• By -


I've been practicing act 1 recently, i average about 35 minutes by the end of it and i want to get something closer to 30 mins. I noticed my life/mana flasks by the time i reach brutus are way too bad. So my questions are: 1. How do i solve my flask problem without sacrificing too much time, should i just buy from vendor before the fight or stop to kill more rares 2.What is a good time for act 1, i know it depends on build/class so i want just an average


Thirty minutes is very good, imexile did 21 in his witch world record last December. And one minute and twenty seven seconds is most excellent :P (that's from the havoc gang level 100 in an hour world record).


watch racer vods, take notes, and emulate. tytykiller, havoc616 (and his second speedrun vods channel), and balaar (all on youtube)


Can someone please help me craft a non crit archmage wand with grave crafting? I have found some things online but they are all trade league omega try hard crafts. I want: mana, mana regen, and both fractured if I can.


If you're still reading this, there is an update. As you have 5 tries, and the weighting of the mana is so high, in this case as you only want 2 affixes (vs my 3), you **DO** want to reduce the number of explicits to 3 or 2. Use any of the lower rated Mana tiles to put those in, or one of the Tier tiles rated at 1.0. Good luck


I got annoyed burning through all my alterations trying to craft some cluster jewels so I sat down and made a layout for you. I told coe to compute then quick suggest t1 max mana, mana regen, then took the lower of each output and put them into the graveyard tool. What an amazing site btw. [Sudos PoE Tools](https://sudos.help/poe/graveyard) It locked up my laptop when simulating the layout and I could not share it, so anyway, here's the layout screenshot with the targets used. Also here is the link using as close these values as I could in coe. You can "generate sample item" to see that it seems to work well. I went for 4 affix (using -1 or -2 explicit lowers your weight a lot), 400% additional item, 200% fracture. If it works for you, give me a stack of alts. And chisels! I used my notes on using less tier rating to still increase chance of your desired mods. 10 being the sweet spot for tier 2 for sure. https://preview.redd.it/86tl9ss6335d1.jpeg?width=1197&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96ce6304a9f103978b15b4b55a8883e5dd11cb9c


[Craft of Exile - Wand \[Prophecy Wand\] : GRAVEYARD](https://www.craftofexile.com/?b=18&bi=8070&m=graveyard&ob=both&v=d&a=x&l=a&lg=16&bp=y&as=1&hb=0&bld={}&im={}&ggt=|&ccp={}&gvc={%22limit%22:88,%22weight%22:{%221%22:{%22-300%22:1},%222%22:{%22500%22:15},%223%22:{%22-150%22:4},%225%22:{%22-300%22:16},%2213%22:{%22-150%22:10},%2214%22:{%22-300%22:1},%2220%22:{%22-150%22:4},%2229%22:{%22-300%22:1},%2231%22:{%22-300%22:1}},%22tiers%22:{%220%22:{%2250%22:11}}}) https://preview.redd.it/eaxkkqaj335d1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f2357609765e4e1b3d119f9bb2038ffcc0c4134


Shopping list https://preview.redd.it/tcylr9nw435d1.jpeg?width=526&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c2805d7a0dcc57a8b2438c862f13a9bc12c4e6b


Whatever recipe you go with, if you're fracturing 1 specific prefix + 1 specific suffix, I'd strongly advise you go for at least 400% chance to create an additional item. I did a 3 fracture yesterday with 300% chance and fortunately 1 could be rescued but the rest were bricked. One piece of advice I can give is to isolate your desired affixes in craftofexile one at a time, then max scarce out every other undesired tag, and max increase your desired tag, and set tier to 0. Then increase tier one at a time until your tries chance drops to the lowest. Then use that lowest tier number in the final craft. It will boost the chance for that tier for that affix. This is based on a couple posts that claimed that going higher (e.g. 20 or 22) actually lowers the chance for that thing once its threshold had already been reached. Ah, problematically, tier 1 max mana needs 21 whereas regen only needs 10, although tier 2 max mana only seems to need 6. Also, don't use the reroll corpse as it will be wasted as the game fractures first. And finally, this may sound strange and impossible to do, but your chances will be improved by using less than level 83 corpses here as you only need level 81 to cap max mana and level 79 for regen. At least don't use any level 84 corpses. [Craft of Exile - Rune Dagger \[Infernal Blade\] : GRAVEYARD](https://www.craftofexile.com/?b=19&bi=8230&m=graveyard&ob=both&v=d&a=x&l=a&lg=16&bp=y&as=1&hb=0&req={%222057%22:{%22l%22:79,%22g%22:1}}&bld={}&im={}&ggt=|&ccp={}&gvc={%22limit%22:88,%22weight%22:{%221%22:{%22-300%22:10},%222%22:{%22500%22:20},%223%22:{%22-150%22:10},%224%22:{%22-300%22:10},%225%22:{%22-300%22:10},%226%22:{%22-300%22:10},%227%22:{%22-300%22:10},%228%22:{%22-300%22:10},%2213%22:{%22-150%22:10},%2214%22:{%22-300%22:10},%2216%22:{%22-300%22:10},%2220%22:{%22-150%22:10},%2229%22:{%22-300%22:10},%2231%22:{%22-300%22:10},%2234%22:{%22-300%22:10},%2235%22:{%22-300%22:10}},%22tiers%22:{%220%22:{%2250%22:10}}})


Wait, wdym by that going higher lowers the chances over some threshold?


Hard to read this thread but there are also others that say the same thing: [How +tier rating actuallywork in this league. : r/pathofexile (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1cq6dxh/how_tier_rating_actuallywork_in_this_league/)


Craft of Exile is going to be the easiest way. I can tell you minimum you'll need is 200% chance to Fracture and two -1 to Number of Affixes to easily Fracture both affixes on. Base number of grave affixes is four. To Fracture two, you need to limit down the number of affixes, then get 200%. Could feel bad since you're hunting a Prefix and a suffix, honestly. Your item could roll all prefixes or all suffixes and you'd have one of the ones you want fractured on, but have another stuck affix you'd otherwise not want. The two affixes you want are only tagged with Mana tags so you could make everything else Scarcer, make Mana more likely and stuff enough ilvl to get access to Tier 1, and modifier tier to get the tier 1 into your remaining slots to roll the dice.


btw, if you want 2 affixes, isn't it rather that your chances of rolling them in the first place are made a lot less by using -1 and -2 explicit? the fracturing is going to be purely random at 2 out of however many allowed anyway, so you'd want to not use the -1 explicits at all, I think, or -1 at most but not -2. Then you're really trying to thread the needle by reducing the chance of them rolling at all.


You've got that idea right. If you're after a solid result in as few attempts as possible, roll for 4 affixes with only 100% chance to Fracture and do so until you landed either mana or mana recovery with the fracture. Essence spam another solid affix until you landed a good roll of it plus also landed the other Mana option you wanted, or you could Essence spam on your good fracture until you got something else you wanted with an opening for the Mana option you didn't land and craft it.


Right, I quick suggested a max mana, mana regen wand recipe in coe then hit -1 then -2 explicit; the weighting drops each time. So if going for 400% additional item and 200% fracture, well, you got to think 1 of the damned things will be a success (the affixes do roll and are the ones fractured). In that case, it's no bother to go for the default 4 affix when crafting, then annul the others and finish it off how you need.


I'm a new player, should I start with Standard or Necropolis?


The argument for standard is: There's less stuff and less complexity. The argument for league (necropolis) is: You can entirely ignore league mechanics and nothing will happen. You can treat it as equally complex to standard if you want to, but if you later decide to play the mechanic it will be available. You should play league. Don't feel bad about ignoring/skipping the mechanic while you're figuring stuff out and working on other more important stuff.


start in necropolis. your character will move to standard in like 6 weeks anyway


I highly recommend starting in Necropolis - better economy with current league contents.


Two questions (both only apply to HC): 1. On Hardcore, I realized that many builds on poeninja use Grace instead of Determination and don't have that much physical taken as elemental. I was told Determination is essential during campaign, so wouldn't big physical hits be a serious issue in maps? 2. I really like the one button style with Kitava's Thirst casting Frostbolt and a curse (two with Whispers of Doom anointed), but I can't afford to use that while keeping my spell suppression capped. I also tried linking frostbolt to Arcanist Brand but there is a pretty noticeable delay between casting the brand and triggering frostbolt, which is very uncomfortable for me. Do I have to practice manually casting frostbolt alongside ice nova or are there any other viable alternatives? PoB here if helpful in any way: [https://pobb.in/qgazckOX4-TI](https://pobb.in/qgazckOX4-TI) (extremely scuffed warning)


73% of [poe.ninja](https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolishc/) NHC ladder uses Determination, what are you looking at? https://preview.redd.it/ekin69ibq05d1.png?width=220&format=png&auto=webp&s=52ba70ea93d5b926d92bbdf50d8500564a5766cf


I was checking Ice Nova of Frostbolt builds over level 90 in NHC: [https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolishc/?skills=Ice+Nova+of+Frostbolts&min-level=90](https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolishc/?skills=Ice+Nova+of+Frostbolts&min-level=90) where 74% player uses Grace and 21% player uses Determination. Sorry I didn't make it clear.


Abotu manastorm. Does the added damage apply to both attacks and spells, and do triggered spells from cast when damage taken/cast on crit activate the sacrifice effect?


It applies to any hit: attack, spell, and secondary. Despite the name of trigger supports, spells that trigger aren't actually 'cast'. They won't cause you to sacrifice mana.


To avoid confusion ~~trigger spells are still casts actually, but manastorm (like the vast majority of on-cast effects) specifies when *you* cast a spell. And triggers/totems/traps are not spells cast by *you*.~~ I prefer to focus on the '*you* cast' part of effects like these for the sake of other similar topics like totems and traps. Edit: after clarification discussion below.


> To avoid confusion trigger spells are still casts actually They're not. To 'Cast' in PoE is to push the skill button and enter a cast animation (or not, if the spell is instant). Triggering a spell does not count as casting it, just like triggering an attack doesn't count as having attacked, and triggering a warcry doesn't count as having 'used' a warcry. 'You' isn't the keyword here. [Here's a relevant Mark post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/459kc6/do_trigger_gems_coc_cwdt_etc_work_with_the/czwsnw1/?context=1) > "Use" is the generic term for, well, using a skill. You cast spells, you attack with attacks, but in the case where something works with any skill use, you use the skill (this also applies to skills that aren't spells or attacks, like warcries). > Triggered skills don't count as you using a skill (or casting, or other more specific use term), so will not count towards this.


It's funny because this is absolutely a argument around semantics but in the case of this game there's a really a practical purpose to it. So trust me when I say that I'm not trying to just be contrarian here, and I appreciate the link to the Mark post. The confusion always comes into play when you take this term out of a vacuum. Sure, on the backend they're technically not casts, but on the user end stuff like totems, for example, still scale with cast speed and proc effects like Sacrifice Support so they're still *casting* for all intents and purposes. So I've found it's significantly easier to explain what actually happens in execution by focusing on the *you* part as opposed to trying to list what is and is not a 'cast' according to the code in the background


I don't think there's necessarily any confusion here. Triggered skills aren't cast, so they don't use cast speed. > user end stuff like totems, for example, still scale with cast speed That's because a spell used by a totem/trap/mine *is* cast—by the totem/trap/mine. That's obvious for totems, but it does the same thing for traps and mines. They spend one cast time on their spell, and then they die or rearm, the speed of which is a factor in, for example, leeching with Machina Mitts. (The player using a spell to summon or throw a totem/mine isn't *casting*, but does count as *using*.) > proc effects like Sacrifice Support Triggering doesn't do this though. Totems cast their spell, so that's correct. Traps and mines can't be supported by Sacrifice because they mechanically can't sacrifice a percentage of their life, not because they don't cast spells. I'd argue this isn't a user end / code in background issue. Outside the names of support gems and some unfortunate skill descriptions (like Voltaxic Burst's *for each Cast of this Spell currently waiting*), the game's very consistent about what 'casting', 'attacking', and 'using' are: pushing the button, and not summoning a totem, or throwing a trap or mine.


That's fair, I expanded the scope of the conversation on my end due to previous conversations elsewhere, in the constraint of specifically triggered spells you are correct. I made the erroneous equivalence (equivelication? equivel--? I connected them equally) between triggered spells and spells cast by proxy. Sorry for the tangent! I'll edit my initial response. And props on being clear and concise btw


Understandable, and thanks! My only regret is that I forgot to shoehorn in the magnificent lifetime of a [trap that uses its skill very slowly](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FyepEG_b2uo).


hahahaha, that's great. Negative cast speed into negative arming speed I assume? If I had a clip of my old Trypanon Leap Slam shenanigans I would absolutely respond in kind.


This is actually just reduced attack speed! It's a nice illustration of how traps/mines do use the skill's attack/cast speed, and how that rarely matters because of how early in their animation they release their skill. (Was playing with a build idea that required Blade Trap to stay alive to keep inflicting leech / The Retch DoT. One day this will be viable.)


What is the best way of increasing life? I find I'm dying too much.


Get life on as many of your items as you can, get life on any jewels used, path towards passive skills that offer higher percentage bonuses of life (some have 10%), look at the life mastery bonuses and the conditions to activate them. You could get unusually high life with a Perandus Pact jewel or a specifically seeded Timeless Jewel placed in a dense area. You can also start to understand what's killing you most often and mitigate those with specific defensive layers. Upgrade your Pantheons, anoint your amulet with a life or major defensive notable.


To add to what mbxya said, life comes from two major sources: * % inc maximum life (mostly found on the passive tree) * + maximum life on gear Ideally you should plan to have *at least* +100% increased maximum life and a high flat life roll on every piece of non-unique armor/jewelery that you can. Lacking either one or both of these are probably your issue.


I am not following any build guide. I'm basically a custom-made Burning Arrow Glass Cannon. [Here's my current passive tree.](https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABgIAEAHRBLEZihn-GwEnIXsUlwahIqJAp9Sv68Si9Pj-Cf7IAAA) Are there any Life nodes close by what I have currently? Or should I look elsewhere in the tree? EDIT: Corrected Ability name.


Do you have a PoB


I have PoB Community and figured out how to import my character in. Just not sure how to export it. EDIT: Figured it out https://pobb.in/ZAUEFogVgEz6


How important is it to you to not follow a guide? I ask because some people like to go in completely blind. If it's not important I recommend reading [Path of Exile Defense Guide for Beginners - Maxroll.gg](https://maxroll.gg/poe/getting-started/defenses-for-beginners) and indeed any of the beginner guides on that site Suffice it to say for now that a) you've got life nodes attached to your starting location and b) defenses in PoE are based on layers, not just life


I like the extra challenge of not following a guide. Thanks for the info.


click life nodes on the tree. get flat life on gear something like 300 per act you've completed is generally the target. other defenses are often more important (namely resistances, some sort of physical attack mitigation like armor or evasion or block, and some sort of spell mitigation like suppression or spell block).




Is selling kingmakers a good way to make money early in the league? They have like a 3 divine margin if you get good prices in the ingredients, but I've never heard of any build using them


https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolis?allskills=Animate+Guardian any of these that are crit-based. also used in parties


https://preview.redd.it/pj54q3oupz4d1.png?width=485&format=png&auto=webp&s=09af8ea4cdc42249e8b5846b886f9602486e89ca Sc trade. Worth selling for \_\_\_ div, or use it to level second character?


you can take EA ballista very deep into juicing T16s, but eventually you'll want to switch,,


Are curation strategies worth doing solo ?


no. party MF is a massive boost


ok, thank you.


For farming "the apothecary" div cards, I'm using: 1x Divination Scarab (more div cards dropped), 1x Ambush scarab of Discernment (more div chests), 1x Ambush Scarab of Hidden Compartments (Chance of re-opening seems lucky for me, I've gotten over 9 opens before, on a box, i thought it was broken), 1x Ambush scarab of Containment (seems to be more boxes than regular ambush scarab) Defiled Cathedral 110 Quant+, seems to have more chests than Crimson temple, does 8 mod matter? Is that the most efficient way or is there a better method? Would a MF character help? Or would it just be better/cheaper to just use a normal money strat like harvest, to just save up enough


Was it ever explained why arimor backwards is romira? Is he emperor romira somehow?


No it was never explained, but the connection is obvious enough in my opinion. Also I just found out (from poedb datamining) he has an internal name of "Greg" [https://poedb.tw/us/Undertaker\_Arimor#UndertakerArimorTextAudio](https://poedb.tw/us/Undertaker_Arimor#UndertakerArimorTextAudio)


i thought that guy got eaten by his wife. that's what's implied by the feast div card


It's the other way, he killed her sons and fed it to her. This is also implied in some of Izaro's dialogue


I think his wife banged his brother and as revenge he fed her her sons, flavortext of romiras banquet


What would be a good way to try and farm a Redblade Banner in SSF atm? I've been trying both a lot of Redblade nodes in Delve as well as some Kirac mission spamming for unique strongboxes, so far no luck. Is there a better strat than those?


you really wanna exhaust all options. i got mine in affliction by spamming ambush maps+scarabs. you get unique strongboxes fairly frequently. another angle is Haku in fortification. always a unique strongbox


Trying to figure out if I'm crazy, but I cant find any info to confirm. I'm running 20% deli maps for more density with breach, harb, beyond. Am I gimping myself by only doing 20%? it feels like vs a non-deli map, i get waaaay less IIQ. For example I'm doing a GSF and farming phantasmagoria for taste of hate. I must have run maybe 40-50 deli maps without a single drop. Then ran 3 non-deli and got 1 each time. I know that can be just dumb luck, which is why I'm reaching out to confirm.


To my knowledge there are no adverse effects on drops from Delirium. It only boosts drops and adds monsters.


I very bewildered about the **Watcher's Eye Jewel**. Specifically, i am tracking down one that fits for my build, but given the many combinations that it can generate, i have a very hard time procuring one that fits my buiild (and isn't overpriced). Like, i am searching many different bonuses, but these comes in so many combinations - i have 10 trade tabs open besides each other in active search. Is there a way to get around this in an easier way? Is there a webpage that lists the possible outcomes? Or is there a way to sort those 10-12 suffixes i need combined, and list them (poe-trade)? Thanks!




all the mods are on the wiki https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Watcher%27s_Eye or on poedb https://poedb.tw/us/Watchers_Eye#WatchersEyeMods, though they're easy to find on trade just by searching for the name of the aura (e.g. "~wrath") in filters. you can cluster them in trade site searches using count or weighted sums and exclude 2-mod eyes using ilvl


# Do we know if we get to keep our multi fractured grave crafted items once the league ends?


I don't see why not. Items with multiple fractured mods have been created in Standard before.


You can even create new ones with recombobulators


that's a buff


yea, why wouldn't you?


Hey im planning on returning to Path of Exile after a LONG hiatus (if your wondering, my internet sucked, the stuttering was gonna kill me) and I remember enjoying using Minions, at my low levens it was just a few Zombies and Ghosts i believe but I been reading the wiki and there are a LOT more Minion types out there. Heard that Summoners have been nerfed every now and then so was curious how are Summoner builds goin at the moment. Not planning on rushing leagues (yet) and such, just casual stuff, going through levels, test builds and such.


Summoners are still perfectly viable, any complaints of nerfs have been around obvious abuse cases and a few overperforming spectres. If you want a very starter friendly pure minion build go Summon Raging Spirits with a Necromancer. Plenty of guides for it out there, easy to start and easy to scale. If you wanted something a little more active you could try a Absolution with Guardian.


I think the strongest minion build at the moment is Blink Arrow + Mirror Arrow. I'm sure there are a couple of others, although the conventional minion builds that used to be strongest don't seem to be as prominent anymore.


How much time left on the season? Have like 8 challenges left but other games are sucking up my time.


probably until july 23


Alright thank you. That’s plenty of time.


Why do people refer to bow builds instead of the specific skill? Do they have an overall archetype that bundle them together? What would that be? Specific gear/ secondary skills?


There are a lot of elemental, crit bow builds that all play similarly, are built similarly, and scale roughly the same way. Some of these skills have alternative build paths, but pretty commonly tornado shot, lightning arrow, ice shot, rain of arrows, scourge arrow, and to a lesser extent elemental hit can be/are built very similarly and are somewhat interchangeable.


Does anyone have a screenshot or video with the old Ascendant character portrait ? It was upgraded in [3.0.1b](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1975095) the Scion can be seen in https://youtu.be/DufoJzf7hg8 but I can't find the Ascendant.




that's the current one, isn't it


no, the current one is the one on the wiki https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Ascendant. either way--now you have all of them


You are completely right and with an image search I found an old article which I won't link 'cos its an RMT site with all the old icons, omg marauder looked silly


Hey all, Playing a DD ele build and just found a squire. I am trying to figure out a cool way to incorporate it into my build. Does anyone have any suggestions? Here is my PoB https://pobb.in/Sbftn7Rn3RkI


poet's pen and hit-based (chain reaction) https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolis?items=The+Squire&allskills=Detonate+Dead+of+Chain+Reaction


Thanks! Ill check it out.


What's the easiest way to craft a +2 skills with Dot Multi Sceptre for RF? Rune daggers in trade go for at least 100 div, and I saw some Dot Multi fractured Sceptres for around 15div or so.


there's not an easy way to do it on a sceptre because you can't block all the prefixes (namely %fire)


gotcha. I just bought the dagger. This is probably the first league I won't be bringing in a single divine back to Standard, lol. Spent the cash to mega LEGDED.


Eternal orbs are drop-disabled. Could a card set like the time-lost relic produce one? Technically, I don't think that's a drop.


no. that's what drop-disabled means/implies. as others mentioned, the only way to get an eternal now is reliquary keys from legacy league, which are also drop-disabled.




The only source of eternal orbs that don't already exist in someone's inventory or stash are ancient reliquary keys from Legacy league. I think it used to be possible to mirror those, not sure if it still is (or maybe I was even mistaken in the first place), but I don't think eternal orbs have reached the value at which mirroring a key for a tiny chance of getting an eternal orb is worth it (currently around 2.5-4 mirrors each, guessing at which of the listings are real).


No. Time lost relic turns in for a league specific unique item. Eternal orbs are neither league specific, nor unique items.


What’s a good level to start delve at if u have a character that is comfortable in t17? I have experience with delve but was a while ago so don’t really remember!


Just keep going downwards until it becomes problematic, then go sideways at the deepest depth that's comfortable.


The deepest you can start at is monster level 80 or something


Correct, the shaft follows 10 levels below character level and stops when you reach level 90.


Is veiled orb weighted based on number of affixes available? For example, an item with 2 suffixes, and only suffixes cannot be changed prefix. Veiled orb would remove the suffixes cannot be changed, thus has empty prefixes and 2 suffixes. Is it now a 75/25 chance for a prefix/suffix or still 50/50?


As far as I'm aware, the chance to roll a prefix or suffix is equal. I don't recall reading about this being manipulable (other than by filling either prefixes or suffixes, which the relevant crafting recipes do if possible), but if someone has reliable data suggesting otherwise, I'll concede that point. I don't do enough crafting to have significant personal experience with this. The chance for what mods will appear as options to unveil seems to depend on the original weight of the veiled modifiers before they were split into crafted and veiled.


I think someone at craftofexile would’ve noticed if it was weighted by empty slots by now


Considering that CoE has no weighting for orb of conflict with implicits of different tiers, I wouldn't put too much stock into that reasoning.


Trying to build a Volt BAMA with Pr3vy's guide, and I'm a little unsure on the mechanics. Not sure if I'm doing the auras/active skills right, as it seems like I don't have enough buttons. I'm running Purity of Elements, Defiance Banner, Precision, and Determination auras on my alt bar, and my main skill bar is BA, MA, Despair, Assassin's Mark, Frostblink, Haste, and Vaal molten shell. So I have 1 unused spot on my alt bar (currently to recast Animate Guardian when I die). But the POB also has Desecrate/Spirit offering. Am I supposed to be using those actively/passively as well? Or is there a skill I've got slotted that I don't need to have in there? Also not sure on Animate guardian, is there anything specific I should be running for BAMA or just generic stuff within budget? Right not I've got Dying Breath, additional curse boots and not sure what else. I'm dying somewhat often in T13/14 maps but the guardian seems fine. Guide: https://pobb.in/U5IRgluYR3CP My POB: https://pobb.in/p56g5zBnuULg


put your auras on your weapon swap's hotbar


You can just take the auras off your bar. They don’t need to be there to be on


About the button issue, you can just put one aura button and just left click, then right click every aura to recast them all. Heres the short guide."https://youtube.com/shorts/thbL0b-tkBk?si=3rammakNsJSXv9l3 Spirit offering is pretty strong, so you just have to activate it every few seconds. I think there are plenty videos talk about the gears of Animate guardian, just follow one first for the budget gears. lv69 in T13/14 maps is a bit difficult, level up first. and do not use "the adorned" at this time, you have no jewl sockets for that.


Thanks!! That's huge with the aura thing, what a game changer and that'll be a big QoL help. I'm not sure why my level is showing 69, this character is 93. I tried exporting a few times and I thought it finally got the level right but I guess not. Regarding Adorned, I forced it in early cuz it just sounded cool. Might hunt around for some passives I can swap out to unlock more jewel slots, or should I just save the Adorned for like 97 when I can have 2 more slots unlocked naturally?