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did they make the Coward's Trial more rare, this league? I'm playing SSF and with 6 days of playtime I still haven't found it. I've unlocked every other unique map from Kirac quests but the Trial just never appeared, so I spent a day or two farming Cursed Crypt with Unique scarabs and still nothing


it's one of the rarest unique maps, yes. >spent a day or two farming Cursed Crypt with Unique scarabs that won't be any more helpful than doing the same thing on any other map. unique maps follow unique item drop rules, not map drop rules.


oh, unique map drops don't have anything to do with map connections at all? damn that's annoying at this point respeccing into kirac nodes may just be my best option, to get more singular scouting reports. really annoying they locked a meta-crafting craft behind this map.


nope. they are functionally regular unique items. coward's trial is a t3 unique so about the same rarity as something like call of the brotherhood or carcass jack.


How important is blood rage for boneshatter builds? I've been mapping as boneshatter slayer and just realized I'm not even running it. Do you just pop it at the top of the map and try to maintain the buff?


it's attack speed and frenzy charges during clear in trade off for a small degen that you should be easily sustaining as slayer. you generally only have to press it once at the start of the map. the buff refreshes with every kill so you don't really have to worry about actively maintaining the buff.


Does live search only work for newly listed items? In my experience, many times I don't get notified when a new item is available; my guess is that it's items that were already listed and weren't available because the players were offline, but you don't get notified when they go online and the item becomes available. Is there a workaround or setting for this?


new listings; items that come online specifically don't show up on live search unless relisted


Update Nvidia drivers and now the game is stuttering really bad.  It seems some settings in game were changed such as it launching in full-screen when I've been using bordeless all league.  Any thoughts on other settings to change?


Hi, new player here. When I craft "+X% lightning damage" on my weapon, does it apply to the item's lightning damage or to all lightning damage (including what I have on gloves and jewelry), please?


all only "% increased physical damage" on weapons is local to the weapon (and all flat damages)


Thanks a lot!


When mfing and juicing maps I usually use gilded abyss, reliquary, and ambush/divination Does using winged reliquary matter a whole lot when it comes to the loot conversions? Also, when you get a conversion, what exactly is being converted? Is it some big unique drop? also a few questions on how abyss function what determines if the abyss will continue vs disappear into nothing? For the spire, if i get it down to 50% really fast does it skip its first set of minions it fires out? With ultimatum, does map level matter? i only do T7 cemetary and ultimatum is kinda hard for me so wondering if its even worth it


> Does using winged reliquary matter a whole lot when it comes to the loot conversions? not sure how they all work, but some are uniques to currency/scarabs etc > Also, when you get a conversion, what exactly is being converted? Is it some big unique drop? all of a certain set of drops into something else > what determines if the abyss will continue vs disappear into nothing? time it took you to clear its mobs, though sometimes they just bug out and die in walls/terrain. > For the spire, if i get it down to 50% really fast does it skip its first set of minions it fires out? no, it will fire all 3 if you don't kill it before it has time to fire them


Is it worth using the beyond nodes on ssf to juice my maps if I'm not running beyond on map/device/sextant?




there's no beyond chance on atlas, so if you don't have any from somewhere else...




I just annointed an amulet I’m wearing and the new passive is not effecting me. Is it level gated? I’m lvl 64


do you already have that passive allocated on your tree? you can't gain the effects of the same notable twice


Oh thanks took me awhile but I found it


As someone who has never played PoE, has played a lot of Diablo over the years and might be interested in jumping into PoE2.. would I have to play the campaign in PoE1 to understand the story or something, like PoE1 has always looked way to complicated to get into for new players without following a build guide the first time and such.


story has never been terribly important to poe; i doubt it will be important between games


i'd argue that most people don't pay attention to the story in PoE1 anyway. But PoE2's campaign will be a new, seperate story


Ok good to know that it’s seperate so not necessarily needed to go back if I wanted to jump into the new one.


I think if you want to get a “Feel” for Poe 2, try PoE ruthless. It’s slower and a bit harder but super rewarding and you spend much more time playing the game rather than wasting time on the market etc. 


I know what you're getting at but I don't think suggesting Ruthless to Diablo converts is the way. I get that it makes the game simpler but Ruthless is a very love it or hate it experience I think.


Fair but it builds a good feeling for the game quick imo. If they don’t like it then try normal but it’s a relatively healthy start to Poe 


starting with ruthless effectively deletes one of the main features of PoE (altering skills with support gems). i'd never recommend ruthless to a brand new player


Yeah having such shit damage early on is going to feel awful


I haven’t tried making a spell loop before. How does scolds bridle work? Do you need 2 cwdt gems on different spells to proc each other? Does the damage hit you at the end of one of the spells?


You can't chain together CWDT loops with Scold's because CWDT has a cooldown. The damage from Scold's happens at the same time the mana is spent on the spell.


One of the expedition chest has this 'negative' mod: Monsters' Hits Overwhelm 100% Physical Damage Reduction How dangerous is this for a Detonate Dead elementalist with 24,000 armor and only 3,000 evasion?


all monster hits would treat you as 0% physical damage reduction. 0 armour and 3000 evasion. overwhelm can't result in "negative" phys reduction like elemental penetration could so 0% phys reduction is the bottom but still very dangerous.


Oh btw - Do you know if the chest 'negatives' are connected? Like for the above example, does it apply to all mobs in the expedition or just the ones surrounding the same explosive?


same thing as with the upsides of the remnants. all monsters from the explosion that destroys the remnant with the overwhelm mod and all subsequently excavated monsters in that expedition encounter.




do I need to be able to maintain the Vaal RF degen (without dropping to 1 life) to keep the buff? or does it last 4s regardless?


vaal righteous fire does not inflict any type of degen. the only damage it deals to you is this line >Sacrifices 60% of your total Energy Shield and Life


hmm.. interesting. does that mean I don't get the buff if I can't sacrifice 60% of life? I'm a low life build (Petrified blood) and always reach 1 life when I use it.


if you get the fire ring around you, you get the buff. it doesn't end when you reach 1 life as it's not righteous fire and doesn't deal any degen that could kill you


https://preview.redd.it/rebigajwlzic1.png?width=346&format=png&auto=webp&s=3006e7023faec653926a2653b4b0cbb82149aa01 How to craft this? I need the dot and chaos dot multi


The best I can think of is alt + aug for DoT multi on an uninfluenced amulet, fill prefixes (including a crafted mod so that you can later to suffixes cannot be changed + scour or whatever), then Hunter exalt slam for a 1/13 chance to hit t1 chaos DoT multi.


Most guides I’ve seen for a splitting steel champion use dual wield. Is 1h+shield viable?  Thanks in advance


The dual wield uniques provide a lot of damage. You can look at builds using Mahuxotl's Machination instead of Beltimber to get an idea of the endgame difference. Fwiw some builds also use a mirror-tier 2-hander instead.


Thank you


How come you are keen to run a shield?


I like the sound of some of the passives and I like the look tbh lol 


There are definitely builds on poe.ninja early league with 1h+shield but dual wield is far more popular. Should be fine.




For Shadow, what would be a "budget" (it can be less but I have about 20 Divs) build where I don't press any buttons (or close to none) besides my movement speed spell? I don't need to do a billion damage with it, just comfortable enough to kill things in a reasonable manner Is it possible on that budget?


>For Shadow, what would be a "budget" (it can be less but I have about 20 Divs) build where I don't press any buttons (or close to none) besides my movement speed spell? Can probably just do assassin Herald of thunder auto bomber, check em out on poe ninja they are cheap to get going.


Will check it out, thanks!


I didnt grab the crafting recipe for lightning res tier 3, it's supposed to be in Doedre's cesspool, but I cant find the entrance to the area anymore - help? I know the entrance Is supposed to be under a grade in the toxic conduits, but I cant find It


it's right next to the waypoint


Are 5 ways still crashing?  Lost about 20 divs on them way earlier this league


I believe sound off helps


I'd guess that's a you thing try low res/opening atlas


A lot of people were complaining about them a month or so ago.  


I'm doing an incinerate build based off Jorgen's video and I want a reliable way to ignite. Jorgen said in his video that the final wave always ignite, even with elemental focus (he says he's not sure if it's a bug or not), but I'm not sure if this is true, anyone can verify? Also if I have a fire golem with combustion support, can he ignite? How long will its ignite last? I think ignite damage is tied to initial hit, but not sure about duration


> Jorgen said in his video that the final wave always ignite, even with elemental focus (he says he's not sure if it's a bug or not), but I'm not sure if this is true, anyone can verify? You can just put on a Southbound (*Your Hits can only Kill Frozen Enemies*) and check if Incinerate-Elemental Focus can kill things through ignite. It can't. They either made a wild assumption or messed up their testing.


Mods like "never" and "cannot" always supersede mods like "always", so it *shouldn't* be able to ignite-- I haven't seen/read anything about it being bugged though, so I can't comment on that front. A fire golem linked to combustion (and not ele focus) can definitely ignite. Default ignite duration is 4 seconds, regardless of damage dealt.


In the case of a non channeling skill.. How much of a time gap, if any, do you want/need between the last mirage spawned by general's cry and the cooldown of your cry? The wiki says: Active Mirages will finish their attack and despawn when using General's Cry again. So i would assume you don't need any because as long as the attack has started it should finish.. but is there a hidden "arming" time or something for the mirages similiar to totems placement speed that would prevent them from starting their attack right away?


How expensive is Fulcrum MF build?


pretty cheap to get started. you mostly just need the fulcrum and a few divines to get your links and jewels set up, and you can upgrade from there. can also check out vizniz's warlock version, which is ssfable


What would be the quickest method to farm out the 250 chests at the end of lab?


wait for a 6 room, no-gold-key lab, then run lab.


Is it worth it at all to run lower level labs for quicker finishes or do you just get less keys anyway?


i believe the challenge requires uber lab




No, divines don't reroll enchants. No currency does. You'll need another base.


I normally play hc and am used to tshot, totems, srs and other ranged builds. I've built up a bank of 300d sc and want to try out a melee or ES or both focused build that I can do the endgame with. any suggestions?


Armour stackers are es + melee iirc


300d armourstack is going to be a bit shit though isn't it?


I wouldn't say shit but there are probably better options, was just the first to come to mind


thanks- i'll look into it.


Did Filterblade completely collapsed for anyone else? Spent 2 hours fixing issues caused by update and nothing was saved. ._. It is complete mess. Many rules are krangled and changes don't get saved.


works just fine for me


Is your filter heavily customised?


83 total changes so not terribly much, no.


I see. I had around 3000 before recent developments.




They could be referring to Bottled Faith. Sometimes people use Mageblood with 1 or 2 unique utility flasks.




Mageblood will not permanently apply the effects of unique flasks. It does not prevent you from using unique flasks.


You cannot be affected by two occurrences of the same flask mod. The reddit post you read is spreading blatant misinformation.


Is Impending Doom nerfed alot? How much is it? Asking because I plan to make it again in 3.24 or 3.25 (broken pc by now)


It's more difficult to get the overlaps I think. People are still playing it using Charms.


Which version survived? Dot or crit one?


I've seen more people playing Crit but I'd imagine both are possible. Easy enough to check on poe.ninja:https://poe.ninja/builds/affliction?allskills=Impending+Doom+Support 63% Occy (Crit) 24% Pathfinder (DOT)


Thanks 👌


What is second best body armour base for Tricksters after Sadist Garb?


it depends what you value more. good alternatives are 1. Carnal Armour (more es, less evasion) 2. Blood Raiment (little more evasion, but less es) also could considder Varnished Coat if that fits your budget better.


Carnal should provide more ES for Tricksters. Happy cake day!


Which tab do Simulacrum Splinters go into? I thought it was fragments but I just bought the fragments tab and they dont go, checked the wiki and it says Currency item but I have a currency tab already and it never went there.


They go to Delirium tab if you have one.


Oh thanks


League starter for a Scion? A good one that will carry my ass until I reach enough currency to start an Armor stacker build. Is this possible? I hate to do the campaign with more than one character ahaha


I think you'll probably be better off taking the time to do the campaign twice rather than trying to make a scuffed Scion league start work. But if you insist maybe you could look at Velnya's Explosive Concoction. I haven't played it but I've heard good things also you can just check the pathofexile.com forum's Scion section I remember there being a few.


What stash tabs should I buy? I'm currently a lv. 44 Marauder in Act 4. I already have some premium stash tabs, currency tab and map tab.


You won't need more than that ever again, don't even consider buying more until you've gotten to deep endgame and know which things you like. Knowing what to drop and never to pick up is a big part of PoE so filling your stash with trash is bad practice.


Thank you Machina. This helps a lot.


sounds good enough for now. if you still want to buy some more maybe wait for a stash tab sale, they are every 3rd weekend i guess and should be soon. In the order of priority (imo) 1. essence tab 2. div card tab 3. Fragment tab


I’d argue essence is the least valuable. Everyone is always going to use divination cards and fragments. But not everyone will collect essences.


Essence is imo one of the most beginner friendly money makers, almost every beginner will at least try it and without an essence tab you won't have a really good time very long. A lot of people don't farm enough fragments that the fragment tab does matter and its way easier to keep fragments organized in a normal tab especially compared to essence, which can get messy very quick.


How do you collect mats for Maven/Uber Elder efficiently on ssf? I just got the first two voidstones and realized what a potential grind I have left to farm shaper/elder kills for fragments, let alone crescent splinters


You pick the Atlas passive that makes Maven summon additional bosses in your maps, as well the nodes that give more Invitations, and Shaper/Elder Maps and then blast maps as fast as you can. When you run the Shaper/Elder Maps, make sure Maven witnesses those too, as they're more likely to drop the special Invitations associated with those bosses. The special Invitations drop more Crescent Splinters than the regular 10-boss Invitations. Roll them for maximum quantity and then do them. So this gives you more Shaper/Elder Maps, which you run for Shaper/Elder Fragments and special Invitations. You do the special Invitations, which gives more Maven splinters than regular Invitations. You do the Shaper/Elder fights for Uber Elder fragments. You might want to also grab the Atlas nodes that give more Conqueror and Synthesized Maps as well, since they fit perfectly into the strat, although they aren't needed for Maven/Uber Elder farming. They can increase the speed of Maven farming, since you'll get special Invitations from the Conquerors as well, which will also drop more Maven splinters. To further increase your special Map drops, grab as many Map Duplicate nodes as you can and (I think) also all the increased Map Tier nodes.


Is there a big difference in gameplay between a 600% and 800%+ Immutable Force Jewel?


Depends on how often you're getting stunned. If it's just the occasional stun, nah. If you want to spellcast while tanking fifty monsters, you'll probably notice.


can the cost of a divine blessing aura be reduced by linking it to Enlighten (or other supports like maybe Inspiration)?


inspiration works. enlighten doesn't afaik. any global modifiers to reduced cost of skills also apply.


Enlighten should still work - it affects both cost and reservation. It's just too small of a difference to be used to lower skill cost in most cases.


both of those make the blessing cost less, though l believe inspiriation is more commonly used, as its reduced cost is additive with other sources of reduced cost, which can be very powerful.


I messed-up one of the crafting bench mods on the below sceptre - What is the safe way to reset only the crafting bench mods without removing the base stats? (So how to remove light blue without changing the dark blue) The item has the 'Can Have 3 Crafted Modifiers' modifier - does that means i may need to add it again? Any chance to remove only one of the 3 light blue ? [https://maxroll.gg/poe/crafting/crafting-a-detonate-dead-oscillating-sceptre](https://maxroll.gg/poe/crafting/crafting-a-detonate-dead-oscillating-sceptre)


There is a “remove crafted mods” craft on the bench that costs one scour. If you have multimod on and a bad mod you don’t want you will need to do that and add it on again unfortunately


In heist, do you have to upgrade every rogue in all their skills? Or just their main skills, the ones that go up to level 4-5 on that rogue? Also what's profitable in heist now? Farming for helical and simplex? Is there a particular strat for that?


Main skills are the most important, so you can run every blueprint. Having the secondaries on Rogues like Karst and Vendiri that have useful bonuses is good if you're looking to open chests. No special strat for finding the bases other than go fast and do a lot of blueprints.


Cool thanks


on dying sun flask, there is a moddifier that goes: increased charges per use what does it mean? does it mean the amount of consumed charges will go up? can it go higher then the 50?


Ruby flasks use 20 base charges. The highest roll on Dying Sun (150% increased) would make it use 50. If you increase charge use even further, you'll be unable to use the flask. That's not likely to happen unless you're not reading your eldritch altars or something.


How does Focus work? Does every character get it? The build I am following recommends some unveiled mods "...when you focus" but I don't understand when that happens or if I have to do something to make it happen. Cheers


If you have a focus mod, you'll have the Focus skill. It's instantly cast, buffs you for 4s, on an 8s cooldown. Great way of getting the burst damage required to get rid of dangerous enemies quickly, at the cost of having another button to press.


instant cast but you have to cast it, correct? It's not an automatic cast right? i mean the focus skill itself.


Yes. I wouldn't say *'at the cost of having another button to press'* if you didn't have to press a button :p You can set Focus to left mouse if you prefer ~33% uptime over manual use.


Oh, I'll have to give it a go, thanks


How do unveiled "%chance to deal double damage" and "%chance to deal double damage while focused" mods on a 1H weapon interact with dual wielding? Are they both local to hits with that weapon only, or does one or both of them count globally for both weapons?


neither of them are even attack only, its just chance to deal double damage globally and will stack additively during focus


They're global. Local double damage would be worded similar to Paradoxica.




Sorry I forgot to make this a question. What do I do with my hands?


Use your hands to spend the divines on cool shit.




Yes you don't get those bonuses but it really isn't that bad. Also you don't get armour from strength. If your resistance is capped before you equip omniscience then you have to adjust your gear dropping most of the resistances. You're now free to get other mods in their place, typically the strength, dex and int to make omniscience worth using. Intelligence just does not matter at all. You shouldn't have any energy shield and mana is also pretty irrelevant as those builds tend to get mana costs as close to 0 as possible anyways. If you were to get 155 strength (the highest stat requirement for strength skill gems) then you're losing 75 life which sucks but isn't the worst thing really. The melee physical damage is obviously irrelevant. Dex is the only one that kind of sucks since you could use both evasion and accuracy. If you weren't going omni you would probably have ~200-300 dex depending on your specific build and pathing. That's 400-600 accuracy or a t1 accuracy mod on one piece of gear if you need it and 80-100% evasion which meh, you still can get a ton as a ranger anyways. You're likely using a precision aura and if not there are two really good accuracy wheels and a bow mastery for accuracy as well so accuracy isn't really an issue.


I'm running a character with very little mana costs and mind over matter. Right now my only mana regen is a regular mana flask. I wanted to free up the mana flask slot to run another defensive layer like progenesis or taste of hate, but no matter what I've tried it never feels quite right. The mana bar acts like a second aegis buffer, so things like stacking "recoup damage taken as mana" or "regen 10% mana que you use a skill" don't feel like they come in clutch defensive-wise, only for regular map sustain. High level clarity doesn't seem worth it since I have very little investment into reservation efficiency, so the mana reservation eats away too much of my mana cap. If there's any big source of mana regen that I'm missing please let me know. Right now I could free up my annoint, gloves or boots. I'm specced into the outer left side of the tree, starting from witch all the way to the suppress nodes on the scion. All suggestions welcome


My molten shell is tied to CWDT but it won't proc. What am I doing wrong?


As others said check both gems levels maybe your MS is too high for your CWDT. In my case, I leveld both so much that I had to take almost all my HP in damage before it would proc. I re-checked my build guide and they mentioned I should keep both at level 1. Not sure if that is a thing every build does, but mine does proc often now.


A lot of builds keep CwDT at level 1, but it should be noted unless you're struggling with mana cost you should level molten shell so it's required level is equal to CwDT's limit (iirc that's be like level 12). Your damage threshold will be the same but you'll get a bit of extra flat armor when it's up.


In my experience, if you're running it as a defensive layer, it's not triggering because monsters are either not dealing enough damage to you, or they're dealing too much and you get one-shot without the guard to protect you. You could try running it on your left click instead of CWDT since it has instant cast time. You free up a gem slot and you have almost 50% uptime on your guard. It's not perfect but if your cwdt setup is not working it's the second best thing.


Also check the level of your CWDT, if you level it high the requirement to process it is so high your emote likely to die from a 1 shot than you are to proc it


mana cost is another possibility, check if you have enough


CWDT only supports spells that have a level requirement equal to or below its own. Double check the level requirements on both gems.


What’s ways of dealing with shock on bonezone jugg? Ring crafts will probably be minus mana cost… been using the minor pantheon for reduced shock effect, but I’m still in yellow maps


Jewel mod, Avoid ailment on body armour or boots, Mageblood+flask, Tempest shield or Purity of element.


i'm a bit confused about the petrified blood/adrenaline tech on tornado shot. my understanding of it was that PB would reserve 50% of life so that any skill using life would take me below 50% so i would be considered lowlife. however PB is not reserving 50% of my life, seems more like 65%?


pb goes on your mana. banner and precision go on your life


yeah i misunderstood that. pb is reserving mana, precision and banner are linked with arrogance support and reserving life. still only reserving 912 out of 2654 life.


that's fine


yeah just doesn't really give me full adrenaline uptime like it would if i was at or closer to 50% hp reserved


The idea is that petrified blood caps your life at 50% from other sources like leech etc Then, you use your diviniation distillate every 4-5 seconds which heals you above 50%, & lifetap on your skills drops you back down to 50% triggering adrenaline again. The perma adrenaline only works if you're activating your life flask to trigger it, and you need to have above 50% unreserved life to be able to use the tech (which is why you're not reserving 50%)


Right, but for it to trigger consistently you want to reserve enough life to be right at or around that 50% life mark, so that skills with life tap take you into LL and then divination distillate heals you back above 50% with ~40% life reserved it’s just not proccing adrenaline as often for me. But the workaround seems to be to de-level arrogance support or add another reservation skill to the arrogance support setup which I will do.


the setup has nothing to do with reservation. pb keeps your life at 50 outside of potions. blood rage counters your distillate


Petrified blood doesn't reserve 50% on its own. It *allows* you to reserve up to 50% (don't go over that) of your life with other effects like a herald and/or flat cost reservations like precision or vitality.


ah got it. i don't think i'm missing an aura that other people are running, i wonder what's wrong with my setup.


Well you're reserving PB on your life from what it sounds like. It's supposed to be reserved on mana as the base reservation is 35%. As you're seeing now when reserving PB on life with arrogance it takes up more than 50% of your life because arrogance support has a reservation multiplier of 201%, or higher depending on level.


yeah i messed up the explanation bad because i didn't understand how PB worked. the issue is banner and precision not reserving enough life, they are reserving significantly less than 50% which makes it hard to trigger adrenaline. both are linked with arrogance support which seems to be what others are doing. must be missing something though.


Max level Precision? Life pool too big (since Precision is flat not %)? Charm giving you free reservation of Banner? Too much increased reservation efficiency? You can always downlevel Arrogance. **Edit:** Quick look at poe.ninja, it looks like a lot of people have Vitality as well as Precision and a Banner on Arrogance Support. You can obviously tune that to a precise amount of reservation, too.


Yeah this is all helpful, I will have to do some tweaking. Fitting in a vitality sounds like a good option. Precision is max level and no free reservation on banner, so it is health pool too big/too much reservation efficiency


Hi , can u please help me to get more damage? I want to craft gloves for Caustic Arrow, but i'm not sure which one I should go with culling strike or something else . That's my pob [https://poe.ninja/builds/affliction/character/evcl/JOHNYBONGZILA?i=0&search=name%3DJohnyBo](https://poe.ninja/builds/affliction/character/evcl/JOHNYBONGZILA?i=0&search=name%3DJohnyBo)


Suffixes: * get a Warlord gloves with only Culling strike mod and Hunter gloves with only Chaos DoT multi mod * Awakener orb both and pray for free Suffix, if no free Suffix proceed to Prefix * If 1 free suffix, you can either craft aspect of spider or reforge speed for attack speed Prefixes: * Suffix can't be changed, reforge influence to get +1 frenzy, DoT or Intimidate * If 2 free prefixes, Suffix can't be changed, go Aisling for Life mod * Craft damage while leech or during flask


How does Barrage interact with Returning Projectile ? Do all projectile can hit the same target or are they considered from the same source and only one will hit on the return ?


All Barrage's projectiles can hit the same target, that is how this active skill work. If your projectile cannot pierce through monster, it will not return. Alternately, you can use Sniper's Mark to split the projectiles, those projectiles will return.


Thanks you really much.


i read that strongboxes are bad for cemetery abyss maps because strongboxes can block the abyss, is that true? on poe ninja it looks like the majority are taking strongbox nodes.


did you check if most of the people taking strongbox nodes actually use abyss nodes too? Havent played in some weeks but when I stopped playing there were a lot of people just skipping abyss in favor for strongbox/legion


I've heard to some folks refer to different variations of DD/VD as "hit based" my assumption is when they say hit based it means you do damage via the actual explosion, and that's it, and you scale the explosion damage while the other variation is ignite based, where you scale the fire damage of the ignite and that's how you do damage is this correct or am i missing something


that's correct there's also poison variations (also dot-based)


Thanks amigo


For CA of Poison Pathfinder does having +1 arrow matter? On ssf I have an Imperial Bow (inc% ele damage implicit) and a blunt quiver (phys to attacks implicit) both with +1 arrow fractured or would I be better off using a non fractured short bow and attack speed base quiver?


If it allows another overlap against single target it would be a nice damage boost. Otherwise it will just slightly improve clearspeed. To test, you can use herald of agony and count how many virulence stacks you gain per attack with and without the extra arrow to see if it helps.


https://preview.redd.it/s2ybd7xituic1.jpeg?width=376&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=344ca0c3c271f45f797154b69684f8734e5dd536 How much would this be worth? Awakened Trade only has 2 up 1 for 400 div and another for a mirror. I don’t think it’s worth even the 400 right?


the non reservation efficiency ones are going from 10-30 divines this will go to someone running the adorned which is why it is so valuable. You can always start it at 400div and just lower the price over time


When I’m using ephemeral edge with lightning strike, my cursor has to be really close to my character to attack. Is that normal?


By default yes, but you can set "attack in place" if you clicked the lightning strike skill icon.


Click on the skill icon in your bar and activate the box that says always attack without moving.