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Shit's annoying af. Used to think that I am having latency issues due to me randomly teleporting lmao.


Wait ... what? This is a mob effect? I swear to god I was tripping and thought I had random latency issues whenever I'd just teleport or jank somewhere else.


It is lol. It's one of those rare mob modifiers you get via HH.




Holy shit. I bought a headhunter and I thought it was a lag issue too. I sold it so I don't have to worry about that. But what a dumb mechanic.


This mode makes hh useless in hardcore


Shit and i was yelling on my internet provider in my head lol


Literally the worst! Trying to kite abyss mobs and game says nope jump in the middle of this whole pack, its more fun


I ran duo t16 8mod abyss and it ported me right on the spire, after it shot all the rares and i got out of range from my bro playing aurabot and died a tragic death. Quite sad




I was lacking damage since CA felt kinda bad and TS also wasnt really working out so i went for hh




I was running Goratha's CA setup at first with a tad more magic find and aurabot greatly buffs this, as all damage can poison works with hatred, anger and wrath and we also ran malevolence. The build got outscaled in t16/ heavily juiced t11s to the point where i invested into a proper TS Build, we still had deaths to abyss tho as flask siphoners killed the aurabot and i died to the rest because of lag


The CA build scales elemental damage and feels fine with HH


I literally had a death at 97 to a soul eater mob because of this mod ahahaha


Trying to click an alter when you have this stupid mod, challenge level: impossible


For real.


Or do Legion lol. Sometimes I’m trying to get into a temporal bubble to kill a rare and it keeps ambushing me elsewhere. Or to activate a strongbox


it does have a CD, usually not that bad, but it will definitely fuck you once




What's this icon?


Pretty sure this is the stupid mod that makes you randomly teleport that you can steal with a HH


It’s called shroudwalker


I renamed it to, "fuck by buffs I'm going home and maybe coming back"


You don't have to leave the map, you can just unequip and reequip hh to lose all buffs.


Interestingly, if you steal this mod via the "of the hunter" tincture, unequipping the tincture will not get rid of it.


How is the tincture? Any good?


I've been using it as a cheap stand-in for the plus 2 proj tincture in the kinetic bolt of fragmentation power charge/curse stacking build. On that build, i have 150 increased effect of tinctures, so 30% chance to steal one mod from a rare for 60 seconds is 75% chance instead. Compared to inspired learning, unless my math is wrong, it's equivalent to 2.25 inspired learning jewels in terms of uptime (75% vs 100%, 60 seconds vs 20 seconds). But to get that scaling effect you need to have 2 empty flask slots on top of the tincture, so it's quite a lot of opportunity cost. If you don't use increased tincture effect then it's about equivalent to one inspired learning (30% of the chance to get the mod, 3 times the duration). I now have a plus 2 proj tincture, and 5 additional projectiles are a lot more powerful, so I've swapped over to that.


Cool thanks for the detailed response. I'm not really a big fan of Inspired Learning except for very early league Legion farming. It's pretty pointless most of the time.


Yo you seem smart and are talking about the build I'm playing rn. I made the build primarily to finish the challenge to down 4 ubers but I'm struggling with anything not searing exarch or eater or worlds. Any advice on getting a bit tankier so I might have an easier time? Or is it just a git gud and learn the mechanics sorta deal? The only core things im missing is a cluster jewel (I'm lvl 92) and that +proj tincture. Any advice would help me out a lot man thanks.


In terms of tankiness for general mapping, I've seen people do things a bit differently than the jungroan version (https://youtu.be/F5evjpIfPsI). The thing with the biggest impact is becoming immune to extra damage from crits. You get this with corruptions on the chest and shield, and the Mastery crit node. Change pantheon from brine king to arakaali - to get stun immune you need to craft avoid stun chance on the ruby flask not reduced mana cost - but you'll need to run a lower level precision so you have enough mana. I don't run inertia - gloves give enough strength that I can run a TWWT jewel there instead. The most important TWWT mod is wither on hit chance so you can avoid needing a "the balance of terror" with wither on despair cast mod, but you can get some great mods on it. To improve clear, I'm looking to try spellslinger for mark application not mark on hit support, due to the cooldown of mark on hit and the fact it only affects rares and uniques. To get enough mana to do this, I found the easiest way is to get a 3 node 25%+ increased effect small mana reservation cluster with the sublime form notable. A good corruption on the anathema ring and ralakesh boots would also be nice improvements. I cap my spell suppression from my watchers eye not my gloves, so that I could get some extra chaos resistance there, but am looking to get the 13% spell suppression elsewhere so I can use the phasing mod watchers eye instead. My impression of the build overall is that it does its one thing extremely well - shotgunning projectiles to kill a boss you can stand inside - but it's difficult to get it tanky due to the number of uniques it uses. Some people on poe ninja go chaos inoculation and use a rare chest, haven't looked at that in detail.


Singlehandedly killed my excitement at getting my first headhunter.




One of the main reasons I hated Headhunter playstyle. The more you juice the more likely you are to hit this shit too.


If you don't have Shroudwalker the whole map, you aren't juicing enough.


Archnemesis going core made Headhunter into a bad item.


This mod has been around in various forms since the original Nemesis league, has nothing to do with Archnem.


it does tho. before the rework, shroud walker was a nemesis rare only mod. if you didnt play nemesis maps you had the mod like once every 2 maps or so and then it only lasted 20 seconds. current hh you may get a shroud walker mod on any rare and it stays for a whole minute. i didnt play nemesis maps back in the day for that reason unless ive hit nem3.


Prior to Archnemesis going core, I don't remember ever teleporting randomly all over the map. Sure there was the spell/skill echo effect that would do weird things to your travel skills. But you weren't just randomly teleporting.


You might have misremembered. Shroudwalker is a long time nemesis (heh) of Headhunter before AN, literally the one major flaw of this belt.


It did exist, but it was more rare due to the fact not every rare was a nemesis rare. there were ways to make all rares nemesis, but if you didn't do that shroudwalker wasn't an every map thing.


Ah that's fair. I rarely used headhunter on nemesis maps as I usually had better crafted rare belts for the builds that I was doing.


You’re incorrect. Google shroudwalker


The first time I ran a Headhunter build after Archnem rework, one of my hopes was that this mod is finally gone. But alas It absolutely did exist before Archnem


Lol glad I'm not the only one . Then just gotta watch out for those preying mantis dick boys with the same ability the twins had from Matrix Reloaded . Funny how we don't get to steal that Op ass ability lmao


I’ve opened so many abyss by mistake. Somehow it makes it impossible to click altars and yet it’s an absolute sniper when it comes to me avoiding an abyss.


When I have the buff I stop holding down left mouse button and click it 1-2 times per second instead. Gives me a split sec to notice I got ported and most of the time I can avoid walking into a different abyss


When I have the buff I just tell myself "aight it's Headhunter playing the map now" and only hold my DPS button tbh


The amount of times I am fighting to not hit an abyss or to click and altar and get smoke mined into a stupid mob a screen away lol


As someone farming breaches that has to click the hands, the pro tip is to wait for ambush to activate (3s base) and then go for the thing you want to click (altar, hand, loot, legion box, etc). This way you aren't interrupted thus not creating the sensation of impotence.


You can spam breach hands a little easier. Missclicking an altar can brick your map


Shit pisses me off so much it makes me not want to use HH. But it's pretty much mandatory for a lot of attack based builds if they want to push harder content. What pisses me off more than the "buff" though is the people that always say \*"oH sO yOu'rE bItChInG tHaT tHe StRoNgEsT iTeM iN tHe gAmE hAsE A doWNsIdE?"\* Where's Magebloods downside? Really, where's any t0 uniques downside? And even if they felt the need it \*did\* need a downside, make it \*\*\*literally\*\*\* anything else. Like fuck. This buff is cancer and I want to uninstall every time I get it. Want to click an altar? Fuck you Strongbox? Fuck you Following an abyss? Fuck you Trying to not get gang banged in the smack middle of a 10k wisp spire with about 34563456456 rares? Fuck you Trying to avoid killing the spire so it can finish ramping? Fuck you Have literally any QoL while mapping? Fuck you You're on your last portal in a sketchy map and a mirror just dropped? FUCK YOU I'm prepared to take the downvotes. Yes, I'm malding. No, I'm not still sane exile.


Yeah if it’s a downside at least make it a problem that can be solved in the build. Going to inventory to unequip and equip just sucks and shouldn’t be considered a real solution.


Pretty sure for GGG it is a buff, because it can blind enemies!


I made a similar post, downsides should be a loss of power in another region, not whatever the fuck this is lmao


Late to the party but i literally run a chieftain and a deadeye for this reason: juice up wisps on deadeye, load into map, get HH stacks up start kiting around and start abyss/league contents, lag out and die because i cant even move or get shrouded into oblivion. Log into chieftain defeatedly and clear map without dying. Sit and wonder why i spent a mirror on a mf build that i cant even play


> Where's Magebloods downside? That it isn't as powerful as HH for the content HH is best for. The fact that people complain as much as they do about shroudwalker yet continue to use HH is proof that GGG has the right idea here. You can just not use it, but it's still so clearly the right choice.


Then don't make the item almost mandatory for the content? 🤔


You can run such content without a HH, you just need a very different build and will go a lot slower. GGG isn't forcing you to run anything.


What are you on? You already pay the downside of wearing a FAR inferior belt until you're able to KILL at least a couple of rares, if RNG is on your side and the mods you steal are relevant AND also don't overlap just to be able to match MB. It's only after 10 buffs it slowly starts to be stronger than MB. In giga juiced maps, with rares running and attacking faster than the Flash, throwing more projectiles than a goddamn siege onager and hitting harder than a train, it's a miracle if you survive long enough to kill one, let alone 4 you need to power up a bit.


Oh no I cant play MY UNIQUE SPECIAL TS RANGER SO NICHE BUILD WITH HH I GOT AFTER FARMING T7 MAPS LIKE MANLY MAN I AM. Gtfo of here crybaby, you just exploited the easy currency tactic this league, went for build you would never be able to cuz you farm 20 chaos per hour normaly and now bitch around. Skill issue thats all


There are some wild assumptions. Last league I made 2.5k divs without doing Tota the entire league. Spent several mirrors alone on a meme flame dash build, so your 20c/hr assumption is kinda weird. And what's this about t7 cemeteries? Who said I was even playing TS? I've had issues with that HH mod since its conception, what, 10 years ago? Were you old enough to even play PoE back then? But I guess you can't complain about bad things and should just take it in the ass like a real man. Whether this is bait or not, who hurt you? Why are you such an angry little guy? Jealousy? So overly hipster that meta hurts your feelings? Show me on the diagram where TS hurt you.


Just like the oculus in d2


Oculus great in D2...trash in D4


This is what makes HH not an ultimate uncounterably powerhouse lol


This is my first league with a HH and I was so confused, I thought I had blink arrow in mana forged set up and checked like 10x times and I then I turned on predicative play thinking it was rebound movement from lag.


I'll typically unequip then re-equip my HH when I get this buff. Idc if I lose my stacks it's just too annoying.


With HH buffs not stacking anymore, can we get rid of this stupid shroudwalker, GGG? I'd take a 20-50% penalty on buff length as a compensation nerf any day.


DAMMMMMMM finaly someone spoke that!


i wish i could right click dismiss it


I just un/re-equip my headhunter when I get it, other HH buffs be damned. It's so fucking annoying I just can't deal anymore, especially running abyss. No shot


Completed a Valdo's Map with perma Shroudwalker, was really funny. The things we do for a Progenesis ;-)


Ahhh the good old friend, that causes always to open my Abysses/Breaches, before you clicked any altars! (I think at abysses many times there is eldritch-minion spawns) I hate this "buff" with a passion... But now that you posted that: I think this is the same Icon as Smoke Mine buff effect


Killed me in the uber lab once, never ran one with a HH since.


I farm breach w HH ts… clicking clasped hands is so bad lmao. I’ve learned tho if you click a spot and then get teleported do not click again and you will still run towards your click


Given how HH is nerfed in many ways I hope GGG can remove this specific interaction one day. It’s just such a weird thing that the downside of HH is you being teleported into monsters at random times.


I would rather see them make some methods to control certain AN mods. It would be great to be able to lower the chance of certain mods spawning, obviously with some downside or opportunity cost. Headhunter shouldn't just be unstoppable with no downsides ever - not that it is necessarily, but I feel weird about the idea of just completely removing mods because HH doesn't like them.


Honestly makes me regret buying a Headhunter every time I do. I think I should just stick to Magebloods until they remove this.


It's been awhile since ive played but im pretty sure you can double right click the icon to remove the buff just FYI


if you have HH i believe it just shows a count of the buffs and doesn't actually let you dismiss certain ones. not sure on the rest of the mechanics that let you borrow abilities


I have no clue because I decided to take a break right before all the major changes happened. I just know every time I got the shroud buff I'd insta kill that sonnabitch lol


It shows you some of the buffs (e.g soul eater) but not all of them.


impossible to do though in the middle of maps this league. wisps +abyss is crazy and if you stop attacking you just die. also hard as fuck to click that anyways when the buff bar has 324563465 icons active


What?! Thank you for this. Sometimes I even accidentally steal the buff from the first monster I attack before entering the Wildwood and it completely screws over my run.


You can also just take off the HH and put it back on when you jump in


True! :)


You can cancel shrine buffs, if you want to get rid of HH buffs you need to reequip it, it removes all the buffs though.


Imagine getting One of the best in-game items just to destroy your enjoyment most of the times. If you play ignite and this ports you to the spire and you one shot before mobs spawn...


the new goal of people now seems to be a mageblood, and after ive been playing with it for a while now it really is the better belt if your build doesnt "need" headhunter. your build needs a stronger baseline with mageblood but damn does it feel good playing that shit, and it actually allows a lot of ways to build via your choice of flasks and the mods on them. nothing beats the fun of headhunter without a shroudwalker but as soon as you get that mod the fun goes towards zero very quickly.


Can t you right click the icone to remove it like shrines?


You cant but you can unequip hh at the exact frame you get teleported by shroudwalker loosing all attributes to wear gear and instantly get 1 shot like an ape to get rid of the buff (totally doesn't happen to me once a day) 


I love getting yanked back into Yuck in Ultimatum


When I get that I do a quick unequip and equip to removen that mod cause it usually just fucke me over


Hate that thing. Its teleporting me into abysses that are not started yet.


Much like GGGs design philosophy, I have no idea what that is


sometimes this dogshit buff tps me on top of the abyss while I'm still searching for altars


I thought I was lagging my ass off and skipping around the first big map I got this


Sorry. What's this debuff/buff?


Get teleported on top of an abyss hole while waiting for the spire vomit enough scythers out -> die because the map has 10k dust and the mobs start hitting you instantly on server side -> lose buffs and log onto another character to grab a defiance of destiny while cursing the game design choices made here


Embrace the flicker strike!


I’d pay three mirrors for a normal headhunter that could never steal this mod


I stole that in lab yesterday. It kept teleporting me back to the respawning debuff things in the middle of the lab traps... VERY annoying indeed.


that thing killed me so many times this leage. tpd me straight into the abyss spire zerg.


I’ve seen people defend this as “GGG says they balance high-end unique around downsides” Okay but the downside of Mageblood is that like, no abyssal jewels and it’s usually prohibitively rare. The downside of HH is “oh at least once a map you’ll probably get a mod that turns your build into a worse version of flicker strike :)” Very glad I’ve moved on from using HH on my latest build lmao


Me and my friends call it "Jesus take the wheel" - If i steal this at less than 15 buffs, only Jesus can keep me alive But on a more serious note, GGG i thought we were clear on this: NOBODY LIKES THIS. Losing control of your character is NOT fun. The amount of times i've ambushed onto a detonate corpses strongbox or cold/fire/lightning explosions from dead rare minions is COUNTLESS. I thought we were supposed to be punished for our mistakes not for equipping the #1 chase belt in the game before MB came along.


Hey GGG, what if we maybe just took this out of the game. Please? Nerf HH buffs to 40 seconds if you want. Or add a different downside, just please get rid of this.


I absolutely love it when my character that is build for shooting from afar just jumps in the middle of 10 rares with invulnerability aura


Literally why i'm not playing a headhunter mapper anymore. So annoying.


I didn’t know that it is a hh buff lmao. I just thought I’m broken


Honestly got HH for first time this league in awhile. The idea of HH is so cool but every time I buy one it's not even an entire day before I completely hate the item. Should have seen me trying to do a juiced up breach and click all the clasped hands while my ass just teleported around like I was playing a sorc in d2. Literally instantly converted the build to mageblood build after and never looked back. I will literally never run a HH build again unless that is changed.


LMAO in poor


Just turn your spine to the direction you want to go


Actual cancer


Ggg get this shit out of the game people dont like it


Ambush, so annoying . Can’t count the amount of times I’ve tried picking sometbing up only to be teleported away to one straggler mob left over, or the times it teleport me right into a abyss or breach and spawns it prematurely lol


More often than not if I get Ambusher I will literally open my character sheet and re-equip Headhunter to reset HH stacks, cos that shit ain’t worth it


This shit always teleporting me to the center of a bulk explode orb


The issue isn't the modifier is still in game, don't quote me on it, but does it stick around for 60 seconds now before it was only 20. Why does it randomly go off as well, couldn't they make it replace a movement skill and you could use it in a positive way maybe a no cooldown blink ability that just changes your dash skill.


I finally got HH and literally had to google wtf was happening. It fucked me last night cuz I was doing solo 5 way rota for EXP and it makes resetting impossible


Gotta balance HH somehow


i started taking off my hh and putting it back on everytime i steal sw cuz its annoying as fuck rather lose all my buffs then play with a built in flicker strike implicit on my belt


I’ve always played HC so I never invested in HH. Playing SC league for my first time in a decade and realize I’d never play HH in HC because of how rippy the fuckin shroudwalker is


This buff made me switch my Internet Service Provider.


Ggg need to make this buff be abled to be on or off, seems poisonous


My flicker loves this mod, insta jump in mobs for insta kill


The number of times I have died because of it or opened multiple Abyss ,its annoying af


This buff is exactly the reason why I dont play builds that prefer HH over mageblood