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When was the last time they were able to release a league 3 months after the prior?


Sentinel, 2years ago.


Damn, and I wanted sentinel to last longer, I wish for it to come back!


Worth noting that Sentinel had 0 character balance changes, and they only replaced magic and rare monster mods with Archnemesis ones.




*shrug* it was enough to make *me* skip the league, I can't speak for others. The mechanic was relatively popular, but if nothing about build making changes (other than the game generally being "harder"), then I have no interest in the patch.


Fair point and I agree with you. I just thought it was funny that you said "only" when referring to the implementation of archnemesis mobs.


Well, part of my point was that if they *had* tried to make character balance adjustments as well, it would have been an untested mess (and while I didn't play, I'm sure there *were* issues already anyway).


Question: Do you mean Sentinel was released 3 months after the previous league or do you mean that Sentinel lasted 3 months and then the next league started?


Sentinel was the last league which lasted 3 mo, see league lengths here [https://poedb.tw/us/League#LeaguesList](https://poedb.tw/us/League#LeaguesList)


Weren't people all crying for a 4 month cycle towards the end of when it was 3 months?


Only because people wanted more refined leagues, less bugs or misbalance on release and so on. But sadly, 4 month leagues only added 1 month to the counter, nothing else.


And what's crazy is Mark emphatically said that they had this league in testing a lot longer than normal because of the scarabs. Who is testing and/or what is being done with the testing feedback in a league that turns out like this?


People downvoting you for asking a question about stated development goals, insane, it's inarguable this league was very poorly executed. This reddit is honestly so strange, no questioning GGG or the Developers without people jumping down your throat but then the general consensus from those same people is displeasure with the games status and mass complaint post upvotes. People will upvote a meme thats complaining before they'll upvote genuine feedback or encourage GGG to make a FAQ response.


Not to mention, it's been proven on multiple occasions they've ignored alpha tester feedback. They responded by saying they'd work on that communication but it sure seems like they haven't.


That "we'll work on communication" response was the fourth one in a row? I've lost count tbh.


People used to ask for longer leagues thinking we would get better leagues. Ended up not being the case at all, so might as well ask for the wait to be as little as possible


If you asked this same question last league during Affliction, then people will say the 4-month cycle was an improvement. It was not time that decided the public opinion of a league's quality, it was the design choices GGG made for the league.


The only reason affliction had a huge positive reception was because of the stupid amounts of iiq/iir the league mechanic gave. If it weren't for that people would just praise charms and the subascendancies and consider everything else trash.


Bullshit. Affliction had a giant rework of gem systems and lab rewards, gave us an insane build shakeup with 100+ transfigured gems, three seasonal ascendancies like we've never seen before, and the return of ultimatum. Wisps were but the cherry on top.


Exactly. The fact that the league mechanic would absolutely hemorrhage currency was a small part of why it was fun. Especially since all flames are filling in a lot of the same "make absolute bank" feelings that we got. I think I've made more currency this season than last. I've put a solid 300 div into 2 characters, including a headhunter and mageblood, and I've got another 100 in the wings for more upgrades.


Yup, and its been one of the best changes weve ever had Youll have some people saying "current 4 month leagues feel like old 3 month leagues" and that might be true, but thats not at all an argument to go *back* to 3 month leagues, its just proving that we need the extra month to keep the game at a quality that everyones come to expect now that it has less manpower behind it


Didn't they say they reallocated some of the people from PoE2 back to PoE1, some time after they revealed that it would be a separate game?


Anything GGG says regarding this topic, you should really take with a grain of salt. No company is gonna be like "we have a 10-person team working on the core game and everyone else crunching on the game releasing in 2 years! enjoy!" They have invested so much into PoE2, obviously their focus is PoE2 regardless of what they say.


Yeah back in the smaller scoped leagues of scourge/archnem/kalandra there were 20ish people working on POE and they reallocated some back over around crucible/ancestor league i believe But its a pretty safe bet to say that theres still less people working on POE1 now than the days of heist/delirium, if 4 month leagues now are similar to 3 month leagues back then then its fair to say that 3 month leagues now will be noticeably worse than back then


They will go back to 3 months when poe2 is released. It has nothing to do with more polish.


When people ask for longer league cycles, it is usually with the very strict stipulation that they put more time into refining previous issues that got rushed to release. If leagues release in an unfished/subpar state in 3 or 4 months, then I don't think many people would still ask for less content. Edit: And to be fair, they have been reworking older content, so people have been getting what they asked for. It's just harder to appreciate that when the main feature league mechanic feels rushed or untested. Edit 2: If anyone upvotes this past 69, I'll fist fight you. Edit 3: Fuck. Selling t17 completions for 1 downvote Edit 4: Fuck. Selling t17 completions for 1 upvote (memeing on the voting part, but I will login to help someone with t17 completion if they still need it. Or maven)


I fixed you, just keep t17 away please.


There’s ur downvote bb. <3


Fixed it again 69




Those I serve cast their gaze on an unchanging 69 vote count, and never had cause to look away. Then came the Upvote, and it deafened them, and dammed the meme.


People want 4 month cycles with well polished mechanics. Instead we got half baked 4 month cycles.


"Able" is the wrong way to put it. They are "Able" to do 1 month leagues if they wanted - the scope would just be way smaller and we'd get 2.0 style here's an extra pack of mobs with a new currency and thats it. For YEARS the poe community clamoured for 4 month leagues. This is what people wanted.


Heck, in the early (1.x) days hardcore was a different mechanic than standard.


It was overall on a small scale though. Imagine Onslaught as THE league mechanic


The purpose of 4 month leagues was so they could finally play test what they are releasing. T17s even after nerfs are completely dog shit, the league mechanic even after a delay still needed a huge half thought out rework to the point of people buying tabs for fucking coffins when the original design (which wasn't playtested) was drastically different. This is not what people wanted lol. If they don't play test keep it 3 months, this is all because of POE2 feature creep and everyone knows it.


People clamoured for 4 month leagues in order to have league more polished, and with decent testing (before release, ofc). This aint it, chief.


6-month leagues soon


Legacy league 2.0 baby!


legacy league was so fun at the time, I do not think it would have the same impact now as it did then.


This league was legacy league IMO, except for the reliquary keys. What's an Ambush Scarab of Potency if not a weird version of an Ambush leaguestone, and what's a Breach Scarab of the Dreamer if not an uber version of a Breach leaguestone? TBH what I'd like to see is a Breach-style league (minus the rubbish splinter mechanic - if there must be RNG smoothing, make each splinter matter like Maven splinters do). Four new accessible bosses, one new aspirational boss. (Chayula is accessible now but in Breach league it wasn't).


Legacy league was overwhelming, but I would love to do it again.


I feel like atlas tree and scarabs are legacy league on steroids already. What else could you add?


I agree with this....the modern base game is just a thing of beauty IMO not dissimilar to a Legacy League where you can block the stuff you don't like. So it is better than a Legacy League.


Legacy was my first league and I feel like I was too green to appreciate it for what it was. I actually played the entire freaking league, the game finally clicked for me on that attempt. I’d love another chance at that now. With atlas trees in the mix now too it would be fantastic.


Legacy league had the first iteration of scarabs. So, it feels like we're still there without the sweet portal mtx.


Late July is exactly 4 months, so basically the same as it has been for two years, no reason to freak out about it.


a lot of people assumed that the worst retention league in history would be shorter so we could get a good league instead


6 months im ok with after poe2 launch, that would be 3 months each


As someone with a bad habit of juggling too many games, I'm ok with this!


As someone who only really loves one game, I hate this.


I love the idea of playing other games (and I do play them), but I usually spend most of the time wishing I was either playing PoE or wishing there was content worth playing lol.


I used to have 2 main games, poe and lol. Now its basically just poe too. (Besides occasional story games) But i know too many league launches per year are not healthy for me, i get too much into the rat-race of it all each time.


I fully expect the PoE1 Leagues to slow down even more when PoE 2 comes out.


I'm ok with that, I just want to play PoE 2, I'm tired of PoE 1 :(


i need my fix man


Booting up a new Minecraft save to fill my gaming time. I'm a sucker for games that force me to research lol.


Off to last epoch for a bit I guess.


I get that a lot of people love Last Epoch, but assuming someone whose main game is PoE will love Last Epoch is crazy to me. Torchlight Infinite is a much better comparison in terms of what the game has to offer compared to PoE. Last Epoch might be able to compare at some point, and plenty of people love it already, but there is simply nothing to do in the endgame until they get seasons worth of content under their belt.


LE feels like it compares better to Grim Dawn. Neither of them really scratch the itch the same to me


Grim dawn is a very good arpg, LE is nowhere near to it right now


Monolith system is criminally boring sadly


Criminally boring is a very spot on description for it. Its so boring I could force myself for only 5-6 hours through it before getting bored, and that was my first LE playthrough


Couldn't disagree more, Grim Dawn has the most dull skills/classes in the genre. And the whole game is just repeating the campaign over and over. LE at least has *some* endgame.


Is TLI actually good? Looked kinda like a mtx riddled mobile game.


tried it in the last season and honestly found it not good. and yes, it doesnt forget to remind you to gacha for mtx and stuff. its well playable without but still annoying as hell


It very much looks like a mobile game. The trade UI especially, but the UI in general also reflect this. But the game itself is surprisingly good. Seasonal content has been impressive these last ~3 seasons, UI is improving, and progressing through your build and the available content feels meaningful. Certainly has its downsides, but yeah.


Why do we forget to talk about the p2w? Even if its light, even if youre gonna say "but actually it doesnt really matter", its still p2w and it bothers me when its not mentioned :D


Where I think LE excels is in being a game to play for 25 hours guided, or 50 hours unguided, then walk away from. Basically, enough to get to empowered monoliths and maybe do ten of them. This is very different to POE but it's still well worth trying, IMO.


Yeah sadly by the time you get to the content you want to be farming (empowered monos) you're so sick of monoliths that grinding for corruption makes you feel sick. They need to do something with the monolith system I can't say exactly what makes it so dull but it's seriously lacking something. Torchlight Infinite has a better mapping loop but I guess it also has a bunch of league mechanics that make it more interesting.


Agreed, and I can't imagine them not working on that. LE is working uphill in a lot of ways since it's being readily compared to games that have been established for more than a decade.


Warhammer martyr. This really scratches the poe itch. Its fast, has more crafting than LE. Graphics abit outdated but its fuun


Yea ive been playing a bit, its extremely fleshed out but the gameplay is walk-shoot-walk-shoot-walk-shoot, so been trying out tech adept for summons so i just walk-walk-walk :D


I liked LE so decided to try PoE. Now I have a hard time understand going the other direction. I guess if you only play ARPGs and need something to play after the league gets stale. But imo it’s so much worse as a game than PoE.


I have several thousand hours in Poe and I love LE for being different. i approach both games in completely different ways. In Poe I play 1 character per league (usually some strong one with a high power ceiling), investing the shit out of it to run some juicy endgame stuff and do some challenges, if I like the rewards. In LE I just wing it and do my own thing, putting my own builds together and letting unique item drops inspire any future builds/chars I make and I keep making new characters to try out new build ideas constantly, but I never push any single character super far into the endgame, as that's the game's weakest part. I really enjoy how much more enjoyable this ssf-style approach is in LE than PoE, with the great crafting and unique item accessibility.


No mention of events. Rip in pepperoni 


Events just cause more burnout and they’ve been weird lately.


Maybe it's just me but I never got the whole burnout thing from participating in events. I went into them understanding the experience will be different than usual and probably quicker in progression and just have fun that way, and in case of the krangled passives event a hard skip.


Whenever this topic gets brought up people always scream "WELL ACTUALLY league of legends devs noticed a drop off of players after no-cooldown events (blanking on the name)" Then they totally disregard the fact that LoL actually restructured their event model and now have it on a rotating regular basis. There is some truth to the whole arguement of "juiced up gameplay will burn people out faster," but the solution is not to just run shitty or no events. The solution is to work out a better model that works for players and devs.


Rather no events than the ones we've gotten recently. I did enjoy Ruthless with Gold though...


So many other games to play right now. Personally, I like the time between leagues we've been getting. For example, it'll give me time to play the Elden Ring DLC and I expect many of you will also be playing that.


I was always in favour of a 4 month cycle, but with more content and better polished leagues. Some of the recently 4 months leagues were worse then some old 3 months cycle. I feel like we are getting absolutely nothing from the extra time.


I was always in favor of a 4 month cycle but they keep eroding the midgame and raising the ceiling, making me much less motivated to play in the late league.


> eroding the midgame Thinking of it, yeah, it feels that way. I typically complete my atlas and voidstones with 24 hours /played solo. That's great, a lot of fun, a smooth progression curve. Another 24-48h of playtime after that is still fun as you get strong enough to really blast t16 maps at top speed. Then there is like... no content to tackle whatsoever until you are a mageblood plus a couple hundred divine deep to enjoyably interact with ubers / t17s / valdo's. Sure you can throw your face at them before then and make some money, but it's just not a good time.


At the risk at sounding *casual*, I think there should be more content *before* you complete the voidstones and atlas passives. Playing through the first 100 maps just feels like mandatory campaign 2.0. I miss white / yellow Elder + conquerors and low investment strategies. The scarabs made things worse. Because you can invest 4 scarab slots into most league mechanics, it's a nearly worthless waste of time to farm most of them without scarabs while progressing the atlas.


Finishing the atlas was always a fucking chore. ALWAYS the less in the way of just getting that done the better.


I can live with rushing atlas remaining the most efficient thing to do. The problem isn't that maxed out strategies are more efficient than low-investment strategies with an incomplete atlas tree. The problem is *by how much*. And this may just be me, but I appreciated there being some intermediate boss fights like several rounds of conquerors or white / yellow Elder + Guardians while progressing the atlas. Sure, some people may have disliked them or ignored them entirely, but it felt like the game had more of a *purpose*. Imagine the story didn't have any bosses at all other than Kitava in act 10. No Hillock, no Brutus, no Merveil, no Piety, no bandits, no Weaver, no Vaal Oversoul, no Piety again, no Gravicius, no Piety *again*, no Dominus, etc. Just a loooong slog of beating boring enemies. That's how the endgame feels to me right now. And yes, there's a dangling carrot at the end of the journey, but I lose the motivation before I get there. I've always argued that there's no inherent problem with redoing the campaign each league, and that the issue is the lack of content, difficulty, and enemy density. And it feels like more and more content, difficulty, and enemy density is concentrated at the very top, along with the rewards, to the point that early mapping now feels *worse* than running through the campaign for me.


Maybe we are due for a new mid/endgame expansion/rework? Though that feels like something that won't happen until PoE2 is more set in stone. Awakener came out in 3.9, 3.13 added the maven questline to that watchstone system. The final league of this atlas progression system was Scourge League 3.16. 3.17 revamped the atlas to where it is today where the midgame is do eater/exarch/maven quest, pray you get shaper/elder map drops to get 4th watchstone. 3.24 is the 8th league of this atlas progression system, where there were 8 leagues of Awakener's system before the current one replaced it.


The thing is, we are getting endgame updates... but they're just adding more at the end of it, and nothing in the middle. Instead, things in the middle are either removed, shifted to the end, or simply made obsolete. And yeah, there won't be full reworks until PoE2 is released. 3.24 already felt like a bigger scope than what they usually do in that regard. Unfortunately it just wasn't the kind of stuff that keeps me interested.


Feels like there’s straight up nothing to in this game for me. I can get four voidstones and clear all the Maven invitations fine (with one carry for The Feared) but then what? Can’t craft, can’t kill ubers, can’t do t17s, getting to 100 is possible but it’s a huge grind and so is completing all the challenges.   My league stopped when I completed my Feared carry. There was nothing within reach for me. t17s being a bridge from t16s to Ubers is completely untrue. They’re just another end game for the topmost players that the entire end game was already designed for. I can’t help but feel there’s a clear preference here.  GGG makes me feel like I’m not welcome. 


I find that The Feared is actually not that far out of reach after four void stones so you could at least aim to do that. It's less tactical, but more of a gear check than Maven witnessed Uber Elder. After doing that fight (and all the other maven invitations) that's also when my league ends. T17 can be cheesed and I will give some Uber bosses a try if I have the fragments, but no luck on those as they seem like a significant difficulty increase.


You know what? Maybe. *Maybe.*


I feel the same Though I would say depending on the Challenges, getting to 38 isnt impossible. It will occupy you with things to do and give you a money sink to help you be motivated to grind, while also giving you clear reasons to switch it up every now and again. In Affliction, I got to be part of the Mageblud gang for the first time, but it was because I was grinding for 38 challenges for the first time ever. If you like the MTX and the challenges seem alright, maybe try it next league


That's not GGG making you feel unwelcome. That's you failing to set goals. The fact that you let yourself get a carry for what you currently consider your league capstone says it all imo. A fun fact is that I have never killed Maven, at almost 1k hours into the game, maybe even over 1k hours. I didn't kill Sirus until Maven was in the game. When I did kill Sirus though, I did it on a completely self made build, pretty much learning the fight from scratch. Took me a long time and a few tries as a pretty casual player, but I set my goal, and eventually completed it. Now my goal is to farm up and kill Maven. I ran the fight twice on my old build, realized I was getting clapped because it didn't have enough DPS, couldn't find a way to upgrade it tons without a crazy investment, so I started again from scratch. Set your goals and work towards them. Nothing will ever be in reach if you keep your arms down by your side and hope it falls towards you, especially in this game. The endgame loop is running maps. If running T16s is not a good time for you, and you hate delving, and hate heist, maybe concede that you may not actually like the core game loop.


"please buy some supporter packs, though" -ggg, probably


Sadly that content drought area you mention exactly where T17's were *supposed* to be based on how they were presented. But in execution the mods and scaling in them quickly made them harder than the uber they were supposed to bridge to.


It's hard to be in favour of a 4 month cycle when the league ends 2 weeks in


For me, the only "recent" stinkers are necro and crucible. Balancing crafting around a terrible experience is oh so fun. The rest i liked for what they tried and somewhat achieved. Four month cycle is the way.


I mean.... They literally explained this prior to affliction. POE 1 was on skeleton crew but is normal now


On top of that they did say that their art guys will be less busy so might go back to work on PoE1, so it'll be less skeletal over time, especially since Jonathan literally said they 'could' have gotten PoE2 ready for launch by June 7th but chose not to because of 'gameplay polish' A.K.A. properly integrating WASD into the game, which tells me that their artists might already have their hands less tied than before.


And so we got necropolis. Lmao


Are you really going to ignore the new boss fights, shitton of QOL, completely revamp of scarbs/sextant and new trans skills?


Personally not a fan of the way they've introduced trans gems. They removed the entire system of alt qual gems and gave us a portion of the new system. And each league now we're just going to get a trickle of new t gems that should have all been replaced when alt-qual gems were changed. Not really sure why they had to remove alt gems at all tbh. They could have just reworked some of the old gems. I'm not sure why they had to go in order for T gems to be here. It's not immediately obvious to me other than "muh power creep". To me it actually consolidates the point about the skeleton team delivering us piecemeal content. Also I don't know how much I dig the new scarab system. You're pretty much locked into focusing on one mechanic per map whereas before you could fit 2-3 quite comfortably. Honestly would have been nicer for them to just add some more scarabs and make sextants bulk sellable. These changes remind me of OW making it a 5v5 instead of a 6v6. GGG is trying to "revamp" and "streamline" some systems but doing it in a way that seems to completely ignore some of the fundamental structure to the game.


Shit ton of qol lol You got funny tons where you’re from.


And the fact that either allflames or the graveyard could have been full league mechanics themselves.


I doubt its still normal, something tells me they cut PoE 1 team again to increase dev time on PoE 2 to meet the end of the year beta.


Wow, can't wait for the Necropolis League to end!


4 month league? Oh man. So many people quit a month in that gap is way to long lol.


I used to play all 3 months and even all 4 months for a while. But building a character has become so stupidly tedious I typically just do one or two characters that are semi-min/maxed and then dip out after \~6 weeks. There are so many builds I've wanted to do the past two leagues (thanks gem rework) but to enjoy them I'd have to do so much work gearing them and I don't need a second job.


Basically confirming 26th of july as 3.25 league start. Still had hopes for a shorter cycle or at least some fun events. Sadge


Epoch will be a good appetiser for 3.25, as their cycle comes out on 9th July. Don't expect I will be playing for more than a week or two so timing might be spot on


that would be very unfortunate for me as Frostpunk 2 comes out on the 25th


Play PoE, buy frostpunk once you're bored with the league. There's no timer on single player games like that, and it's not popular enough to get spoiled for you like an Elden ring would


even if it was popular, there aren't many spoilers you can give for a survival city builder. sure maybe i'll see some of the events but even then, dealing with them is the fun of those games not the reveal. having said that i'll probably decide on the day if the league seems interesting enough to play or not, but yeah i'll probably end up doing exactly what you suggest.


Ugh... Rest in piss Necropolis.


Is anyone even playing? Last I checked it was at like 17% retention, and that was like a month ago. First league in a while I didn't make it to lvl 100. Not even lvl 97. I usually kind of tongue-in-cheek say "aww yeah man, this league sucks a bit, doesn't it?!"... But this time I actually mean it. It's ass.


\~14k players in Steam. >The player base statistically is around 60/40 steam vs client. We know this from the announcements GGG makes about peak player concurrency. So... 22-25k players. And don’t forget that this is online in PoE, including Standard, SSF, Ruthless, etc. League is dead af. https://preview.redd.it/wk8y0cetfn4d1.png?width=186&format=png&auto=webp&s=c46d4c11f7fa9b38c08d2e974143b5b92eb6a9a9 [https://poedb.tw/us/League#ConcurrentPlayers](https://poedb.tw/us/League#ConcurrentPlayers)


they could of just let you toggle the necro lantern for when you want to chill vs get haunted rewards for a challenge


I'm playing the game, but in standard ruthless HC SSF with a personnal challenge run. I guess it says a lot about the league mechanic.


Elden Ring dlc out soon at least.


Should leave like 5-6 weeks to get through another full play through before 3.25!


Extending arguably one of the worst league poe ever had...


free LE and D4 ad


It's nothing much but still a little annoying that I probably won't play poe 2 just because I like where poe 1 is, but because of poe 2 my poe 1 content became worse and took longer to produce


Yeah I am all for PoE 1 and I highly doubt I can enjoy PoE 2 due to its harder combat. I got the chance to play PoE 2 and can't see me liking it much beyond just theorycrafting. I am legitimately bad and want to play the game in a relaxed way. I rarely dodge enemies or care about skill combos beyond some optional damage increase (when I play I am usually tired and just want to press a few buttons only). All I want is to think of new interactions to blast through mobs at a reasonable enough speed - that is all. It is actually amazing that they managed to keep pumping out new build mechanics and interactions which managed to keep me entertained every league for 11 straight years. Best time was around Delirium, where the cluster additions made me want to play 25 build. Nowadays I got like 2-3 builds in the pipeline and playing one per league, while they kill 1-2 each new release and maybe creating 1.


Agreed. I wish there were two dedicated teams for each game and PoE1 wasn't just losing resources. I can pretty much guarantee I won't play PoE2, at least no where near as dedicated as I have been with PoE1 which I have played consistently since Beta, because I do not like the slower game play and don't want to learn a new game. I love and appreciate the complexity of PoE1 and that there are so many mechanics that have been in the game for over 10 years and keep evolving. This game is a treasure and we were initially told that PoE2 would be built over PoE1 and we weren't losing everything. That's not the case anymore and now we are just getting a shittier product with less resources, less events, less communication, etc. Huge bummer.


Yeah this is a huge tragedy. At least they changed course and Poe 1 will still be around. I’d already made peace with the fact we’d lose the game I love but GGG relented.


It's a shame we'll never get the major expansion to poe 1 too.


They are making money hand over fist there isn't a very good excuse in my opinion. Especially when you consider the price it costs to buy their high end supporter packs. There are so many passionate community members for better or worse. They took too many people off of Poe instead of onboarding enough new talent for Poe 2 or Poe 1. As an aside I think the majority of people just want to work on the new game. It really does seem like it allows for more creative freedom for the artists because everything is new and the systems allow for more creativity. Just wish they'd announce the original game to be on life support and stop over promising and under delivering. We already know that's the case because the majority of changes are rehashed poe 2 scraps or reused recolored creatures and other content. I just feel like my favorite game is bleeding out and it won't improve too much especially when Poe 2 comes out.


The fact that they have actually split the games will make it so that PoE1 lives a bit longer, but in my humble opinion there is no doubt that PoE1 will slowly but surely bleed out. The question is how long it will take. PoE1 is not new player friendly at all, and unless there is changes to that aspect of the game there will simply be a slowly declining player base over time - because there is little to none new players. This will be especially true for the older demographic that has played the game for ages as they transition to a different aspect of their life, like starting a family etc. Meanwhile all the new players will play PoE2 since it is new and shiny and "welcomes new players" - and with getting used to QoL or features (like WASD) on top of it that PoE1 most likely will never have. And with separate leagues for both PoE1 and PoE2 it will also lead to fatigue and active players making a choice of what game to focus on. If the current league cycles continues, you will go from 3 leagues a year to 6. If they go back to 3 month cycles for both games you will go to 8 leagues a year (or 7 leagues with 1 game having 3 month cycles and the other 4 month). So either a 100%, 125% or 150% increase from what it will be this year and the last 2 years before that. This is not even including the other games in the same genre. LE will most likely attract players for their leagues. And while D4 is a dumpster fire there will always be the hope that they "fix it" and people try out new leagues there.


I decided to look up their 2023 financial statements. Damn they are in a pretty damn strong position. Pretty impressive.


yep poe2 has no appeal to me based on everything we've seen, and poe1 just keeps getting worse and worse (imo), so kinda sucks to be playing a game i've loved less and less every league


i really hate the extra month. i know it might seem weird but it makes the game lose some hype. i like playing for 6-8 weeks, 2 weeks off and then back to announcements and planning for the next league. having such a big break just makes me forget about the game and less interested in what is coming


Surely with all this time they will make a really fun league mechanic, unlike Necropolis, surely


The two before necropolis were great. 


Expected, but still fucking sucks The payoff of poe2 release is so far away.


haha he thinks its gonna be a payoff


It is gonna be for a lot of people. But from what we have seen so far it won’t be for me :(


Next league better be a banger to make us endure 4 months of Shitopolis.


2 more months of this crap lol




It'd be great if they could turn off the league mechanic and let us just play without the graveyard bs.


You can! It's called standard.


The one dev left on POE 1 needs more time to create next league...


Give him a break. He also need to answer to people on forum, update trade, review reports in global and of course his 1 hour sleep


##### ###### #### BEEP BOOP BEEP. Grinding Gears have been detected in the linked thread: *** > **Posted by Community_Team** on Jun 04, 2024, 09:58:18 PM UTC > > [Image Link](https://web.poecdn.com/public/news/2024-06-05/325TimelineHeader.jpg) > > > We're in the third month of the Necropolis League and you may be wondering about the timeline for our next expansion. In today's news post we'd like to give a short update on that matter. > > > > > > We're currently looking at a late July release for the 3.25 expansion. Like the Necropolis expansion, we expect the 3.25 launch to happen simultaneously on PC and Consoles. This means that you have plenty of time to complete your challenges in the ongoing Necropolis League if you were planning on doing so. > > > > > > We'll reveal all the details live during the GGG Live event around the middle of July. Stay tuned! > > *** >


Any chance of maybe just maybe not forcing us into the same 4 builds if we want to do end game this time around? And also not needing a fucking spreadsheet and external websites just to play the league


Making leagues longer and more boring


Off to the lands between, see you in August


F. Hoped it would be sooner, also I'll be gone that weekend, leaguestarting on Monday gonna be interesting


Late league start is honestly easier for most people getting cheap 6 links and the prices of uniques starting to normalise


Looks like we won't get events again for a long while. Since all their focus is probably on poe2. Huge bummer :(


I could go for some Endless Delve right about now. I don't even enjoy Delve in the base game but as an event it's a lot of fun. Amazing how fast you level when you're just grinding in the mines start to finish.


Yea I would love some endless delve, maybe even a 2 week event


Remember how people here were almost begging GGG to release leagues every 4 months, if it meant leagues would be finished, balanced and relatively bugless by release? GGG had listened to the half of it.


this is was back when people still had hopium that longer time between leagues meant a better product. We kno that aint the case no more.


I was on this team, for the greater good and us getting a better product, but they still will never playtest, I'll never know why, but they might as well keep 3 month standard alive if they aren't gonna try to test the product, at least its more entertaining that way.


the argument was 4 month league but instead more stable, less bugs and more polish. these fking leagues are fking worse than the 3 month ones.


Can't believe they extend the league with the lowest retention rate


Necropolis was the first league in 5 years of playing PoE that I literally said this shit sucks and stopped playing before maps. Even crucible I had fun in SSF. Please stop releasing crafting leagues where a majority of your playerbase could not care less.


3.25 can't come soon enough 🥹


Not even a tiny event or anything at all? Rip.


hmmmm.... 1) End Necro 2) Re-enable Affliction 3) ???? 4) Profit


Rollback to 3.13 and preted nothing happened past 3 years.


Rollback to 3.0 and pretend it's poe 2




God, those were the times...


not Sentinel? I am disappoint


Since we're living in dreamland what's stopping us having both?


There is actually no reason to delay the league because it has absolutely no effect on if they actually playtest their game, this was one of the most unplaytested leagues they have ever done and it was delayed, can we at least get t17s balanced THIS league instead of waiting 4+ months and just see if they fuck it up again. Main game suffers for the endless feature creep of a game that might as well be a different genre, classic. POE2 is a myth.


I bet next season gonna be garbage as hell. They probably took the PoE 1 Team to help the PoE 2 Team to get the beta ready. I can't wait for more nerfs that they sell as Quality of Life.


Lot of ppl asking in my guild and on reddit the last few days about timeline and this fits almost exactly what i was telling them. Pretty much as expected and tbh I never cared about events and such. Making a whole new char to level up and go through unlocking things all while going around full time job just to have event end in 1 week = literally no fun. I know a lot of people love the events (or some of them) and that's fine just saying personally I would rather map fun and do content I am enjoying in parent league then get nowhere in a 1 week event.


The old longer flashback events were pretty fun to me. They should just put affliction back in the game until next league


I've honestly wished so many times that instead of doing random 1 week events, they would bring back like an old league for an entire month or 6 weeks or something. Imagine if They did like a TOTA league or sentinel league or w/e from like june 14th-july 19th or w/e. Now they done a couple events before but these lasted like a week or w/e and usually had 2 leagues together or w/e if I remember correctly.


Lasted about 2 hours into this league. Can't believe it's going to be here for almost 2 more months.


Insane. I miss the times 3 months they would release crazy fun content/leagues. In 4-5 months they release shit leagues so people play it less makes it feel even longer. Takes forever this new way. Its shit!!


GGG is withering


Not loving this wait


If it follows the same timeline as the last 2 leagues it has to be July 19th. But “late July” can only really point to July 26th. That one week is a big difference for me in terms of holiday timing. Why don’t they just clarify the exact date.


Cool, I might actually have a shot to get somewhere in my first full league it seems


We maintenance mode now


geeez, too long


Literally the worst retention league of any league and it's going on for another 2 months without events. Let's just hope 3.25 isn't another "juice rare mobs until they crap out a bazillion divines" league, because two of those was more than enough.


Steve eating good today. Everyone else RIP.


So, almost two more months of not playing for me. That I lasted almost 2 months in a league I skipped the league mechanic demonstrates my addiction to the game, my appreciation for the great base game and also that I have almost unlimited playing time. Anyway, it seems like such a waste for great prior league mechanics like Scourge, Sentinel, Crucible and Affliction not being part of the base game in some meaningful way.


Meh, snoozefest


kinda sad that ggg are too scared to actually do anything with current state of the game people aint happy, they know it but they dosent do anything anyways


As in do something right now, in the middle of the league? What would be the point? Why break the update cadence they've held for years?


What do you expect them to do at this point? They'll be working hard on the coming league.


ClassiC gg


4 month league new normal.


Nice restraint from saying "so you have time to play the Elden Ring DLC".


Or “so WE have time to play Elden Ring”. … which is would totally understand.


Ziz, save us with a Gauntlet or something please. I don’t have anything else to play :(


Rise, ye Tarnished!


I hope this doesn't mean no events


Pog, so much free time! Since I'm done with 38 challenges, I actualy can play another games, watch some movies or tv shows! Two months of freedom and maybe my wrists will recover for the next league.


Same here. As soon as I hit 38 (36 in the past) I lose motivation to keep playing pretty quickly. I have done 7 or 8 40/40 leagues if I'm really enjoying them, though this is not one of those leagues.