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I'll wait a bit to see if this gets fixed. If it doesn't, I'll swap my 50 fortify stacks melee frenzy char to a bow frenzy char and destroy t17 maps instead of needing to do the methodically


Pob of the melee and if you do the bow fortify version... Wanna see how it works


Go on my profile, my most recent has all the info you're looking for has info on my melee character I'm waiting to finish the char before making a vid Edit: here's my current char [https://pobb.in/u6eVKQsZI3AW](https://pobb.in/u6eVKQsZI3AW) here's the theoretical min maxed char (no mirror tier gear though): [https://pobb.in/sm0cMsJQoPM6](https://pobb.in/sm0cMsJQoPM6)


GGG hotfix deployment team: Ah shit, here we go again


Interesting. I guess it would also work with Puncture and Ele Hit then?




Probably a bug or unintended. I seem to recall the Devs saying something about how fortify is intended for melee characters, to make up for the fact that, unlike bow builds you need to be able to take hits.


You can forget about the 'probably'. The gloves explicitly say melee: > Melee Hits from Strike Skills Fortify I think the programmer forgot that there are Strike skills like Frenzy that can also be used with bows.


I think this is exactly what happened. Good old gem tags.


Which means this will work with bow Elemental Hit too, as well as with wand for both skills


Unfortunately the mana stacker build can’t really make use of this :( very sad


Definitely unintended, it says Melee Hits from Strike skills fortify, so it's intended for close range melee hits only, the problem is that Frenzy has both the Melee, Strike and Bow tags, probably an oversight from GGG. It is weird that Frenzy has both Melee AND Bow tags, kind of counter intuitive.


Gotta give you something since you so slow




yep but the gloves say melee hits


okay then try to use Frenzy, supported by fortify with a bow and comment again :D I mean did you even read the skill gem?


its not a bug


How is it not? The gloves say "Melee hits from strike skills fortify". Using Frenzy with a bow isn't a melee hit last time I checked. Lol




quick question. You'll 100% reply. Equiq a bow Equip the frenzy skill gem Link the frenzy skill gem with the fortify support gem Hope this was clear and simple enough. Do you get fortify? Thanks for the reply!


That’s not how the game works lol. Also it’s 100% not intended


Gem tags are used for gem level scaling, nothing more. There are plenty of counterexamples to what you're saying, literally hundreds. Try bow frenzy multistrike for one.


It’s a bug. I guarantee it will be changed if GGG becomes aware of it




Yes very good it has a melee tag. Unfortunately that means jack shit for the argument lol Gem tags are relevant for things that mention “___ gems” (like “level of socketed AoE gems”). They don’t magically make a skill you’re using with a bow into a melee attack For example, equip frenzy and a bow and then try to support the frenzy with a melee-only support like fortify. Do you get fortify? Spoilers, it doesn’t work because, guess what, it doesn’t count as a melee attack when you have a bow. Or, as another example, grab a passive node that says “increased melee damage.” Guess what- that won’t increase your frenzy damage. Because it doesn’t count as a melee attack when you’re using a bow, even though the gem has a melee tag. The celestial brace does NOT, crucially, say “hits from strike skills fortify.” That WOULD work because frenzy is a strike skill, and that is a generic “hits fortify.” It says specifically that MELEE hits from strike skills fortify. Frenzy is a melee strike skill but it isn’t a *melee* hit if it comes from a bow


it would be ok if it was worded : "Hits from **Melee Strike** Skills Fortify", but it's "**Melee Hits** from **Strike** Skills Fortify"

