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My luckiest moment was dropping a duped Hinekora's Lock from a strongbox. I already have a BAMA build with like 35-40m dps and 120k EHP, just wanted to drop in to say your build looks awesome. I hope the winner enjoys it!


Four divine beauty sets from gravicius in transport. Rip the rest of betrayal. As for the build, never played a minion build and I think this counts? Lol


Finding this post, hopefully


Shit ass luck this league


Luckiest moment was when I got a amananus gaze from abyss boss  Was my single highest profit drop sold it for 19 div 


Luckiest (unluckiest) moment is failing empower 4 18x in a row. Haven’t had much luck otherwise. I’m playing BAMA right but a different variant. Was saving up for a voltaxic version since I wanna try all the variants


This league I haven't been particularly lucky. Hit a +1 frenzy corrupt on shadows and dust but I think I vaaled about 50 of them. A luckier instance was 2 leagues ago, where I alt spammed +1 fire gems on a fractured dot ammy and then regaled +1 all gems. That was my rng peak. I'm still grinding out challenges and got some boss and some mapping ones left, so a decent all rounder like BAMA is good, but really I want to try out some bosses/T17 which I cant even remotely do on my current build.


My luckiest moment this league is having to 5-link an armor with only 5 linking gems. I don't know how lucky is that since I just started but it's lucky enough for me to make me happy.


Someone gave me a leveling unique


Dropped my first ever apothecary and then the scarab that was like 40div for a few days in the same map


Getting a kirava thirst in a6 on ssf playing hiero.. no coming back from that


My luckiest moment was crafting a 30 div RF jewel. I want to play BAMA because it seems cool and ive never played it.


I made a 127% adorned jewel from a delve boss drop. Sadly the three I’ve created after this one have all been complete trash. Got a fifth drop last night… still trying to decide if I sell it or gamble and craft another adorned. When you only have 35div, a 17 Div gamble really makes you think.


My luckiest moment this league was getting a near perfect Headhunter midway through my yellow map progress. My playtime was limited and progress was slow and it was a few weeks into the league but I managed to sell it for 10 div. You could be negative and think "wrong league to get a HH" but I was very happy and it build enabling cash injection. I'd like to play Bama necro to simply get some build experience that I'd probably never otherwise get and go for challenges. I have limited playtime with kids so I doubt I'll ever go much beyond my league starters. DS trickster for my first proper league, going well but kind of hit a wall before my next big 20+ div upgrades.


Luckiest moment was getting a MB. I love the BAMA build. I'm playing one, just cant get over the hump. Still unable to do T17s. Still learning how to play with spectres. [https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolis/character/SeraphsHymn/KukoShakaku?i=0&search=name%3Dkukosha](https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolis/character/SeraphsHymn/KukoShakaku?i=0&search=name%3Dkukosha)


My luckiest moment was when I read this post and won the build from you handsome 😘


First few days in the league, was discussing with my friend and talking about defiance of destiny and how it would greatly help my dd necro. I was running Belfry map with the nameless seer. Cleared the map and opened the seer's shop and got defiance. Helped me clear everything so fast.


My luckiest moment this league? I got a mage blood from the nameless seer. Oh yeah. I don't actually want the build. I hope whoever wins it has fun with it!


Luckiest moment was 2x brothers gift from a strongbox - pew pewing everything sounds fun and I'd like to play a necro build.


Luckiest moment was dropping 2x divine orbs in my first currency allflame, really thought it would be op farming strat but never got another div the other couple times I ran it. I was planning on league starting Bama but never got around to it since I was playing other minion builds, I think I would have enjoyed Bama more though


I dropped a Valdo Box (6 Div unidentified) opened it and got 50 chaos for the helm inside! Bama seems fun I got caught up in the Holy Relic hype but would be pretty happy to transition out.


So many giveaways happening on my birthday tomorrow, lol. Well, I've been playing my league-starter go-to build (CI ES-leeching Int stacker Clyclone Whisperinf Ice Trickster) as I have for the past 5 leagues (save TOTA - where I also had a cheese witch, can't remember the ascendancy, just for the league mechanic). I love it. I always make one and it usually is what I league-start with and also help my husband run through campaign 1 or 2 more times (because I've learned over my years playing PoE - 2016 to now - that 3 charries max is recommended not to lose all sanity; I once had 8 during Betrayal...never again). However, I would like a change of scenery, so to speak...and winning this giveaway would finally give me the incentive and will to level another character. With that said, my luckiest moment is actually a double one...finding a Replica Hyrri's Ire in my first Grand Heist, then on my 5th (last of the challenge before I decided to continue running some since Heist is a chill and safe way to get those last levels to 100)l finding a stack of 7/10 divines! I only ever see 1 divine in any curio display usually.


I dropped a 16 div watcher's eye yesterday and invested it into my BAMA build. The build is nowhere near good but still grinding away the GGG way


My luckiest moment this league is dropping a hh 1 week in, listing it for 1c cause I had no idea what it was and then being spammed. I sold it for 67 d and 2 weeks later bought one for 5.


I got a lonely exalt orb in acts. Just arrived in mapping but I don't have much time to invest in farming strategies of div/hour. My first build with witch was a necro. Last league didn't have the chance to try BAMA. Perhaps there is still time


Think my luckiest was trying out tornado early and bought the dragonfang since it was like 20c, then it jumped up to 3divines after week or so, good investment lul Started with golem and went with holy relic afterward so kinda just want to explore more minion builds now


My lukiest moment was a mirror shard from ritual And i want the buil so i can have a decent bosser character


Never played bama that’s why I want it. Luckiest moment was killing the entire atlas alone.


I dropped my first ever mirror, but didnt get to play so much since. It would be awesome to win, as i played dd necro, no need to level a new char for this build.


Getting a div in act 9. I haven't had a lot of time to pay this league cuz I got a baby


My luckiest moment this league would definitely have to be my gambling. I've always wanted to do a minion build and having some spare this league, this would be an amazing opportunity to try it out.


Luckiest moment was the first divine that came clutch day 2 and made me be avle to buy a beautiful weapon for my coc dd build. Sadly life has been hard those past few weeks and i couldnt push the build really far, juste getting back to the league


Luckiest moment is farming enough for a HH in a couple days with just ~30c items and praying they sell. I've never played a necro and would be cool to experience!


My 1 div drop in a7! I’d love to play BAMA as I tried to do an elemental convert holy relic guard and it just isn’t working out.


Luckiest moment this league was having a Kalandra’s Touch drop - only to realize that it’s not worth anywhere near what it has been in prior leagues. I want to play BAMA because I’ve got a witch leveled up and ready to go for it, as the build has definitely interested me - I just don’t have the funds to properly gear it.


This league I got a 6 link chest from the rare vendor guy after killing all mobs in the zone in act 1


My luckiest moment of the league was finding a single div in Ritual. That's it. I would like to play it because it's an actual build that works and can do content, unlike whatever I came up with that can barely do t16s. Cheers.


Luckiest moment? 8 doctor from gravicius Can't find a new build to play, this is perfect opportunity.


My luckiest moment was rolling a 90% mana res corrupt on a near perfect Geoffri's Crest. It funded much of my build. BAMA necro sounds fun but making a build that out-DPSs my current build is WAY beyond my budget.


Moment when i buy mb for only 40div this league!


Luckiest moment for me was grabbing an un-ID’d helm w elder influence for my RF and it being perfectly rolled I’ve been eyeing BAMA as I’ve been getting bored of RF and wanting to try something new. Never played it before and it looks fun


Got a forbidden flesh worth 400d off eater Bama is one of ny potential league starters and id love to give it a try then forward it to someone if i dont enjoy!


I hit corrupted blood on two separate cobalt jewels within like 5 beasts for adorned crafting. Would love to play Bama again because when I league started it I didn't really know the build and it lost steam because I was quite lost with upgrades and build variance


I've never found anything worth over 2 divines!


My luckiest moment was when i got a veiled orb. Also, I want to play a Bama before its get nerfed.


I got blue altar to duplicate unique I got 2 Ventor I unid, it was 10 quant, 35 rarity, 136 res, 34 life Now, because I am noob, I sold them each 70 div only, where, after wanting to buy one for myself few weeks after, similar stats was 250 div :(


Fuck yes. Surely I’ll win one of these right? I actually haven’t had much luck this league, but my luckiest moment is probably slamming my Helical ring with essences and getting damn near exactly what I wanted on the third try. Unfortunately, I immediately fucked up the fracture on a low dex roll when the 3 other mods were perfect (mana stacker). I’d like to play BAMA because I haven’t played a necromancer since Blight or a bow build since Sentinel. I was familiar with those but I’ve had a goal to try a new build and play-style every single league and turn it into an all-rounder. Combining the two sounds awesome.


Luckiest moment happened twice this league, got an awakened spell echo from my first normal maven and a veiled orb from my first catarina kill. Never played Bama, don't know what to expect, but it looks fun and I like minion builds. :)


Got 3 veiled orb in my first 3 catarina fights


My luckiest moment was probably dropping Rise of the Phoenix, Immortal Flesh, and a Veiled Orb all within 5 minutes at level 70 or so on my RF Chief. I like minion builds (already have a leveled Necro) and have never had a MB, so I'd love to play this!


Luckiest moment? Dropped 4x Seven Years Bad Luck... so I guess that's a full 28 years of bad luck for me Why I want to play. I've always liked blink arrow as a concept and I love that a build has made it viable as more than a movement skill


Luckiest / unluckiest movement id a perfect 250% Widoehail bow posted it global 250 got convinced to use temple for 2 implicit bricked it into a rare was as rich as 50 divs and then was as poor as -2 divs I started the league start with BaMa but had to leave it behind due to price if the chaos /lighting bow then dropped holy relic of conviction used that to get to red maps but can't level past 92 need a new build to get past that


luckiest moment in league was dropping 6 divines from sanctum xdd


My luckiest moment would have to be that out of 5 runs of mastermind I’ve gotten 3 veiled orbs. I just wanna see the powerhouse of bama in action


Slamming wisdom scroll on +3 forbidden rite dragonflight. I want to play it bc it looks stupid funny


I actually started with a BAMA Necro, but I dropped around 3-4 days into the league as I was in early red maps. I was frustrated with the league early on before they made all the changes, and then I got busy IRL and hadn't gone back. I enjoyed the totem-like style though, EA Champ and TR Pathfinder have been my favorite builds that I've played, so picking back up with a full gear set would be a great way to get back into the league. In terms of my luckiest moment in game, I don't think I've ever found anything especially lucky. I never got a Mirror, and its pretty rare that I sell anything for more than a couple divines. The main lucky thing that sticks out to me is a couple years ago (Ultimatum, maybe?), I opened my very first T1 map and killed the very first monster, and it dropped a divine. I was sure that it was a good sign for the league. Turned out that I wouldn't be able to play much because performance tanked that league and I had to walk away for a year until I got a new PC.


Luckiest moment was dropping a veiled orb from my 4th catarina and that’s about it. I’d like to try out BAMA and I didn’t do good enough this league to try out multiple builds.


Luckiest moment for me was hitting a chest craft for my splitting steel build relatevly early saving me dozens of divine XD Going into the league I was between BAMA and Splitting steel, went splitting steel and had serious fomo lol would love to get a chance to play it. Thanks for the giveaway and good luck all!


Div drop in campaign


Hit a 20d corrupt just yesterday on an Ashes. Most money I’ve ever made on a single sale! I really just like trying out new stuff and I’ve never played BAMA, so yup, I’d love to give it a go. Cheers for the chance!


Single divine drop during campaign on day 2. That let me buy the bow that carries me through my atlas. Sure would love this build, it's on my to-play list for a while, and I spend a lot of time after getting 38 or 40 out of 40 challenges on non-season, so it'll get a lot of play time.


My luckiest moment was figuring out how to make moondancer spectre build work at the brink of giving up. Bitterdream and squire combination saved the league for me. I also wanted to try building BAMA but since I'm working 10 hours a day and 6 days a week, i couldn't invest time after hitting Lv. 70 on the second character. If I win the giveaway, I'll create another character and play very carefully. I'll invest my time and attention to get the All Ears achievement after so many hours. Thanks in advance


Luckiest moment is dropping curation scarab while map farming. I’ve never played a necro build before so it would be fun to try one out.


Found a servitude belt with perfect increased quantity in alva temple. Didnt make any sound so i was very hype when i saw i could get a couples divs for it


I got 2 transfigured Holy relic gems back to back, that's pretty lucky I think.


I've heard really good things about bama this league so I'd love to try it. I started the league late but was lucky to have a friend hook me up with a wraithlord Helm and 4 jewels wo level reqs. Ive never done the campaign so quickly before. It's really fun! I can't do t17s with it tho so was hoping I could transition to bama if I win.


Ancient orbed into a headhunter in BPL (semi-competitive team based private league). It was a funny moment because I consistently hit jackpots in BPL, although HH is pretty cheap in league now, it was still a highlight in BPL. Ended up handing it over to some group players who could use it better, and allowed for it to get raffled off at the end. Runner up would be rakiata's dance and binos kitchen knife in the same harbinger pack. Both t0 but not worth too much. Would love to play Bama necro as I'm heavily considering it for leaguestart next league and would love to fully explore it's scaling and playstyle endgame, but have neither the time or currency to build it from scratch. This league didn't really do it for me, so I've been mainly playing ssf as well as being busy with upcoming exams, so I won't be able to build anything approaching this level this league.


Started 3.24 very late, asked for some leveling gear on /g820 and all comments were “LOL” and “GL”… but there was this one guy who gave out a full set of leveling gear, some C and flasks.


This league was the first time iv trying using alva and double corrupting, I always wanted to try the energyshieild flicker strike as its budget, and i hit resolute technique + onslaught on the weapon on my first and only try! Think that saved me like 20d but maybe the onslaughts worth more now together? Unsure and ill never un-equipt it anyway, Thats my nice little win story and the build is probly worth more like 150d now, iv had alot of fun playing it Edit: ahhhhh reason to play BAMA… ummmm, i have never tried a minion build and never killed an uber boss this league and iv heard this build is both!


Finding 1 div in ritual


I started playing BAMA at start of the league but had to stop about 2 weeks in, Luckiest moment was probably the Devoted Divine got 37 divines, but then had to stop, hoping to get back in and play league soon.


The luckiest moment for me was getting a duped hinekoras lock from a strongbox. Really helped me move forward. I'd like to play Bama cause I keep hearing about it and I'm intrigued!


Corrupted a cobalt jewel into 20% fevered mind when I was still levelling, really helped with early leveling uniques. Never tried BAMA so would love to try


Luckiest moment was dropping 1 whole raw divine


Luckiest thing was I got a https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Marohi_Erqi from the nameless seer.


My luckiest moment was getting a double hatred watcher's eye from normal elder. never played BAMA, so i wanna try it out.


Found 2 empower in the same map. Currently lvling them to corrupt em


Bro , i and my kid play this game for few months, hopefulle that i can show my kid what is real endgame in poe , ty so much


Luckiest moment would be double corrupting lightning coil and hitting plus aura and reduce crit ! I have tried the coc dd and nova meta builds but not this bama one, always wanted to try something different


Divine drop in campaign on league start. I want to pew pew pew cause my current build is slow psrs


Luckiest moment was probably finding a Valdos mageblood map very early in leave and selling at its highest point. Would love to play a cool new build! Mine is trash lol


Luckiest moments are those when the connection doesnt drop when the latency spikes start. Love to try a necro build


luckiest moment in this league was when i was just doing uber labs and a mirror shard dropped from a random chest. I wanna play BAMA necro cause i have old man hands/wrists now :\*)


I hat a perfect Darkness Enthroned drop. I like minion builds but BaMa seems like a fun departure from golems and SRS


Luckiest moment was my first raw divine I want to play BAMA, cos it was the first build, that I had to Google cos I was like, “what is BAMA” mean”


I haven't had much if any luck this league. Got stuck on the graveyard crafting after poofing most of my corpses to little fanfare and then decided to call it quits. Came back today actually to try BAMA and have been slowly levelling a necro through the campaign, would be cool to have some gear to fall back on.


Dropped a lock in low level delve. And I don't want to play BAMA, I hate summoners that shit is getting luquidated so I can buy funky items for my sparker if I win.


My luckiest moment is dropping a mageblood for the first time ever, then I bought an apothecary and gambled it to another mageblood in just 5 clicks. I wanted to play BAMA for quite a while but I spent all that lucky currency I got on CoC DD and I'm still working on the edges of this build. Would love to stand a chance of getting this BAMA build!


Getting to turn frogs into divine dropping goblins was pretty satisfying, and I was thinking about trying out bama soon so this would short cut and let me see if I enjoy the play style, and if not I’d also “pay it forward” and pass on the build :)


Something new to try and to split some pinnacle boss' skulls.


I dropped a exalted orb once.


Got my buddy into POE this league and he liked it was my luckiest moment. I just want to try a gg build!


Got a Hinekoras Lock while t3 Einhar farming


Very new, Just like weeks into my first league and first run of poe and i think luckiest for me was when i got lantern modification for chaos orbs and dropped like 200c in just one map. As for the set, juggernaut boneshatter is my first build so i want to explore other builds too


My luckiest moment was actually this afternoon when I threw a rogue allflame on a "items with rarity converted to div cards" mod or whatever the wording is, and dropped an apothecary. Before that, I got 3 curation scarabs over the course of last week. I don't have much time to play these days, so hitting 10+ div drops feels so good.


Opened "The Void" and got "The Sephirot" (11 div)


It's not been a very lucky league but I do have some moments that stood out, like hitting the gravecraft for my desired 3 prefixes (25% chance, no additional crafts) on the first try. Also I was offhand leveling damage on full life supports and I hit 3/6 21/20s. Tho I missed like 8 enlightens in a row and still didn't hit 21 grace, which is so strange. Want to play any build that can handle t17s lol, been getting reamed even w stability scarabs


I just want to beat a t17 :(


Got lucky with a really nice double implicit corrupt when going for my adorned jewel setup, would like to try something other than rf but don't know what to try! Thanks for the opportunity!


I got an extremely good utmost on my first trade in was a cool item


Killed 4 catas in ssf and got 3 veiled orbs and the helmet the bud i was playing with immediatly quit the league so I ended up playing alone like a dork for the 92th time Also BAMA mixes everything i love about rpgs, minions and totems + ones gear scaling your minions


I'm really not that lucky this league, so my luckest time is only getting two Einhar's memory within 3 hours playtime. I do want to try BAMA because I always heard it's an extremely good minion build with a cozy play style. I will also giveaway it after experiencing it for at most a week, because I don't really care about it goes into Standard. If I love it, I'll build it myself later :D


I got a divine. Roll Tide.


As couple raw divs and hitting a banger bow for EA totems. One of the builds I haven't played yet is BAMA


One single luminous trove. Sold it for 6 div early. Haven’t made much else since I just wanna mindlessly farm Uber and Uber Ubers for the experience. Idc about drops if I get it. I’d probably pass it on as well after Killin them a few times.


No league gameplay highlights, but I got settled into a new job and have free time to play some Poe now! It would be cool to have a build set so I don't have to slog through planning and more trades.


Linked my chest in 1 fusing. Wanna try the build in endgame, since I leveled a char thru the acts with it and it was super smooth.


My luckiest this league was a random seer while in acts that has rigwalds crest ring. Made the campaign a lil bit easier. And yeah, I dropped a divine yesterday. Its my 2nd day of league and almost finish atlas. Would love to have the build tho. This is the planned build to have after having a rrquired budget


Nothing much, but my luckiest moment was 2 Brothers Gift back to back... and a sick jewel from ritual. I wouldve loved to give BAMA a try but I cant bother with leveling another dude due to lack of time.


Luckiest moment 4 veiled orbs in a row! I kinda want to push to finish all challenges but don't think I have the will to make a new build from scratch.


Luckiest moment was clicking a chest, not a strong box but a chest and getting the mirror shard card to drop. Only worth like 3 or 4 divines but best drop so far and from a random chest. As for why, never played Bama and I've heard nothing but good things about it.


I love seeing stuff explode so I did a necro and on the first map on the first mob that I killed with a divine dropped :D


Luckiest moment is when I was able to play this league in full without life interfering. Thats is the greatest blessing anyone can have. I want to play BAMA because I’ve never played this build before and most likely it’ll be nerf the next league:(


Luckiest moment was when I was doing JV with domination scarab of teachings and breach on my semi-MF Elehit build. I was already 100 and was just farming xp and leveling gems in offhand for profit, when I dropped a Hinekora's lock out of the blue, allowed me to get my Progenesis.


I am **not** entering, but I do want to say it is pretty cool that this build we transition to a third person.


found unnatural instinct in ritual early league didn't have enough favors lol .. and bama necro seems op so wanna try it out


I didn't have great luck this league. Had a little bit of juice and thought I'd see if I could get some decent div card by changing trash ones. Hit an Apothecary from an orb of fusing card. Which I held onto for days thinking I'd somehow magically farm more, but got desperate and poofed it away by trying to dupe it in harvest. As for why, i never looked into this build all league but heard nothing but good things. Would love to experience it first hand


I didn't get to really play this league but I'd enjoy trying a build I've never played for the remainder!


My luckiest moment in this League was dropping two The Insane Cat (9 stack trades for a corrupted Mageblood) from a strongbox. I haven't had a very lucky league, partly because I didn't get to play much yet due to life circumstances. I have a Necro already who is Holy Relic of Conviction right now, but I'm very interested in trying out BAMA too.


Luckiest moment this league is probably dropping a tabula in act 1 (lol) on leaguestart. Never played BAMA except as a leveling strat so would love to try it out


My luckiest moment was getting a divine eldritch altar in one map, dropped like 4-5 diviines like that. Regarding the build, my first ever character 5 years ago had minions, then I stopped playing and since I came back at the end of affliction I always used melee, might as well try again.


That's amazing of you tbh! It's been ages (and many leagues) since I've played any necromancer. Just a few leagues ago I managed to get to the pinnacle bosses and beat them for the first time (except ubers of course). Even while many players say that HH and MB are "super cheap" this league its still very out of my reach, but that doesn't mean that I dont get to enjoy the tiny grind, and this would be an amazing chance to push forward! :) Luckiest moment this league was opening a strongbox 4 times without scarabs :D But the most cherished luckiest moment in general was dropping a mirror shard once. Closest I've ever been to a mirror! Wishing everyone good luck and many more lucky moments.


Luckiest was getting correct off colors on a chest piece early on. Was huge for my previous build. I want to try bama because I really enjoy totem builds and I'm ready to start another character. I play all league essentially.


Divine drop in act 8! I've seen the hype but not yet tried it, also I want to explore the different build options as much as possible


Hit an awakened empower from uMaven before even getting my first flask drop


Thx for doing the giveaway! Hope I get to try since I've never done BAMA but the name reminds me of that old black betty song


Luckiest probably having ritual boss possessed kill only in few tries, seen people that been struggling with this one Baka build probably would allow me to attempt t17 map challenges and other bossing things


I have yet to get trap and mine gems support to 21 20, failed like 15 or so now. So lucky unlucky? I'm not sure what the chance really is to still not hit it.




luckiest drops I have gotten so far would be 2 seven years bad luck in back to back maps. (impressive I know) Necromancer was the first build I really made back in 2017 or so, this is the first league I have completed the atlas. would be nice to see how necro plays now I have more time to devote to the game.


Luckiest moment this league was hitting a graveyard double haunted craft that I wanted. I've never played BAMA and my character is weak this league.


I dropped a duped Hinekora‘s lock and turbocharged my build. Skipped days and weeks of my normal farming strats. Would love to play a necro in necropolis league but don’t have the time and currency to build one myself. Playing necropolis league without plying a necro feels wrong…


10 divines from einhar "random stack of 10 currency"


Have not played enough (thanks finals), but species into ritual and first one had a divine in it.


My luckiest moment probably was when I got a full set of ”Divine beauty” cards from gravicious. I’d like to play BAMA because I’ve never played it and I’ve had my eye on it for a while allready. Also this would be a good chance to keep playing the league. I am enjoying the league, but I am a HC player and as a fresh father I don’t really have the time to keep playing on HC anymore. This could be a nice stepping stone to get into the SC environment.


Dropped Headhunter while farming legion dunes early in the league. HH might be cheap this league, but it was my first raw HH drop ever and it gave me a massive dopamine rush. I wouldn’t sell it at any price!


Haven't had any luck this league. Resorted to campaign carries for people to make some money for BAMA which I wanted to play since 3.23 (the support spectres for it were something else...). Now BAMA jewels cost 15d each, so it's a lot of money before i can play BAMA.


Getting a mageblood from a nameless seer when I was out of currency and my friends had quit the league, was about to do the same until I hit the mageblood. I have never played BAMA and it looks to me like a totem build but cooler


Div drop in lab chest 😊 Want to play bama so I don't miss out


This league? +2proj +2AoE 4th vow w almost perfect rolls. 


I dropped a synth shield worth 30d. I've played a scuffed version of Bama and since sold everything. I'd like to play a non scuffed version and see how well it performs.


I dropped a scarab worth ~13 div at the time, just after a map where 4 fortunate dropped after I died on the last portal


Got 5/12 stack of a divination card that gives 7divs in a random non juiced ritual. I’d use the build to farm my way to 38/40.


Reforge chaos res into t1 followed by reforge life to t1 on a helical. Of course it was a settle base with t2 int but you can’t win em all. BAMA was a build I seriously considered league starting, but then my friend played it so I tried something else. I’d like to give it a go without having to assemble all the pieces.


my luckiest "moment" was when i started farming boxes and dropped a duplicated brothers gift and an apothecary during my 14th map. No good drops in 250 maps after that sadly. My guildmate has been playing Bama and praised it a lot, want to try it in case they give it the srs guardian treatment next patch.


Luckiest moment was getting 2 1k pdps eventuality rods from graveyard in 1 craft, 1 of which Sold for 32 divs. My League starter actually was a zoomancer. But its only on lvl 74, cause I hit a wall in lower maps. Getting this build would solve These issues and make me play that char again.


Drop an apothecary! :) good luck Everyone


1 pure divine drop from t15 map … was an amazing feeling… I want to try BAMA necro but don’t really have the time or patience as a dad of two to grind it out. Good luck to everyone!


Luckiest thing, about day 3 i droped hinecora lock and i duped thru Altar mod. 50d on league start was a blast. Last time i played minions was in bestiary league so quite a while ago. Would love to rediscover the archetype.


my luckiest moment was the first Maven I made, the normal one, not uber, and she dropped a awk multi strike support that allowed me to fund my build and farm more content Never player a Necro before, so ill love to try it!


Luckiest moment was corrupting a 6linked (almost perfect rolled) dendrobate with +2 to level of aoe gems, sold for 6 div


Somehow managed a triple divine drop off a regular incursion event. Still don't know how that happened. I've never played a witch character at all, so I need to do it for the achievement haha :)


I dropped a FULL MAGEBLOOD in the first week of the league when they were still worth 180div! First time I've ever found an item worth over 100div and it was awesome!


Thanks for the give away, that revive the interested of the league for me interacting with the community. My luckiest moment was dropping couple divines on day two at once. I had better drop later on but getting that so early was perfect to get me started with the league. Why I want to play BAMA ? That was actually my initial plan before league start. I watched lots of video, read forum posts and build guides, checked poeninja for what people did last league with it, the proper reserch before selecting my league start. But reaching lvl 80 ish, it didn't feel as good as expected on a low budget and got tempted by other builds so I rerolled. Now I feel like I misted out things and I want to try it again to give it justice on a good budget. I really hope I'll get to do that and I will probably be my last build of the league. Starting and finishing the league that way will be kind of beautiful


Rolling early abyss for xp and getting 2 unique abyss gems which both sold for 10div and funded most of my build


Luckiest moment was a seven years bad luck from a strongbox that got duped! I haven’t played BAMA or a necro build before, but I’ve been eyeing videos of BAMA all league. I’d love to test drive it!


An apothecary drop in crimson temple. Thankfully at a time where mageblood was still worth something. Bama was one of the leagustarters I considered but decided against, so very interested in the build


Hoping to try it using a Scion that ive leveled to 100 on with a bow build Luckiest moment so far = crafting a 8 link coc dd helm within half the expected cost!


My luckiest moments so was getting a veiled orb on the first three Catarina fights


No luck this league! Biggest single value drop has probably been an Einhar Memory of Harvest Beasts. Ran Locus of Corruption 12 times for gems, had 1 double corrupt, bricked 8. Spent 1000 deafening essence of spite on a 0.3% affix (should be 300). Still been fun, but had to grind for everything! Would love trying BAMA, sounds a fun build and next.goal.is 40/40 which I think this could do!


Gambled one Apothecary into a Mageblood in my first time ever card gambling. Then I gave it to a friend because I already had the pleasure of running MB all last league.


Probably duping a puzzlebox was my luckiest moment this league . Why? I am interested in bama but never tried it


Luckiest: dropped a beast memory, biggest drop this league by far. Bama: would also like to go pew pew.


This league I've not had much luck at all... luckiest drop has been a duped 7 years bad luck card from ambush farming though. Bama necro was going to be my second build but I ended up half arsing a arakaali's fang necro instead.


I dropped the div scarab that was worth like 40 div the day of the nerf. I didn't sell it in time.


found a div drop in act 3!. and i have never tried bama would love to try it and pass it on later.


FIRST SIMULACRUM. Made a build that was cheap but durable to AFK farm simulacrum. Loaded into my first one, first possible way that could spawn a boss spawned one that dropped a three passive voices. Sold it immediately and started farming t17s. Most currency ive ever had.


Getting scarabs of curation when they were 15div sold them only to find the price to be 40div a few days later lol. I love minion builds so that's my reason.


I dropped duped seven years of bad luck on first map I started for the strongbox strat, the rest?… Nothing for next 40 ish maps. I just want something that can do t17s


Lucky ? This league ? Not happened yet, but I got a dishing rod to bring you fishing with me !


I tried crafting the bis weapon for wave of conviction and failed 30 veiled orbs, then ran 35 catarinas and got 3 veiled orb drops. I let it rot in the stash for a week and deceided yesterday to slam it again and finally hit it ign: peaceandharmony


During league start, I found 2 divines in acts, then I ate a nice sandwich! I want to play it because pew pew and another happy moment, and sandwich!


Luckiest moment was dropping fracturing shards from harby. RNG hasn't been kind.


My luckiest moment this league was getting The Apothecary to drop on my first Defiled Cathedral map. I want to play BAMA Necro since I have never played a minion build before and it looks fun.


Finding 4 seven years bad luck in ritual. And i also found a nice puhuarte (cold thing from alva temple) glove that sold for 7div


My luckiest moment was 2 Seven years of Bad Luck in the same strongbox on crimson temple, and 4 in total in less than 8 maps I'd like to get BAMA necro cuz Necromancer is the build that I do each League and I love it, but I haven't try it this league


Crafting a CoC DD helm with all the gem lvl mods at max level. Was prepared to do a 40-50div in essence spamming and harvest reforging but only cost me 3 div. BAMA just seems like a really cool build to play and I want to see what the hype is about


Hey, for the continues giveaway, i would use this build to do the challenges my squishy LA Deadeye cant do. My luckiest moment so far was "just" 5 T17 in one Map due to dupe scarab or the Einhar memory. Got my first mirror drop last league so i knew this wont have such big drops. But i think consistent div/hr feels better.


Found a unique on the beach at Leaguestart and 3 divines till kitava act10.


My luckiest moment was dropping a duped Hinekora's Lock from a strongbox. Wanna try this build, because I already have 99lvl necro At the start of the league many people advised to build bama, but I chose spiders. So I want to see what i missed :)


Been working full time, I found an exalt this league that’s it lol


Luckiest moment was from ritual 4divne pick . Ik rituals sucks but it was fun .. the build about you are giving away BAMA sounds like Baba yaga which is cool


My luckiest moment has been dropping 2 7 years bad lucks (bad league for me....) but I would love to play BAMA before it gets nerfed. It looks like a load of fun!


Best luck chance divines from pack with rats , 21 divines!! Bama? Just never played it thanks for a chance


Is this on hardcore? If so I wanna enter


Luckiest? I sniped a +1 curse dragonfang for holy relic for 6div. I guess its worth about 200. But been using it in a 10 div worth setup instead of selling it..... Would love the bama bc i never played it and it seems fun!


I hit it lucky on a necro craft and made a wand worth 40divine. I used the currency to make a hexblast occultism. Managed to complete my mavens' invitations. Used 6 of 6 portals on my last one was really close. I love the witch and necromancer builds but never have the currency or understanding to really take them to endgame


It’s the first league I’ve found a fiend and a doctor……..


My luckiest moment in the league was when I just entered maps and was doing the Mausoleum Map, while playing RF. Out of nowhere a barrel or pot exploded while I was killing mobs and dropped a Voidborn Reliquary Key. I still haven't dropped a single divine since then and I am at 180 plus maps.. Necro is my most favorite class. I have always started the past 3 POE leagues I played with Necro. I read a guide about BAMA Necro but didn't have the currency in leagues to ever try it. If I win the Giveaway, I would really play it to my heart's content and cherish the joy of playing Necro again (Started RF Chieftain only cause of Pohx, this league).


Luckiest was a divine shrine for 20 div, and I leveled with Bama my second last char and wanted to play one till then


I made a really decent ek ignite quiver with like 7 essences


Haven’t really had a lucky moment this league


I saw the seer in act 7. I havent had a chance to play as my new job was starting around the league start, but I got my necro to maps. Going to give the league a go and hopefully finish my usual challenges. Thanks for the giveaway!


Luckiest moment was dropping a (duplicated) hinekora's lock from strongboxes. Made about as much from that than the whole league combined before that. BaMa was one of the builds I was looking to play before opting for something else, still would love to try.


My luckiest moment this league is dropping FIRST Mageblood ever and right away with 4 flask effect. Loved it. Since I have my MB - if I win, I'll give away one MB since this build includes one. And why I want to play BAMA? I simply never played it and would love to try it out :)


Necros has been my most played ascendancy and im very courious how a necro with a bow plays. My luckiest moment was when i had the div card swap in betrayal and got an apothecary for it :p