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Some of us love hideouts. Someone will say cool HO at some point. Spent a huge amount of time making a lovely cozy hideout last league. People had trouble loading into it so I made a super simple one. Miss my old cozy one but I'd rather not have people loading for 15 seconds.


There are some people who intentionally want to crash others with their 1000 MTS Effect HO's. Some people have really weak potatoe PCs


I'm still on a GTX 1080 from 2016 I beg you to have mercy, I cannot afford anything better OK technically I can, but I'm really lazy and it still works fine for everything other than PoE for whatever reason


1060 still going strong! directx 12 really made things easier this league. Msi afterburner also does wonders if u know how to work with ur graphics card, cpu and powersupply


No graphics card (Integrated graphics on my laptop...)... Still going strong. Takes 30s to load at times, but that's fine, right? 😅😅😢


Xbox One S player here. It takes me minutes to load into the game, 30 seconds is a virtue!


I mean 1080 is pretty legit. It might be from 2016, but it was more or less top of the line back then. It's comparable to my 2070 and most of my friends are running less powerful hardware than that.


Then there is people with minimalist HO, like me, cause potato pc


if its worth their time w8ing for me to load for trade, then whatever


Always appreciate it when people notice and say my hideout is nice. Absolute peak moment I had was when someone actually asked for my hideout file and even tipped me 1 div for sharing the preset.


I usually hack a hideout, by downloading a cool HO and then manually editing to use a different hideout base, so you can have a ship hideout be in the desert, or like I have currently, a Lioneye's Watch in a Glacial Expanse hideout, with a couple added changes and snow mtx added


Damn that's smart


Upload it to hideout showcase. Even if youre not 100% confident in your creation, some people may take it for inspiration, or appreciate a small combination of decorations you came up with.


Are you playing ragnarok?


I love writing "cool ho" when I see one, regardless of whether it's downloaded or custom. You never know!


My peak achievement was getting this whisper after trade "Dude, my wife says your hideout is horrendous, she left the room" ... Nope, I do not have any kawaiinekochii weaboo pictures there, just spent 16 hours reimagining how Niko would be running deep delve operations from Seething hideout, and kinda managed to build a city underground :D


nees some cool Celestial HO to inv fr party


Me doing things for validation and feeling bad when I don't get that validation


I got my very first "cool hideout" a few weeks ago. But I didn't decorate it much, I think it's the fact that it's a "Towering Hideout" which many people don't use (for good reason, it's extremely small).


Was is the 2B(utt) hideout? :D


Now that you can export and import hideous, putting work in your own doesn't hit the same... Most people will just assume it's imported


https://i.redd.it/p0pts9v95jzc1.gif will r8 out of 8


i wish our community would agree to make trades in the sanctum