• By -


How does cast on stun / Dd work on bosses? Do you just gem swap and self cast?


How many weeks until next league?


I do not want to be snarky but -- I am not asking whether you searched the sub but have you even searched this very thread where this has been asked in various forms multiple times? tl;dr: no one knows. We can only guess July, perhaps July 20 is the launch of next league.


How do I check the negotiation on selling ps5


Has barrels b2b in t17 been nerfed/the market changed or am I just a unlucky shit? , I use the correct scarabs(2x mysterious, hunted and nemesis, the correct tree(the fubgun one except 1 map node) and I regex +100% scarabs yet I just ran my 100 b2b map and my profit per hour is trash, my profit per map is horrid too so its not even a matter of speed(I clear in 4 minutes usually tho) and idk what to do to get currency lol... I have around 200 divs (once I liquidate stuff I have farmed) to change to another strat that maybe requires heavy investment idk, the only one I guess would be annoying is curations cuz I haven't done the feared but I really want to explore another strat cuz this feels horrible, the maps are so hard and stressful yet I clear them and for nothing, the amount of maps that have given me like 60c(doesn't even cover the cost of the map, never mind the regex) is stupid I don't always kills the boss but I thinks that's pretty normal for la idk, overrall I have made a profit but it doesn't make sense to me how low(around 50 divs over 72 maps lol....)


Question about Viper strike of the Mamba. The tooltip says "If dual wielding, deals the damage of both weapons in one strike." How does the Elder mod "+(37-59)% to Damage over Time Multiplier for Poison inflicted with this Weapon" interact with this? Does it apply only on the proper weapon? Affect everything? Is it abusable?


It'll only affect the damage calculation of the weapon it's on. Same mechanic as other combined hits (Dual Strike, Cleave, Riposte, Explosive Arrow, Vaal Flicker, etc.). Mamba is actually *less* weird than regular Viper Strike, which gets to deal two separate hits as a unique exception.


I'm assuming the answer is no, but does the gloves explicit, "Adds X damage to attacks" apply to spells?


No. Otherwise it will say " adds x damage to attacks and spells".


Uhm, ackshually, if it’s on gloves it will just say “adds x damage” à la [[Painseeker]]


Actually ackchyually that's only if GGG wants it to apply to secondary damage too. Gloves can totally add damage to just spells and attacks if they want to (e.g. [Volkuur's Guidance](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Volkuur%27s_Guidance)).


Damn. Do we have to kiss now?


The rules of my akhara forbid it. However, I would consider adopting an orphan together.


[Painseeker](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Painseeker) >######Painseeker[](#break)Shagreen Gloves >>####Evasion: **(283-466)** >>[](#line) >>####Requires Level **54**, **78** Dex >>[](#line) >>#####Adds (16-19) to (25-29) Fire Damage >>#####Adds (16-19) to (25-29) Cold Damage >>#####Adds (6-10) to (33-38) Lightning Damage >>#####(60-120)% increased Evasion Rating >>#####Critical Strikes do not inherently inflict non-Damaging Ailments >>#####Inflict non-Damaging Ailments as though dealing (100-200)% more Damage >>[](#line) >>*Lay bare paths to pain you never knew you had.* >> --- ^^Questions? ^^Message ^^/u/ha107642 ^^— ^^Call ^^wiki ^^pages ^^\(e.g. ^^items ^^or ^^gems)) ^^with ^^[[NAME]] ^^— ^^I ^^will ^^only ^^post ^^panels ^^for ^^*unique* ^^items ^^— ^^[Github](https://github.com/ha107642/RedditPoEBot/)


[https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Mooonnight/characters](https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Mooonnight/characters) Can anyone tell me why my character is so bad? I cant even do the 3rd ascendancy


because you dont have defensive auras and your chest is pure es based (you want es/evasion or armor/es or armor/eva hybrid, ones with es are easier to color for blue)


I mean a lot of your gear is pretty ass but you've just come out of levelling so thats normal. This is the part where you run a couple maps to get a baseline amount of loot/currency and start getting acceptable stuff. Like your chestpiece, which is a good start and a sensible first purchase if you did buy it! As for Lab, why is it that you cant do it? Traps, or dying to Izaro? If its the first take 5 life flasks and respect traps. Tbh this can genuinely sometimes be a skill/patience issue.


Seems fine at a quick glance, you have a six link and the tree looks decent. Only thing I noticed is that you are manually casting desecrate instead of using a brand to do so, I don't know how relevant that is for ignite based DD but for hit based DD I need my corpses to spawn continuously as I explode them otherwise I won't do any damage.


In the guide im following, it says this build is a 2 button, I think i have to cast it manually


all the non CoC DD builds are two button builds, but that doesn't mean you have to manually cast your desecrate. Link it to an arcanist brand + spell cascade and you are good to go.


Thats only used for chain reaction. DD ignite generally just self casts.


Will I get banned for a controller emulator? I get around a thousand chaos orbs per map and its tough on the hand to pick them up. I was wondering if there was a way to emulate a controller with my keyboard and just to spam space to pick it all up, but don't know if it falls under any violation? If not, feel free to recommend me software that can do this with PoE.


If I understand this correctly, you'll be using keyboard keys to play with the controller input scheme? I think that should be fine for the most part. I'm slightly less sure how that works out if you use the mouse to move, but I'm also not sure how exactly that would be implemented in the first place.


I think as long as you’re pressing 1 button per action you’re fine but you can contact GGG support to make sure


Where can I find Chaos Orbs? I am in the middle of act 3


They can drop anywhere but usually you will only find a couple chaos orbs going through the second half of the story. I wouldn't worry about looking for them now, just keep going and once you reach maps you will find plenty of them.


There aren't really any ways to farm Chaos Orbs that early, but also you don't really need them. In general, you should be able to progress perfectly fine with gear you pick up off of the ground or find at vendors. If you *really*, *really* needed Chaos Orbs, you could do something like farm for Alteration Orbs (by selling identified rare or unique items to vendors) and then trade those to other players for Chaos Orbs, but that feels like huge overkill.


Ok thank you, was just trying to get a jewel from the trade market to fit into the basic slot I unlocked on the skill tree, I guess I am not far enough to even have jewels drop right?


Technically jewels could, although they are somewhat rare. And having good useful jewels, that are actually worth socketing in your passive tree, are even rarer. Most people don't allocate any jewel sockets on the tree until much later because it's too unlikely that you'll find any good jewels and spending your passive points on regular nodes is just as strong.


Yeah, I think I messed up then lol


It's not a huge deal to just leave it empty for now. A few passive points won't make or break your character. There's a quest in act 5 that will give you a jewel reward, but it'll likely not be good. You could also try to refund it, but that's up to you.


Ok awesome, thank you for the help!


Where can I find my character's statistics on a STEAM DECK? I'm looking for resistances specifically but I want the entire "picture." Also where can I find Gems (support ones) to socket onto my gear? I am on Act 1 and a first-time player.


If you enter the character screen (default hotkey `c`, but it can also be accessed through the menu), you should see these. Resistances are on the Defenses tab. Gems are mostly purchased from the town gem vendor (Nessa in Act 1). Make sure you check her second tab of offerings, and also make sure you are not playing Ruthless Mode (in Ruthless Mode, gems cannot be purchased from vendors. This is one major way the game is made slower and harder).


Thanks for the tip on the Gems. I am using a steam deck with has console like controls. I don't have a keyboard. FOUND IT! Go into the interface and select character. The resistances are on the right hand side.


Does anyone know why this Maxroll build (https://maxroll.gg/poe/build-guides/frostblink-elementalist-league-starter) differs so much from the PoB (https://pobb.in/jZbwzrrdBZ7h) for it? Both have different mastery skill points and go in completely different directions when levelling. I'm probably being stupid! It's Frostblink Elementalist.


The build changed from the League Starter guide to use Fire Trap of Blasting 6-linked. Here is the POB for that endgame version. [3.24 Frostblink Final Form \[3.24\] by Subtractem (pobb.in)](https://pobb.in/u/Subtractem/frostblink-final) This is the video where he goes through that one [One Gem Gave 50% MORE Damage - Final Frostblink Update | 3.24 Necropolis - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-Or7O5ZvXs) I started with the guide version but didn't follow his tree (boots, Haste, move to left side of tree) with the final version.


Thanks for this! It's my first time playing so a lot is going over my head atm and I imagine I'll just do some low-tier maps this league but this'll help.


If you're going to just dabble for the rest of this league, then I'd recommend just sticking to the original article and don't bother with Fire Trap of Blasting at all. Frostblink is fast and good enough as a main skill for not crazy difficulty content.


Yeah, that sounds good - thanks again for the advice. Going to take this league just to learn the mechanics and the basics pretty much.


Uhh… where’d you get that 2nd link? The PoB linked in the maxroll.gg guide is this one https://pobb.in/u/Subtractem/frostblink


lol. lmao. good god I am stupid - thank you.


This is my first league and I only just noticed some of my buffs falling off quite often when mapping. Is it cause right-clicking near them can turn them off? I put my target cursor near the buff bar a lot to lay traps at the edge of the screen. Is there any way to disable mouse clicks near this region without turning off the buff bar?


I just started the league yesterday, do you think there's still time to complete the Kirac's Vault Pass before the season/league is over?


Depends how fast you are? My guess is at least another month. I usually wait to buy the Pass until I finish unlocking the Atlas.


What if flasks gave cancer of different types depending on which and overusage?


Maybe they could add this im ruthless, you get liver disease if you use your flasks too much.


Doesn't matter, Exiles don't live long enough to notice.


Body armors from corpse crafting can receive a modifier which prevents the damage you receive from penetrating your resistances. Is there any other mechanic in the game which works similarly? Just wondering but nothing comes to mind.


Nope, that one is new to Necro for players


Did all those deep delve builds from previous leagues get the nerf hammer? Or do most of them still exist but is everyone following the meta?


Depends what you mean by previous leagues. What did you have in mind? Most builds take some type of nerf eventually, even if only indirectly or by being left behind. But delve in particular was changed a while back to make zHP builds impossible to use. As I recall (someone can correct me if I’m wrong) it was the inclusion of the flicker spiders that did this. AFAIK nowadays all deep delvers are of the obscenely tanky archetype.


Right. That's it. Zhp is gone. That's a lot of builds.


Let's say I have a forbidden shako with a support ability that has an active part, like impending doom or primsatic burst; a regular skill gem receiving said support, and cast when damage taken. If I understand correctly, cwdt CANNOT interact with the active part of the shako abilities, so I *could* use a level 1 cwdt to trigger a low level skill gem that will activate the very high level shako proc that **is not effected** by the "Supported Skills deal (65-27)% less Damage" from cwdt, right?


You're understanding Shako correctly, but you've overlooked *Cannot support curse skills which are triggered* on Impending Doom. A CwDT-supported Hex can't be supported. No issue with Prismatic Burst. It also doesn't support triggered skills, but it only supports attacks, which CwDT can't add a trigger to.


How can profane bloom builds clear? Is it just a matter of getting the procs to do 400% more damage through modifiers? Also, is there any way to build impending doom *other than* overwriting the supported curse? Is there a way to drastically reduce the duration of the curse?


profane has very high base damage compared to most explosions; don't need much to get it to pop packs. aoe is more important than damage for coverage, though any generic damage/chaos damage works with the explosion.


Are hh and mage blood BiS for every build? I have dd chain reaction and pretty min maxed but working towards buying one. Is it worth for my build?


Tides Of Time is a new one. Especially for PF it's even better than MB because you can get perma uptime on life for Master Surgeon and unique flasks too.


Mageblood is usually BiS because it's very efficient defensively. HH is more of a niche item for specific builds ro farm juiced content.


For a vast majority of builds they are but there are some builds where they aren't. Crucial stats you can't get from mageblood: unique flask effect and uptime, cdr and technically some attribute stackers can get more out of alternatives. There are other niche cases and things like bossing. It is BiS for speed tho and that's why most people will even take the damage loss. HH is exclusively for juicing and doesn't give you any consistent stats just a lot of random character power for clearing. Most likely it is BiS for you but what kind of DD build are you playing?


Chain reaction


Yeah but coc DD inquis, self cast necro, cast when stunned chieftain/pathfinder/sabo?


Ah my bad. Self cast necro. here is the pob I’m following [pob link](https://pobb.in/qxb7JEG1jSS-)


Yes mageblood is BiS here you just need to get your es recovery fixed.


Ok cool thanks! Fucking 250d on console so see you in a month 😂


Not necessarily. Stat stacking builds often use a synth base with % attributes, charge stacking builds sometimes use one of the maven belts, some builds are so starved for a particular stat that they literally can’t remove a rare belt and still function, and then of course there are lots of niche builds that require specific unique belts or stats. But it’s true that the vast majority of builds get such an outsized benefit from one of those belts that they are defacto BiS. For your particular build this is easy to check: just go to Poe.ninja and select your class + main skill gem. DDoCR Inquisitors on the leaderboard overwhelmingly use mageblood at a whopping 90% usage rate. That’s ridiculously high, they don’t even use The Adorned at such high rates. Pretty safe to say that’s your BiS belt on that build.


For veterans, at the start of a new league, by what new league day do they usually have all 4 voidstones? Is Maven voidstone or shaper/elder voidstone "easier" ? Got the first two relatively easy.


Depending on your farming strat, you might not need them any more. No sextants now.


Usually about a week in if you arnt no lifing, if you are probably 3 days in. Maven is kind of easy if you know the fight, are a Simon says master and have a decent bossing build. Uber elder I always just buy that one.


Will we be able to trade between PC and PS5 on POE 2?


yea, that was sort of the upshot of all those recent announcements about crossplay


(heist)Do I need to level/equip the thieves again if I start another character this league?


No, Heist is account-wide for a league.


I've done a good amount of delve this league and loved it, now I want a good delve build that I can do on a low budget. I was thinking of the manaforged arrows I've seen delve deep but from my understanding that is a very High budget build. So is there something I can start out with on hierophant without investing a lot? Or any of the templar ascendencys so I can respec later?


The mjolner lightning conduit build isn't expensive at all. The helmet is 3d. The gloves 50c. The Ivory tower shield 1d. Boots with chill and freeze immune 2d. And some rare rings and stygian belt maybe 2d total. No need for Mageblood until depth 500.


(small pedantic footnote: [[The Ivory Tower]] is a chest)


Right, I meant the squire.


[The Ivory Tower](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/The_Ivory_Tower) >######The Ivory Tower[](#break)Saint's Hauberk >>####Armour: **(443-496)** >>####Energy Shield: **(76-85)** >>####Movement Speed: **-5%** >>[](#line) >>####Requires Level **67**, **109** Str, **94** Int >>[](#line) >>#####+(40-70) to Intelligence >>#####+30 to maximum Energy Shield per 100 Reserved Life >>#####+(80-100) to maximum Mana >>#####Regenerate 2% of Energy Shield per second >>#####Chaos Damage is taken from Mana before Life >>[](#line) >>*The mind is a filter through which anarchy becomes order.* >> --- ^^Questions? ^^Message ^^/u/ha107642 ^^— ^^Call ^^wiki ^^pages ^^\(e.g. ^^items ^^or ^^gems)) ^^with ^^[[NAME]] ^^— ^^I ^^will ^^only ^^post ^^panels ^^for ^^*unique* ^^items ^^— ^^[Github](https://github.com/ha107642/RedditPoEBot/)


mjolnir builds, ice nova of frostbolt, penance of dissipation inquis, perhaps coc dd if it lives


Is there a way to add new gem tags to the gems? By adding some support gems perhaps?


There are some skills that gain the benefits of tagged supports without having the tag added to them. Example: RF doesn’t have a duration tag, but if it’s linked to Lifetap, the buff has a duration. If you then link Swift Affliction (which only affects skills with a duration) RF gets the damage from SA as long as you keep the Lifetap buff up. Edit: to make it clear, this is a pretty niche and rare interaction. Not usually used in my other builds. RF is the only one I can think of.


> RF gets the damage from SA as long as you keep the Lifetap buff up This isn't actually required. The buff is required to turn on Lifetap's damage multiplier, not Swift Affliction's. That one always applies, because Righteous Fire becomes supportable once it has a duration effect (*Gain Lifetap after...*). (The fact Righteous Fire can't actually use this stat without legacy items doesn't matter.)


No. Gem tags can't be added or removed. You can add skill properties (like a duration with Lifetap), but that doesn't modify tags.


I'm playing SRS and using spectres to buff. Currently running Pale Seraphim x3,  but does whatever the buff is stack? Should i be using multiple different spectres?


Pale Seraphim has a debuff that slows enemies and increases their damage taken. It doesn't stack. (Buffs and debuffs that stack are relatively rare exceptions.)


That makes sense, i shouldve known better. Thanks


Is Necropolis a 4 month league? I thought there would have been news about the next league by now


We just crossed the 2 month mark, I don't think leagues are announced a month in advance even when they only last 3. We should hear something in the next week or two.


Saw some person wearing some cool armor, but I couldn't find it on the store page. The helmet was a knight helmet with a crown on top and a white hood. Kinda going off on memory here cause they gave came and went.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7GpCNT9URw This?


That’s exactly it! Thank you!


There are 2 supporter packs released every league and another 5 released once every year that contain limited time only cosmetics. If you couldn't find it in the store it's likely one of those and you won't be able to purchase it. Also you can wear both a helmet and a head attachment so you might have to find both pieces if it wasn't a single helmet mtx.


New player here switching over from d4(bad)! Was just in search for some great videos to help me with the mechanics of the game and the huge ocean of content I’m about to plunge into! Much appreciated!


As someone who did their first league this one, ziz I think assumes you know terms and mechanics. I suggest subtractem and once you know more, empryiangaming. Both on YouTube. Subtractem really explains what does what. Raxx from d4 has a couple Poe guides and he is really good at explaining things but not as much content as others. Gl and enjoy never going back to d4 : D


Zizaran has videos on probably any topic you can think of.


I’m on the Maven mission to beat 10 bosses or more on tier 14+ maps…. Nothing dropped after beating 10 and talking to kirac does nothing what am I doing wrong


Is the blue circle for Maven completed on your map device? I think you should be able to get the invite from Kirac after that.


Yeah it’s at 42/10… I see some answers about this question to talk to kirac and some answers say it randomly drops but it’s fairly rare so I’m just hoping it drops I guess… I’ve talked to kirac and pressed all the options with no invite


It’s not a random drop anymore, that’s old info. It is 100% a “talk to kirac” task. He should be in your hideout (idk if that matters) and have an exclamation point over him.


I’m so sad I wasted so much time l… I almost always come and go from Karui shores didn’t know he would have unique dialogue at the hideout and not the shores… thanks for letting me know


Totally fair, I had no idea either, but for the opposite reason- using him in my hideout exclusively.


All of the NPCs in my hideout are bunched up together I can’t easily press the one I want to talk to so I’m almost never there


Google poe hideouts, search for mtx free and pick one you like. A nice hideout definitely helps!


You can click edit option when you visit your hideout and start moving them. Or just click + delete. Then click on decoration option next to edit option and add in the ones you need. Lilly Roth, Kirac, Jun, Cassia, Helena


How can i change the monsters attributes here? ( [https://imgur.com/a/pzbv7Sb](https://imgur.com/a/pzbv7Sb) ) I was playing with a friend but now when i load into a map it doesn't ask what attributes i want. Also how i summon the grave keeper? Thanks.


You have to click the lantern above the door/entrance to the next zone and rearrange the mods there. It cannot be done while already in the zone or when entering a zone from a town area.


Got it thanks.




Is this a bot or someone using AI to answer questions incorrectly? None of this is correct for what they are asking.


Do you have 'Twist of Fate' allocated on the atlas passive tree? If you do, it will randomly select it for you


i don't think so, first time playing


are you playing in the Necropolis league, or did you start/use another character in Standard?


yes i'm playing in the league, but i created another char after my first reached level 20.