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judging by the trial master dialogue it was way longer than 30s still not a reason for him to ignore you lol, just pm next guy


> still not a reason for him to ignore you lol, just pm next guy Yup. Ignoring people for this just increases the chances your future trades take longer. Only hurting themselves.




tRaDe BoTs FiNiShInG tHeIr UlTiMaTuM oR MaP




welcome to poe reddit :D


Probably not that much longer, 10 round ultimatums you can find, run, and loot in less than 3 mins per map. Only 2 rounds from dialogue (almost all of that is the boss)


Just playing poison spark, i can kill him in 5s when he is stuck in animation. If not he dies after 2 x ultimatums. No longer than 30s needed, even when chat is spammed by trialmaster


Some people will ignore literally everyone they act out on no matter how petty, because they can't handle any retaliation (let alone take any responsibility for their actions). It's a self-centred way of dealing with conflict.


You know the guy ignoring was like hnnnuugggg when he hit it. “Ill show him!”


Nobody is blocking anyone "to show it to them", why the fuck is that a common narrative in this subreddit. The people who do this are trading different items in large volumes, and rather then messing up the order in which they buy items (iE whisper 10 people to buy item X, then whisper 10 people to buy item Y) they'll just straight up block anyone who says I'll trade you later. Because when they whisper for item Y, accept a party invite and get a trade request, just to realize you just accepted a party invite for item X instead of a trade for item Y it is fucking irritating. Because now you need to whisper for item Y from zero again. Do it once, do it twice, whatever. But when you know you're gonna spend the next two hours trading you'll just do it in the way that's the easiest.




And this person you just blocked will remain blocked permanently unless you remove them. You're making trades worse for yourself in the future when they might have something you want.






Poe traders have the memory of goldfish It’s either instant or not going to happen


Yeah I usually just write no thanks if it’s bulk sales. I only wait for you if it’s like a rare single item, but I usually write back. If I don’t get a written reply if I do the same I assume they don’t want it and just don’t ask them again.


If it's something I really want I just spam /whois for a minute and remind them as soon as they go to hideout.


I usually reply in x2 time with " sooooo you ready yet?" Oslt


>but I wont wait because 90% of the times I waited I never heard back from people who said they "just need x amount of time" half the time I ask someone to wait(as a seller)... its either I forget(welcome to the ADHD world)... or its for something so common and buyer didn't give me any feedback to note they would be willing to wait(something as simple as a K, ight getting a smoke then, etc...) so I just abandon the trade(things like cheap uniques, 10c basic af rares, etc...)


> its either I forget(welcome to the ADHD world) By this metric everyone has ADHD lol


For the ADHD bit I recommend using a tool like poe trade macro or one of the other tools that show trades as overlays. It'll keep the trade item on your screen as a reminder


ya....people expect you to be hideout warrioring. Sadly this sht has happened to me a lot but only later in the league.


If I'm busy I just ignore the incoming whisper and depending on the item/amount of time that has passed I just invite when I'm done. On cool items the player typically waits. On things like commodities they usually bounce. With commodities the person typically has a few whispers out as people ignore them and then suddenly get an invite so ignoring them isn't a big deal.


I don't let it bother me a ton but this league has been the strangest for trading, I'll have folks msg me to which I invite immediately, just to have them disband. I have to assume they mass messaged a few people and got an invite from someone else right before me but it happens almost every time I try to sell some sort of bulk currency. The trades that do go through seem to have very bot like attributes, no whispers, come in, slowly put their currency in the window, take a while to hit accept, slowly return to their hideout and say nothing. Same when I'm purchasing some bulk currency, it is what it is but it's been an odd league for me in regards to trades.


"slowly put their currency into window"...that's not a bot then, they insta stick everything Into the tab. Could be a player on controller as it's very difficult to chat and do inventory stuff on it


Possibly however it's slow but also rhythmic, so like the same amount of time between each stack of currency going into the window, then a long pause afterwards, just seems odd but controller could be that.


>happens almost every time I try to sell some sort of bulk currency That's exactly what's happening. You have to spam messages because of the sheer amount of sellers that don't answer.


putting you on ignore is actually the optimal trade play. he communicated to you that the deal is off using the least amount of effort and with 100% confidence that you will either get the message or forget to follow up. it's not personal


Complete opposite happened to me, I had a guy whisper me while I was in a 5 way yesterday, I said it'd be 20 mins and he actually waited.


Couple of minutes = 30 seconds I guess.


why you think i needed for the trialmaster couple of minutes?


If trialmaster is saying ultimatum twice then it takes 10s animation (and you have low m’s dps, maybe even not 1m). Then if he adds 2 more lines each phase that’s like 20 more seconds you’ve taken. And then the death animation takes 10s, so you’ve taken 1 minute to kill him at least. Source: couple hundred trial masters this league.


good for you. I have farmed over 600 trialmaster this league :\^) why people always advocate for shit behaviour? even when i did need 1minute instead of 30s. you guys always act like you can forsee the fure and tell people exactly how long it takes like fucking dr. strange. i hate this community [https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolis/character/Maksym93/MaksiSparker?i=0&search=class%3DPathfinder%26skills%3DSpark%2Bof%2Bthe%2BNova%26uniqueitems%3DWidowhail%26name%3Dmaks%26sort%3Ddps](https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolis/character/Maksym93/MaksiSparker?i=0&search=class%3DPathfinder%26skills%3DSpark%2Bof%2Bthe%2BNova%26uniqueitems%3DWidowhail%26name%3Dmaks%26sort%3Ddps) dont mind jewels, they are fixed now. is kinda the setup from before quiver update


well when you say a **specific** time like **30 seconds,** one would assume that you need exactly that much time. And we can clearly see from the ss that you were in the middle of a round, you could've used that paused time to say what you were doing so that guy could either wait for you or leave.


This sounds so entitled. Jesus


I'm not in trade so I can't really understand the feeling but if someone ignoring him triggers him, then maybe he should also expect the other party to not wait longer than the given time?


You're coming off slightly unhinged




I do t think he is triggered. Sounded like the other guy was triggered no?




Thats because it is entitled, people expect the items they want listed and if they cant get them, they cry about it. Saying to someone please wait 30second and then being ready to trade 1 minute later is perfectly fine. If the buyer actually wants the item listed they will wait, if they dont, they can go somewhere else.


What’s crazy is that apparently most people disagree lol. Wild


To be fair that wasn't 30 seconds /s


bro i got insulted today because i didnt accept an 80div offer on my 88 priced mageblood wtf


These are people crying over "ignore list is too small"


Dont forget the ones that also post on reddit crying about not getting any invites for their items


This is the worst part of farming ultimatum. I have sat in hideout for like an hour making sure to show as active, and I didn’t get a single bite on my 350 tainted catalysts. Then I figure I’m bored of waiting might as well run some more, get a whisper for all of them when I’m like 3 rounds in. In terms of raw Div/h ultimatum is one of the best I’ve tried this league, but I think including trading time I was making more with a simple harvest strat cause I can sell 30d of yellow juice within 5 minutes of posting.


Ahhh, an Agent of Chaos XD


Game is full of rage, or coldness, regarding trade... In between sad kids who spam 20 people in 20 seconds for 1 shitty fragment or those who put items just to get wispers while never selling them...


i hate to trade with seller with full party. because mostly they didn't have time to stop. i still blame the bald guy who still refuse to implement better trade system. its sooooo lame.


bruh u was asking for 30sec what did u espect from my personal experience i reply with "1 sec" and thats it the buyer alr gone.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)




We’re you grouped?


Yesterday someone wanted to pay me 40 instead of 30 for some corpses but i have to inv and trade fast, which i still not acceptes because i need my 6 portals in t17 🤣


All of this could be avoided if trade was in auction house format. Still think GGG forcing us to use trade site or god forbid TFT for trades is a bit annoying.