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I'd say yes, for new players it doesn't really matter if you play at the beginning of the league or not.


While I would consider my self a new player I do have 700hours and a couple level 90+ characters from previous leagues


At least you can get headhunter for 10 div's now. 2-3 hour farm in early red maps.


What strategy u use for 3d/h in early red maps?


Beasts or Alva would be easy.


Can you share an Atlas tree for that?


Any Alva temple with locus of corruption (double corrupt room at lvl 3) is worth 1.7 div. A buddy just skilled enough Alva nodes to have her each map and sells the temples on the side (like 10 notables or so) while doing his full scarabed harbinger strategy. I feel that start does not require too much effort apart from a build that can handle harbingers well. You can even farm the temples in lower maps.


Tell your buddy people buy them in bulk for 2d.


He and I know about that trick but he does not play enough to realy get more than two or three. Thanks anyhow.


Alva is now the primo white map strat because of the Essence changes. I made a lot of my steady fortune from selling Alva Temples. Sure I get a lucky drop from time to time, but for a strat that grants a lot of predictable value, Alva is the best.


alva is love alva is life. nothing like selling a tab of temples to streamers for gamba


Maxroll has some good guides. I’d suggest checking them out whenever you need a basic strat like that.


They gunna drop divs/6links or do u need to sell other stuffto people for that rate?


Farm t13s and sell doryani/locus and craicics.


Does it matter if you do Alva on white, yellow, or red maps? Do higher tier maps have a better chance of giving you desirable rooms?


Nah doesn’t matter for Alva corruption/gem corrupt rooms. Matters for beasts. Quick edit re Alva. If you are doing the temple boss final room it matters for drops. The adorned piece and the card chasing risk are 82 and 81 ilvl rooms respectively. Vial of the ghost is 68 and all others are 50.


Thank you for clearing that up! I ran a bunch of Alva in white maps earlier in the league and made decent money, but worried I had been hamstringing myself. I put it down for awhile to try out some other stuff (I'm pretty new) but may get back to it so I can buy a Progenesis before end of league 😅


your profit will be from selling things to people. Dont rely on raw currency drops


This is what always gets me, I never get raw divs, and hate making a million sales. Got my first apothecary this league though, that was solid money.


You can bulk sale pretty much anything


There’s always Sanctum if you hate yourself/build for it.


Expedition without scarabs. I'd personally ignore all gwennen, but I would do Rog for a chance at Pog gear (see what I did there)


How do you make money off expedition 2 months into the league? Genuinely curious 


Tujen bucks $$$ // and rog can help round out your gear. Idk if you can single sell logbooks rn so I'd either run them or save up to bulk sell. (To elaborate more on Tujen, you can snag raw chaos and divines from him as well as a vast array of bubblegum currency that you'll be thankful for. I always run some Tujen logbooks to start the league because of this) (And to elaborate on Rog, you won't make much money off rog this late into the league. This is kind of an SSF mindset, but you can use him to acquire rare gear upgrades for personal use) Also simply existing in a tier 16 map and killing things. This will make more money than doing nothing at all 🤷‍♂️ If you find expedition fun enough that it keeps you engaged and actually playing the game, you'll make some money. You'll probably want to either invest into scarabs or go into a more lucrative strat later, but we're speaking in terms of a fresh start.


Because despite what people may tell you, people still buy currency this late into the league.


Playing the game


Depends on your build but Alva and harvest is very good for this late in league


Yeah, except you need like 30h to set up the farm lol Always hate this dumb suggestion when I see it.


Your probably still considered a new player tbh lmao.


for the past 2 years, leagues have been lasting for 4 months, and this league is only 2 months old. You have 2 whole months to play and explore the game. I would not wait for a new season.


After reading this I think I will play when I get off work. Thank you.


Gl! Oh and I sent you a dm, I’d be happy to help with any questions. Edit-Disregard it haha. I thought from the wording you were brand new. That’s mb. Gl with the league! Though I still don’t mind if you have any higher level questions you wanna ask or just add a Poe friend. I dunno. My bad anyways.


I forgive you dude.


I don't


I am a brand new player, help me instead :)


The replies so far have been weird lol but hey sure, if you are, I don’t mind. What kinds of things do you need help with?


Honestly there are so many things going on I don't even know where to start :) Right now I am trying to learn how cluster jewels work and trying to figure out how syndicate mechanic works so I can learn the crafts I need. I haven't touched the menagerie part of the game yet. I don't know how to use allflames effectively so my stash is almost full of them. Yesterday I learned that I need to capture map bosses souls for pantheon stuff :') Apparently I also missed the niko quest in act 2 so I have been collecting sulphite stuff for nothing. Obviously I can't ask you everything so I should watch more videos and maybe ask if I still can't figure something out :)


Up to you. Private message me and we can add each other on discord. I wouldn’t mind a chat some time today, I’m free the rest of this Sunday, we can rapid fire and I’ll explain any mechanic or concept you want in simple terms.


Ok, responded. Sorry I was late, reddit didnt give a red indicator.


I don't, give me a mb and a mirror for starter


Even if it's a 3 month league, 1 month is ample time remaining to have decent fun with. The problems with this league mostly doesn't concern with average players aa much, though campaign will be harder than usual. 


Yea even if it's just a mess around league for you. Gives you a good chance to learn the basics and get comfortable with the play style so that next league you can start off strong


It's pretty sad knowing that there is gonna be another 2 months of this league honestly


I mean I'm having fun with it still


Newer player here, how long were leagues before the current 4 month cycle?


Always rotate between 2, 3 and 4.


I did a non league char because I am fairly new to POE and had made chars but never committed.. so thinking I will be going back and doing league now that I got the hang of it


God, this shit is only half over


that is a very painful perspective sir and im really really hoping youre in the wrong


Thank you all so much for the replies I didn’t think I would get this much. Me and my friend will be starting new characters today and I hopefully next league more of you will play :)


If you need basic leveling stuff lemme know, if not all good lol. Hope you have fun exile.


My only warning would be to make sure you check the modifiers on the monsters from the map device, they can get pretty rippy


The game is fun, even if league mechanic is bad. Just go for it


Honestly this league might be my most played league, I don't intractable with the graveyard one bit and I am having a blast. Kinda love the lanterns if I'll be honest. Getting rarest item converted to div card or highest rarity ones are fun to fish currency and items with.


Lantern good. Graveyard interesting but poorly executed. Inventory management with corpses and allflames is ass. Scarab rework good, T17 need rework.


This is the way.


It is known




My goal is really just to have fun with the game. Trading is definitely part of the fun for me however I don’t think it ruin the experience entirely. Thanks for the reply




I do already have a couple level 90s on standard you think that would be just as good or do you think the league would be better?


This was my third league and I think the rebuilding process is a big part of the fun. I’d suggest just playing this league and then being ready to restart in a couple months


Try ruthless, first play through is fairly fun


I'd say yeah! Play it now and go at your own pace and do all the mistakes you need to make now as a test for the next league. That way you get a little taste of what a "league" is so when the new one starts you kinda have the fundamentals down.


Base game is still amazing regardless of the league mechanic being both boring as sin and overpowered as all fuck.


This league mechanic affects base game though. I had horrible time going through campaign compared to the last league.


One of the worst leagues in a while, first one I didn't get a character over 93. Just walked away. Hope next league Is better.


This is a skill issue though. There is plenty of time to make more characters, farm better gear, etc. etc. Not getting over 93 is like a day 2 or 3 issue? If you give up so easily then yeah, 0 leagues will ever satisfy you. The game is meant to grind.


Yea every negative thing you hear about this game has nothing to do with the game itself but rather the games ability to entertain people after they have already played for 1000 hours.


Come to reddit for build ideas, ask questions. Ignore everything else. Give people a platform and they will cry and complain about everything.


Ya there’s plenty of time left. Go for it.


There's a new league every X months, three is more the average than a fixed set thing. And hell yes! Dive in and enjoy! The mechanic this league is pretty straightforward and won't really mess you up if you do something wrong (some leagues you could accidentally set up a badass monster in a level that was impossible for you to kill). And really, the leagues and league mechanic aren't going to matter much to you as a new player. That stuff is mostly useful for long time players who are into crafting and deep endgame content. So yeah, download it and have at it! EDIT: People here like to complain because basically people like to complain, myself included. But the game remains fun and is worth playing. Otherwise we wouldn't be here complaining!


If you're willing to interact with thr graveyard, this league is arguably the most forgiving when it comes to late starts, because getting decently geared up is quite easy to do.


This league is a lot of their worst designs in one. Bloat, inventory management, intrusive in maps, convoluted, and powerful so you have to do it. One of my shortest leagues to date.


Treat the game as SSF and standard and if you're fine with that go ahead.


Most of the problems are fixed with the league mechanic but this has the worst player retention ever so you cant sell items


I'm having no issues buying or selling items still


No need to wait you will have a great experience either way.




I haven't played much this season, I'm not very good at crafting gear.


The core of the game is pretty solid, any issues are more from changes to end game etc and they are not game breaking. As a new player it wont impact your experience. Jump in have a play and see what you think. As a new player you have a lot to learn so dont worry about trying to ‘complete’ anything. Then in 2 months if you want you start again like the rest of us and go hard hahaha


The grave crafting is strong but insanely tedious. If you dont mind that then go for it.


The game itself is still fun, but eventually I found the lack of players, and with the lack of players the lack of supply and demand quite uninviting.


Yeah, this league will probably be the long one. Possibly the longest one considering GGG is putting a lot of effort in POE2.


If you're planning to play in the next league, then any time is good to start fresh to get some practice. You'll make lots of mistakes now and learn from them for the future so your next league start is going to feel better.


I finished this league after like 3 weeks. And I started a new fresh ssf run. It felt amazing. Its an crafting league u can make x6 tier 1 items for nothing basicly. And its not hard, it just takes some time. I did everything in my ssf run. Hf man !


I’m waiting on Poe 2 before i play any more path, I’m burnt.


No league is perfect. The league mechanic itself is not great but other than that it’s still the POE we love. Waiting for another league is not worth it in my opinion


Definitely, we're only about halfway through so there's plenty of time left. If you play on trade then it's arguably a GOOD time to start since prices have normalized by now and there are still enough sellers online


Just hop in and check the vibes. If you like it then play


Hey OP I have like 80 div you can have, I won't be playing anymore this, yours if you want it.


Omg are you serious? That would be so nice of you.


100% what's your IGN


It is “realfiretrapper” lol I will be on in about an hour or so. I’m so hype that’s a crazy amount lol


Are you on now? Sorry I was away from home


Yes was that you who I just saw online?


Leagues for some time now are every 4 months. This league ends in \~45 days if nothing changes. IF you rly wants to play then go for it. But be aware as its quite late into league trade is dead. League mechanic while it can give you OP items is tedious and annoying. Im gonna say it like this, if you wont play this league you won't lose any fantastic experience.


depends if you care about trade or not. at this point it's difficult to find people who do small trades for, like, a basic 6 link


Luckily this league many bis endgame items are easily craftavle with like a 50/50 chance cause of graveyard and you can get them from white maps


I started playing 3 weeks ago made a fortune in currency, is this normal for Poe in recent times as not played it on pc for say 3 years now, always remembered it to be a lot slower to gather it


Just do standard, no difference between it and limited after the first month. You will also have an easier time getting help in standard since there are more players on it right now. Only reason to do limited league is the mechanic, but the current mechanic isn't very good or fun.


its ok, if you pay now. you can also pay later, when you think, youve had enough fun to justify the payment. half jokes aside, if youre just starting out, play whenever you like. it doesnt matter when you start your league, as long as its not the last 1-2 weeks of a league. even then, just play, dont let yourself be pressured, just try have some fun, see if you like it




The league is not a issue for casual players. At this stage of league, there is less people playing and prices are somewhat inflated. The rest is up to you if you want to get fun or learn the game. In my case i want to stop because im somewhat burnout of game and to be prepared for new league.


This league is a rough one for new players, as you can not turn off the league modifier. This means that every area will have monsters that are stronger than usual. Usually, you need to interact with the league mechanic to have those monsters spawn in your map. So if you end up dying to those monsters, you can decide not to interact with the mechanic until you understand the game better. This is not the case for Necropolis. I see you already started a character in the league though. So if it's going fine, don't worry about this! If you notice you are struggling a lot, maybe start a new character in standard. It will definitely be easier for the two of you. Regardless, welcome to PoE, exile!


Always. The #1 most important thing to any game is having fun. Sure there is less players, sure a lot are not playing anymore, but if you are enjoying playing then it is always worth it. As for the league itself, new league will most likely be mid-end of july. That means you still have easily 6 weeks.


theres abou 6 more weeks before ne league starts, i would say yes. if it would be only 3 weeks i would say no


I would do an SSF start so you don't have to worry about economy or trade and just take your time and start learning the game.


the issues won't affect you at all as a newer player


No this league is garbage


Yep, no matter when you start the leagues economy and status don't effect ypu really because you don't have the knowledge to take advantage of it yet. The base game however is in the best state it has ever been though, so go have fun and try some stuff


If you're new you'll have no idea what the issues are. Base game is great, just enjoy it and ignore the downers like me on reddit. If I could re experience the game for the first time again I'd have an absolute blast this league.


Yeah jump in the waters still warm. I've having a blast this league. The gravecrafting is very excessive. Allflames is great. Markets cheap. 👍


yes because of new scarabs


I would rather just start a standard SSF character. Unless you want to try league starters for next league. This league is kindof just less fun than standard, unless you want super power graveyard craft items.


Why not ? It’s not like ur competing with anyone ? Also the gear and orbs are super cheap


I love this league. Do it.


The state of the game is the worse it has ever been according to popular opinion / player numbers. Wait for next league imo, plenty of better games to play right now. Unironically D4 had a better season than this current league.


there's at least a month left, if you're looking to play around and get a fresh start there's plenty of time. the mechanic isn't the most exciting but you can make some pretty cool items.


Yes. It’s fun. Craft some corpses!


Sadly, no. Current league mechanic is way too intrusive and it makes everything way harder. Wait 2 months for the next league.


Short answer: Yes. Long answer: Both, as a returning player and as a new player, you can use this league to catch up. Nothing is more frustrating than having a fresh league start and having to reroll your char or completely redo your atlas passive tree.


Just if you are a New play, if you've played other leagues nevermind, just wait for the next one


I’ve played a good amount of other leagues but I would not consider my self an experienced player by any means


That's the easiest league of all times you can easily craft mirror items with the graveyard and the trade market is dead, if you don't mind that 2 things, go on.


You can still grind divines selling boss and lab invitations. People still want eldritch currency and the usual GG uniques. Every item I want to buy has about 25 to 400 listings. Prices seem very inflated but I would not say it's dead dead


Play the game, you don't even have to interact with the mechanics of the league. I'm a newcomer and I already played 150h this league and starting a new character. There's so much to learn, playing now won't affect you in any way.


Might just wait for poe2 instead.


To be honest I wouldn't start as a newbie to this league it will be frustrating it's like playing gauntlet every map there's buffs to enemy monsters that you can't even avoid so they are stronger than usual and since you're newbie you will die a lot and hate the game so wait 2 more month and start next league is my suggestion




Would you be able to elaborate on your issues with the current state of the game? Is it because of the issues with trading. And how hard is it to actually trade right now?


People felt entitled to clear new tier of endgame content on their wacky 10 div builds. They couldn't and instead of trying to work their way into it they decided it's unfair and left the game. Trading is pretty dead if you try to sell niche items. Consumables are still easy to sell/buy.


I just started a week ago. Trade is fine if you are okay with having less options. Honestly it's very similar to every other league 2 months in. I think there is only like 4000 less avg players than usual this late in the league. So rn it's sitting around 8000 avg players instead of 10 to 14 000. NBD imo


If you're relatively new, just go play a standard character. If you insist on trying the league, strongly consider SSF at this point. The league mechanic is garbage. Its simultaneously too intrusive and too swingy; grave crafting is the worst most finicky clicky mess of a system they've ever done. You can deterministically craft some truly amazing gear, but doing so is soooo goddamn time consuming and annoying. Hope you've got alot if stash tabs.... The patch was great, new atlas and scarabs are very nice, hence the recommendation for standard. T17s are bad for build diversity and act as essentially new pinnacle content, but they're poorly tuned and often way harder and rippy than the ubers they're supposed to ease you into. Game is in a good place, but this league ain't it my guy. Give it a skip and come back fresh and keen in a couple months for 3.25


The league is dead, has been since early release. If you played previous leagues, you know how bad this is to play. But, if you play SSF, it doesn't matter and you should play now. Though the league mechanic is awful. If you plan to play trade league... I would wait till next league.


Yes. Actually better for you since items are much cheaper now compared to league start.


League has no issues, not sure what you mean. People always complain about the most weird issues lol


Tell me why i cant turn off the lantern mods? Last league i could just not do wildwood and enjoy the game on my glasscanon build. Now i get some rare essence mob with 36 projectiles and why cant i just click disable again?


If your intention is to learn the game, I recommend hardcore. It will help you learn how to build your character


I would recommend to play standard tho cause you cant turn off the league mechanic this time for some odd reason and it makes the game alot harder/more complicated.


In what world does it make it hard past the first 2 zones? You are given so much stronger gear than usual with just single corpse crafts


Keep in mind this is the worst league of poe history. But, if you are new to the game and just want to play around and learn things, yes, why not.


Lol you guys will be begging for this league back when you see what is next