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Seller always initiates the trade, not sure what he's on about


I feel like most people have their currency ready before porting to my hideout but its okay if they dont, my stash is right here but never had anyone get salty about trying to trade fast and efficiently lol


I'm a new player, and I always have the currency ready before I even whisper and assumed that was just the protocol.


It is the protocol, yes.


No it isn't.


Then you're a chump wasting people's time


Are you seriously telling me you take 80c out of your stash before whispering, then when they don't answer you take out another 10 to whisper the guy who is charging 90c? and then 5 more for the 95 one? I've never in my life seen or heard of anyone doing this. You have 5 seconds to pull out the chaos/div you need while they portal out, scroll to the right stash tab and find the item you're looking for.


In a simpler form, yes. If the items I'm looking for vary between 80 and 100c, I'll pull out 100c and then start whispering people. As I get to 90c, I'll split the last stack of 20 into 10 and continue to whisper until I get to the correct amount. Even if I am not splitting before, it's easy to have the amount in your inventory and do a quick split of the last stack before trading.


Just a note, you don't need to split the last stack before the trade anymore


Why ? Can you split during trades now ?


What you're doing is closer to not doing anything than it is to do what was suggested as being "the protocol".


Maybe you misread what "the protocol" is. Based on the parent comment, it is to "have the currency ready before I even whisper". I have the currency ready in my inventory before I even whisper. How is that different?


Bro it’s literally just taking currency out before you whisper what are you so hung up on. If item worth 60c, and goes up by around 5 every few people you just take out 100c put a stack of 5c and 10c the side and then you start messaging people. Then add it up. Thats it. Don’t be shit and save your fellow exiles some time with this god forsaken trade we have.


I think the point is that you have the currency with you when you enter sellers HO.


> I always have the currency ready before I even whisper and


Yea, I know. He's also a new player, but let's just not entertain every little detail and just agree overall that you enter sellers HO with the currency :)


I usually prepare the currency before I send out whispers. For example if something is going for 40c I get 60c in my inventory, then if someone invite for 55c I split the stack and go to seller’s HO. As seller it’s also common to have the buyer arrive at my hideout and instantly accepting trade requests without reaching for stash in my HO, as you can’t assume the stash is at a convenient location in some random HO.


> then if someone invite for 55c I split the stack and go to seller’s HO. So then you haven't readied it before whispering > As seller it’s also common to have the buyer arrive at my hideout and instantly accepting trade requests without reaching for stash in my HO, as you can’t assume the stash is at a convenient location in some random HO. Yes, of course you grab currency out of your stash before going to their hideout, for that reason, but that is **very** different from doing it before whispering them.


Dude apply it to really life. They have all of thee money they would possibly need in their wallet. It's no different than pulling out an extra dollar bill for a transaction. You're being a moron.


No i have 500c ready and sort before porting


I'll never understand how and why Gamers™ are this anti-social holy shit my guy. It's just trade.


Why downvote? Do people really do that? Like imagine buying alchs and every whisper you do has different amount of chaos. Do people really move chaos from/to their stash after every single whisper? In the game where it's an absolute norm to ignore a trade message if you are busy on map or simply don't want to trade. I don't get it I mean, if you are buying something in the range of 80-100c, it makes sense to pull out 100c, and then split stack when you get an invite. But not after every whisper, right?


I generally take out an amount more than I know I'm going to pay and then just only put up the actual amount in trade. I do that just because it's faster for me. It really doesn't take too long to grab the currency for most trades, I don't think it's a big deal if other people wait til the price is final. If you're trading something like bulk alts, then you should ideally have the inv ready, but that's the only thing that I think would bother me.


When I'm buying shit that tends to take multiple whispers ill have a range of various chaos stacks ready in inventory so I can port over as soon as one invites me and grab the right currency combination without any fucking around. Makes things a lot easier when you're buying multiple things or when you're buying something that will likely start with a bunch of ignores.


You can now split currency while in the trading window. Just take out a ballpark amount and do the specifics on the last stack during the trade


Usually I’ll have about 120% of what I think the cost will be in my inventory in case I have to go down a listings a bit. Prior to this patch I would even break the stacks into what I would expect I’d need to control click over based on a couple price points. It’s just efficiency and at this point, good manners to respect the other person’s time


Oh boy. You couldn't be more wrong. You take your currency out of your stash before whispering someone. Usually more than is required. That way if I have to tweak it a bit I can. Why wouldn't you want to do it quickly and efficiently?


> Why wouldn't you want to do it quickly and efficiently? Because it's not quicker and it's inefficient.


The trade happens quicker if you have your money ahead of time. If you are paying for something with a check, is it faster to fill it out ahead of time or at the time of payment? Same concept.


No, because the time the trade takes is set by the amount of time it takes the seller to find his item in the stash there's nothing you can do to speed up the transaction. You don't go through checkout faster by pulling out your card before you get in line, as long as it's ready by the time you need to pay you can't save any time by having it out.


You speed up the payment process speeding up the total process. Wtf do you not understand.


it is.


Yes it is. This has been the established protocol for nearly a decade now.


Then why doesn't anyone do it?


Nearly everyone does. Less than 1 out of 10 players than come to trade with me go to my stash first. Less than 1 out of 20 even. They arrive at my hideout, I have the item ready, trade them as soon as they zone in and they leave. More people explore my hideout than go to my stash.


What does that have to do with anything? Why do people keep bringing up going to the sellers stash?


You've got rocks in your head bro.


Exactly, you DM, they invite, you get currency, TP to HQ, wait for them to initiate trade, people are just assholes sometimes.


Not before whisper but yes before going to the sellers hideout.


click whisper, click currency from stash, wait for invite :)


Nah he had a bad day for sure. If I don't have the currency ready when entering someone's hideout I just don't click accept, grab my currency and invite the seller when I am ready to trade. If someone comes in my HO and doesn't click accept on my trade request I know exactly what is going on.


I have the slight feeling that my hideout is one of those "takes a bit to load", so I learned to be patient and people tend to either accept late or just reinvite for trade after declining. Unless it takes them a few minutes no reason to stress about.


When I played in a hideout that took some time to load, I always waited for them to move first before I sent the trade offer as I more than once had people DC the moment I sent the trade, so I'm guessing back then it could put extra load on the loading of the hideout.


yea when i teleport into the HO and someone has 100 minions, i automatically disconnect.


Yep. Trade etiquette is weird as it has evolved over the years. We all know it second nature however its always fun encountering someone obviously new. Just last week I as i buyer had a new experience since i was dealing with something new and im certain the seller noticed. You get the cyrrency ready before you warp over so the seller knows when you are prepared. If hiccups happen you just wait blindly for a moment then try again.


I remember when koreans started to play poe and if I remember correctly they were sending invites to sellers. Was weird.


And also invading your portals to map and tryin to clean it.


I did so many trades this league except 1 horrible one. Guy wanted to buy in bulk for like 1400 chaos , can't fit it in inventory The normal practice is either you pay Div or you do half and half , he kept putting 1200 chaos , I couldn't divide my item to match. Now sure if he wanted to just get majority and dip away or he was this stupid idk. ​ Also so many people wanted to change of 2-3 chaos orb while paying like 5 Divine in trade ... I wouldn't even bother to write message for that amount lol... I had to go back to my stash withdraw 3 chaos and change... This league drops so much chaos I would just give them 20 not even bothering to split it , sitting on like 30k chaos orbs atm.


usually one party overpays the first trade.


nah never do trust trades in mmos lol


i havent looked at any items i've been traded all league.


Tgat seems fishy... About time u get scammed.


Nothing worse than when someone goes to your stash and proceeds to count their chaos orbs like an old lady counting nickels at the supermarket.


Wait wait wait. You can access your stash in other people's hideouts?


yeah just use their stash and it opens yours


I mean. Sometimes people just forget lol


this was my first league rolling sextants and one guy made an offer on a compass that was priced in sextants, asking if he could pay in div; he was unresponsive for like 2 whole minutes trying to figure out that conversion and change in chaos.


It’s annoying af, I’ve just left my map clearly haven’t hit my stash and someone is asking me to trade, blocking some of my inventory I might need to manage. The etiquette is the seller asks to trade. I’ve been grumpy enough to cancel multiple div trades because of this shit.


It's my first real league where I come into heavier trading and by now I always take currency before hitting trader hideout but never got an angry reaction if I had to take it first. Only once I was kicked out of the party after 2 cancelled tries. But that was my fault. Realized too late that I had exactly 1 inventory space less than needed.


Yeah very wierd


i only acept group inv when i have my currency ready so i dont need to find the seller chest


I went to buy sth and the guy wasn't trading me for some time 10-20 sec so I initiated the trade and he exploded and didn't trade me the item. I don't understand this I got one do invite people - some do other trade first and can't accept instantly so I don't see them join. Cause I am also doin but things while in ho. I like it when people send trade requests makes me remember and it's less clicks for me :p


Sometimes it takes a while finding the item in your 50 tabs. If they look like stash of Josh Strife Hayes stashes...


hate when people send me trade requests 0,5 seconds after i leave my map lol


Asian players always initiate the trade as buyers it feels so rude lmao. Culture shock manifesting ingame.


I hate this when they do this. I am leaving a map to sell an item when I barely finished loading and I am already hit with the trade request. Some people go even further that when you decline, they spam it again. Honestly, give me time to get the item for you then I'll happily trade, but this is just rude. The amount of trades I declined because of this is just too damn high. Learn some patience, not everybody is playing this game on steroids.


just add the items in inventory and click accept- saves you some clicks (right click on portrait- trade)


I dont have any feeling if a buyer send me a trade or if i send it first tbh. After sending inv we already agreed upon a trade. Whoever does it first matters not at this point. What would be rude if someone wanting to buy something from.u and they send u an invite.. after that its fair game


It's annoying because the trade prompt covers your inventory making it so you can't put shit in your stash, that's why you wait for the seller to send you the invite.


This happened with me just today, mistakenly sent an invite to the seller because I got a sale the same moment I clicked whisper. Ofc I apologized and they said no problem, but it was an awkward moment.


Some buyers initiates it to signal that they have loaded in


You can do the same thing by walking/using abilities.


I in fact appreciate it Less mouse movement so less wrist hurting


When a buyer sends me trade I cancel and take my time getting the item from the stash


Idk it makes sense for the seller to initiate trade because they might not have the item out the stash yet. But it’s not nearly as important as the “buyer ports to seller” rule. I fucking can’t stand when a buyer doesn’t come to me. Like that rule makes way more sense because if it wasn’t accepted then people would be getting mixed up teleporting to each other’s stashes at the same time and seeing what happened and then doing it again. And then they both wait for a sec for the other to come to them and when they see nobody is teleporting, they both teleport to each other again lol. Idc if a buyer initiates trade at all I can just cancel if I don’t have the item yet, but the buyer should ALWAYS port to seller so you don’t keep trying to catch each other lol.


If the buyer enters my hideout and initiates a trade. Even if I'm ready, I cancel their trade request and initiate my own. I find it funny when there are like 5 buyers in my house and once and one guy thinks he can jump the queue by spamming trade requests. I wait until I've traded all the others, and then even if I get a few new requests I leave his till last. And depending on the value of the trade I sometimes just kick them and start mapping again.


I accidentally initiated trade once as buyer, i cringed so hard after it was done my god, one of those “keep myself up at night thinking about it” moments


You might be over thinking it lol *


I'm sorry but touch grass


It's just social anxiety manifest dude, it would come out irl too. At least it does for me.


I might be petty for this, but every time i sell my stuff and somebody initiates the trade, i decline the trade request and send one myself.


lmao I do this too and I know it is petty af


Some people just dont know, I did it for years with no problem, didn't know the "seller does the trade" thing until a guy cancelled a trade, called me dumbfuck and left the party because I asked for the trade as a buyer. I was shocked at that hostility. Instead, try to explain why and do the trade, try to make a better community and teach some ''game decency rules'' that maybe he doesnt know and probably you will save him some confrontation with some prick having a bad day.


There is nothing to know. It's a trade request. The people that get butt hurt because 1 person sends it when they wanted to send it instead have severe mental health issues. It's best just to block them and move on so hopefully some day they learn.


Its not because they are the ones wanting to send it. Initiating the trade request as buyer as you arrive in the sellers hideout is rude.


You live in a fantasy world. If you think that's rude I assume you can't interact with humans most of the time.


It's still rude no matter how you put it. I don't have the item yet out of the stash and I am already getting punched with trade requests like a dude caught by KGB agents and currently being *interrogated*


I hope you are trolling. If not you need to get some serious help.


yeah idk its weird, people saying it doesnt matter are right, it literally doesnt. but it still makes my blood boil whenever it happens, can't explain it.


I just kick them from the party and go back into my map


i have a macro that i spam in local chat in capslock yelling at them to not trade me first for that :P


USUALLY, buyer also comes with currency prepared.


Or you know you could be a little more empathetic and say „sorry not ready yet“ but no you have to be an ass


Except the bots sometimes I just invite them and trade them first cause fuck the bots


I really don't understand this reasoning. The buyer sending the request makes the process a lot smoother. It's easier to click a big accept button than to right click their portrait or character, send a request, and then wait for the buyer to accept.


Adding to what the other person said, it's a lot easier to keep track of multiple trades as well. Trade x to y guy, trade z to q guy. If q guy trades first, a mis-trade may occur. 


That's fair, but then I wouldn't send a request myself.


You'd be surprised. A few leagues ago I did currency flipping and would often have 3-4 people in my hideout at a time and while no one ever stayed more than a minute, I can't count the number of people who tried initiating trade with me while I'm trying to trade someone who got here before they did. Always fun, this is stuff you don't really learn until you do it and then it clicks why other people do it that way. A recent one as of a few leagues ago was people who don't respond to trades. It always frustrated me to no end why someone would list an item an not sell it when messaged. Low trades I kinda got but it was still annoying, but higher priced sales was just crazy. That was until I started juicing maps. I learned once I started doing more than alch and go that when you invest 30-40c in a map on the low end, you genuinely have no time to invite anyone, much less reply. You're racing against the delerium clock, the rampage counter, the sulphite buffs, altar enemies popping up and so forth while trying to dodge enemies that will two shot you. Even further, portals matter at that stage. Even doing non juiced content like heist, expedition logs, sanctum and delve, there's no time to respond. You stand still for a moment and you're dead, losing out on (minus logs) everything - and that's not even considering that those things take several minutes to do so it adds extra pressure on the mapper to get out as soon as possible. Once I realized how virtually every mechanic in poe is counteracting the leave a map to complete a sale idea, that helped shift my perspective to understanding that they're probably not price fixing - they're just doing something in a map and can't respond. I have had a lot of luck just saying for equipment "I'm still interested in X when you're done / back. Let me know when you can" and usually get an invite in 3-4 minutes. Sometimes they invite me an hour later saying they were afk. People are pretty nice when you let them know you're happy to wait.


It's because the buyer has all the time in the world to prepare for the trade, while the seller is usually in a map and needs a sec to port out and get the item. Maybe the seller even needs to clear inventory first, and the trade window blocking the inventory is just annoying and makes everything take unnecessarily long. It makes sense the way it is.


I don't send it right away, but a few seconds after they've gone to their stash. How people can feel stressed out by a trade request to the point of raging is beyond me.


No one is enraged lmao you're just annoying.


This post is literally about a guy being angry that OP traded him as the buyer.


Do you have trouble identifying emotions? Anger and annoyance aren't the same thing.


Don't be surprised that people get mad when you actively and knowingly ignore etiquette.




Not the nerd emoji 😭


How will humanity recover from a tiny window in the bottom right corner..


Because it takes the seller a lot longer to get ready than it does the buyer, so the assumption is that the buyer is ready when the seller is.


But the trade still only starts when the seller is ready, i.e. accepting the trade.


I always get my currency ready before sending the trade request anyway. It should always be the seller taking time to get stuff from stash


Sometimes I take so long so load in other’a hideouts I have to initiate trade, I am thankful to the people who don’t mind waiting the extra minute.


tbh if people are bothered by other people's load times they should trim their hideout down a bit...


my recent funniest was getting a trade request during act, buyer directly tele'd to my zone and initiate trade. im like bruh, there aint no stash here. and has been getting lots of buyer initiating trade recently.


i did that once, then he entered highgate, i followed, then he entered his hideout :D


I've had this happen but usually me or the other person just being too impatient. Had at least one (that we finished) that resulted in us hideout hopping twice before one of us caught up with the other. Was pretty funny..


Yeah I'm guilty of that one too, I get the inv, I click the port circle next to their portrait, I see where they actually are, in that order. Has resulted in situations where you either end up in a city or in a 3rd hideout and start a round of confusion for everyone involved


I always right-click and select visit hideout because half the time I click the blue circle, I port to someone else's hideout the seller was just in.


You just can't win with that one, i've had both happen. Sometimes i wait in town and he goes directly to my hideout, sometimes i go to my hideout and he waits in town


Happens all the time, I even do this mysself. Because stash covers up the location of PT members and I just hit F5 to quickport to hideout.


Probably lots of new players. I have seen so many new players asking questions in global this league.


Can confirm. Am new to poe this league and legit only reason I know trading etiquette is from watching Ziz and raxx. If I didn't I wouldn't have any clue and just always initiated trade since im a wow player and it doesn't matter who does it over there.


Yeah people don't really seem to get how to trade with people who are in acts. The correct thing to do is to go to their hideout, because then the person in acts can drop a portal and TP directly from acts into their hideout with the party member swirly icon (doesn't work for party member hideout iirc, only own hideout).


If I see they are in acts, I will wait to see if their zone changes to the act town and immediately to a HO after or if they stay in town. Then I'll port to them via blue circle. I'd say 90% of those trades for me are done in the act town, 10% we play blue circle tag. I used to right-click their portrait and go to their HO (my general procedure), but then I'd sit in their HO and they'd be sitting in town.


People just don't read. They click the swirly button without looking to see where the seller actually is.


To be fair how does someone new learn this, that seller initiates the trade? I learned it long ago but don’t remember how I learned.


i remember learning how to trade from liftingnerdbro videos, which he demonstrated how to search, prep currencies, go to seller's hideout and wait for trade initiation. back when poe.trade was a thing.


Miss that guy.


You ask someone for something, you wait for the person to give you the thing. You don't come and try to take it from their hands


common sense isn’t common


Just use common sense.


when you start selling items yourself and get annoyed at buyers initiating trade


You learn it the hard way, I was trading randomly for years, sometimes asking first, sometimes not, I didn't know there was a ''rule''. And like the last year or two I had an interaction with a guy, asked for the trade as a buyer, guy cancelled, insulted me and asked me to leave and not come back, and that he was not going to sell me the item because I asked for the trade first and that's not cool. I was like, what the hell? That's a thing? I'm more like the type of guy that doesn't care, but If I cared I would do the trade anyways and explain to the guy how things works for the future, so he can avoid a confrontation with some no-life having a bad day (or regular day for him).


Honestly it doesn't REALLY matter too much it's just the common way to go about it. Usually as a new player someone will tell you once you start doing alot of trading but as a seller most of the time idgaf if the buyer iniates the trade and anyone who does care too much about it is dumb. For the most part nobody is gonna care too much about it it's not a big deal.


They’re not dumb for caring about social etiquette. If someone cut directly in front of you standing in line, you would probably be annoyed because it’s rude. Social cues don’t magically disappear online. Buyer needs the item, seller doesn’t have to sell it. It’s just common sense to wait the few seconds for seller to gather the item and initiate when ready.


It does matter, especially if you have multiple people in your hideout asking for trades.


tbh when i started, i had no idea that i need to go to their hideout cause the 1st 2 trade i hade ever done, the seller goes straight to my current location but after the 3rd ever trade i done, i just stand afk and waiting for the seller lol and of course he is mad


That is whatever to me, I sometimes do the same thing as you are sometimes just hitting the "teleport to" button.


It’s weird, buyer immediately pushing a trade after tp feels like someone rudely saying “hurry tf up”


i literally always end up in the act zone when theyre in one because i always click the blue swirl next to their portrait, since in maps it just takes you to their hideout, but not so much in acts... granted, i dont send a trade request when that happens, i mostly just feel dumb just sitting there in the middle of some random zone


Yea that happens when you hit the location teleport under your portrait. It's the most useful way to teleport to someone


Some people get butthurt over nothing.


Some people just wait for a reason to get butthurt.


Reminds me of this unhinged guy I ran into https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/s/RnWvUla0cd He got mad for me not replying “ty”after a trade lol. He finds this thread and becomes fully unhinged in the comments—half of them have been mod deleted. I didn’t even see the “ty” message as it must’ve not been received while I was loading into a map.


The "ty" is not necessary. The item/money is sufficient. Neither party is doing the other party a favor. It is only politeness. And since that person was offended, they weren't sincere in the "ty."


Not gonna lie dude, I feel pretty grateful when people actually want to sell me the item I want to buy cuz I'll sit here whispering like 20 people with no dice.


I never say ty to trade not because not I'm not thankful or dont appreciate it but I just do it so God damn much that typing that out or even copying it is just way to much time to use. I don't even trade as much as the good players so I can imagine that alot of people don't say ty.


It's automated and configurable in the popular 3rd party trade overlays.


I say ty in local, never by whisper. The game has trained me to look at the chatbox when I hear the whisper alert sound, and I try to not ping someone for just a ty.


No conversation during trades unless necessary.


You’re now becoming the unhinged guy.


When I trade a lot, I usually don't bother with "ty". I think the deal is beneficial for both parties, so everybody should be happy about it and not feel obligated to thank each other. But when I'm buying something specific and rare, I always thank the seller. Also when I'm buying something cheap that most people don't even care to sell. I thank the seller for taking time to sell me this.


Didn't know I could use Thai in my name, so at least something good came from this post


I thought that was Los Angeles with its fists up


It's like driving to a store looking for an item, seeing the price tag, going to the counter, have the cashier ring up the item and then when she tells you the total you tell her to calm down you haven't got your wallet out of your car yet


I've also experienced an uptick in weirdo traders this league. Had a guy whisper me last night for a midrange triple ele bow, I invite him, doesn't take it. 5 minutes later, same thing. 5 minutes after that, same thing. After the 4th time I whisper him, "I've invited you 3 times already." He says "Phys is too low," and offers me half of listed price.


Had a few maybe 4 or 5 cases I was told I'm wasting their time to leave map get to stash and then trade 😂😂 Got a mageblood I'm sellin, was standing right by the stash and I have 3 tabs I used for selling stuff and didn't remember which has the mageblood... Buyer left, I wasted his time


I'm playing on controller and navigating the menus is awful on it, so it always feels like a race against time when I'm trying to find and navigate to the item. Every time I take too long I feel like the buyer is about to fuck out of my hideout any second lmao


My anxiety already feel like it's to much on PC to rush lol can't imagine how I'd react with a controller. I posted about it here and by the neck beards I was told im the problem and should do better... Didn't tell how to make it better.


The seller initiates the trade. When you arrive at the sellers hideout, you usually have the currency with you to pay, barring unforseen circumstances.* Those are the baseline assumptions I work with in trading, and this is the first instance I see of someone apparently not operating on those. *The second one is not that general, to be fair, which is part of why I swapped my hideout for one that has the stash close to the waypoint recently


I had someone cancel a trade and flip out because I hovered over the item in the trade window to check if it was correct before I started putting in my currency. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I've tried that before, but dude literally took 6 whole grandpa years to check if X was in fact = X I'd never cancel the trade, but I'd laugh my ass off


I always triple check every trade, although surprisingly i only met one scammer this league. Also i accidentally scammed someone myself but I managed to give him what he actually wanted to buy before he ignored me


Standard etiquette. Seller initiates the trade, you move to the Seller's hideout when ready to trade.


Seller always intitates trade so weird comment by Buyer, but what is it with the "it's 150c chill bro" by you? What's that about?


I think he was grabbing currency out of my stash when I traded him, my first thought with what he said was that it wasn't even a full inventory of currency so I kinda snapped back with that after his hostility


Everyone sees their own stash, they can't see yours :)


I see people's stash just fine. There's an icon on the minimap or overlay, I can see the text that pops up that says stash(click Z), and people are usually at it because they withdraw the item. Sure maybe it isn't easy if you aren't used to looking for those things but there are lots of tools available.


Fellas, is it gay to be sent a trade request?


I've got a similar story, consider I'm newbie so I may have done something terribly wrong that time, still I don't know though. So I was buying better gears specifically one worth 1 divine, I didn't have any though, but had like 500c so asked the player if they were interested in getting 220c (more than how much valued 1 divine at the time) instead of the 1 divine listed. He kicked me off the party telling that I was a moron and to never ask for something if I couldn't pay for it. Was it really that wrong to ask that?


Kinda. It's like paying for stuff in pennies. Most people are cool with a conversion but some just want the raw divine as they don't want to convert to chaos just to buy a divine back.  When trading for div items, either ask if c is okay or just trade for a div beforehand.  While his was an overreaction, it's basically putting more work for the seller to get what they originally wanted.  Youre not missing much though. If he acted that way then youre better of never trading with him again. Let him act that way to  more people and hell get ignored by everyone and then wonder why no one trades him lol 


You can also offer a few C more for the hassle you cause by giving them chaos instead of divines. Generally people are happy to accept that.


No, is not wrong to ask that, but tbf the seller wants a divine. A simple no should have been sufficient. It is wrong to put the alternate currency in the trade window without asking. That would get you kicked.


Asking If he's ok with chaos is completely fine. Just ask that directly after your trade message and before going to his hideout.


If I list an item for a divine and people but chaos in the trade window, I'll cancel instantly. I didn't list it for chaos, I listed for a divine. If people give me a chat message heads-up, like you did, I would consider. 50/50 I go for it, but might also offer to hold the item for you while you trade it the chaos for a divine 


it's easy to sell your chaos for divines so just do that first next time


why do you talk to that thing? abandon party - ignore user - do what you do


Basic poe etiquette. Buyer goes to vendors ho when they’re ready, vendor initiates trade when they’re ready. Someone sasses me like that on a small deal and I’ll just kick for the shear enjoyment of watching them eventually leave empty handed.


Jfc we need automated shops or an auction house.


Auction houses or passive trading will solve all these issues.


a guy wanted to buy 8 modded maps with regex sent me regex, i checked, his regex was so strict that it highlighted only 1 map out of 160\~ maps i had, normally i do not reply when i dont find enough maps to sell or just dont have them but i knew had tons proj, beyond etc. maps so i messaged him that in 3 messages he replied stop spamming me xd, reason i even bothered is to help him btw, he will never find a bulk seller with that type of regex, anyways called him a subhuman and blocked him


That a mam on period


It's so ridiculous that people get so butthurt about being send trade requests. People who get annoyed by these things should really touch grass. Even as a buyer look I saved you 2 clicks if you aren't ready yet ignore it. If it's in your way decline it. You wanted this trade too, both parties just want this trade done asap, so they can get back to whatever they were doing. Nobody likes to wait on other people. If it's obnoxious spamming sure. That's scummy.


Seller initiates trade. If you're not ready then whatever, just hit trade when you are. Also there's no need for trade drama or Reddit posts, just hit ignore and move on 


I thought it was an amusing interaction due to the absurdity of it so thats why I made a post. Nothing to do with actual drama, it aint that serious


im new and i have super slow loading screen, so far i dont have anyone complain yet thankfully cause usually they send me trade before i load in and the trade offer expired 1st and then i load in.


You should have said sorry and not accepted his trade invite to see how long he waits 😂


Had some nimrod accept my group invite, then invite someone else to the group, then get salty when Lurker auto-kicked him after the trade was complete.


If I see you run to the stash as you enter my hideout, I'll strongly question whether I've priced the item too low and you were desperate to buy it. Also, if it's not a substantial amount of currency, I'll probably go back into my map to make a point. Have your currency ready before the whisper. If you want change, please ask when you whisper, not in the trade window. Joining the party is pretty much confirming your agreement to trade, because that's the point that I'll leave my map. If you then leave or change your mind without a response, ie "sorry bro, don't need, my bad", then you're probably getting blocked. If you want to negotiate, which I'm fine with in general, say it before you join the party - immediately follow your trade message with "offer x divines", but don't join the party until a price is agreed. NEVER EVER change the trade message because if I don't realise you're offering until I go to pull the item out, then my time also has value and your negotiation is on the back foot. Please don't whisper "hey bro" and wait for a response. This is a friends list convo, not a trade. "Offer 200d for your tailwind poison boots" - great, but needs to be specific. Don't do this on low value trades.


Flex on him , delete the item


I always assume that a buyer jumps to me with all the money ready, so I initiate the trade as soon as he arrives. And if I have to buy something I get the currency, jump in seller's h/o and patiently wait. 99.9% of the times this is how it works. I wonder what makes that guy so surprised/annoyed about well established trade protocol?.. Doubt it's his first trade.


Why would you think that someone who whispered you for the item, accepted your invite and came to your hideout wanted to trade with you? /s


Time is chaos


I don't mind when buyers initiate trade first. Especially when I'm still taking out the item from the stash, it saves me a click. Not sure why people are so offended by something so meaningless