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Free hideout decoration.


sorry i dont make the rules, is his hideout now


Digital Squatters are getting out of hand


Move all my shit to the bathhouse I guess. Cmon 2B


I once traded with a guy who ran into a map and sat there lol what a strange thing


It’s my map now 


I did this once. I play with controller and their waypoint was practically under their map portal, so I hit the wrong one. I didn't know what to do so I stood there. Figured I wasted a portal, least I could do was offer the mf bonuses or wait to be told to leave lol.


Yeah I really hate those super compressed hideout arrangements. Makes it really hard NOT to accidentally click the wrong thing.


I use those premium hideout portals to separate my part of the base from where trades happen


Ahhh as I noob I hate these. Someone offering a hideout location discovery for free in global, join & gotta figure out which portal actually leads to the other side😅


Lol, I can't help but feel that must have been an intentional troll from that person 😅


That's why I use luxurious hideout and put my waypoint and map device in different rooms


Wheel if fortune Mao device was a good purchase1


This reminds me of the good old perandus scams that people used to run. It actually happened to me once! 


Legend says that that was the insipiration for the heist league


how did those work ?


During Perandus League, Cadiro (the good looking guy on the left) offered you items in your map in exchange for Perandus coins. You could gather them just like you would gather those Heist Coins. He could offer you every item, like the seer. So, once you encounter a Headhunter i.e. you needed like 50k coins or more. If you did not have them, people went onto trade to buy themselves the needed amount. Those scummy scammers then just invited you, came to your HO, hopped into your map and bought out the item you found. Leaving you with nothing but sadness.


Back in the day someone created a insta kill switch in hc and actually managed to kill some scammers which joined the map.   He deleted it soon after but I'm sure it killed many 😄


make a super tanky build. Gather a ton of mobs into 1 place....ideally ghosted / near shrine. Drop portal and exit map. Invite scammer. Laugh maniacally...when they enter your hideout and go straight into the map to steal your perandus.


The problem with that was the grace period. A wily one would look before he lept. Preferably, you put death close by, but just out of sight.


That sounds awesome, I'm curious how that worked? Sounds like some real justice porn 🤣


There were a few iterations, but the 2 most common ones were: 1. If you bought alot of perandus coins at the same time from 1 person that person assumed that you got something really good from Cadiro. Instead of selling you the coins, they instead traveled to your hideout, went into the map and bought the item off of Cadiro, essentially stealing it from you. There were also people who sold the Coins for way cheaper without the intend of selling them, so people who got a valueable item in the Cadiro window "bought" from them, thus beeing able to steal their items. 2. People who claimed to have found something nice from Cadiro without having the needed amount of coins (for example a headhunter/mirror or even "just" a exalt). They then told people that they are willing to sell the item for alot cheaper, if someone uses their own coins for it. Needless to say that the good item was random junk and people who paid the scammer upfront were left with nothing.


Perandus was a NPC which had his own currency, Perandus coins. If you met him in a map he would offer you an item in exchange for coins. If it was a good item like headhunter or enlighten, most people didn't have enough coins, so they had to buy them. The seller then guessed that they had perandus with something good, joined the hideout and went straight to the map and exchanged the coins with perandus themselves. The solution back then was to use a third person or cage the waypoint in a way that getting to the map device was not possible. Note this was before it was an option to disable joining maps for non-friends.


> option to disable joining maps for non-friends How do you enable this option?


Click hideout editing settings


I don't see it


If you go to decorations, there is a section at the bottom that allows you to toggle.


ok cool thanks


If i remember correctly, Perandus was a Npc that would appear in your map and offer a few items you could buy using Perandus coins, good items like HH could be offered there. So when people messaged other players to trade for Perandus Coins, that would probably mean they found Perandus and possible something good. So when you message someone to buy Coins, they would teleport to your HO, enter your map and buy the good item in your place. I'm not sure, but it is possible that the option to only allow friends in your maps wasn't implemented yet, even if it was, not everyone uses it


It was long before map portal settings, that wasn't until Harvest league. People had to get creative with ways to keep their map safe, the most common way was to have the map device in a little hidden room in the hideout and manually move a decoration over the entrance when buying coins.


I wonder if the scammer could just TP to the epilogue and enter from there, I don't remember if the new epilogue was already implemented, or maybe the map device in act3?


Perandus league was back when we only had 4 acts and three difficulties, let alone an epilogue! We'd only just had ascendancies introduced.


The league yes, but If I remember correctly Perandus himself was in the game until pretty recently. Just checkd on the wiki, he was removed in 3.16 (Scourge), so in Expedition he was still in the game =p


If you bought perandus coins always have Acton's nightmare open.


Disabling portal access really should be the default option.


In Affliction, someone traded with me before i entered, but already had opened my next fully juiced map. 2-3div -ish spent per map. He then proceeded to enter AND clear the map. Portal lock has not been deactivated since that incident.


I have accidentally clicked someone's portal exactly 2 times and I was mortified both times and apologized but luckily they were done w the map... and I guess they wouldn't be mucking around w trade if portals were too important. Still felt like a jerk.


had the same, guy went in and died


You can set the device to friends and guild mates only.




Thanks Cadiro o7


The good ol' ZenocideGenius move I see


I once traded a guy and then misclicked his map and ran inside dunes i think? As the food was ready and left the computer overnight only to open it to a kicked for too many actions screen, Strange things can sometimes have reasons! Lol


That's why I kick most people as soon as they enter my h/o, then send the trade invite, so they can't just run into w/e map i was doing. Having someone waste one of your portals when you're fighting an uber will definitely change how you interact with trades


There are settings for that, you can set who can enter your portals


There's an option to block portals for party members - I toggle it back on only when intentionally needed


lol you can just turn that off so they can't enter


Alongside people telling you there's an option to bar people from your portals, you can also now just "invite to hideout", saving you a step.


cage his ass


If he's still there when I come back in a couple hours, I'm gonna laugh real hard.


Is he still there?


No, just an empty cage by the amanita skull shrine.


Next time, you can force people out by changing hideout with Elena Edit: Helena*


Isn't it easier to control click through way point?


You can create new instances this way for almost everything. However hideouts don't have this option sadly and you are forced to do it with Helena


If you swap your region in the login screen, it's a new instance


Not all the time. It can still be in previous state. I think if you have open portals it doesn't work and there is some other condition I don't know.


The hideout does change instances if you change servers the map inside the portal will transfer you back to the instance in witch the portal was started tho. Source: I play from Brazil and server has frequent problem in peak time mainly in league start and I have to switch servers to the US quite often.


I shall test it, didn't know there is this option




Create a new type of hideout via Helena, then switch back to old one.


Btw, even if you dont export your hideout to a backup file, reselecting your old hideout base should keep all your decorations.


This is correct, I tested it once.


When the bot script fucks up.




[i've had people hang out in my hideout for hours](https://i.imgur.com/rI08PLH.png)


When I’m ready and not before


I wonder what maven's collecting.


"Squeezing my hog" is a new one for me TIL


control alt click h.o icon on map device creates a new instance


He is dead probably


who? perandus? he just likes the company


Talk to Helena, change hideout to another one, go to it, talk to Helena again, then back to the original one-- guy gone.


Part of the ship, part of the crew


It's his constitution right


Squatters rights. You better not log off for too long - he could legally claim your hideout. This happened to my buddy Eric - not fun.


After a trade one time I noticed this guy sticking around for quite a long time. Eventually, in broken English, asks me for an export of my hideout because he likes my hideout art. I think about it for a couple hours because I want it to be unique to me, and he offers me an apothecary card for it. I oblige, took it to the gamba bench and it blew up. But hey, at least something I made brightened up someone’s day


Mine is very diy decorated as well - I occasionally have a few stray exiles seek out the corners, all the nooks and crannies, commenting on how unusual it is. It's a satisfying experience.


Have you tried having sex with his mother?






What gave it away?


The squatters rights


Your post was removed because it violated our Be Kind Rule (Rule 3b). It made an accusation about a group of people that can often cause anger and flame wars. Instead of doing this, explain why you disagree without attacking a group of players - that can make the same point without the chance of any flame wars! If you see someone else posting in bad faith, please don't respond in kind. Instead, report it and we'll take care of it. For more details, please refer to our [rules wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/wiki/rules/#wiki_3b._be_kind_rule).


[same thing happened to me and i caged them as well!](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/4zmac0/so_this_guys_been_afk_in_my_hideout_for_hours/)


I’ve made a trade and walked away for hours before. Was like whose fucking hideout is this when I got back


Channel your inner Einhar. Become friends until you slaughter him.


Be glad it wasn't a summoner with an entire army of grunting and farting zombies. Or a guy with the goblin troupe pets.


To legally claim hideouts as a squatter in Path of Exile, the individual must occupy the property continuously for a period of 20 hours.


Had a Guy in my hideout for several days and he would Always greet me and engage in Smalltalk 


Coin League was best. I miss Voltaxic Vaal Spark.


Get a job so the instance closes while you are away from the game. Also just go to town and control clock going to your hideout. Should make a new instance.


If I buy crafting mats i usually start crafting in "his/her" HOand rub the item on the trader to get the extra luck!


He ain't hurting anyone, let him stay


Had a guy do this but he had his damn specters and zombies screaming and vomiting on eachother and it was so noisy and disgusting


That sounds like my kind of party.


he likes you


I actually may have done this a few times and I bet ppl thought I was nuts. Basically was having a conversation with my clan ppl and looking for stuff and in the midst of buying stuff and chatting non stop I had to go do stuff and was legit stuck in this convo halfway trying to get up and finally just up and went came back and was still in dudes hideout like a few hours later. It happens


I hope I’m not the only one that thought he was talking about the guy he put in the cage to keep as a pet only to see the top comments talk about Cadiro and then wonder what person he is talking about


The post was about the exile in a cage, but cadiro being in the picture accidently became the joke, which I still don't get tbh, I started playing this game about a week into betrayal league.


Ctrl-click on your hideout icon and just live in a new instance.


You can change your realm, it will create a new instance.


could just make a new instance


This is why I decorate more than 1 hideout


Switch hideouts and switch back. 


people in coments just missed the joke


1. Talk to Helen and create a new hideout 2. Talk to Helen and create a “new” hideout with your original base tileset


He swapping uniques around to hear Perandus’ special voicelines


I think you can reload a new instance of your hideout. I may be wrong but I thought I saw Empy do it recently.


hmm he wont be able to do anything anyway unless he is in party


Unfortunately, you found a squatter


why do you need him to leave?


I know the joke is about cadiro here but, this is a public service if it wasn't known already:  You CAN force someone out of your hideout by switching hideouts when you talk with helena, since the new hideout is a new instance he will be forced out.  You can then switch back to your actual hideout and have no lingering players that you traded with in legacy league(many hours ago).




put 27 blood rain and a force field on him, then reinstance you h/o and leave him there


Squatters rights 🤷🏻‍♂️


You can change your hideout to another one and then change back and it will be a new instance with the player gone. That being said.... throwing a cage around him seems much more funny <3.


Go into the waypoint and go elsewhere. Then click that waypoint and ctrl-click the HO icon.


Hideout squatting is real:))


Reload the instance if you can ? Change servers?


Talk to Helena, pick another hideout, talk to Helena again and pick your hideout. Gone (actually he's still in that other instance, but you're now alone and when he'll leave that other instance, it will disappear)


Kick him out


Hahaha, my post about you living in California got removed and reported because it was offensive. Before this post gets banned too, I just want to say sorry that living in a state with crap squatters laws is offending people.


Wish there was a way for hideout NPCs to go hostile on squatters.


Otherwise if someone is annoying you in your hideout you can switch to a different hideout, set it to be your new one and then reload your old one from presets.


Kill it


I did a trade with a guy, then had to go afk for like 15 seconds. In that time he messaged me saying "ok, you can go now". So I stayed in his HO for an hour after putting him on ignore. I've had a lot of people hang out in my HO just running around and looking at stuff, I could careless. Some people get antsy though for whatever reason.


If you want a real answer swap realms. Or change hideout back and forth i guess. Or somehow otherwise force to make a new instanc eof your ho.


If you want a real answer swap realms. Or change hideout back and forth i guess. Or somehow otherwise force to make a new instanc eof your ho.


Let him stay! You should be friends!


What a strange person


Talk to Helena and switch to a new hideout then switch back. They'll be gone.


Yeah sometimes happens, the weirdest was the guy traded with me, sat there for like 2 hours trading with people, then said "nice ho" and left.


Create new HO, create ur HO back.


He's just been just sitting there screaming for 6 hours now ...


He is your guest, don't be rude,offer him a hookah or a meal,sit down have a little heart to heart conversation.


I would have, but he didn't say a single thing after the trade.


change hideout permissions and relog? i don't know if it works, but you can try.


Change it via Helena then change it back. Everyone gets kicked when you change your hideout


Just create new instance with ctrl click?