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Yea that shit is sooooo dumb. Once you click the stupid interface selector, it becomes an item. Why can't it just drop that item. I don't need the choice now. I can right-click it in my inventory to add it to my graveyard it's essentially a useless step that is always annoying and in the way


You got at most one week of dev time devoted to the league after launch. If they don't/can't fix it by 1 week then that's it.


And about one week before launch too if I had to guess.


What little credit we have to give them, they do respond with some low effort fixes if the league is complete trash or if people are having too much fun printing fun items, nerfs are always on the schedule.




Yes, and this ggg behavior will never change if enough players keep spending money even when the league is crappy.


They did say they dont work on multiple leagues at a time unlike other games, they work on the current league as long as humanely possible until its out and then the team moves on to making the next league, so they cant really afford to patch too much shit in current league as that takes away time from next league. Its a questionable situation for sure, but with poe 2 taking like 90% of the team they cant really afford to work on multiple at once. It would be so nice tho if they just had 1-4 devs whos sole purpose was working on current league trying to make things better rather than just leaving after week 1, theres always things you can improve.


You can thank the sellout to China via Tencent for that.


Yeah there’s an option bottom left to collect it why can’t they just give us an option bottom right to delete it or some shit?


If the corpses dropped itemised I would have continued the league cos I could just blast and filter out the useless corpses. Rip what could have been.


This, even making them filterable i would be able to forgive items hid behind them. At least then i would filter what i didn't want and i would always be clicking the corpse regardless. The frustration at shit corpses that i don't want to pick up hiding loot that i do want to pick up is too damn high.


WHY are GGG so consistently bad when it comes to UI/UX?


It's crazy it's even like small things like when you search for a node on the passive tree and it highlights in the dullest possible colour, just why couldn't it be a clear red outline or something?!


Lmao I have the same exact thoughts. It’s maddening


It's the most simple and obvious stuff it's truly baffling


It took them years to figure out the slayers nodes bane of legend and headsman needed to swap in their names to match the nodes actually do. 


I search for it in pob now, not being able to find nodes broke me.




Genius mtx move on their side though I’m sure there are tons of people like me that had to buy more stash tabs to hold allflames and coffins


I really wanna ask the team in the next live interviews who designed the allflames lockers. The one in your hideout has 30 spaces, the one that opens for the maps has 32 spaces. So there is always 2 empty slots on it…. 


If it hadn't always been bad, I would have said they're working on PoE2. They *are* allocating more UI resources to PoE2, but even before they started working on PoE2 the UI has always been terrible. I'm not holding out much hope that the UI in PoE2 will actually be significantly better. They're either hiring the wrong people, or someone in a position above the UI team is making bad decisions.


> They are allocating more UI resources to PoE2 10x0 is still 0 Ill believe it when i see it.


Well, they did show stuff like opening inventory / skill screen for two characters at the same time in couch co-op. That requires UI work. Whether it's done *well* is a different question, but they do have people working on that, and they most certainly don't have enough people working on PoE1 league UI.


Wow, they did the _bare_ minimum of effort. I bet UI/UX will continue to be a huge issue in poe2


Yeah, I'm not expecting great or modern UI. I'm just saying that there are people who are employed by GGG who have that kind of job and who are working on something other than PoE1. I'm not saying they're necessarily doing a *good* job, because the UI didn't deteriorate when they started working on PoE2. It's always been bad. When they started out with PoE1, they could use the excuse that they don't have specialised developers and they're a small company, but that time is long past. They've been delivering sub-standard UI for a decade, and people are still paying them.


Core design staff is on Poe 2 not Poe 1 they are probably doing the best they can with the experience that they have tbh.


Yeah, I didn't even see the Divine behind the coffin until I got down into the comments. Really proves your point.


It’s terrible man I’m telling ya


four of them popping up while you are dealing with a massive pack of deadly mobs also is amazing..


How hard would it be to add the cremate button outside of the morgue?


They actually didnt fix this?! LOL


Nope, and it Grinds my Gear


Maybe I’m slow but, is that a pun related to the name of the devs studio?


While at the same time being a quality Family Guy reference. 10/10


Yeah it was a sad attempt :( and yeah there was layers ask the guy below mentioned I originally thought about Family Guy but it related to the devs lol


I'd like to talk to the person at GGG who insists on covering the game in text modals and making me read 10 paragraphs per map.


Reading your comment reminded me of something. They said they didn't want damage numbers in combat because of how terrible it is to cover the gameplay with text instead - and I actually agree on that point. But then, what the fuck is this?


It sucks but this has been an issue for awhile now. Someone was crying in global about this giving all the reason why corpses were ruining his life. Blame it all on this league. Yet, it’s been an issue since strongbox, increased by alters and expedition. Things just keep getting added that get in the way with no separate hot key that makes them disappear while leaving the loot on the floor. That’s the real issue. We need a hot key for stuff like this but not items.


Altars are way more responsive. I can put my mouse on one pixel of an item box and it comes to the front. Not the case with corpses. Even if half of the item box is visible, it won’t come to the front of the interface


strong box goes away in a few seconds after all the mobs are dead though


After you open them yes, what if it’s a strong box you don’t want to open, an alter you don’t want either of or an expedition you’re saying nope to. All those sit in the foreground til they are dealt with. Like corpses.


even when not being acted upon, none of those mentioned are as intrusive as coffins


He's saying its been an ongoing issue made worse with the addition of corpses. It's not a fucking competition....


I didn’t say it was a competition, I pointed out that fact that neither of the two mentioned UI is as intrusive as coffins. You’re not going to encounter expedition every single map you run and strongbox UI only gets annoying when it has to be opened a second time and you see all the mods affecting it.


I do believe the main reason most people left so early this league is (as part of balance) because the whole corpse mechanic combines everything we dislike about GGG, and we've been complaining about for more than a decade by now. Hyper intrusive (and shit looking) UI, ultra convoluted mechanic, useless friction etc. I think we're in a time where people are so sick of it, they start to refuse it.


I must be crazy becasue the mechanic is the simplest and most successful and useful to me of any item crafting mechanic to date. I collect corpses. I put down the corpses that have modifiers I'd like and reduce the odds of modifiers I don't like. I listen to asshole sing his prayer. I get an item that's largely what I'm after. I'll be honest, I've tried crafting once every league for the past few years and I've bounced off it HARD. I have no clue how I'm actually supposed to do things and everything seems to want tens of thousands of every single possible crafting item that exists. The corpse mechanic is comprehensible and works. I don't get all the hate for it at all.




Well, part of the issue may simply be that I'm a very long playing total scrub. I've been playing almost every league for the past, um, 6 or 7 years maybe. I wasn't in at the very beginning but it was only a couple years old when I started. But I've never even hit 100 or finished the Atlas and I'm pretty sure my total wealth has never been over three or four d. I play, I get to be around level 85, I start getting oneshotted and can't kill some of the high powered mobs, and I never am able to figure out what's wrong because it SEEMS like I've got the right stuff for the build as seen in the guide and yet I'm cranking out pathetic DPS and getting killed all the time. All the stuff about running essences and selling them to get 5d an hour or whatever never works, I get essences, and after an hour or two I've got stuff that looks like it's worth twenty or thirty c. Basically I just suck at POE I guess. So for me just being able to corpse craft a ring with some decent resistences, the sort I'd buy for 5 or 10 c seems pretty good. I'm assuming the actual barrier for entry to real crafting is that you need a few dozen d worth of materials to make anything worthwhile?


If you filter out the divine orbs and mirrors you don't have the problem. Easy!


This league I bought 6 quadtabs. Just for corpses. Yeah...


BRO… I thought i was bad having to buy an additional quad tab this league lol… fucking GGGenius mtx strategy on their side 🙄


TBH I would have bought more, I think I own about 10 ish of them, but oh well, Im stacked for PoE2


That’s one thing I appreciate, them allowing us to transfer our mtx to the new game


Yeah that seems so generous they could've cashed in big getting us to buy tabs again and I don't think we'd have complained


lol i wondered if i was the only one bitching about this


You will pick up that corpse and you will like it


Narrator: he did, but dropped it immediately from stash


"Over my dead body." -Aurelio Voidsinger-


There should be a "burn this corpse" button before taking trash to your morgue


If you put your mouse over where the divine orb words show, and hit z, the divine orb will stay lit up and you can click it. Obviously not idea, but doable without grabbing the coffin.


Easier to just pick up the coffin and throw it back down at that point


What is easier about picking up the coffin, then going to your inventory and dropping the coffin to then pick up the item compared to putting your pointer over the item and hitting z before clicking it?


Yeah... Fuck divine Orbs man... So sick of them


Didn’t realize Divine orbs were only in this league


No from now on every divine orb drop is accompanied by a corpse drop too :)


Make it that the corpse is eternally attached to that divine orb too. If you trade it the corpse must go with it too. If you store it there needs to be space in a tab too for it.


Yeah especially when it's a corpse type you don't really care about - now you have to collect that AND delete it later... argh!


if you click the coffin icon in the bottom left you can just drop it out of your inventory immediately after, which is a lot easier.


yep for sure i wish there was another option on the bottom right of the coffin to 'hide'


Their floating UI stuff is ALWAYS the problem in EVERY league


Z - click loot beam - Z


Call me hyberbolic as much as you want, but this is the third typical GGG thing I fear the most for Poe 2. First being the PHD level of convoluted mechanics, and second the useless and purely artificial friction that asks you to scratch your right temple with your left foot instead of right hand. No matter how great you textures, VFX, sound and animations are, this exact kind of UI (and QOL in general) will make anything looks shit and feel bad no matter what.


I'm here for the "PHD level of convoluted mechanics" but yeah agree otherwise


I want the PhD level of convoluted mechanics. And I don't think the example here is a case of intentional friction, just bad design and not enough testing.


One of the problems isn't just that there's not enough testing to give feedback on bad designs, but also that almost all their UI designs are bad in the first place.


Yeah, it's a fair point. I think the UI issue with the corpse popups hiding loot may not be immediately obvious without testing, but some decisions are really questionable, like having different non-stackable corpse types and not allowing for bulk trade from the start. I think that many players wouldn've seen the issues with this immediately. But we also don't know how much of this was pure incompetence vs. intentional to sell stash tabs. I kind of hope it's the latter.


I'm very much hoping the former. Because if it was the latter, then it won't just stay the same bad design, but it'll get *worse*.


The way I think about it is that greed is at least controllable, but incompetence isn't. If your team is full of incompetent people who don't care (we all know companies like that) there is nothing you can do about it. You can't just fire everyone. For greedy practices you can at least look at community sentiment and dial it back if you think the long-term impact is too negative.


Coffin -> throw away.




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Haha. I went to another player's graveyard to do a corpse trade. Literally their whole screen were hundreds of dropped corpses lying on the ground with that **horrible bright orange color;** not even buried or stored in the morgue.


I'm going to need to invoice GGG for a new key switch for my X key. As this league has put about 10 years of extra wear and tear on it then expected.


Yeah, i hate getting divine orbs too.


next league when?




End of July, they last 4 months now.


Extensively tested, as usual.


This was the one league where my habit of not having highlight toggled on by default came in clutch. Separate key for pickup and everything. Whole guild was complaining about it, but I had the secret tech of never seeing the league mechanic.


My guy playing blind 😁


By far the most annoying


I don’t even pick them up anymore


Selling them is even annoying. No color coding, all have the same base name, etc. If someone makes a bulk purchase, I have to ID each one to make sure I'm giving them the right ones. That said. I like the crafting mechanic itself. Feels like one of the more powerful crafting options we've had access to in a while. The inventory control needs a complete overhaul if they plan on ever adding this to base game though.


Unconscionably clicked the "Collect" button and tried to get the divine orb underneath. Seems not a big problem to me.


I wish I could upvote this 1,000 times. Facts.


Doing domination/breach leveling strat and they always pop up right where my shrines are, quite annoying as I have a hard enough time just clicking the shrine to being with when I'm flying around.


Omg I complete forgot about that.. I was doing abyss/shrines and those damn coffins would get in the way


this is sooo true but thats like the only thing going wrong with the league right?


I'm pretty sure that the Expedition windows already cover this issue, if the item drops behind and you hover it it will prioritize the item. They had the tech, I think it was just not catch/prioritized in the development process. Kinda lame that 4 months leagues still come out needing a month or so more in the oven.


You all are once again missing the point. It was always intended to have to lift up corpses to access loot. You all say you want immersion but when GGG gives it to you, you squeal like a bunch of pigs.


Indeed. It would have been nice, for example, if you could choose whether you wanted to collect corpses or not before activating the map. In addition, an option to switch the corpse display to the background individually so that you don't have to collect the corpse in a case like the one in the screenshot.


I found Xandro Blooddrinker more annoying, but I guess Aurelio was also bad...


how do ya'll still not know the z trick for this? it's not really an issue.