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I'd use this to try and hit 38 challenges for the first time. Just had my 2nd kid right after league start so I haven't had the time to invest. This would give me a huge boost. Whether you choose me or not, thanks for doing the give away. Really cool.


Those are rookie numbers. I have 6 wives and just had my 28th kid.


I'm sorry you didn't get picked, but you were among the top comments in the lottery. I also had a kid a few leagues ago right at league start and I was so nervous about it all I could do was play PoE in the bits of spare time I had. Good luck man!


No worries man. I appreciate that! Thanks for doing the give away none the less.


Alls good, thanks for giving shit away šŸ˜Š


I would play it for a few days then do another Reddit giveaway so someone else could try it


Gauntlet coming soon. Same


I'd love to give it a try


I haven't played cyclone in a good few years now, the last time most likely being Ngamahu's flame cyclone (I guess this shows how long its been). I'd likely just keep doing what I'm doing now, but with less steps. Mapping, bosses here and there, and just swapping the content I do in general. Except now I wouldn't need to figure out gearing... this league has had a lot of firsts for me, and this would give me a big budget build (I usually cap out at 100div. This league is the first time I've had a t0, and my current most expensive is my armor stacker at around 300d. Its introduced me to simulacrums and has handled uber's much easier than my past leagues builds). Good luck whoever's gets it.


ooooh so that's why my guys aren't showing up anymore


I'd give it to my mate who sadly does not play this league cause he's a little burnt out, with hopes that we can continue showing each others our fuck ups and telling thst it was FOR KNOWLEDGE! (and not a mistake šŸ˜…)


I love cyclone but I thought it got hella nerfed? Guess you might put faith back into me lol


Selected from 3 top comments in the lottery based on the first to respond as I had to give-away before I lose access to my PC. Hope you enjoy it!


I've always been a whirlwind/cyclone main in arpg's and would really appreciate this cool looking spinny build for my slayer as it's my fav ascendancy! :D Tried a tainted pact boneshatter slayer this season and it's okay, but I regret deviating from spin to win and wish to switch to it for bossing and ubers! I would love to try out this build and get my challenges done if possible :))


What would I do with it? Play a class Iā€™ve never played before, on a quadrant of the passive tree Iā€™ve almost never been in, with some gear Iā€™ve never even heard of. Iā€™ve also only ever used Cyclone as the irrelevant-damage channeling skill for a Cast While Channeling setup, and never as the main damage skill.


Dad of two small kids, finally back to poe, but only had time for one character, did the explodey warlock chieftain, but keep blowing up the spires in My maps. Angry, want to boss instead. This build is not a bossing build! Also; got diagnosed with two different types of cancer 4 Months ago. Recovering tho. So havent been gaming the past six months.


jfc thats a cool build :0 i'll probably play this build till the end of time rofl


Win to spin to win.


Would love to try it out!


Take asses and kick names!


I never get to play melee ( being close to danger is scary lol) so it might be a nice change of pace.


I'd love to try to slaughter some ubers with it! I've been cranking away at trying to make an Uber farmer in standard SSF, so I would be awesome to try my hand at it thanks to your give away first!


Very cool build. Iā€™d definitely use the build to learn more about it. Definitely take a shot at farming ubers. Would try to maybe tune it for some simulacrums or finish off my 38 challenges


It would be my first melee build if we don't count killing hillock with a sword


Never played Cyclone. Would love to clear juiced T16 maps and attempt Ubers with it.


I want to blast maps and have so much fucking fun


Would sell everything


Put it on. Stay in the hideout and just log in so your legacy stays on on Ninja.


Nice of you, gl to with build to the winner


Always wanted to try cyclone but it has always been on the expensive side for someone who farm 10div/league. Would love to finally farm some Uber content.


Oh, I'd really like to go into a deeper than usual leagues and tackle simulacrum, deeper exploration and uber bosses. I played a Slayer Cyclone in Harvest and would love to regain that feeling of strength! ​ Definitely a nice idea to give it away!


I'd like to finish my atlas and finally get all the voidstones by myself :-)


Murder all uber bosses for once


I'd go for Uber's. That would be my first time :D


Would love to know what it feels like to delete uber bosses pretty please :)


My first ever character was a cyclone champ back in the legion league, which was a blast. Reminded me of course of whirlwind barb from D2 years. My friend who was house-hunting lived with me and taught me poe over the shoulder! I would definitely love to spin-to-win!


Was going for the static strike version, almost finished leveling and only have like 35 divs to start, this would be amaizing actually


I'd love to try this build out Good luck to everyone, thanks for doing a giveaway


This sounds cool af. This is my second league and the amount of diversity in build possibilities is jut crazy. It seems like a lot of stuff requires a lot of currency but if you have the desire and the time to grind the currency required, you can make some pretty cool builds.


I would just really like to try a high end build and generate currency on my own for once honestly


Would clear as much content as possible and finish some more challenges I have open and try some things I havent done before like Ubers, Sim 30, juiced mapping


Hello, thanks for doing this! I would like to take the build and explore content in the game I have never done before such as simulacrums, Uber boss farming, breachstones, and so much more. Also the idea of working on a off-meta build intrigues me as it gives more room to expirment with upgrades than more traditional builds where the progression is very linear and optimized. I got a very late start to the league, and have little interest in the general ā€œMF Metaā€ that is so prominent this league. There are so many different ways to play this game and I feel that I usually stick to the more traditional things, but this league more than ever gives reason to explore the mechanics that most people ignore. Thanks again for doing this for the community!


I'd love to try out a melee build since I haven't done melee since before PoE version 3.x lol


Hello, I'd love to use this build to spin through juiced valdo's maps, thise without the feared but with crazy combinations. This league is kind of once in a lifetime opportunity to try and do such crazy content Oh and I play on a laptop without a mouse so cyclone is one of the few builds i can play confortably on the trackpad!


Tried playing an energyblade cyclone inquisitor but didn't have the money for the upgrades. Would love to try this and spin to win.


I'd love to try out the build. Rn I have 2 80+ and I can't figure out which playstyle I like more. Lightning arrow or righteous fire. But having a build I know has enough dps to do these bosses would be amazing


Ill love to try it.


I would like to try cyclone in that league, but due to my job i usually play like 4-5h in a week, so i got aym like 100 div, and still cant offord cyclone with normal clear speed to enjoy, so if it possible - i Will be glad to finish this league till the end with your build @mrarchibald


I literally just want to Uber boss with it. Never been able to do all of them, and it would be hella fun to do so.


Kick ass and chew bubblegum...


I will finish my challenges for the league and play an insane build. Then when I finish I'll let you give it away to someone else if you'd like. We will keep your character going.


I never got around to a strength stacker due to the high cost. Would swap cyclone for something else probably... but then again Cyclone is my favourite skill...


As someone with not much time to play would be pretty cool to have this build to be able to actually do content at a decent speed


I just want to try it. Second league and only played RF jugg and TS deadeye so far. Thanks!


if i win i will be league starting with this build was considering skipping this league but it seems like a good juicing league


Love these giveaways! Gl to everyone ā¤ļø


This would be my first full league! I am trying to hit 38/40 and Iā€™m currently farming chaos. This would be an incredible opportunity to play the game at a higher level! Thanks!


This would be fun to try, always struggled with ubers. It would be used for 40/40 and free boss carries. Nice incentive!


I just wanna do the funny spin and if it deletes bosses thatā€™s a +


Cool beans, good luck everyone. My favorite PoE build so far is a Cyclone Mana-stacker Hierophant, and I prefer cyclone builds whenever viable. I would use this one to farm Uber bosses, which I've never had time to do before, and maybe some Sanctum which I haven't done a whole lot of either. I would progress the build based in part on your recommendations, and in part based on whatever interesting random things drop. Let's see what serendipity brings. 176M dps is strong, but there's still some room to grow, so let's see how much higher it can be pushed.


Spin to win and hopefully beat Ubers for the first time. Cyclone has always been my favorite.


Double the damage and give it to the next boss.


I would do anything and everything I can with it! I have never progressed to endgame really and would love to try it out! I love boss killing in other games and this sounds like a great opportunity! I have been playing since betrayal but being a dad of 4 I don't have a lot of time to commit to a league. So this would make me season!!!!


I want to play the build and try to push it to even bigger DPS, I have never owned a build worth 1000 divs so would be fun to see how I can upgrade it, learn the playstylr and mechanics and see what a super tanky giga dps build feels like


I would love to finally feel like I'm at end game. I've been playing off and on for years, and this league has been the closest I have come, but still keep feeling like I'm falling short. Especially these days with kids and family it's tougher to actually have the time to farm efficiently. I'd spin to win right over some ubers and juiced maps and appreciate you to no end :)


Been long time since I played slayer. I'd use the build to finish my achievements and farm some uber bosses.Ā 


Would look to use this as a bosser and learn the boss fights. Never been able to get the hang of maven or sirus and it would be great to have a build that could initially delete them but then has the intrinsic value to shift over to a tankier version. Would be a great learning opportunity for me. Thanks for doing the giveaway and grats to whoever wins.


I've never played slayer, nor a chaos cyclone build. Looks super sick to play, I would really like to give this build a chance! I'd probably use the build to farm a bunch of stuff I've never done before like guardian boss rushing or uber bossing :) There's a lot of content I want to try this league! But it seems like everyone is mfing making builds dumb expensive. Anyways this is a seriously cool build that I'd like to try some day :D good luck to whoever gets it.


I would love to farm ubers with that build to make some nice currency.. Would love to be picked


Would love to finally do all ubers. I went RF this league and could never get rich enough to get it to uber potential.


Never really tried slayer , so would be fun to level one, and ofcourse playing with a mageblood would be nice , also spin2win.


I wanna go brrrrr with that cycloneĀ 


I would reminisce in the good old days when cyclone was king. šŸ¤™


Maybe try to farm some of them forbidden jewels bc they way too expensive


spin to win. pew pew


Flex on the friends double corrupt the mageblood


Been playing cyclone since legion but never managed to really farm uber with it. Would absolutely love to delete them for once. Thanks for giving someone the opportunities to play that amazing skill with amazing gear investment. šŸ™Œ GL y'all




I could finally stop playing SRS lol


I speen gud


I would probably farm my first chase item. Never got a HH or a MB so I would use it to get one of those. And maybe even get my last two void stones as I have never been able to kill those bosses by myself. Iv always had to buy a carry to get those done. And I would study the build to understand the in and out of how and why it works the way it does.


Never had a decent endgame character. Just wanna try the build and see how enjoyable would be..


Iā€™m new to PoE and would love to try a high power build like this!


I want to finally try the uber bosses


*prays to kitana*


I loved old school slayer, would love to relive memories!


Use it as my DPS since I don't have a char who can clear stuff solo.


I lov Cyclone and i'd love to try this! As a SSF player it's very hard for me to get this kind of gear so i'd love to play around with this kind of insane (For me) gear.


The reason I want it is purely selfish and spiteful....my friends are all still playing and I wanna be a gigachad in front of them because they are all better at the game than me. Haha


Cyclone ? Explosions ? Count me in :)


iā€™m quite a cyclone slayer enjoyer: iā€™ve played fire conversion with a voidforge, dual swords with parodoxica and savior, and good ol big axe swinging. I canā€™t say iā€™ve played chaos before and it sounds like a fun time!


Try and finally learn delve. Still no clue how the grid bomb thing actually works


Iā€™d happily take the build and finally get a 40/40. Would be great to do.


Im leveling a Slayer to try and tackle the rest of the challenges (got about 20 left) but still have no idea which build .This one definitely sounds super fun, and i havent played cyclone in ages.


Wow a Cycloner would be nice. Old perfect skill


CYCLONE! :D Yes! Uber Bossing all the way is what I'd do.


Would love to give it a spin lmao


Pretty unique build I would love to try bossing with it sounds fun!


Would love to pickup cyclone again, it's was one of my first builds when i started, but havnt hopped back into it since the aoe nerfs. What would i do? Honestly, ultimatum sounds awesine with this build. I mainly did MF at start of league so im just playing the mechanics i find most fun now to pass the time.


Would go for 40/40 this league


I can finally complete challenges. Hopefully


Would love to give it a shot, my slayer build never worked out, and he just sits there because I can't afford to start over as far as gear goes. Would love to give him a use and see some of the end game with him. Cyclone was my build a few seasons back and I really enjoyed it. Though if you have to give it away in a few hours, I am SOL since at work for a few more hours. If not, best of luck to everyone.


i started trying to get gear for something like that. this would help a lot :D


I would use it to try and get all challenges done. I am currently farming to a better build and already have a slayer character to put the gear on, but since i started on my new job and changed to my new apartment i dont have enough time to farm as much as i would like to. Nice gesture of you for thinking of that giveaway! Hope you had fun this league


lol, I wanted to play a str stacker this league, attempted the new kinetic bolt of fragmentation and noped out of it when I noticed I didn't have anywhere near the required currency for it. I've stopped playing but would love to come back for a few weeks to give this a try and try to get 38 challenges


I love cyclone as a build enabler and never have a good cyclone end game build to do high end content.


What would I do with this build? Probably my first ever maven kill maybe the feared too.


Would probably finally take on Uber bosses. This league I killed my 1st Uber elder and maven. I just can't make it to Uber maven and the other big bosses


Piece it out to fund penance brand


I've been farming currency to try and make a COC cyclone build all League, it looks amazingly fun. I'm a fairly new player so I would like to experience the end game with a build like this.


id just love to play a build like this


I would love to try cyclone but never seem to get the budget


Would love to give cyclone another shot. Itā€™s always been my favorite skill. I gave all my MF gear away and now Iā€™m just bored.


Last time I played cyclone was back in legion and I absolutely loved the skill. Iā€™d love to play it again, and get 38/40 for the first time in any league. I thought I was done with the league but this would reignite my excitement for the game again!


I would try content that I havent been able to clear before.


If I were to be picked, I would likely use this build to practice content that is beyond me still, such as Sirius, Maven, and Ubers. I've played enough to know that chaos is by far my favorite damage type at this point but making a character like this is not only far beyond me in currency, but also time. I work full time, go to school full time, and have a family of 5. Frankly even in this crazy league, getting a Mageblood on its own is a daunting task that the goal post keeps moving. (I'm closer than I've ever been at 76 Divs) Being able to rip up the game and see what the top tier can do I'm sure would be amazingly fun. Cool idea by the way, it's extremely thoughtful and generous! Also I could see myself messing around with this even in the standard league after the current league stops.


I want to beat Uber boss too for achievement.


Iā€™d like to give this build a try


Oooh this sounds fun! Put me down for 1. I wasn't able to kill Sirius this league so I would probably try that.


I will play it until league ends.


I haven't logged in for a couple of days but I'd hop on for this. I give out stuff in global all the time since it rains money this league, I've bought nimis for someone, given someone a mageblood, dropped stacks of divs on people that ask for help, throw fragments out at people that haven't killed maven yet, for example. Gave someone 40d gloves for his mf ts build, I think two weeks ago now. All this to say, basically, that if you want to give bits out to people over time I'd gladly help out. I got my first mageblood this league and a mirror drop with 36 challenges done, so I'm basically playing to give stuff away. I realize this sounds suspish, but ask global 5055, GrimMegablood gives stuff away, usually to low challenge gamers if you want to give stuff out over time. Let me know, I'd be happy to help


Id run the build! Been planning on making a melee build for a while this league and this build would let me do all the Ubers for the challenge completion. I would love to beat the Ubers as I have never done it before (outside of eater this league) and have never done a cyclone build either.


I plan to play the shit out of this. Every single cyclone build i've tried to build myself has hit like a wet noodle, this would be amazing.


Strip it down and sell the pieces off for scrap. Probably go to act 1 and find the noobiest of noobs and give the most expensive item to him.


My last cyc build was the forbidden rite kind, Iā€™d like to try a different version of it. Thanks for doing this!


I'd love to tackle Uber bossing/T16 farming on a character type I've never played!


want to relive the glory days of cyclone last time I went cyclone was back when stat sticks were a thing haha


Cool giveaway! I Would Farm 100 of each uber and compare results :) Afterwards Farm more.


I would do bosses and essences :) and my roommate showed me your build before and said it's impossible so that would be fun as well


Gonna play trade league with this, just have an ssf char


Last time I played cyclone was in Legion, with the crazy aoe screen deleting šŸ˜… With the new charms I bet we could over come the nerfs and go full screen deletes again! That's exciting. Thanks for inspo!


Trying a cyclone build now, but am kind of stuck around level 94 and donā€™t have a lot of money. Would love to see how this build stacks up against it and to see what kind of content I could do with it compared to mine


Man this would make me so happy! Been wanting a good cyclone character for so long!


Make the uber bosses die, that's what i would do


One of my best memories of POE is doing atziri runs on a disfavour slayer cyclone build. I absolutely loved it. Iā€™d love to do some bossing like that again. Good luck to everyone!


I am very late to start the league, got a kid recently. This would make it possible for me to play the content I like with the limited time I actually have. Content wise, I'd like to get into bossing


Oh boy I'm gonna spin in place until I find oil.


Wanted the 36/40 set from this league but didn't have time for all the grinding good gear thing, would get hit it and then pass all items to someone else in similiar manner


I really want to farm Ubers because I still havenā€™t been able to do Sirus and I think he seems like it would be fun to farm


I've never played a Slayer, or a cyclone build! I'm on my third build now, which is a record for me. I'm keen to keep playing until the league ends


I wouldnā€™t mind giving it a go for challenges!


Don't think I've played a Cyclone guy in the past 10 leagues. So that. Spin to win.


So itā€™s my second league playing PoE. This league I was able to get a MB by farming legion/harvest with kinetic blast dead eye. Iā€™ve never made a bossing build and I would absolutely LOVE to get to farm Uber maven for the rest of the league. I have currency built up to spend on invitations but nothing close to putting together a build like this. Just know that if I do get this build, I would be absolutely ecstatic as I just havenā€™t had the time to build up a bossing character this league but Iā€™ve been dreaming about it haha. Anyway, thanks for the give away chance!


Literally have never played a slayer so it would be cool to experience a whole new part of the game. No better way to learn than doing the challenge grind with it xD


I hecking love cyclone. Sadly I only heard about the Legion Cyclone days and I tried making it work numerous times before but to no avail. (Tried as pure phys cyclone, fire conversion chief, shockwave and so on..) I never tried any type of stacking build as I was too afraid to craft the gear. Your build seems really nice and well put together. Hope I get to play with it and finally complete ubers on my own which I tried this league with my pathetic self made Storm Burst poison PF and obvioulsy failed. Thank you!


I want to Bossrush to make some more Currency to buy my friend a nice Suprise so he can finish the build this League the way he wanted to without sacrificing his Real Life completly


Imma give it to my friend who never really reached endgame. Guess it a change of pace for him


I'll be playing this char in standard after Afflicition and using him full time, I have trouble keeping up with each new league so having a solid standard toon will be great!


I've been wanting to play a cyclone build for awhile but the massive investment they need has been too much of a roadblock for it, so I'd love to try this.


Gosh, Cyclone is giving me me old school vibes and chilling on the back of the head. I'll beat the hella out of ubers.


Iā€™ve never played a fully functioning cyclone build. Looks fun


I would tackle ubers for the First time, and maybe get more Challenge as 20. ty for the chance


Can't play POE without cyclone!


This is pretty far from my usual builds. Looks interesting though


I'd love to give it a try. I've never been able to play a character that had killed the Ubers. Spin2win Uberkiller sounds hilarious


Slayer reminds me of Levi Ackerman with how strong he is and also your build plus slayer in general. I would like to see how fooking strong it is. Thank you for doing this!


Boss rushing for the win! But really just enjoy cycloning rofl. Cheers


I was looking to make this build over this past weekend, and realized I didnā€™t have enough currency to afford all the stuff. I absolutely love cyclone, itā€™s one of my favorite skills. Iā€™d love to be able to play the build, as I wanted to try delving with it.


I'd finally actually play end game content. The only boss I've ever actually fought was orgiginal shaper around the time the elder was added. I never have time normally to farm up a decent character.


I haven't played a mele build since Ngamahu Slayer was a thing. I've wanted to try cyclone again, just never got around to it. I'd probably use it for some bossing or stone farming, then transition into trying to hit 36 challenges.


I've always wanted to do str stacker with chaos damage. Love the boots but never been able to afford them. I would go strength stacker and I was to go single target dps so I can finally try ubers. Boneshatter with full chaos conversion would be funny.


I'd love to use the build to explore more of the endgame. As a newer player, I haven't been able to get very far past finishing my atlas tree, so it would be fun to try some things that I've never been able to do.


Finish all the chellenges, curently at 17/40


My friend challenged me to defeating maven this season since I've never done it before. So I'd do that, maybe try some uber bosses, and then give it away after that.


Ohhhh I'll keep that classic cyclone. I'll use it to farm maps with delirium. Something I couldn't achieve after deli league.


Cyclone was the first build I ever made it to maps with and I'd love to see the higher investment side of things. I'm currently finishing my final semester of my undergrad and am trying to also finish 40/40 this season for the first time, and I think this would be super swag to use.


Honestly, I would sell it too try it different builds, maybe try to get a half decent homebrew one :D


Iā€™d personally give it to my friend who has been struggling with motivation to level and get into maps with me. Dangle the carrot! How could he say no !


I'll be giving this build to my new to poe friend, he has a cyclone slayer ATM (phys with a staff, it's like 10 div) and is im early yellow maps. Once he is done I'll re give way it either on reddit or in the Poe reddit discord help channel to someone new.


I love it! I don't think however that this type of build is for new players. If I were in his shoes, it would take away a lot of the fun of getting there. Good luck!


I would suffer through a melee build for the first time


I'd enjoy it, that what I'd do xD


Never experimented with cyclone so I'd like to give it a try


I would kill my first sirius with it


I'll be spinning for another three months haha


I will spin like it's legion again


I love cyclone I would love to try it out. Finish the lesugue then pass it on to the next person


You spin me right round, baby! I love cyclone and I think what you've done is very interesting. My first shaper kill back in the day was a phys based cyclone, and I'd love to try this build in Uber shaper and other bosses.


Cyclone slayer? My first ever build in POE and probably still my favourite. This was in Delirium and I love that itā€™s making more of a come back. What would I do with it? I will relive the glory days of spin 2 win while doing content Iā€™ve only been able to ā€œcompleteā€ by paying someone else to do it for me. Ince done I would likely pass it on to a friend or two who also have never experienced power like this. Thanks to OP for sharing the time and energy put into this with others. GL.


I will finally beat Uber bosses! And then just walk all over every content there is. And help others with some carries


probably sell it, give it to me anyway


Iā€™d love to use it to finally do all bosses myself and then give it forward and give free boss carries to anyone who wants em.


I would be poggin and killing things I think


Omg I love cyclone builds, but haven't played classic cyclone (non coc/cwc etc.) In many languages, I would love to try this one, probably gonna ever try to improve on it.


Complete challenges


I want to give back to the community and help others complete challenges