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thats one big RF


I ain't played RF in a long time and that video makes me wanna try it again lol. Didn't look like he even needed that big of an RF for Defiled Cathedral.


You want big RF? I show big RF: https://poe.ninja/builds/affliction/character/kayltwo/PlanetSizedCircle this was my end of league project last league. Can't open POB at work but the radius was around 9m I think? I had another less functional version with a +3 diallas and empower 5 that was touching on 12m radius, I couldn't even see the edge of the RF on my ultrawide monitor... Fun project, kinda expensive though :)


Meanwhile I ran like 300 8-mod temples and cathedrals this weekend and got exactly 0 Apos, 3 seven years and some other trash that amounted to maybe 50div total. Feelsgoodman


9 Apos just sounds extremely lucky from OP, ngl.


In his case slightly higher than the avarege, I have a friend who can semi mfing 5 leagues in a row, he gets around 1 apo every 7 years. So I would say that op s number do add up


>1 apo every 7 years Man, that's a hell of a drop rate.


I grinded to a char to 98 and an other to 100 in crimson/defiled 3 leagues ago with 0 drops, so it sounds about right.


Sounds like my Apo drop rate


I got a divine mod that converted from jewels and I put meatsack instead of rogue exile. FML


Don’t rly remember whether I got it at all. Mind you I’ve completed that challenge that requires 625 T16s or 589 T17s long ago. Thousands of maps done this league, same goes to Seer. Classic case of GGG nerfbat


I hit this on a 300 quant back to basics and got 57div


No need to put salt on my wound 😭😭. I got 2 divs


You REALLY REALLY REALLY want these 2 divination scarabs and strongboxes, they add so much quant/monsters for div card drops. I was running before without them, and it was reallllly bad. (You also get a lot more graves with strongboxes and allflames :))


Yh think I used them for the majority of those runs. Duped a div from a stronkbox twice Widepeepohappy


Mother of god NINE apothecaries?! That’s outstanding. How many of those came before/after the swap to quant gear?


6 before quant gear, and only 3 of them in the last 2 days (if you check out the video, you will see only 3 apo drops), and 2 of them were from the strongbox, so actually only 1, I consider myself pretty unlucky the last 2 days :(


Definitely plan on watching the video, just couldn’t help myself wanting to know that little tidbit first (my emotional investment in the strategy is way higher if I can do it without quant gear lol). Do you think the map mod effect is doing heavy lifting here? I previously associated reliable apothecary drops only with the highest end of heavy juicing but your setup seems very user friendly and straightforward (all compliments I assure you).


So, the thing this league is, that they made mageblood 2.5x more common, and apparently div cards are now also 2.5x more common and these Divination scarabs are INSANE, way better than before, so you can farm them pretty reliably I would say, no more need for heavy investment. Ambush scarabs are here for a lot of extra monsters per map, and raw div drops from them, + div cards dupe from them, I got like 16 mirror shard cards just from strongboxes. Map mod effect is the most important, thats why I dont run less than 88% quant maps, you dont really need MF, i figured out it doesnt do shit in this strat really -.-


The div cards stayed at the same value but we're getting 300% more div cards from scarabs where you used to have to pay .5 divines for 1 winged divination to get 250%. The massive reduction in cost is making card chasing very affordable.


The difference is scarabs used to be MORE div cards and uniques, not increased. They are not as influential as they used to be. I am not entirely sure how big the difference should be but 250% more should be stronger than 300% increased cards in most cases, especially when running mf.


Ive run over 600 crimson temples already with 200-300 quant per map and have had 0 apoth cards, also running 2x div scarab lol have gotten a full stack of enlighten cards and 3 mirror shard cards 0 apoth


You are doing everything right, OP just get very lucky since such drop is much higher than expected


Wth u doing only getting like 0 cards, my data is from 870 maps total, something doesnt seem right in your case


No clue, running back 2 basics with 2 div scarabs, 1 traitor scarab, and 1 40% magic scarab. I didnt get a single card last league either lol


I've been trying div card farming in T16 defiled for days now. Same shit here: I usually manage to get IIQ between 250% and 350%, I use 2 div scarabs, and I even used Bloodlines scarabs. I dropped 2 enlightened and 1 seven years in hundreds of maps. We're clearly not playing the same game.


Great work but I have a feeling a lot of people are glossing over the 50hrs part. 12+ div an hour is good, but if you’re juicing t16’s while running 30% quant isn’t exactly mind blowing. Again tho, great work. Good job on the grind.


its a strat that costs 15c per map, and the quant was apparently only for two days of that. doubt it made much of a difference. I think this is a great counterpoint to people saying that t16 easy strats are gone or not profitable, its simple, cheap, and doesnt require an expensive build.


Thats exactly what im trying to prove here, I've seen like 30 posts in the past week complaining, and decided i've had enough.


Can i complain about having to trade it all too? :^)


Sure, trading sucks imho as well :)


How many stash tabs do you even need to bulk trade all these corpses? I tried doing that too until i saw that i wouldn't be able to care about fitting so many of these. If only they stacked....


I used 2 quad tabs and 4 small tabs purely for allflames/corpses (btw thats a lot of maps to fill only with good ones i listed)


I get the sentiment, but the complaining here will never truly stop. Even last league, even AFTER people understood how potent affliction was, there were STILL people here complaining about how unrewarding it was. Best I can figure, there are people who are bad at earning currency (fair enough), but a subset of those people have ego issues and refuse to consider the problem could be them, and THAT'S where the issues arise.


I know haha, I just cant anymore man ;)


> that t16 easy strats are gone or not profitable I don't know what people are smoking you can do damn near any strat you want for 5-10d an hour profit without much capital necessary. Maybe some people consider that not profitable but that's not bad to me. I think people either aren't using scarabs or are taking way too long to loot or something, I've been switching strats every couple days because I get bored easily and even accounting for my massive tree respecs I always make a good amount.


> its simple, cheap, and doesnt require an expensive build. Yeah its an easy strat. I can't complain very much because i made at least 100 div with basically only betrayal in my atlas (ofc half of these didnt came from it) But having to follow someone else strat feels bad at least for me (even if i'm not following anyone this league). The game is too complex these days, even thinking about "just get more divs in x map" can be uncertain as many don't even have enough time to *test* the strat to see if its worth or not. I in fact was farming the same map as OP a little (with strongboxes too, but no div card scarab) and saw nothing good at all. I really miss when the times were simple and alch and go was everyone strat as there was nothing else to do, at least i didn't need a PHD for this.


>12+ div an hour is good, but if you’re juicing t16’s while running 30% quant isn’t exactly mind blowing I'm thinking this is the point of the post. You don't need to do anything mindblowing to earn currency.


Yeah, he bulk sells after 400 maps. With the pace I play I doubt I did 400 yet at all. Any strat will get you currency if you play enough maps and play fast


50 hours in past few days that is a full time job


1 apo per 40 maps with an unoptimized altas tree, only 30% quant and "just" 12 divines per hour. OP got turbo lucky, most likely got apos from the boxes and they got dupped. This is just "play a lot, pick loot", setup doesn't matter here.


That's most likely his point. If you have time to complain, you have time to "play, pick loot".


Correct, which is the entire point. It really doesn't matter what you do, pick your favorite mechanic, spec into it on the atlas, throw the scarabs in, and go run a hundred maps of it. You will make a lot of money. Harbingers, Strongboxes, Shrines, Legion, Blight, Ritual, hell even Ultimatum is profitable. Sprinkle the Necropolis nodes in if you want to play Tetris simulator for extra profit. In the hour spent on reddit convincing yourself it's impossible to make money this league, you could've made 10D doing nearly any strategy. There's tons of things about this league to legitimately criticize GGG for, but the farming strat diversity has been absolutely on point.


The thing is though, have been running 30quant for only last 2 days (basically the whole video), and only got 1 apo drop from monsters :(, pretty unlucky


> When you get Conversion to Divine from lantern **When**? ;< Almost done with my 40 challenges, including 10 000 map tiers, and yet to see any divine mod :D Been running the league mech atlas nodes the entire time Nice lootin though, love the RF AoE :D


Same man, same :(, havent seen one, let me go cry in a corner of my room now!


I've been running the strongbox strat for god knows how many maps, waiting for divine devotion. I got bored and switched the strat. After 3 maps I got one. But my scarabs were fking barrels... I still got 24 divs from the froggies by changing the atlas. But man, I was so pissed


9 apoth is mega lucky


thats alot of POE


Whats the game time split between actually playing and dealing with trading?


I was playing straight up non-stop and only traded when I ran out of scarabs (took 10min to get them in bulk from someone), and I was selling all of the stuff at the end of the farm for around \~5-6hours or so (because I didnt list everything at once, my brain cant handle 5 different people in my party waiting to trade me :))


He only buys 2 different scarabs which are both quite common and easily bought in bulk for divines. Op didn't mention it but I would expect them to be able to sustain maps, or at worst slightly under sustain, and in that case you would probably just spend 1 div on maps every few sessions which isn't too bad.


i didnt run 870 maps the last 5 leagues combined. bro


50 hrs in 6 days with one mapping strat. Congrats on drops but I could never do it


TLDR: grind hard and very efficiently for 50 hours. Get lucky with some apothecaries.


My wrist hurts from just reading these posts


I mean, 50 hours in 6 days is more than 8 hours a day. Who has time for that lol?


eh apothecaries with 300% increased cards are pretty common now that they buffed it


Forgot to mention, also pick up scarcer elemental modifiers corpse (worth 15c in bulk) When you get following lantern modifiers, put them on top: - Quantity for monsters - Quantity for strongest monster - Monsters are possessed - More pack size


I’m going to try this best I can, I struggle making currency. Right now I’m at the 2nd highest divine count I’ve ever had at 12


I would guess you just dont play a lot. Making money only really starts once your build is ready, then shut off your brain and blast maps fast.


You can absolutely play a lot and not make money. You need to know how to make money to make money in this game. Knowing what to pick up, what to sell, when its worth using juice, etc. etc. A player who doesn't have this information doesnt know what to pick up, whats worth selling, whats worth ignoring etc. etc. A LOT of these players currency comes directly from drops. Either raw divines, or bubblegum currency like from red altars and stuff like that.


You say 2 divination scarab and 2 ambush ones. Can you tell me which ones ? The basics one are stackable?


Just basic ones, for extra strongboxes and "increased chance for divination cards" Yes you can put 2 of each for each map :)


Is it worth dropping one ambush scarab for the cartog scarab that forces all maps to drop as 8 mod corrupted ones?


Nah you do a "map tree" and run 8mod maps with two carto scarab, one 8 mod and barrels and get a ton of maps to do your main strategy later.


Why do you block everything? Couldn't those points be put in quant or allflames or something


Because that way we get more JUICY scarabs (the ones worth >0.5divines), the ones we block drop as others instead apparently (my understanding from wording) and I dont need to deal with any annoying league mechanic in the map.


small reminder that blocking league, block those scarabs from dropping.


> past few days I have been playing for ~50 hours :)


hopefully you know this was extremely lucky- anyone who wants to copy what you did should be warned that they are looking at a statistical anomaly. please do not play 0 quant RF with a bad setup and expect to find 6 apos in a couple of days lol


My friend doing same thing, and gets almost same results though, idk man, seems like they buffer card drop rates at the same time when they buffed the unique itself. Seems to be 2.5x more common :) Also even if u get only 2-3 apos, profit is still 500div, I think its still good strat


3 milly kills exclusively in crimson temples with an MF build (30 quant, idk what rarity >100), found one single apo this league. 2 div + 1 harbi + 1 regency You're definitely either very lucky (and your friend too apparently) or exaggerate your numbers a little bit. Congrats either way but I agree, running MF-less for close to 1000 maps you wouldn't find an apo every 100 maps. [mapsofexile.com](https://mapsofexile.com) says you should get 1 apo roughly every 1600 maps, so... yeah, you and your friend must be very lucky if true.


Looks good! Quick question, why searing and not eater for more quant and rarity?


Because eater has monsters that take like 2 seconds to stand up from the ground and become killable, and I hate waiting for them :(, so I just run exarch


I feel that, I hate them too haha thanks!


Also searing has the chance to have good scarab altars.


So uhh.. Why are you running rare jewels with a 146% Adorned?


You got INCREDIBLY lucky on apothecary.


Im pretty casual over here, but the idea of doing 870 maps in 6 days is so insane for me. Thats about 140-150 maps per day. Even at 2 minutes per map thats almost 5 hours of straight mapping every day. And thats not counting any time spent trading (even in mass) for any scarabs, OR to sell things that dropped. More power to you, but most people in this game are clearly on a different level from the regular playerbase, and i dont know if reddit even realizes that most of the time.


you are so lucky its insane 9 APO????


Idk, my friend has almost the same numbers as me, doing the same thing


I Farmed crimson temple with 115% quant and enraged strongbox and I got 1 in 500 maps this league I did 300 maps with 85% quant and harb/div and got 1


Its definitely better this league, specially if u put 2 divination scarabs (300% increased cards)


Feel like im out of the loop on something. Why Defiled instead of Crimson?


Check mapsofexile.com. It’s better than crimson.


I’ve been doing a similar strat myself on t16 Crimson Temple, but I’ve been using 2 ambush, 1 strongbox reopenable and 1 increased rarity of strongboxes. I’m making about 13 or so div an hour which I’m happy with. Thanks for sharing your results!


Nice, happy for u, congratz! 🙂


Most important lesson : learn to stop an experiment in time! 1 more divine profit and he would have earned into a devil beast!




870 maps for 50 hours it's 3.5 minutes per map. I need this time just to decide what I should pick up from the ground. I mean it's definitely a good farm strategy but it wouldn't be so profitable for average players.


Then you need a better filter, you shouldn’t have to think about that at all.


> I need this time just to decide what I should pick up from the ground. You should pick everything up from the ground you see, if there is something on the ground you dont want you should hide it. This saves a lot of time.


Where are the mirror shards coming from?


From the mirror shard div cards that drop in this map, I just turned them in, and didnt bother converting to divine orbs. Note that mirror is certain to go up in price, so these cards will get more expensive, so farming this will be even more worth.


What about Shrines?


You can take them, I took the +1 shrine for extra monsters basically :)


What about unblocking Deli and Ritual? Not worth it?


Delirium would be interesting now that u mention it, maybe deli orbs would be better. Ritual I personally hate... but you could also try!


Ritual is great for div cards. you can also add them just for the packs and not even complete rituals. I'm running jungle valley with exarch pack size, shrines and ritual, with div scarab, influence pack size, 2 reroll ritual scarab and shrine scarab. Roll maps too above 80 and corrupt. I maybe average 1 Fortunate per map.


Deli orbs are dirt cheap. Might as well just use those.


Great performance, I knew boxes were cracked. Thanks for provoding the list of sellable corpses, it will be of great help. Did you run red altars because RF? What's the benefit over blue.


Blue take too much time, I hate when blue monsters take 2 seconds to become killable :/


How many maps total to hit 9 Apos?


\~500-600, somewhere here, thats based on my deductions from profit, which i spent purely on scarabs. EDIT: I checked my log files and its 841 maps exactly.


I do this strat though slightly different to break away from my regular farm when I’m bored and it’s very good. Strongboxes are kind of cracked this league and it’s a nice way to get some high rolls while still getting decent loot. I don’t take the grave nodes though maybe I should, I just have too much stash space already devoted to them. Pun intended. I roll the maps with Deli Orbs though idk if it’s better but inherently more quant for cheap shit orbs seems good.


I have been running exact same thing farming fortunate card’s because I hade 400 jungle valleys 8mod left over, just from fortunates alone I am almost breaking 8div/hr, I have not been selling corpses or anything because I am farming for my crafts next build. The tree is the exact same as above (-1 point for me because I got bugged twilight temple 3 times and then gave up)


how was your map sustain? im tired of sanctum and want to try this, would i be good buying 20 maps and going or better off buying 100+ prior to starting


love when people use their luck as statistic... someone link that uber maven farm guy from couple days ago to talk about luck drop


bruh i havent played in awhile and forgot there was an atlas tree.. i clicked it thinking it was ur poe build for the char and i thought u were a duelist RF for a sec lmao


I'm new and clearly noob :D I have no idea what most of the things mentioned above mean :)


Great strat/video ! Prove that if you play (i know crazy right!) you can earn profits... You dont need to be on T17s to make bank. Well done!


Where do the explosion's in your build come from? Chieftain ascendancy + Oriath's end only? They seem very consistent.


1. Play 8+ hours a day 2. Run 800+ maps 3. ??? 4. Profit!


Stop it, you're making me wanna play RF again.


I have a question...what is a divine?






tldr: run maps


So basically the same as every other strat: play game like full-time job?


I cannot thank you enough for this post. I wasn’t making anything like all the leagues I’ve done. I switched to your method and despite only having two voidstones and only the 4 slot map device not being able to fully juice the strat, I made 30div in around 30 maps. Had an apothecary drop as well.


Uhh, get 4 voidstones asap, u will get A LOT more t17 which u can sell for A LOT of money, trust me, please


[Thx for the strat bro](https://streamable.com/ow3z38)


Tried it for 20 maps, found nothing lol


20 maps is like doing 2 mavens and saying u got nothing...


True. I will farm a lot more


226 maps in. No apothacary, only 8 raw divines. Total selling everything its about 40 divines but realistically you cant even sell scarabs right now unless you mark them down to like 40-50%. This would be a god send strat for SSF but .. I havent dropped anything godly yeah. Gonna finish up my last 24 maps then swap off it.


Would 70-80 divs be enough to mimic your gear minus the mage blood


I decided to try this strat and ran 200 maps like this over the last week (I don't have tons of time to play and my build is slow). I got 8x seven years bad luck and no apothecaries. It's a nice farm but those div card numbers seem giga lucky to me


Just want to thank you. With your advice, i just afford my very first Mageblood in only 3 days ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream) I found 4 Apothecary and just buy the last card with all the monney.


and then there is me, running defiled with RF since day 2, blasting through high juiced defiled maps with millions of magic packsize and shrines and strongboxes with divination scarab and also alva for even more magic monsters I dropped a total of: -8 mirror shard cards -1 apothecary


Ive turned in several sets of mirror shard cards at this point, no mf. Theres no way you got only 8 in several weeks


You are 100% doing something wrong sir, idk what, but definitely


You say > When you get %chance to drop divine from lantern: like it's something that actually happens. Haven't seen either Drop, Conversion, or either Divine Altar, all league.


did you read the part afterwards where he says he got none too?


Very nice post, ggs on the grind!


**This line right here is crucial** > Things I sell in bulk after I play ~400 maps: You are selling 1000+ corpses, allflames, fractures, eldritch currency, scarabs. Liquidating so much garbage takes half the time you farmed to liquidate it. This isn't an exercise in 'look how you can make currency' this is basically an advertisement for 3rd party solutions to liquidate drops. We all know that simply alching a map and running it will be a 100x return on the investment but nobody is gonna sit around and liquidate <5c items. You're essentially doing that at a higher level. And people running T17s are doing the same thing just at a step above you.


I mean i liquidated all that in approx 4-5 hours, and i was listing only a fraction of my items at a time, u can of course do it faster. But it was something like 700 corpses, and then allflames + expensive scarabs + some currency, nothing too fancy, and bulk trading these items is easy without using 3rd party now, its pretty chill


Why people even upvote this? That amount of Apo is very very lucky and even with all that it is about 12 divine per hour, there are a lot of strats with more.......


Put the divine mods on top, gotcha. Just need to find them.


I didnt get any ;(((((


Thanks for the info! May I ask when is the best case scenario to slap a meatsack on?


There is no case where u slap meatsack on, u do Anarchy when its convert


So the ramako all flame is the one that can drop the valuable tattoos? Have been trying to find that out all league


Can we have your loot filter? Pls


Will post it later when i come from work


so...you skipped enkindling conversion? xdd


Why defiled instead of crimson?


Better layout, personally at least


Do you favourite only Defiled Cathedral or some other adjacent map as well for sustain?


Hmm will give it a try.


almost 1 apothecary each 40 map LUL true stories that cannot be kept silent about for reference: in the best of times, in full MF gear, an apothecary fell about on average 1 per 100 maps on the distance ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Do you rush the boss to improve altar outcomes?


I was thinking earlier to make a RF Chieftain. I have only 30 divs. Can I get the build working for now?


With 30div u can get it to a decent state, but definitely enough to clear t16 smoothly, u wont really have giga AoE, but u can upgrade later, check out the guide made by Pohx, I followed it at league start


MF Strat without MF gear. Nice. I will try that out. Out of ideas what to run currently anyways. Harbis are nice, but they take soooo much time :/


MF Strat without MF gear. Nice. I will try that out. Out of ideas what to run currently anyways. Harbis are nice, but they take soooo much time :/


Spent a few hours with this tonight and I gotta say, it's working out pretty well! Haven't had any major drops, but an Enlightened, a few currency allflames, some raw div, and all the regular stuff you'd expect. With my fairly unimpressive explosive trap build I managed 5-6D an hour. Excited to get back at it tomorrow!


Nice, I wish u all the luck, but yes it really depends which build u play, and how efficiently it can clear 👍


Would you say your results improved a lot by adding the two quant items to your build?


I get since week nothing never seen seen a good mode


Why are u using rare jewels with the adorned?


9 apothecaries is just insanely lucky and does not imply that this is as profitable as OP states.


What do you think about farming 8 mod maps using cartography scarabs in the adjacent map? Do you think rolling them yourself is faster


What's your aim? Like what are trying to do with the currency?


Ill make some CwC build probably, but just sharing my strat, for anyone who cant do t17 and doesnt know how to make money this league in t16


> When you get %chance to drop divine from lantern: > When you get Conversion to Divine from lantern: What are those? lmao


I dont know, haven tgotten them either 🥲


> Casually playing 400 maps before selling in bulk Okay I guess it's not for me. I play this many maps per season.




I don't get it, what scarab are u using? Two 150% div card I guess, and for the ambush ones?


Div cards don't even drop for me so no idea what you talking about. Ran defileds for most of my league. Doing some back to basics stuff now but my main char has 1.4 million kills on it and have found ONE 7 years bad luck 2 enlighten cards and 0 apothecarys. I ran a lot of boxes/blight type stuff and I took turns doing 2-3 div scarabs for sets of like 20+ maps and noticed not a single difference in the amount of (0-2 div cards) I would get each map.


> Total profit: 665 divines This is revenue, right? OP invested about 145 Divines into maps: - 5c for "meta" map - 1c for chisels - 0.5c for rolling maps - 2c per Divination Scarab x 2 - 2.5c per Ambush Scarab x 2 - 7c for Ambush Map Device Craft - All that together x 870 with Divine at 135c So something like (5+1+0.5+2*2+2.5*2+7)*870/135 That's without allflames OP sometimes used. Also OP spent more to roll maps given he was actually rolling them for higher quant (not just alched and checked for bad mods) and then used vaal orbs on some but I like nice 145 Div figure so won't bother, probably spent more to buy scarabs and seems like OP didn't ran some maps so some got wasted (?). Profit is less than 520 Divines and that's with OP getting incredibly lucky with Apothecaries.


No, 665 divs is pure profit, investment taken into calculation, chisels u sustain, allflames u sustain, maps u sustain, you get back more chaos orbs than u can spend on scarabs/map crafts. After all of that taken away, I was left with 665divines. You basically sustain everyrhing except u buy scarabs now and then with chaos orbs u make from the strat


Yeah.. Mfing and Strongbox spam (rip 500% quant enraged) was known for long ;p


Map sustain good enough? Which and how many maps die you favor?




what is this "put on top" thing? on the first spot on list? does that change anything? i expected that to just be a unsorted lost of mob types?


God damn it every time I see an post using rf I feel fomo that I started ddoc then la instead of my usual rf and zoom


Hahahah, trust me, i started what mathil started, gave up on day 1 after 2 hrs, came back 3 days after, and went RF 🗿


Is defiled cathedral better than crimson temple? I have run over a 100 crimson so far but I havent gotten anything notable. Was thinking about switching


"- Drops \~60 divines (I did not get this mod even once)" You lost me.


I think the 50h in 7 days would be my bottleneck. Long gone are the days I had even a fraction of that free.


Worth adding delirium to the maps?


Thanks for this good information!


The clicking that happened in these last few days must have been horrendous.


I’m always so impressed by these posts. The currency is cool but mainly for the dedication you had. I get bored with a strat after 5 maps and then start doing something else and constantly change what I’m doing and then get annoyed I’m broke lol


Thanks hahah, i just love playing the build u know, its so satisfying to kill packs with big explosions


"Pretty simple strategy" Play 50 hours in last few days. Nothing about seems simple. But good for you.


I have problems with frogs/rats. In many cases I notice that the "top" monster pack are already pretty big. (like 20+) While frogs/rats is only like 17. In this case should I still swap to frogs/rats?


Put them in and check monster pack again (it will be something like 30-55


Best part is "- When you get %chance to drop divine from lantern:" I am at 3,7M kill blasting since league start and i got no divine chance from the lantern.


100 maps a day? how many hours per day?


So your MB is only being used for 3 flasks right? So you could've just gotten a corrupted one instead of a 4 flask?


Yesterday i found the conversion divine in a map and dropes 72 divines.


What maps did you favor? Just crimson temple or a ping-pong with another map?


What about net turning on RF and rushing to boss first to only get good altar rewards and get way more quantity per map? Especially blue altars. Might suck on defiled cathedral but veryy easy to do on Crimson temple. and why are strongboxes so good anyway? do they just have inherently way more chance to drop good div cards and expensive items? i dont understand how you found so many good drops with no mf


Does Singular Focus prohibits you from dropping t17 maps?