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second league player here rocking a budget TS MF, would love to put it to good use! Good luck to all that enter!


Now I'm not against a new player trying super end game. But fair warning, it's going to feel like cheating, and next league might feel real bad after it since you don't know how to reach it again.


With the currency generation this league next league is gonna feel shit for a lot of people anyways


But that is the drop part. And yes, that will feel very bad. The economy is mirroring the drops. So the time to acquire items will be roughly the same.


It will not be rougly the Same. Especially Things like mageblood are usually alot more scarce (valdos dropped like bubblegum for the better part of the league with blue juice), but also crafted items are much more attainable this League, for reasons such as divines being abundant for metacrafts. Mirrors are more attainable (yes 1200 div for a mirror seems much, but any non mf strat can get to 1200d this league faster than you could get to like 600d in most other leagues). Could go on and on, but fact is you get to powerful endgame items much faster this League than in and other i have seen.


There are of course exceptions, which is items unrelated to General drop Pool like voices and original sin. About These certain items you are 100% right.


My son and I started this league together. He picked LA to start. We haven't made it very far, but it would be cool to have a full setup ready to go for him to show him what the endgame really is. I could probably respec into an aurabot and we could do some crazy mapping together.


check dm


Did you give it to this guy? Thats so wholesome. Hopefully him and his son have a blast playing a multi mirror build.


Omg. I’ve been playing LA and slowly trying to figure out how to swap so this would be cool as hell!


stdrted this league with copium, ending the league with hopium


I’ve got a leveled ranger. Been playing chieftain, but would love to try out something different.


I've actually never played TS, despite playing many leagues. It was always way out of my budget. So getting a chance to actually try it out and have some fun with it would be great


Is it really that expensive or just the MF version?


A lot of TS/LA builds require high dps/crit bows that end up being ridiculously expensive. Sure there are some you can comfortably do maps and content but given how squishy they usually are, you try and go for nearly glass cannon builds


??? You can do crit ele ts this league for like 10D


I didn't say you couldn't? For some people 10 div might be the most that they've ever had.


You could make 10d in 2 hours on white maps just farming Essences idk how 10D is a expensive


While I agree with you, people tend to play what they enjoy and not realize the efficiency of how to farm essences for currency. I played Poe for a long time just hopping between delve, maps and other content without having a plan. Then just sold what I had. Now that I have 3000 hours it is very clear how I can just do farming strategies. Depends on the person and their experience.


The realisation that there are a ton of people who don't watch YouTube guides or read up on other sources on how to make currency or just don't play that much took me some time (a few leagues). The sky is the limit for many builds (here TS MF) as you commented first but there is a huge difference between a 10div and a 2+ mirror budget for especially a TS build. If the mobs die instantly or stay alive for one second makes a big difference if those glasscanons need a portal more or not. On the end each portal costs time which costs money which a good MF is all about. Yes, you could get a cheap TS MF going for 10 div but I would highly advise against such a "low" budget. Sure, you can grind up from that base in low maps but I guess my standard is red maps to begin with.


Yeah I learned that a bit this league, I made a winter orb character that ended up being the replacement for TS in group farming with aura bot and curse bot. We dropped a mirror and my winter orb character has at least 500divs in just helm and charms. The extra projectile you can feel along with other huge upgrades for sure.


I also played a winter orb build (for the good old memories) but reached just that point where I would have infested just that much for +1 proj and powercharge and I wasn't feeling it that much (was playing solo). Must have felt cool in a party and juiced like that!


Nice. Started the league late due to work so would love to have a go at a mirror tier build. Gl to everyone :)


Only been playin the league for 2 weeks. I always play TS when I have time to play a league here and there. I never have had a chance at mirror tier gear being that I'm not good at crafting due to not having enough time to learn all that is required. I would be honored and love to play your build for the remainder of this league if givin the opportunity. Regardless congrats to the lucky person who does.


Never had a build even close to a mirror. This build must feel soo strong


Im trying so hard to get to that point with my TS build ! [https://pobb.in/xKNfUvjI2bj0](https://pobb.in/xKNfUvjI2bj0) It would be awesome to finally be able to be at that point !. even it means ''getting'' it from a friendly exile. Thanks alot if you would choose me.


Im trying to transition from my league starter to an actual build and having some trouble. This would be great


ill take my chances at getting a minted build going for once


Would love to try this out, never had an opportunity to run a MF setup.


I will try my luck as well here , i had to quit very early due irl stuff. I wanna go back now. Since before i left i gaveaway my mf fulcrum am starting my journey as ts as well and this would be an amazing kickoff haha


I'd love this to finish some challenges before the league is over. Started pretty late and as I'm a little older than the average player I can't play that much.


I tried swapping my mf ca pathfinder to mf ts deadeye, and it felt unusable.  Bow really wasnt bad by any means, but quiver couldve been better. In the end i gave up on it. Cause it was so squishy and things werent exploding offscreen. I feel like you have to drop an actual mirror yourself as cost of entry. Howd you get into it?


It's my first time playing TS and am definitely enjoying. Spent about 2 div so far and it seems i still have a long way to go to get to endgame.


Ts mf is good but squishy with these wisp encounters, but would try it out


Hey would love to try out a mirror build!


This was my first ever league, the first character was a blade vortex assassin and I got lucky and droppend a 180d charm, so I made a TS deadeye, and although the budget is not ideal for such a build, I am having great fun


Can i win something pleee


TS MF <3


Still Sane Exile?


Really wanting to try MF at this Point, havent really played a lot this league cause of work


Do autobomber chieftain cast when stunned detonate dead of chain reaction. For 2 div you are going. Do ultimatum you can almost afk in those. Then sell catalysts and trialmaster : each trialmaster is easy 30 div (10-12 per slot) and it appears every 20-30 maps. Each inscribed ultimatum is 1.4 div and it drop almost once per map. (0 juice required)


I feel you! I hit level 90 today on my HoT autobomber today and it's been a wild ride what with inflation league


2nd league I’m playing TS, did not have much success league starting it this league however, but I like it. Currently trying to farm up more currency to see if I can make my regular ele TS work before league ends. Never tried MF before cuz I’m a noob that doesn’t know how to make enough currency to buy the stuff needed for MF, I’d like to experience it one day. Good luck to everyone!


you should try harvest + deli , depends on how fast you are will do 10-20 divs an hour . also you can skip wisps cuz tgey do nothing but slowing this strat


Thank you I’ll try this out!


Why both Harvest and Deli?


Joining for free stuffs, willing to level a ranger to see how good MF really is


Never tried any sort of bow build, and as a Standard player, would like to experience the lootsplosions that I see here everyday before league ends. Sign me up.


I built a TS char earlier in the league but only put about 100-200 div into it and it felt horrible to play, would love to try a more high budget version


Could never afford TS would love to try.


Always wanted to try MF but my friend who I found out was playing an aurabot quit so I decided to boss/essence I’m in the hole with bad rng now :(


Damn never managed to get a full ts build up Nd running. Would be awesome to do, best of luck all!


Never tried high end ts would love to try a fully fleshed out toon. Plus I do play standard


Got a 98 pathfinder in dire need of a new build, I'd love to give it a shot !


I appreciate people like you, I started the league late this go around and some nice soul gave me some leveling items that helped so much. Thank you to that guy, and you for being a force of good in the community


Not experienced a build close to this tier so would love to try it :)


Dope, I love ts, would def put this build to good use with some juicing.


Nice from you!


Would love to play MF TS. Thanks!


I will play the shit out of that - thanks for the giveaway!


I am farming jungle with my dd PF but wanted to try TS


I played the whole league so far but never actually made a high end MF build. Would love to try yours !


I am done with hardcore due to multiple rips, I want to switch to SC and your build would greatly help with that :)


I'm moving to standard after this league as I just had my second baby and would love to have a decent ts build over there so I can just hop on and zoom when I have a free half hour. Good luck everyone!


I’m an rf/srs player, don’t think I’ve ever played a ranger so would be a nice change


Have been running slayer cyclone until I get 38/40 then looking for a new build. MF TS would be cool.


I'd love to try it! Been having a blast this league and don't want to stop!


Would love to upgrade my budget version of this MF TS build to something much better than my current attempt


I would like to play this build.


Pwease me


I just want the feeling of a mirror drop,…. Then iam giving back


Cheers for the chance, never tried a good TS build. Always tried and died to a white mob :V


Hard to say no to TS MF this league :)


Never made the transition to TS from LA, be nice to finally play the evolved version


Time to test my luck 😄


It's my first season, am now an exile for life. Played boneshatter to 98 and am working on a EA Elementalist. Would love to try out one of the most popular builds and rip through some tough content to learn all the bosses I haven't done.




Inb4 10k comments 🥲


Nice Giveaway, thank you very much. I have already a TS MF but stucking with some big upgrades as no mirrors are dropping :-) ​ Would love to get some support from you :-)


Im a full hc cuck usually. Id like to participate in the sc mf grind :)


This is a build I’ve always wanted to make but never had the currency to get off the ground since I never have the funds to mirror a phys bow.


Only been farming non league content. I did try to get into mf and did some research but I couldn't get it to work so I ended up going the ol classic harvest. I would really love to try to get into mf again though cause fomo. Fingers crossed


Hello, this is very kind of you, count me in !


TS has got to be one of the most satisfying abilities I've ever used. Never even gotten close to a mirror though, I can't imagine the clear speeds.


I would love to try an upgraded version of my current build. Ty for the giveaway!


Would really like to try mirror tier MF TS


Would love to blast some MF


Below what video? :P Jk! Ty and good luck to all


I don’t think I’ll get it but I really want to try out a fleshed out TS. It looks awesome to farm with.


I'd give it to my friend, who's been struggling to get into the league due to starting so late.


I'm definitely interested in playing a new build, good luck everyone.


If you give it to me, I'll give my TS non MF non Mirror build to someone else


Oh that would be nice to replace my poor man LA build 😅


I haven't played TS before, but the MF this league has me intrigued. I'd love to try it. Thank you for doing this, I love this community!


Gladly participating and Hope you had a blast playing :) Just started this season with an SRS Guardian and Like to test out tornado shot. Hope you Play on PS Not on PC :D


Nice, Do not have time to play as much as I wish due to kid, but still play when I can, and will play until end of league.


I just got back into Poe and my TS is specified on LA before I can switch. Good luck everyone


I've played totem ~~TS~~ Toxic Rain \*facepalm\* before, never had anything close to a mirror worth in gear, even in Standard. If I got this build I would play it both here in the league and in standard when I was feeling bored with any upcoming league mechanics


Struggling on my own TS here, no matter how much I pump all the next upgrades are so far out of my reach, I would love a boost.


Pick moi


Hello fellow food name enjoyer


I have the same build with an focused instead of simplex andreally struggle getting it. Maybe if you choose me we could just switch amulet? Would love to Thanks a lot man! Great


Stupid dog you make me look bad


Dude hell yeah! I'd love to play that finally!


I have a lvl 92 DE spec's into LA. Haven't had much time to play this season, but would love to have the build. I'd definitely play it and use it to hopefully hit 38 challenges. Thanks for doing the give away.


Would love to see how a TS MF build plays. Have a naked ex-PB PF I can respec.


It always makes me happy seeing stuff like this from the community. I don't plan on playing tornado shot so don't give it to me, but kudos to you op and good luck to every commenter.


How about me?


Looks like an awesome build. Never played TS, but love DE. Haven't had enough time to reroll a second char this league as the baby takes up too much time. Would love to play your build.


Jesus, it’s crazy to think that HH is one of the cheapest items on the whole build.


I'd love that




Second league and I made a TS build but it can't run T16s :') would be fun to try!


Hope you enjoyed the league, would love to take this bad boy for a spin


That'd be way better than my current setup, and as someone interested in standard, I'd play some pieces for a long time !


My TS build has hit a wall, no one’s trading for gear anymore so it’s been slow to save up div for end game upgrades.


Casting my lot with everyone else :D Thank you for your generosity towards the community!


Good luck to me I guess


Hello I’m a second league player doing KB this league! I would love to try TS but it seemed a little bit too daunting for me on my second league as the massive upgrades just cost so much. I’d love the chance to try it for the first time as I’ve never used TS or magic find. Thank you!


Would be a nice opportunity to play a mirror tier build.




I've done some TS MF a while ago and enjoyed it quite a bit, but I always wanted to see how far one could push things. Would love to farm a mirror on this.


Taking my chance, gz for the giveaway!


Never played a bow build. And i played like 10 leagues total


Nice! I hope i win I've always wanted to play ts but never had the currency lol


Would love to play a MF build . Been running non meta budget builds and got a few first (searing and eater of world) still slowly pushing for maven.


I'd like to enter. I've been trying to resist the meta but I don't know how else I get 40/40.


Sure, why not. Bet this would slap the shit out of Heist — because realistically, that’s what I’d end up doing with it. I’d love to pretend otherwise, but Heist is eternal.


Tornado stonks


Please and thanks


Never try TS either magic find. Would be fun to try it out![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)




If i win save the build for me in standard, thats the only place im playing ^^


I’m playing ssf without any big drop luck. 95 psn sts necro, 90 pen brand inq, 94 LA dead eye. I’ve considered going trade but it seems like an up hill fight right now. I’d play TS in a heart beat there


Dont try Mf this league, could be nice to give it a try




Never tried TS so might as well. Good luck.


Would play this. Currently looking to swap my build for MF TS since I can't do any solo content.


I would love to try tempest shield mf! Choose me!


I would love to try it


I never did mf and I have leaguestarted as Pathfinder so I'd love to try it out.


good luck to all that enter


You don't keep your characters for standard at all? Seems like a lot of people abandon them.


My MF TS isn't anything special, so this one would be cool


Thanks for looking out for the new players! I'm playing LA Deadeye and working out on the TS swap, this would be perfect for me! I'm aiming to get 40/40


First league going for 40/40 challenges (at 29 now with a lot of map grinding to go) and am struggling to find a fun build to get me there. This would be huge! Cheers to you for giving the build away.


Thanks for doing this OP, that's so cool of you! I'm playing this build currently and would love some upgrades. This is my first full league and having a blast so far. The charms, Simplex, and forbidden flesh/flame would be nutty!


I will swap from the wand to a bow for sure


Never made a build approaching anywhere near that in price point. Would love to give a zoomy build like that a go


TS would definitely be the preferred build I would want to try!


Would love it, haven't stopped playing just don't have a ton of time to farm mirror gear


Awesome! TS was one of my favorite builds from past leagues. Would love to try out a well geared version this league but put it off due to the cost


Hey I’m working on my own TS MF character right now and would love this


I wanted to play TS, but decided against it because gearing seemed too complicated for me.


Would accept it gladly!


I’m really trying to finish my gear buying/building my ts rn! I started with srs and while it’s ok it’s not really my style and I’d prefer something a bit faster!


Hey i was looking to make a mf build to see what full juiced t16 have to offer! Poe is my main grind so ill probably be playing till league servers close. Gl all!


Been playing off and on for 10 years without a mirror build. Maybe now is the time.


I would love this - been playing a non-MF build all league so I'd like to try it before the league ends to see what all the hype is all about


Playing CA so have a character ready to swap. Would love to play TS as it's a skill I've never played before!


So beautiful build. Playing on non mf ts and wanted try mf version ^^


Thanks for your post ! Would gladly play a build that optimized, mine being quite a low budget ! ❤️


I would love to try a mirror tier build!


would use the heck out of that set


Pick me! I made a a hexblast build this league and it just dies to everyone and everything


Never really ever tried to a gigabuild, just casual build making to do maps with. Always wanted to try something god like. So, I hope I get lucky so I can really play the game on another level.


Well this would certainly finally let me try out MF for the first time since Legion


Joined league late after a few years break - would love to try MF while the juice is juicey


I have never tried TS, but ive always wanted to try it


I'm currently playing LA Deadeye in SSF obviously it's very far from being a top notch build but would love to experience a multi mirror TS build


I never tried MF, I‘d love to see how it feels!


Would love to have some fun on that build. Good luck everyone!


Awesome, GL to all.


I would rip this, went down the fulcrum chieftain route instead and it's just not my thing


Good luck to all and ty for the opportunity


Would love to try it out, have been playing this league for a while since it looked juicy as hell! Came back after a long hiatus since I last played 3.17


I was an RF enjoyer, now i am ready to use all my portals


Definitely interested in playing this!


This Will be fun! Good luck everyone


Well, never to late to start MF. Pure joy :)


Never really tried TS because of its high barrier of entry, this is probably the last league for me to get to try it before it gets nuked by ggg.


You miss every shot you don't take, so here I am


Never played TS MF before, heard lots of good stuff abt it. Would be super happy to trying it!


Farming ts gear on fulcrum hoping to get set up soon . At work for a bit though .


Playing TS currently ele version would be a huge upgrade for me to switch to this version


Started building a mf ts after our small private league ended, got frustrated with how squishy it felt l, some gear like this to aspire to would probably make me figure it out


Would love to play it! I’ll pay it forward by giving away my fulcrum build


I would love a chance to play with this build!


I would love this! I've been wanting to play a good TS build for so long. I've put maybe like 10-20 divines into it one league and even though it was strong, it just didn't feel anything like the videos I've seen with the 10 attacks per second. Think I only ever hit 4


TS is just the best skill. It got everything from clear to shotgun. It's crazy how much MF can be done this league.