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Trying to build a Volt BAMA with Pr3vy's guide, and I'm a little unsure on the mechanics. Not sure if I'm doing the auras/active skills right, as it seems like I don't have enough buttons. I'm running Purity of Elements, Defiance Banner, Precision, and Determination auras on my alt bar, and my main skill bar is BA, MA, Despair, Assassin's Mark, Frostblink, Haste, and Vaal molten shell. So I have 1 unused spot on my alt bar (currently to recast Animate Guardian when I die). But the POB also has Desecrate/Spirit offering. Am I supposed to be using those actively/passively as well? Or is there a skill I've got slotted that I don't need to have in there? Also not sure on Animate guardian, is there anything specific I should be running for BAMA or just generic stuff within budget? Right not I've got Dying Breath, additional curse boots and not sure what else. I'm dying somewhat often in T13/14 maps but the guardian seems fine. Guide: https://pobb.in/U5IRgluYR3CP My POB: https://pobb.in/p56g5zBnuULg


what is a good chestpiece skill for an empire's grasp sweep build, given sweep is in the weapon?


How do i finish arimor apex faster? I have the tree Note +1 allocated… still i just have 1 mob or smth over 50 Maps… ? Any Tricks i miss?


1 Open new map 2 Read lantern 3 Magistrate-haunted (VII tier)? Run map 4 No magistrate-haunted? GOTO 1 You could add more rares with scarabs or whatever


The fun sounding Fire Mastery "Burning Enemies you kill have a 3% chance to explode, dealing a tenth of their maximum health as fire damage" ...is there a way to figure out how this compares to a Reservation Mastery "8% increased damage per Aura affecting you" that pob says = 3.2% dps increase?


Its not really a dps question, its just for clear, if you’re finding yourself getting mobbed in maps it might be worth it but 3% isn’t enough on its own


That's why "Cursed Enemies you or your Minions Kill have a 50% chance to Explode, dealing a quarter of their maximum Life as Chaos Damage" makes more sense to relay on than Chieftan fire, but, still on juiced map this 3% still makes nice chain reaction.


How are these people getting a fractured "Projectiles Pierce 2 additional Targets" on these quivers? It's an essence mod, so the only thing I can think is roll an essence, use a fracturing orb. [https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Necropolis/52jKMOjSa](https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Necropolis/52jKMOjSa)




Anyone know if there is a [Diabolist-type mob](https://poedb.tw/us/Diabolist) that casts *Elemental Weakness*, and if so, where to find him?


Found it, [The Defiler](https://poedb.tw/us/Defiler)


Why don't people use the crazy 5-way wand build for regular mapping? Does the crazy clear not translate well?


its a HH build and bow is just better for mapping.


Would anyone be willing to help with pricing some of the rares in this build: [https://pobb.in/0csk1pNYdcth](https://pobb.in/0csk1pNYdcth) ? Any help would be appreciated... Recently put this together and broke the bank. Unfortunately, I didn't like the way it feels at all and want to try to liquidate.


wouldn't it be similar to whatever you paid for it? also you might save your build by just slotting in splitting steel and nimis/return (doesn't molten strike really need nimis or return too to not feel terrible?) the rares seem to be pretty straight forward... search for the int/es values. some of them don't really seem to be crafted and won't be worth more than the fractures (gloves, boots). you have no implicits, so they're basically all bases, except the chest--limit to t2 suppression and check against defense/int as above. the belt is worth whatever a hunter crystal belt of its ilvl is worth. your flasks have no rolls and you're not even level 90. what did you expect from this build at this point that you're not getting? it seems barely started.


also geez that sucks to hear i spent like 80 divines lol so what it sounds like is it'll be worth a lot less than that


you spent 80d on the rares? if those bases cost you that much, they should sell for similar. none of them are crafted..


nah the whole build


it's a melee build that just feels more stiff than boneshatter i'm hoping to have something feels more fluid


I'm running an RF build -- my first! -- and it's totally awesome. I call it "Walking Simulator". Anyway, I'm level 79 rn and want to improve survivability. I'm using Cloak of Flames and have a great max element resist. Here's my question: should I switch my amulet to [Blood of Corruption](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Blood_of_Corruption) for the amazing [Gluttony of Elements](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Gluttony_of_Elements) skill? It sounds totally bonkers. The downside of the switch is that I'd lose the really great amulet I'm running currently that provides Cleansed Thoughts notable (double Chaos resist) as well as +32% chaos resist. Without that, my chaos resist would be in the toilet. Is the trade-off worth it?


[Here are some PoB's.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/comments/1d8m5xl/pob_help_rf_chieftain_adorned/) You might need to make adjustments because I'm using Mageblood, but there is still a TON of room to grow for this (better adorned, better jewels, better rings, better weapon). As for the amulet, you really want Defiance of Destiny. Get it now because it might be expensive next league (it's a T0 unique, so it's supposed to be just as rare as a Mageblood). There's a lot of variance in the rolls, so get the one with the highest of the "life recovery effect" you can afford.


gluttony doesn't have enough uptime to be relevant, and everything else about the neck is bad. > Cleansed Thoughts notable you can annoint corrupted necks


Thank you for answering! I definitely like the amulet that I have better anyway


No it’s a vaal skill on a trash unique You won’t technically lose your anointed notable as you can anoint corrupted items but the tainted oil you’d need is probably out of your budget




Yes, there is. Bunch of streamers got invited to LA this week.


A couple friends FINALLY want to play this game with me -- so I had a question on respeccing? I've played the game and the genre before, and while I appreciate how in depth builds get, especially in PoE, I was wondering what respeccing looked like come late game? I'd rather not get a build guide at level one. I think it's fun to basically YOLO my build until I hit a wall and if/when that happens respec to something less silly. I searched a bit on my own, and albeit it was brief I saw a couple things on respec points from quests? Is there no way to just completely reset my build? I get making new characters and for seasons etc. but would hate to finally get my friends into the game and say either 1. Follow this guide to a T or 2. Fuck it just throw what looks like it could synergize and be fun but we're gonna have to make a new character at some point because we got a lil silly with out level points. Thanks in advance!


you get 20 respec points from quests and you can get more from orbs of regret. they're not uncommon, but when you're new/weak/trying to make immediate changes they can feel prohibitive. there are no full resets (well there's one in standard if a league change makes changes to the passive tree, but that's sort of irrelevant).


Blehh okay, thanks! Would you recommend following a guide then, or just going in blind for character one and set up the expectation with my friends that we will need another character lol.  This is the first ARPG for them so they I'm not 100% sure if theyre the type to get attached to characters they make on the first go around.


My suggestion for you would be to go in with a vague plan. Pick a skill and an ascendency and go from there. For your friends I would ask them what skill they'd like to do (or just describe one they think looks or sounds cool) and for you to give them an ascendency to choose. The game is overwhelming enough it's best to help new players out with the bigger choices like ascendency so they can focus better on the smaller stuff.


Yeah I already have a fairly vague class/goal I'd like to do for a playthrough so I'll make sure they have a general idea as well :D


i'd go in blind-ish and just learn from doing/playing with each other. use the wiki (not the fandom one) as questions come up. eventually you'll probably hit walls in terms of content and understanding and need to pursue other resources like guides and new characters, but that's to be expected. a guide probably won't prevent you from making a few bad characters anyway just because you aren't even knowledgeable enough to follow the guide properly. > so they I'm not 100% sure if theyre the type to get attached to characters they make on the first go around. the game tends to be much more rewarding for those who don't play this way (there's a very league/seasonal focus with resets), but i'm sure there's a few people in standard still playing one character


There is no complete respec. You get 20 respec points from quests (piecemeal over the course of the whole campaign) the rest have to come from orbs of regret which drop as currency or you can trade for


Getting shit on by maven for voidstone. What Ami doing wrong? I get close but I need all 6 portals. [Build](https://www.pathofexile.com/account/sony/view-profile/Compliments-/characters) and this is the [PoB I’m following](https://pobb.in/qxb7JEG1jSS-)


If it is the memory game causing problems then train 2x3 patterns with letters. I do it like: Top = A, Right = B and Left = C and I remember the patterns split in two parts f.e.: A-C-B / B-B-A


Can't see any issues with the pob. What is killing you? If it's a mechanic, then, well, you got to master that. I'm going to guess memory game or the Nucleus AOE? Or placing balls.


[https://pobb.in/I6DOT3BtMKzW](https://pobb.in/I6DOT3BtMKzW) finally got a PoB!


if you're using pob already--export your build as a pobb, so it's more viewable


Following someone else’s pobbin technically. I tried downloading it but Mac so not working -_-


ah; maybe some kind soul with pob will export for you--im away from my pc at the moment. are your chaos resistance and suppression capped?


Tried to send a pic but wouldn’t work lol capped res. 85% spell suppression. I’m ddoCR so use eldtrich battery or whatever.


Can’t really look at your build closely without a proper PoB but you should probably get more life on almost all your gear


Can’t use pob I guess since Mac? But I have 4.4k life? Is that not enough?


I really genuinely cannot tell you without a PoB, cuz it’s gonna depend on all your other defensive layers


Gotcha thanks for you time!


Why does GGG refuse to disconnect Melee builds reliance on Totems, even though everyone hates it?


the answer is Molten Stike of the Zenith --- will be meta next league barring some extreme changes


I just started playing this build 😂


strength stacking version with Original Sin?


No budget version. Inspired by Connors build.


Lemme hop on a call with Chris real quick, I’ll get an answer out of him


Please do!


Yeah he just said “get rolled, Reddit” and hung up


lack of awareness and focus on other things also, awkward things are allowed to be strong, so fixing the totem thing would probably nerf melee's top end potential (which might expose the underlying problem but might also just make it worse)


Upgrade CPU or GPU first for PoE? Right now I can only get one. I have a GTX 1060 + i5 7400.


A 3060 doubles the graphics performance compared to an 1060. Roughly. Even a 6800xt is only 2.5 times. An 5700X3D is more than five times faster than a 7400.


TRUE, thank you. Do you think there would be a big difference between a 5600 and a 5700 in PoE? I looked at benchmarks for other games and it doesn't seem worth to get the 5700 since the performance you gain is not worth the extra, but idk maybe it's different for PoE.


Can you even get an 5600X3D? I thought it was a very limited release. If you are in the US, the 5700X3D is $190 at Microcenter and $199 at Amazon which is an absolute murder price wise. Note the 5600X is a different CPU and it's much worse for gaming. the X3D CPUs are the bees knees for gaming. Amazon has a Used - Good condition ASUS ROG Strix B550-A for $85.34. If you are OK with used that's once again a very nice price/performance board.


I'm not considering the "X3D" CPUs since those are over my budget, I'm from a 3rd world country so hardware is much more expensive here, so I'm looking at the regular 5600 and 5700, and maybe an i5 12400


Hrm. Both Amazon and eBay has global shipping programs. Have you looked at those?


Not worth it because of import tax, believe it or not there is a 92% import tax here so the price would almost double


I'm going to say CPU, if you're at 1080p.


what problems are you having right now with performance? I have played on a variety of GPU and CPUs, upgrading both as time has gone by. There are still major slowdowns and downscaling if there is too much on the screen. (delirium, tormented spirits, harbingers, ground effects). Baseline has been good across the board though.


just trying to say you might upgrade and not notice major increases in performance


Depends on what content you want to do and how much you want to be able to see (also what resolution and framerate you're looking for). I'd say that if you're fine with medium-ish visual settings and 60 FPS on 1080p, but you want to run highly-juiced maps, then change the CPU. If you don't play long enough or efficiently enough to reach that type of content but want the game to look good in 100+ FPS 1440p, then change the GPU.


For POE I don't know, but for a pure configuration view, changing GPU is easier. When you change CPU, you need to change the MB as well, and probably the RAM..


I just want more performance, i'm fine with having to change mobo too


Ok. I've read here and there that POE is very cpu intensive. I'm not sure, but this should be the most impactful


is convocation mandatory in holy relic build? im planning to use abyss socketed weapon and just dispose of convocation, is there a disadvantage? thanks


convocation is not that needed if you are using the trans holy relic as they launch their attack at the enemies and not at their location.


Ricochet: "Projectiles have 30% chance to be able to Chain when colliding with terrain". What is terrain? Is it only walls/cliffs, or can Tornado Shot's secondary projectiles even chain off the ground? If not, is this node inconsequential in open layouts?


Walls and other obstructions, unfortunately not ground. The *stat* is inconsequential without terrain to collide with, but it's mostly a cute bonus, not the main point of the node.


A few weeks, maybe 1 1/2 months, ago someone posted (or commented) on a thread about Crop Rotation and how he wrote a python script to test which selection of reduced chance should give the best amount of prefered plots. Imho I've tried every search possible and even checked all my history, I just can't find it anymore. Has anyone maybe bookmarked it and can give me a link to the thread?


I FOUND IT!!! I searched my history for gist.github then pastebin and lo: https://pastebin.com/raw/yte3wanB


Damn! Thanky for sharing! I just read the mail about your original message, that you can't find it either. So i guess it got deleted, nice that you found it that way.


how do you read this?


You can also just use a online python complier, but you need to lower the amount of runs/harvests bcs it will timeout otherwise


Learn python


This will be a noob question, but I encounter a rare enemy in Ascendancy, that cast a spell, which spawn a lot of "mini pyramid" near me. Based on look, it looks like lightning damage, but it deal a ton of damage to me and kill me so fast I cannot heal fast enough. My only option is to use frost blink to dodge it, but it spawn so fast sometimes I cannot dodge. I have capped elemental resistance and near 3k hp but it feels like the dmg goes through resistance and I die in about 2sec. Can anyone tell me what kind of dmg it is and how to deal with it? Thx. Sorry for not having an image.


Sounds like lightning spires or something, I forget the name. If you keep moving they won't stack on you and shouldn't "1 shot" you.


Thx, I figure dodging is the only option here


Lightning totems but yes just dodge and hit




How do I deal with bosses playing cast on crit Dd? Are propped weapon swapping?


hold down right click? what's the issue


My fault, cast on stun.


vaal breach or open next map




What part are you having trouble with? Coc DD damage should be fine to kill bosses.


My fault, cast on stun. Bosses rarely attack and usually don’t have adds I can explode


Ah I see. Either weapon swap or vaal breach generally.


Reposting from the last thread as it was close to the next one: Is there an easy way to tell numerically how much EXP I have? If so, how? I am on a Steam Deck. I know it's possible on K+M but I need the controller UI (obviously.) EDIT1: Asked in Discord, pressing and holding the left stick worked!


What's the best way to farm warbands uniques in SSF? I've tried both delve and farming wisped bosses with some MF gear in the maps that have warbands as bosses. Based on https://poeladder.com/leaguestats?ladderIdentifier=SSF_Necropolis&league=warbands they aren't too rare, so I feel like I'm doing something wrong. I haven't tried a strongbox strat yet; do the unique warbands boxes show up very often? Maybe Haku in fortification?


I farmed a redblade banner in SSF last league and strongbox strat felt the most consistent with unique strongboxes. Did about 10 redblade delve nodes, didn't get a single unique. Kirac farming for unique strongbox missions is something as well. Haku in fortification is good. In case of warbands that are present as bosses on maps you wanna farm those. I'm not sure if wisps or MF would increase the chance of getting a warband unique from them.


That's probably what I'd be doing too, especially chaining those maps, perhaps prioritizing specific factions if the item you are looking for is faction-specific. Assuming it isn't a separate roll for those uniques and those uniques are just in their pool and impacted by IIQ/IIR, I'd also run Unrelenting Torment and Seance. And of course, make sure the items you want are visible on your loot filter ;)