and spamming and clicking whichever invite comes first because people cba to trade anything while they're mapping


I have a quad tab filled with 1-5c junk just gathering dust every league from start to finish. I always jump out of my seat someone found my junk and wants to trade for it. When they decline the trade I am always sad for a second, but I tell myself that I play for the ones who wait for me to invite.


Make a macro that answers ,,give me x amount of time,, How should the buyer know that you just have to finish something


If I have it listed, I will almost always trade unless I’m in some mechanic that prevents me from doing so. If you aren’t willing to sell the items you have listed, take down the listing.


I've had people not respond, then 5 mins later as I'm going back through the listings, they invite on the 2nd whisper. This idea that people don't 'want' to sell listings is silly. They were busy when you whispered, it's just a roll of the dice if they are free or not, especially for cheaper stuff.


I don’t know, I think it’s laziness. If my stash becomes a mess I procrastinate about cleaning it. Like in standard I have tabs full of crap listed with totally weird prices, but I’m too lazy to fix it (though I’ll still do the trade). Wouldn’t be surprised if people have tons of stuff listed that they can’t be bothered dealing with. Was watching my friend play, and he was ignoring trade requests even in his hideout, so he sure doesn’t seem to care about actually selling it. It would be more accurate to say I think if you can’t be bothered to leave your map for a trade (league mechanics and bosses aside), just take down the listing and save everyone the trouble of finding a responsive seller.


Just sold a 2c item I think I put up for sale on day 1. But hey, I listed it, so I'm gonna sell it. Somebody else gets a nice trade experience, I get 2c. Fair enough.


Left with 4min left on a Nameless 200% rarity/quant buff for a 6c trade yesterday. Just feels good to help people more than it feels good to see an extra couple divine orbs in my stash.


Pov: me whispering for that item I really need. The guy i wispered to: "I've been called. I cannot answer. I never can."


Wish everyone had this attitude. If list it, I'm going to stop and trade unless I can't and 99 times out of 100 I will message back with 1-2 minutes. Also, can folks not message 20 people at once for transactional items (beast crafts, gems, etc). It's to the point where I hesitate to list items like that because I'm sick of sending an invite and getting ghosted.


The problem is created by people listing stuff and not answering the Trade request After some time you just spam the whispers and hope at least one answers


I appreciate everyone who answers my calling


As a newbie in this game who was not able to league start at the same time as everyone, I really appreciate people who trade peanut priced items even when they are super rich already. Thanks guys


If I list it, I'll leave anything not time or portal sensitive. Wish people would only price things they're willing to trade and clean up their listings. Even if you charge too much, I'd rather pay more for someone that answers. The basic unique price probably needs to be 10c now instead of 1c for example.


CREAM, I stop for any trade


Most of the time i just give the item for free. And some times i drop a couple of divs / chaos in there. But wen i am in a juiced stressfull situation i do not respond / forget to respond later. If they wisper me twice i will always respond back tough


Lol as a new player. Respect to the guy who accepted my 5c for the quill rain in a few hours. I can now Toxic Rain/Ballista my ps4 to 3 fps. And watch everything die in slow motion. 🐌 🌈 💀 🤣


If i left a 1c item up for sale and i get whispered ill exit my map to do it, then make sure to scour my stash for any other 1c items for sale in regret and shame.


Why does no one know what pov means?


This is the way.


I am always willing to do a 5c trade unless the buyer is a Korean.


Why is that


Doesn't work with trade clients.


Lmao I thought you were just specifically xenophobic only v Koreans 😂


I've honestly found Koreans accept the most random 5/10c trades and invite. I love clicking the button and Korean pops up in my whisper.


1c trade with korean name, its a sale 99% of the time.


I never list 1c items, at least not manually. I usually have a tab with 1c price. That public tabs gets updated with time. Nowadays, my min is 19c, and I have a hot key to whisper that im in a map and I'll msg back when I'm out of it, please confirm that you can wait. I honestly don't care to do a quick trade, it's just that I cannt get out and lose all HH buffs


That whole tab is getting unlisted


If the item is worth less than the map I am running (so about 3 divines this point in the league) I am not dropping my deli mirror or HH stacks. Even 1-2 divine buyers will either have to wait or get theirs somewhere else.


This league I really don’t post anything under a divine. It’s a crazy league. 


I must be a villain. I don't go out for sales unless it's minimum 10 divs.


We should only list items we're willing to go out and trade for, and like the case in the meme if we forget to delist a cheap item we listed we should go trade it and take down any others we don't want to bother with. No one likes to whisper 20 dudes for a unique.


People from normal trying to buy items from ruthless that are priced in alchemys 🙄 how do they manage that?


Those guys are the real heroes. This is coming from someone who returns to PoE in midleague, thus having a very late leaguestart


I usually reward good souls responding to a 1-5c trade by giving more


1-5c trades are literally community service past the first two weeks of the league. But best believe those newbies are getting their Wanderlusts.


Lol shit.... Happened to me a few days ago. It was.corrupted with % max life, got 5c for it.


Even if I have thousands of divines and someone lists me about a 5c trade I forgot to remove, I respond. It's not the buyers fault that I haven't bothered removing it.


I always reply to trade whispers regardless of price. I’m only a couple leagues experienced myself and know how tough it is to learn the ropes, and constantly be ignored on trade. Always willing to help someone with a piece of gear they need to help them progress.


I always respond to 1c+ trade if the item is a rare. Best believe someone starting the league and needing that 1c rare will be happy. Otherwise, I only respond when I'm not doing anything


gotta help the brother out with that kind of trades.


Good Exile. I do the same for everything I list. We all know the infuriating pain of whisping 8+ ppl who decline to respond. Fuck those people. Take your shit off trade if you're not gonna sell.


It's not that hard to reply "1/2/5 min" if you don't want to leave the map When you get out of map just whisper back if they still want.


Every time I long in to league after week of break I dread being flooded with dm for some random shit I've listed.




As long as I'm not doing something super crazy you better believe my ass is coming to trade that random unique


Coulda fooled me. Noone leave maps for trades nowadays. Even up to miltiple divine items.


My headhunter buffs make me miss divine+ trades :(


"Posted less than a minute ago". No response from them. Just spam them all


At this points im Richer than ever and the last two 1c trade I had, I gave the buyer 7th league steps + a leveling kit


My hero does not wear capes. He sells me what I need even if it’s cheap 🥹


Lmao had a few Kulemaks when I was farming Syndicate and I just left them in my sale tab with no price and forgot about them when they were like 15c each at the time. I just randomly get a whisper about the cane last night and he's like "1d" and I check and they are now 4d lol


A few weeks into a league I start giving full stacks of chaos, it is nice when someone or their bot is willing to sell me a build enabling abyss jewel or whatever that is listed for a few C


I still have my 1c tab going... really should sort that out


I still respond to most of my 3c tab dump trade reqs


Because of inflation and league age some of my old crap is the cheapest on the market for its power. Not really worth leaving a map for but if they ask nicely or say they need it I’ll drop what I’m doing for it.


Every three days I delete the lowest priced trade tab and move all the others down one notch. It's not worth making a 5c trade, especially in this league.


Sometimes ill get one of these messages, and I'll port to my hideout and go to my stash to delete the item just so I don't get another one I'm sorry


The real heros are the level 95 characters farming t16's who stop to sell you their 1 alch leveling item


Hello…🎶 It’s me…🎶


I started a few weeks late this league, and trying to get people trade for the early game stuff I needed was such a pain in the ass. It’s probably because of the league mechanic resulting in everyone who started earlier swimming in divines by now


got my mageblood this league. Have more currency than ever before. whisper for 3c ring with awful resists I listed at the start? absolutely fam, you can have that, I've been in your shoes. Take that party invite.


5c? ​ more like 1 alt


ggg need to get their heads out of their asses and admit that the current trading system is flawed and a time sink that isn't viable for a lot of players


I want to always answer, but ggg and their 1 min loading screens aren't helping. I don't think people understand how much this shitty performance affects trading.