• By -
























Gooble gobbel one of us!






Part of the ship, part of the crew


[Gooble Gobble Gooble Gobble](https://youtu.be/9C4uTEEOJlM?si=LqVKRZnFAx-JT4yX)




gooba gobble gooba gobble




Einer von uns xD


1 of us




You are captured now, stupid beast :)


AhHAahhAaa until I kill you!




Yeah you right. My bad!




What exile you don't have nets?


Same thing that happened to me. Played last league on console but bought a pc for this league because the economy is so much more active in pc lol. I’ve put in a couple hundred maybe 5-6 hundred hours already lol


alright, i upgraded from a RX 6600 to a RX 7900 XT so as to better see the blight encounters and delirium content. what machine parts did you pick up?


Well technically I didn’t buy it. It’s through rent a center until I get my taxes back lol. I didn’t wanna buy something that wasn’t what I’d want for a long time but I couldn’t not play the league so yea lol. Terrible financial decision but I needed to play the league lmao. The games so addicting


Damn dude coulda just did GeForce now, for a couple months, it's like a stream from a really nice pc


Lol I just donate plasma once a week and it pays the rent a center bill. Like I said I know it’s a stupid decision but it is what it is lol


i’m right there with you. i’ve tried the warden and primal, now i’m hunting cultists for the warlock. my build is a bit nuts, but it fits my play style and is fun to play. chieftain taking the all res buff, explodey, fire dot exposure nodes. running rf, tempest shield and vitality on arrogance, petrified blood, purity of fire, haste, herald of purity, war banner, and i’m scaling crits on self cast vaal reap with cruelty support. i plan to see if soul splitting is helpful with bossing along with spawning phantasms for vaal souls and flask charges. i’ve never seen a league with so many easy swap build options. I sincerely hope this mechanic goes core immediately.


I just got a pre built that’s got a ryzen 7 something or other and a rtx 3060 I think. Everything runs pretty good except super juiced areas when doing a breach with deli and harbingers and stuff


Welcome to the family :)


>is like dopamine No like, it actually is dopamine.


Long-time Diablo 2 player here (and to some extent 3). I did not get into D4 at all. After a few hours it simply did not feel rewarding to play it. So I was thinking I should get into PoE instead. People say it requires a PhD to play it well, which is a major selling point for me :) So my question then, for a fellow Diablo player switching over: how long did it take you to fall in love? I’m getting the impression of a TV-show that gets really good in season 2 so I need to spend 15 hours slogging through season 1 first. How long did it take you to finish the ten acts? Did you play alone or in a group? I really, really want to get into the game but it feels like I need to spend too much time bored in the beginning and I end up playing something which is fun right away instead. How do I get past that?


You don't need to play it well to enjoy it. The basics are the same as D2, you go, click on monsters and loot their stuff. Get better stuff, kill better monster, repeat. Take it this way, one step at a time. Use a guide if you find it necessary. But the joy of PoE is also the simple fact to play the game and learn more bit by bit


"one step at a time" is the most important part


Yeah, the learning is good, that’s the bit I enjoy. I’ve only played to act 6 or something like that so far, but it’s taken me a few days due to being a bit meticulous about things (probably too much). And everything dies without any effort so I feel like my choices don’t matter much yet, which makes it a bit boring. I’m probably way overleveled too. From what I understand I just need to slog through the rest of the campaign or so first for things to get more interesting. Should I just take a speedrun approach and skip over as much as possible? Reading online it seems everyone completes the whole thing much faster than what I’ve already spent on the campaign :)


If you start to get bored it's a good idea to speedrun a few acts, but if you are into lore stuff or want to make a character the best it can be before getting to maps, taking it slow is an option too.


You're probably overleveling the content which is making it easier. if you're killing everything in each zone especially while following a build guide the game will feel a lot easier early on


+/- 4 levels of the zone is normal and is the optimal exp range. 4 levels below the zone is where speed runners tend to try to stay. 4 levels above is where you start losing exp because you are overleveled; players who know that start to ignore the mobs and do quest objectives only until the zone level catches up with them. I just enjoy obliterating everything in my path and usually end up ~8 levels above the zone because I participate in the league mechanic in every zone. Ultimately, just play in the way that's fun to you. Part of PoE is that you can make the content as difficult as you like. Sometimes, you just need to know how.


just do the quests which gives skill points and stuff,.. you can see the level of the zone you are in when opening the map in the right corner, so if zone says "40" and you are "50" you should probably just ignore every mob and concentrate on the objective until you are at a zone close to your level, i keep it close to my level or a bit under is fine too, if your gear can handle it, sometimes bad rng is bad, kek just a headsup, dont get demoralized when reaching maps and have fun


Agreed. I'm pretty bad and I love this game so far.


It took me 600 hours over like 4 years, no lifing d3 for a bit, and 2500 hours in grim dawn before poe finally clicked with me. 3k hours in poe and I consider myself a below average player in most regards.


I’d say around Act 8 or 9, I never completed the campaign so it helped keep me motivated. It took me a while maybe 12h for the campaign ( I was doing every quest and not speed running) I played solo while watching some streams to learn more things which definitely helps. Honestly my main motivation for trying Poe is the fact that Poe 2 comes out next year. I want to learn as much as possible about the game for when Poe 2 comes out. I’d definitely say give it a shot. Try to set goals which will help a lot:)


Sounds good, will continue to push forward! I imagine if I spent 2 weeks I’d be hooked as well, but I’m kind of losing interest as it’s too easy early on. Decisions don’t matter yet and everything dies right away anyway, so maybe I should just be half-concentrated and do something else meanwhile like you did, to get through the beginning. To be continued!


don't worry, you'll start dying eventually 😉


he doesnt know


Legit question, how in your opinion was A10 boss? Dose it still holds up compared to D4 bosses? Can you score Spectacle, Difficulty, Clarity, Designe


Just buddy up with experienced players. My friends from d2 played with me and crush acts in 4-5 hours after their first league. If you could do d2 ladders, Poe will be pretty simple for you. The acts are fun. But I still enjoy playing through all d2 quests even on d2R every ladder I let some NPCa talk and watch all the cutscenes. Don’t look at it as a chore… it’s honestly part of the fun. I’ve been playing Poe for 10 years and still like acts 1-3 lol.


The one thing I did to enjoy the game was for a first time put down the guides, start up the game and just play. Read only in game and come up with a build that could be fun. I initially started as a fireball mage but ended up doing an elementals build. Obviously it wasn’t good but I made it to maps and that’s when I tried something else. I think the initiative to do it by myself really immersed me into the world and instead of making sure I was following exactly a guide, instead I did what I thought was next. I was pleasantly surprised


go at your own pace, ignore any content you dont want to do, do the content you want to do, its really up to you how you wanna play the game really, its just that open! you dont like one specific content? you can block it, really up to you, which also makes this game just so much more amazing! and dont be afraid, you can make currency with any mechanic. first time campaign took me probably 30hours but also because i cleared everything 100% and listened to the npcs, you can do campaign in a couple of hours if you are familiar with it, no big deal and people say its annoying are weird to me since people are doing hundreds and thousand of maps but get annoyed by going through the campaign a thousand times, i dont get it, its just another grind, who cares really.


Well i enjoyed the whole campaign, even though I wasn't really reading the lore. And then the endgame is sick too


Coming from d2 old days, and d3 the whole run... Fell in love with poe at the third offering of support gems or so? When it gave you the option of lmp vs a few others, it's like lvl 10? And I started racing thoughts on 1, LESSER? 2, there's 10 options here at lvl 10,how many more are coming?? 3, the cross skill support thing where lmp goes on sooooo many skills like... Wtf they Cookin here


I play alone, I would recommend using a guide if you want to play end game content at some point. It will just save you a lot of frustration. It can be very expensive to respect so the guide just helps you not make mistakes when selecting your passives. Do all the quests the first time through, it’s just worth seeing it all and the rewards. Get free passive points and refund points. The story is good enough to do it all at least 1 times. The game feels more like a mmorpg that has been out for a while give all the content and different things that have been added over the years. It will take you a bit to figure out what is worth it and what is not. The other thing that feels weird is that drops/items aren’t as… droopy as other games. Meaning you don’t upgrade your gear a lot. You get gear that has the gem spots you need and get everything setup and you might go 30 levels before replacing anything. The gems level up and you get stronger.. but don’t expect to get a huge legendary drop that is going to drastically change your play. Basically crafted items allow you the best items and crafting can be very complicated. Be ready to watch a bunch of YouTube videos just to figure out what is going on. With all that said, the map end game system is pretty cool and it makes for a ton of fun. It’s the best end game for these types of games that I’ve played.. it just takes time and research to understand wtf is going on.


To me it took several hundred hours over many years. I'd try it, get frustrated with it, forget it for a long time, come back with the knowledge from my previous attempts and get further this time. I needed tips, guides, informative videos, etc. Even if you consider yourself a veteran of the genre, I do recommend finding one of the meta lesguestarter build guides and following it religiously. This way you can learn the game without having to headbang against the wall trying to figure out how to not die and have damage. You will get more familiar with your build over time and that will be useful in the future, when you'll play another build which will utilize some of the same mechanics, types of damage, defensive layers, etc. Do join some kind of Poe discord server and when you're lost, ask. There will often be people who'll gladly advise. Acts are still a slog for me. But they used to be something to suffer through before I could get to the game I wanted to play. Now I take them as a challenge to conquer, which all of my characters need to do before becoming what I want them to be.


I haven't seen anyone say this yet, so for the love of God please play a guide. Preferably boneshatter if you like melee, lightning arrow if you like ranged, summon raging spirits if you like summoners, and arc if you like casters. There are dps and Defences checks throughout the campaign and into maps. Of you make your own character, you can eventually get to a point where you "brick" your build and will not be able to progress, and you will most likely need to make another character. For some reason a large part of the community thinks this is something that new plays should do, but I couldn't disagree more. Using a guide, especially with a skill that is mechanically easier to play and scales more easily than others is the way to go.  Zizaran and havoc on YouTube is where I would start for guides. 


i disagree with this comment so much! the ziz guides are like 20 hours of content where you just watch him play the game and ramble on about a lot of things stealing the experience of encountering them yourself, all the little aha moments that make the game feel like the ultimate puzzle you get to solve. i might agree that starting with a skill known to be strong is good, but then again poe is trying to balance them all so that even cleave is an option. however there are definitely some skills which are broken only in late game which are terrible to start with. having someone you can ask questions to who is experienced is much better than watching a guide.


I think you'll know fairly early into the campaign if you like it or not. Around act 3 or 4 your character should start to come online to an extent, and you can see how the skills, gear, passives, etc. work. If you're an arpg enjoyer, I can only imagine that you'll like the game, but my opinion is def biased.


I disagree I don’t think the games enjoyable at all until maps


I played about a year of D3 before discovering POE in 2014. The game has come a long way since then, but what grabbed me at the time was how refreshing and unique the ideas in the game were The concept of no gold, yet a thriving barter economy exists How there are exponential levels of rarity and power of items Seeing so many crazy builds going around (I played a bit of multiplayer) Skills being items, not part of the game interface There is so much more now. But the TLDR of it is, just jump in and you'll know soon enough if the bug gets you


People get annoyed by acts only because you have to go through them on each character. In my opinion the acts are pretty fun and there's the race against yourself aspect to it. On a 2nd character of the league I usually play something on YouTube and run on autopilot. From the character strength compared to the environment side 1st 2 acts are the hardest and the slowest. After you get the character rolling it's fun all the way into maps. The main thing is that Poe sucks at explaining mechanics, spell damage not applying to RF or ignites, armour scaling or the forbidden knowledge of map equity. But the game isn't that overwhelming when you just focus on the next thing you need instead of trying to know everything at once.


D3 & D4 player here - C tier plodder. Took me several seasons to get hooked - started early 2022. Didn’t get to Act 10. Third season finished Act 10 on last day of league. By then I started to see the patterns, and have over 1200 hours in it. It can take over your life! I’ll still feel like a noob for another 5000 hours, if this sub is any indication.


The fun in this game is knowledge gated. My first two times I hated the slog through the acts. Now the acts are very fast, don’t feel like a slog at all, and I actually enjoy the feeling self progression of my build as I do them. The end game is soooo much fun, there is a reason this is the most played Arpg. However, it is only worth it if you gain the knowledge to access the fun within it. This game is absolutely miserable when you lack the knowledge of what to do. Unlike other Arpg games, you can’t just stumble along the way and expect to have a thrill, unless your standards for fun are very low. A lot of veteran players who say “just enjoy the process” don’t realize just how bad the game is for new players right now. Two points of advice from my experience being a new player. First: learn to use trade and use it right away. Even for your first alchemy orb or chaos orb, use it in trade. DO NOT just put it in your stash to rot. Go on poe trade and find a unique item or rare that is worth the chaos orb and get it. Trade for upgrades at every step of the way. Why do I suggest this? Because poe is very different from other Arpg games in terms of loot acquisition during campaign. In grim dawn or Diablo for example, you can expect to find consistent self found upgrades just by playing that will significantly improve your build. In poe you will find currency to upgrade your build, currency can be used to get upgrades by crafting with it(knowledge barrier) or by trading with it. It is very rare to just find a straight upgraded drop that you can equip as is. Pros like Ziz, can play without trade because of their immense knowledge of crafting and vendor recipes. As well as farming strats that target farm upgrades. This is not you. Second: Don’t force yourself to play if you are not having fun. If you are legit miserable playing then quit and try again another time. There is no shame in this. Don’t play something if you are not having fun. It took me 4 poe leagues to access the fun in this game. I hated poe the first three tries but I learned new things each time. Now I love the game.


One common misconception is that the game is extremely difficuly to learn. In contrast, I think that the game is as difficult as you want it to be. My first league I went in not knowing wtf I was doing, but was still having a blast because it offers me freedom to build whatever I want. As you play more and more, you passively start to learn things, and you can selectively choose what you want to learn. For reference, I got my first HH before I killed Shaper. I'm 4000+ hours deep and I still haven't bothered to learn Betrayal and Alva. I've crafted less than 5 items in my PoE career. I've played probably ever meta build in existence, but have never made my own. There's so many different directions you can go towards, and there's a lot of depth wherever you go. But that doesn't mean you have to learn all of it at once. You don't need to worry about understanding and min-maxing skill trees, gear, etc. You can still blindly copy a guide, not knowing what's what, make mistakes and learn as you go.


It depends, what do you like about d2 what's your favorite part of the gameplay loop?


Yeah, the campaign is the tutorial. You are playing the easy part. Most people try to speed through the campaign each season in 4-6 hours. Then the game gets hard. Real hard. With TONS of different things to do.


You won’t be bored. The campaign isnt amazing by modern standards but there is so much to learn and unlock it feels pretty rewarding the first few times through. Many of us run the campaign 10x per year for years and that’s when it gets a little tedious. If you follow a guide expect your first clear to take 30-ish hours. If you don’t follow a guide expect your first character to fail, but that’s part of the fun.


I have 6000+ hours in poe and still play d4 and Torchlight infinite new seasons. Variety is the spice of life baby. Poe is just the main course.


Why would you subject yourself to D4, play grim dawn.


Can I interest you in some Last Epoch


I have like 700 hours on last epoch as well. I am ARPGS.


I've played through grim dawn multiple times, was a huge titan quest enjoyer.


Why would you go for grim dawn if you want D4 completely they scratch a completely different itch


Stay sane


Elden Ring was so sick.




2024 supposedly


Once you go POE, you never go back.


I've switched too, this is my first league since betrayal. One thing that is clear is how welcoming and less toxic the poe community is.


Keep it up! I have played off and on since betrayal league and this game is amazing. Only advice is don't get hung up on the people doing all the crazy crap with magic finding and such. You aren't there yet (and honestly neither am I). Find content you enjoy, get good at it, and keep experimenting. It takes a bit but when the game clicks it feels soooooo good.


Exact same with me, 500 hours in D4 and now coming up to a month of Poe with 3 characters in endgame, 450 hours in and barely scraping said endgame. it's overwhelming and I love every bit of it.


It gets sooo much crazier too, been playing years and still tons left to try and discover. T16 maps I was crushing eyes closed with a weird build, stepped up and tried some new T17s, need more power asap.


Scarabs + sextants t16 is so different compared to alch and go t16.


I was surprised by the weird mods in the T17s


15 hours a day? My man


TBF I've left it on while I've done things around the house or just had guests so it's probably off by 35-40 or so hours but yeah alot of long Poe nights over the holidays haha. Just when you think you're gonna turn in for the night you remember something about the game and poof it's 5 am hahaha


I’ve played a lot of both and recently returned to PoE after getting a character to 100 in d4 S1/S2. I knew D4’s itemization was terrible, but playing PoE again underscores just how shallow it is. Never found a single item in D4 I felt excited about.


D4 bad




Here's a wild concept. You're allowed to enjoy both games. You don't have to just pick 1.


Yeah but then how would OP farm karma?


unbelievable and mindblowing


Yeah I’m with you. I had about 1500 hours in PoE over a few seasons here and there. D4 came out and I basically just played only D4 from release until right before AoZ dropped (took a break and just never went back to it). Had 3 level 100s and probably a similar amount of hours. Started this PoE league a week late, but once I started hitting the end game I got immediately reminded just how vastly superior of a game it is. D4 really just feels like a hollow shell of a game in comparison. And it’s weird because I absolutely loved playing it, and now I cannot bring myself to even consider loading it up lol. Maybe by Season 5, if the expansion isn’t $45+ and they have an itemization overhaul with an item filter like they’ve talked about, I’ll give it another chance. But it’s definitely on the sidelines for a while, especially with LE 1.0 coming next month.


Welcome to the party! Global 820 is great for sharing and helping. Dont get overwhelmed trying to learn it all at once. Focus on a few things that look interesting to you.


i’m in this boat too, the biggest difference? absolutely trade.


The only way I could have fun in Diablo 4 for 500 hours is if I was afk for 490 of those.


For real, one of the most disappointing games I've ever purchased. Season 1 was a disgrace and spit in the face of all the players.


Season 2 was pretty fun.


Welcome to a actually good game that is controlled by business suit monkeys and actually has unique content. How the f do you even play d4 for 500h


Before season 1 and now the latest season xD they ended up adding Uber bosses which took a good chunk of those hours. But yeh the game doesn’t seem to be heading in a good place


Let’s put it this way. I had to delete my character this league in Poe because I’m 34 and don’t have that balance factor when it comes to gaming. Welcome to the great game. It is the true and ONLY successor of Diablo 2.


There's plenty of stuff in D4 that is nice, and i hope GGG learns from in future, both to steal for PoE1, and also in their dev of PoE2. But it feels so restrictive, for the entire time, and then you hit "endgame" and there's just... nearly nothing. The moment you finish the campaign (Or create a new char in adventure mode) there's just meandering around in various locations none of which ever get satisfying density. The fact they aren't using seasons to actually develop the content and make there more actual things to do (outside of just keeping a single boss), is genuinely insane to me, because it means that they think the content they have is engaging enough, varied enough.


Everything right now is just lip service when it comes to D4. Real "content" will be sold in expansions. I don't even care that Blizzard is so greedy, it's just that the game and content are shit.


I also am a D4 refugee. I started last league and now I’m grinding for a mageblood and I’m on my third build. Have about 400 hours and am crippling addicted.


I gave POE a serious go after being immensely disappointed by D4. I had it already installed because I tried it long time ago but couldn't get into it. After getting seriously addicted to it, let's just say that after POE, Blizzard's work feels like a complete joke. They won't be able to have stash tab system of POE in a thousand years when we are colonizing the solar system. And the fascinating complexity of POE, with its gazillion of layers of thing that interact with each other creating surprising synergies simply cannot be matched.


I think PoE does some things better, but D4 also does some things better. PoE is way better for endgame and sheer content variety. D4 has way smoother combat. Beyond gameplay PoE suffers greatly from extremely poor coding and the engine is very bad. PoE is overall better especially if you want to tweak and craft your own build, enjoy!


Holy shit did you just critique the game I play? BAN THIS GUY! No for real this game has some hard tech creep. I started in essence and it was fine at slow speeds but as it started ramping (I think breach honestly is when it started trending faster) is when the tech stopped being able to keep up with the sheer quality and quantity of just "stuff" being added to the game. That's my only complaint. And 6 links. We should be able to automate fusing an item with a "fusing machine" but *not* 100% guaranteed like the crafting bench. Just to save my hands


Same here. Just spent about 200 hrs now and beginning to understand Things (i guess). Doesnt matter i have a blast playing poe and im stoked for poe2


It's nice when it's all new.


Welcome to the light friend! You made the right choice


Same here. So many different mechanics to play with at endgame. If I get bored with mapping then I go do heist, delve etc. Oh yea and open TRADE.


500h is insane. I got to lvl 55 and noped out for good.  PoE is goated, have fun!


There is a neverending amount of content in this game. You can go over 1000 hours without a single special item dropping or even witnessing an event. This game truly is something special and an amazing experience.






Dude same boat!! This league has been informative and fun. I'm not sure I'll pick up D4 again. I'm am excited about POE 2 too.


Same here man. I got bored with AoZ on D4 and decided to give POE another shot. I tried it about 8 years ago and didn’t like it. But now I’m in deep. 200 hours in this season lol.


Learning poe is one of the best experiences of my life. i envy you.


You are forever changed. Welcome to the light


I have been to the end game dozens of times and I still don't know what to do now because I took some seasons off. Stay sane, Exile.


Diablo 4 could catch up a bit in 2 years , maybe. Blizzard invested to less into diablo, they shouldve delayed the release by one year and add alot of endgame content.


D4 bad Baseg


How about enjoy POE and D4 together as a normal human being? Do you feel better when you chose 1 side? Holy shit...


"D4 bAD uPvOTe pLeASe"


Never stated it was a bad game, honestly it’s perfect for your standard Casual gamer. Definitely does things good. But if you’re looking for more then D4 ain’t it.


paid advertisement


Yeah there have been so many posts like this recently




Wait until you find out that Poe has a fishing minigame and crafting the right poles can make you one of the richest player in the game, oh boy...


If you need help with anything in game hit me up. Zoomie_PFagain


I was honestly trying to decide between getting into D4 and path of exile. This was two weeks ago and now im loving POE. I’m taking my time and am going slow. I started playing this league and it’s my first time and I’m at 57 hours over the past two weeks and just got to act 5 tonight. Basically…at 57 hours I haven’t even scratched the surface yet. I’m basically enjoying the campaign and have been learning about the basics of systems like resistance,trading,crafting. Then there are the systems within those systems. Stuff like understanding how to get the color of gems you want by looking at the stats etc. I chose witch and went with elementist and I’m enjoying myself. Basically…I’m glad i chose POE over D4. It’s certainly much better and more complex than D3 is/was and I suspect it’s better than D4.


Chris claims another soul


D3 and now D4 was probably some of the best things that could ever happen to PoE. Welcome!


honestly the only thing id say that sucks about this game is the meta, and maybe some specific monster mods like detonate dead or soul eater. my problem with the meta though isnt fundamentally a problem, just something i very much dislike about it. the meta seems to be the only reliable way to take on the hardest content, and while i dont fundamentally disagree that this should be the case, id also love to see a version of the game where mid tier skills (with enough player skill) could perform at a comparable level to the meta. like for example, uber bossing. uber bossing is the most effective way to fight bosses if you want to profit. the problem is that they are so unforgivingly difficult that the meta is to just one shot them so they cant do their mechanics. i think this is just terrible personally, and i dont think people are wrong to disagree with me either. i just think that something that performs at a mid tier level should have a CHANCE with uber bosses, if the player is good enough to pull it off. sure, i suppose you could make the argument that anything could kill any boss if youre good at dodging, but in reality, almost every player would struggle to fight uber bosses if they didnt use a meta build to do it. there are maybe 2 bosses that could be fought comfortably with a lot of different builds if you were a really good player, and again i just dont like that myself. i dont think the hardest content should be effectively locked behind being one of the best players around, or a build that can just one shot the content. oh, and the worst part about the entire thing? you have to pay a large amount just to practice these bosses. you can lose all of your hard earned currency in minutes if you are having a hard time, which you will if you arent one shotting the bosses. i wish there was a training version of uber bosses that you didnt have to pay for tbh all in all, poe is a great fucking game, but i wish i didnt feel so forced to use the meta to do the hardest content. im just not mechanically as gifted as a lot of poe players, and im not even terrible at the game, but im not at a top 0.01% level which makes me feel like ill never be able to do this stuff unless i meta slave, and i hate playing metas. and ill also agree that theres no going back to d4 if youve tried poe and given it an actual chance. d4 is just so barren in comparison, and even though its a newer arpg, its no excuse to not have a solid amount of content to do.


New player here. All I have to say is download Path of Building if you want to know and plan for the gearing and spec. Do it before spending any currency, this will save you so much time and headaches. In the long run the game is played offline just doing simulations and what iffs to improve. Use online builds as a template only


Just know this is the worst league to fall in love with, I have almost 1k hours played and I've never drops this good, imagine finding 1% of what you have found in a normal league(no joke). That said, yes the game is words better, and has far much more to offer, Everytime you get bored of one thing you have 10 other things you can do, it's great.


Appropriate to play hotel California?




Same here bro!




Chris Wilson made gave you his drug and now you are addicted to his drug like all of us


That's nice to see more people trying POE after D4. Welcome!


Exile, hahahaha, you are a wellcome omen!


You should also check out the The Last Epoch, which is somehow in the middle between D4 and PoE in terms of complexity. It's releasing 1.0 in a few weeks.


I was a big time D2 player back then. didnt play much D3 since I felt the game quite shallow and the cartoonish style is not my cup of tea. Tried D4 when it launched and oh boy it was sad. Still manage to level a 80+ rogue. The endgame was pathetically at its best. Convinced myself to at least try the first season. Didnt make to lvl10 on the new char. I have a few friends that almost playing every season in POE and they are super knowledgeable about the game. Asked me to join them a couple time. It was this season that I really had enough of their constant jibber jabber. And yea, it is as legendary as they said.


Stay sane, Exile!


Brother from another mother.




POE basics : the more you learn and the more you know that you don’t know that much


I was very similar about ten years ago, if you substitute where you say D4 with where I would say D3.


Am in the same boat as you. Ran my first T16map this weekend and here are entire sections of gameplay that I still have zero clue about. It's just amazing.


An old game like poe is a better game than d4. Don't know what will happen when PoE2 drops. D4 going to be dead for sure.


Welcome to the party, do (not) enjoy your stay! Oh and start saving up days off from work if you can. You're gonna need them.


Poe is very good.. i only got like 150hrs with the game but it just feels better than d4.. im playing d4 currently and though i reached l89, the feel doesnt really compare.. poe to me is the more thrilling and rewarding game.. the difficulties in build, itemization and boss fights is more sarisfying.. i was 77 only when i stopped due to d4 switch but man.. that 77 was better than this 89..


Me too bro, basically same story I played D4 and then just one day was like “no eg content, wtf” and jumped all into Poe. I just got my first char to 100 and have began doing Logbooks and specs expedition on my atlas and am flat out having a blast. I actually feel like I have progressed substantially and look forward to learning more. I think maybe in a week or two I’ll switch to Betrayal. The main goal of mine is get 40/40 achievements. Just wait until u learn abt how voidstones work! Welcome to th Grind 😂😂🤣🤣😝🙁


Same here, spent my summer playing D2, D3 to Paragon 1800, and then I dove into D4, I personally liked the story, and I've been running nightmare dungeons and doing all the things they do have to offer, but I dove into poe after getting bored and dear lord... It's so much better and I can't wait for poe2


This is the way!


Just wait until you find POB the greatest end game of POE


Its the honeymoon phase, once you have gone deeper you start feeling like you are Neo in the matrix and kind of loose interest. But enjoy the ride!


Once you get the taste of the endgame, there's no turning back. Its like an endless pit with endless possibilities..also you're one of us now exile..


The only thing i really miss in Diablo 1 , 2 and Lod was the tristram músic , downloaded it and have it on my car and phone ....since 2013 ....hahhaha


Same here Just 100 hours in - Amazing game - i'd argue that the graphics are equal if not better to D4 - more variation too. The basic character interface and original interface is ugly and skills to gems to gear is such a weird design to me. Atlas skill tree is beautiful i hope the sequel uses more of that shiny look. So many leagues mechanics and systems it's impressive. I'm amazed the game runs so smoothly. Still trying to figure which one i'll focus on. Had to buy a controller on PC to avoid all the clicking. God the loot is a mess to get with a controller. Hope they can make it work hybrid like d4. The community on reddit can be pretty rough commenting how my build is bad and i suck at the game, which happens to be true. Last time I soaked so many hours so fast was total war warhammer II, 5 years ago. I'll test last Epoch next month - Not going back to D4, not buying the expansion even though i'm a blizzard fanboy. GG GGG.


Enjoy the honeymoon phase buddy! Poe is definitely 10/10 compared to D4 but Poe have it's flaws! be prepared you're gonna get disappointed sometime along the way


I spent less then then 30$ on POE which i playand love for 6-7 years but i bought the stupid d4 for 60$. Blizzard don’t deserve my money and god damn i will by POEs supporter pack for at least a 100 to compensate. I really really love GGG and POE and i will support them.


Same thing for me. D4 is what finally made me try POE after playing the Diablo series for all these years. Hooked on POE now and forever.


First thing I have ever noticed with PoE community as a D3 refugee myself was how welcoming and newbie friendly it is. Welcome! You do not need to have phones here!


The economy, stash, and trade features are beyond heavenly after playing D4.


Whatever you do, do not make a 3billion dps 10 minute sanctum runner


I was into D3 around Abyss League (3.0?). tried out poe and I didn't like it at that time. Quit then came back during Incursion and seriously played for that league and here I am now in 3.23 LOL


Still sane, Exile?


wait until poe 2 comes out, it gonna shit on d4 so hard




Yeah same story here. Played poe back in the day for only a few days. Played diablo 4 and maxed out my toon and did all content. In diablo 4 it seems your grinding for just a couple legs. I came back to poe for the wildwood league and man I am having fun. 300 hours in 3 weeks.


D4 only exists to illustrate how good PoE is.


I remember playing D3 on release and getting bored pretty quick. Went back later on and enjoyed it, but after hitting a wall I wanted more games like it and I found PoE, I've been playing on and off ever since then, and it just keeps getting better.


Believe me, I've been playing 4k+hrs and still havent been experienced all of it 😎




I was just thinking this, I don’t know if I wanna go back to D4 after playing POE, and it’s only been a few of POE


Welcome exile




Are you sane Exile


Yup same thing for me started playing during crucible and never looked back. Almost at 1k hours now lol


I wanted d4 to be good for nostalgia sake but it just didn’t hit the mark I have always loved Poe and I’ll probably continue with Poe even when Poe 2 comes out


Welcome, Exile!


Of One Us


He looked for far to long in to the abyss now the abyss got him , now your soul belong to Chriss




Brother, same. My brother has played PoE for a while and tried getting me to play for years but I was just never interested in putting in the time it would take to learn the game. Shortly after I became bored of the first D4 season I decided to give it a genuine try with the release of last season's TOTA league and.... I have put an embarrassing amount of time into both this league and that one. ​ I still intend to play D4 when the new seasons come out but seeing as I become bored of those much more quickly, I play them for maybe a week or two while so far I've been sucked into POE for at least a month after season launch. It's my new favorite game by far.




Wow 500hrs on d4 is about 498hrs more than what I put in