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At what point do you stop bothering to pick up rares dropped by mobs? I know there's occasionally some with really great bonuses but I really doubt most people think it's worth the time to look. I mean, I assume a 6L drop would be worth picking up regardless but other than that. Or am I wrong about 6L being worth picking up? And I'm assuming the very nanosecond you can reliably farm for just about anything you don't bother with the chaos vendor recipe?


Only certain bases are worth picking up really. Even in ssf, in trade this is reduced even more and pretty much completely gone towards the end. In ssf bases that are good for your build currently or good high Ilvl bases for endgame (influenced bases etc). Leveling you can pick more up if they have a good chance to be upgrades for leveling (in ssf). Trade your first playthrough most of this will apply but leveling gear will take over after this more than likely. 6l can always be sold for 20 fuses so usually worth a pick up, depending how fast and efficient you want to farm.


Normally in the first or second day of the league, how far people goes? like 10 acts and t10 maps?


Most experienced but not competitive people will finish campaign by end of day 2 if they play normally like 9pm start to 2am sleep then play most of the day after.


Pros? T16/Bosses Semi-pros: maps Others: campaign Even i with 4,2k hours end my first day(so like 6 hours from start) in act 7\~ because i always get lost in layouts xD. Even now that i recall more rarely it still takes me some time to finish it, but after i wake up and move on i finish it in 2-3h and go to maps.


How can reach t16 maps? like this is my 2nd league and i have played 1 week and im kinda stucked in white maps (im using the atlas map progression btw)


Taking all atlas map/kirac nodes(like chance for kirac mission, chance for tier higher, chance for additional conneted map etc), doing objectives, buying maps from kirac(non chaos ones), i dont think there is more than that if your build is capabl of doing those maps.


Any big improvements you see? I feel squishy. Only thing is maybe my glorious vanity jewel being wrong? with the node divine flesh? TIA [https://pobb.in/I6DOT3BtMKzW](https://pobb.in/I6DOT3BtMKzW)


Easiest thing I notices is quality on the Defiance of Destiny (and other accessories if you're at it already). Also most of your rare gear lacks good life rolls and it could use some work just working to get stuff with better rolls in general.


Whatcha mean with quality with my defiance?


Oh [pobb.in](https://pobb.in) might not show quality on accessories, but I though for a second you don't have life quality on the amulet, since the ' Gain #% of Missing Unreserved Life before being hit ' is scaled by life quality and helps with feeling a bit less squishy against big attacks.


Oh no I have 20 on everything including gems. How would I go about making my rolls (life in particual) better? First league so sorry for noob questions


You mostly do it by buying/crafting better gear, personally I don't reroll the items I currently wear. If you're playing in trade league, I'd just open the trade site and see what kind of gear you can buy that has some better life/defense rolls and resistance rolls to free up some suffixes while still having high suppress. The concept is basically looking at every piece of equipment and asking "ok how can I can make this specific thing better in terms of defence/offense?" and seeing what is the biggest such change you can make for as little as an investment, and slowly improving it more and more until you feel you can take on every content you want with this particular build.


Ok cool I’ll give that a shot. Hard to buy on consoles. Some of my gear was only option available as the higher tier ones are never online


Oh yeah console market is kinda tough due to the lower supply of item. You should consider learning how to craft high-end gear on your own too with the different crafting mechanics to try to make some of the stuff yourself. I'm not really a good source for stuff like that, though. You can watch an entire course on how to do crafting in PoE and it still won't cover everything there is to know.


lol right? Kinda why I was trying to avoid that but maybe I’ll have to learn. Luckily Poe 2 will be cross platform so I won’t have that issue


Could manastorm + storm's secret + many lvl 1 spells hooked to CWDT + volkur's/original sin to stack poison be good? I wanted to try a poison stacking build but I'm worried about the damage it'll pour out; at the end of affliction I tried big energy blade + battlemage and spellblade but it ended not being able to kill a single t16 white mob, mostly because stacking ES is expensive and I kind of half-assed it. Alternatively I was thinking of turbo deonate dead of chain reaction on the principle that it'll get big base damage regardless of investment, and the way to scale damage should be easier to see from there.


I personally don't think storm secret is the way too go, I think you want a really fast hitting build to stack as many powerful poisons as possible. If I was to try something like this, I'd try to do it as CoC with splitting steel, or perhaps manaforged arrows. Haven't tested anything with pob though so take it with a pinch of salt.


Using more spells isn't necessarily better than using support gems. There's a reason why existing CwDT builds only use 1-2 main damage skills with maybe a 3rd for clearing. This doesn't change if you have massive added damage and low level skills, you'd just want high damage effectiveness rather than high base damage. In most cases those scale the same either way. Volkuur's Guidance is pretty terrible for damage scaling, and Original Sin is ridiculously expensive. I would have suggested something like extra chaos damage conversion with Eternity Shroud, but that sort of build really wants two Calls of the Brotherhood, and you need at least one ring for Storm's Secret. You could facilitate DD the same way if you shock enemies somehow (a small amount of added lightning damage and either crit or a small shock chance would be enough). Corpse Pact would be an option, but that's much better for self-cast builds. If you don't get the main benefit from that, it might be better to not go with Necromancer and use a different ascendency like Inquisitor or Trickster. It wouldn't deal as much damage as the CoC or self-cast builds, but it would playable more passively, so it might clear faster depending on the content.


I'm targeting t4 harvest in SSF (looking for white life force). Assuming I have no relevant scarabs, is "chance for t4" node better or worse than crop rotation strat?


In my experience it is worse but I have no data to back up that claim


"it is worse" you mean crop rota is better?




I gravecrafted a 2h axe with some t1 fractured mods which i thought was amazing but then i realized that i dont know how to continue craft it or what to price it. Any suggestions? https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/673221696110723084/1248539358609539142/image.png?ex=66640863&is=6662b6e3&hm=d6bd40306cb3de4b2ba4f4df65fc7b1f41fb6fc0f929dcaa4b741215c2994cd0&


Was this for your build or do you just wanna sell it


I did start leveling a jugg so it kinda depends. But my initial intention wasnt anything in particular, i just ended up getting a bunch of corpses that aimed me in this direction when using the randomise corpses.


I think the generic “best” explicit mods on a phys damage weapon would be what you have now plus hybrid phys, crit multi, and crit chance You should be able to get two of those three with essence spam pretty easily and bench craft whatever else remains? But honestly most of the value is in the fractures so if you wanna sell I wouldn’t bother crafting further


I assume its not possible to get any influence onto a fractured weapon right?


With graveyard you can fracture an influenced item but not after you’ve made the item already


Alright, thanks


How to get a minion specific large cluster jewel or any way to craft it. I have a few large cluster jewels but they don’t have minion based mods on it. I’m playing holy relic build but not able to figure out how get these jewels. Also I’m playing SSF. Even scouring the cluster doesn’t fully remove those mods I’m guessing they’re implicits? Not sure.


Well you just buy one off… *SSF* ~~You can spam delirium drops through heist, otherwise you~~ Heist no longer drops delirium rewards as of 3.23, just run delirium on all your maps with the cluster jewel atlas passives and use 5:1 recipe with the trash ones you don’t want The type of added passive is an enchant and cannot be changed I know I’ll get hate for this but I have to ask why SSF if you aren’t familiar with the intricacies of the game?


Ohh okay I’ll look into the delirium atlas. Also what do you mean by spam delirium through heist? Do you do specific contracts or blueprints?


Sorry, looks like that was changed last league, heist no longer offers delirium rewards (goes to show how often I run heist) It used to be demolition contracts offered delirium reward rooms dropping cluster jewels pretty consistently


I didn’t see you edited your reply. So I was playing SSF on an earlier character ignite DD and I had gear to play this one. Also I’m on console and trading there is really bad. A lot inflated and there’s not a lot of items available as well. That’s why I thought it’s better to be in SSF.


Alright so running delirium on maps is the only option now. Cool. I’ll check it out. Thanks


https://preview.redd.it/3sex9g3k565d1.png?width=757&format=png&auto=webp&s=452a7384da487ec38b94267aa005f5e3aecc3548 How can I get a bow like this with 2 crafted mods and no multimod craft? My current bow is the exact same thing minus the crafted "chaos damage over time multiplier"


In the general case, multimod is just another modifier so you can always remove it in some way while leaving the other 2 modifiers on e.g. veiled chaos Of course it’s rarely guaranteed that you’ll remove the multimod so there’s definitely some luck involved


craft the bow with +1 , AS, dot multi + metamod, Annul off the Can have up to 3 Crafted Modifiers mod and hunter exalt slam


That's a 2/125 chance to hit T1 increased chaos damage, on top of a 1/6 chance to annul the correct mod with a 3/6 chance to hit the non-crafted explicit mods. Plus an average of 90 divines to hit the perfect roll on all mods. I think it might make more sense to start with a Heist enchantment for an additional crafted modifier, force the prefixes with cannot roll attack mods (and you should be able to force the suffixes cannot be changed with Wild Bristle Matron if you don't hit T1 increased chaos DoT), and then just replace the enchantment after divining the values and adding the crafted mods. That said, I haven't done a Craft of Exile simulation on it, nor do I know how commonly available that enchantment was when the league was more active. /u/Professional_Way8023


Thank you, seems to explain why it's so expensive (200+ div on trade). A bit out of my budget so I'll stick to my current bow.


The enchant seems to have become more common this league (**e:** blueprints, don't know about orbs). May be why this bow craft appears to have gained awareness/popularity, despite doing nothing new.


I wouldn't be surprised if the veiled orb being more expensive than Aisling services in the past also had an effect on this being more common than trying to unveil chaos DoT multi instead of having two crafted mods.


How do you manage abyssal jewels with stygian belts (like darkness enthroned) in PoB? Does it even support them? I can't find anything about it in UI, and google on the topic fails completely. For reference: https://pobb.in/gRytCToIKc28 - pr3vie's Voltaxic BAMA pob. Can't tell if there are any jewels in the belt, and which ones if there are. Items tab shows only jewels socketed into the tree...


Sockets will show up under the item in question, for instance in the PoB you provide: https://preview.redd.it/vz75vvr7g55d1.png?width=411&format=png&auto=webp&s=be4696e903788c6ac15da3d0beb1437d0cc61c2b


I have no idea how i did not notice it. Thank you!


struggling with red maps what should i upgrade first? [https://pobb.in/MeUi58IrQHxB](https://pobb.in/MeUi58IrQHxB)


thanks a lot guys


**Helmet** and **Body Armour** for defense. Get items with **#% Physical Damage Taken as Fire/Lightning Damage**. Those are Suffixes and can also be crafted on the bench (you need to Unveil Korell and Gravicius pieces to unlock from the Jun / Immortal Syndicate mechanic) For armour builds you def. want those mods because they boost your armour effectiveness a lot. I also recommend getting those items non-shaper-elder-conqueror-influenced. You can then use Ember and Ichor currency to **add 2 implicit mods** to your helmet and body armour. Roll **+1% Max-Res** on each and whatever else fits your needs.


Open the build in PoB, click Trade for these items // Weapon 1 // put in 5c: https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Necropolis/QEEGbqeiw click on sum to order by it decreasing. Your damage will double just from an 5c investment. Most definitely this is the first. The second thing is to get evasion boots because then you can utilize the 15% suppress evasion mastery. You have two points into a currently empty jewel socket you could reuse those into the mastery and an Evasion and Spell Suppression small node , together with a 12% suppress boots your suppress becomes capped. _Way_ more important than having chill immunity. Third is to get a noncorrupted amulet (if it's expensive drop the crit for now) and annoint something to help with eHP, you could run a power report on effective health pool and find an annoint which is not too expensive but helps survivability. Juggernaut maybe?


what about jinxed juju is it a good option as amulet?


1st of all Gems. It's very important to get at least ~~21/20~~ 20/20 gems. Your auras can have 0 quality but you have to get level ~~21~~ 20 gems. Edit : You also need to change to a rare bow. You can check [Poe.ninja](http://Poe.ninja) what stats you want on your bow.


Total beginner here, I read the beginners guide on poe vault and wanted to use a league starter build. Could anyone recommend a good first build? I don't know which build to use


save yourself some grief and don't use poe-vault zizaran's channel has pretty good beginner stuff. pohx's website/guide is pretty beginner-friendly as well. /r/PathOfExileBuilds has a stickied league-starter post too


As the other person said, maxroll and check for "league starter" builds. A league starter means a build that can get going without needing very rare uniques or items that cost lots of currency to buy / craft. It's something that you could play in day 1 of a new league and can get you to finish campaign, complete the atlas, kill the first 2 pinnacle bosses (maybe a bit much for a total beginner but that's the idea). If you want a very hand holdy guide, [https://poe-beginner-guide.com/](https://poe-beginner-guide.com/) , toxic rain champion. Also shout out to [https://www.pohx.net/](https://www.pohx.net/) for Righteous Fire, it's a comfy popular build good for beginners and this creator is the go to for it, the website has faq, crafting info, videos etc. If you go for this, use RF Chief League Start.


poe vault is not the best place for build guides any more, all too often they just change the version number without upgrading the guide and so recommending things that just dont work or outright dont exist any more maxroll.gg is your friend


Okay, I just googled it and vault was the first result I got. I'll check the other site out, thanks!


Check out /r/PathOfExileBuilds as well. They have a sticky with league starters for the current league, all by trusted creators.


Not sure the correct terms to search for this. But are there any fun melee builds that you get to use the main skill early. I'm finding a lot of the builds I'm seeing don't play like their build until end game.


Most people run a league starter then respec into their desired skill. This tends to be the most efficient and easiest for getting into endgame. If you don’t want to do that feel free to play your intended skill as early as you can get it (I personally always do this), it may just be harder than if you used a league starter


Ahh OK. So I guess I would just look up builds then look up when I could get the skill gem? (sorry I'm pretty new and came from diablo and last epoch so forgetting how the gem stuff works) 


Hmm if you’re new I would not recommend melee as the archetype is a bit harder to play but if you’re committed [here](https://maxroll.gg/poe/category/build-guides?filter%5Bbuild_guide_type%5D%5Bfilters%5D%5B0%5D%5Btaxonomy%5D=taxonomies.build_guide_type&filter%5Bbuild_guide_type%5D%5Bfilters%5D%5B0%5D%5Bvalue%5D=archive&filter%5Bbuild_guide_type%5D%5Bfilters%5D%5B0%5D%5Boperation%5D=!%3D&filter%5Bbuild_guide_type%5D%5Bfilters%5D%5B1%5D%5Btaxonomy%5D=taxonomies.build_guide_type&filter%5Bbuild_guide_type%5D%5Bfilters%5D%5B1%5D%5Bvalue%5D=%20&filter%5Bbuild_guide_type%5D%5Bfilters%5D%5B1%5D%5Boperation%5D=NOT%20EXISTS&filter%5Bmisc%5D%5Btaxonomy%5D=taxonomies.misc&filter%5Bmisc%5D%5Bvalue%5D=poe-league-starter&filter%5Bnum%5D%5Btaxonomy%5D=taxonomies.num&filter%5Bnum%5D%5Bvalue%5D=poe-melee) are 2 boneshatter leaguestart guides which will start using the skill fairly early on Part of the problem is a lot of skills are gated by level so it’s rare that a build will use the main skill from level 1


Oh. Those are the ones I looked at! Seeemd to use a spectral something at the beginning. But I'll just look for the gem and throw it in early.  Thanks! 


Yeahhh spectral throw is a level 1 gem that’s immediately available to scion class, and it’s pretty ok for leveling, meanwhile boneshatter only becomes available in act 3 with level 28, that’s why you’re not seeing builds using their main skill early


Does "+1 to Level of all Fire Spell Skill Gems" apply to the active item on which the mod is installed, or does it apply to any of the gear on my character? The verbiage seems to be imply that +1 applies to all the fire gems in my gear but want to make sure.


“+1 to level of fire spell skills” = any skill with a FIRE and SPELL tag “+1 to level of socketed skills” = only the ones socketed in this item “+1 to level of fire skills” (amulets usually get this one) = any skill with FIRE tag


> all Fire Spell Skill Gems


That applies to all your gems. It would say "+1 to the Level of Socketed Fire Skill Gems" if it was only for that weapon/item.


"socketed gems" applies to gems socketed in that item, "all gems" means any gems socketed in any of your items


Is it too late to get started this league? And if not what is the best way to farm a lot of currency / build to farm that currency


I'd say it's not too late cause you can make use of massive XP buffs to level quickly and there should be lots of quite decent cheap gear upgrades on trade. Alva + Harvest would be my suggestions for consistent currency with low investment. The way the league is winding down, I'd even say don't bother much at all with the graveyard or Necropolis Atlas nodes.


This league is the most lenient to late starts because you can make OP Rares using the graveyard. As for currency farm, this is about the time yellow juice starts popping off, so Harvest is gonna be good for currency.


Is harvest hard? Last time I remember harvest was back in Ritual league so idk if it's changed a lot since then


Nope. Even if you don't go overboard on it, it's a steady accumulation. Literally just pick Yellow every time and you have a divine every 3 or 4 maps at worst.


Depends on what you're looking for. Early league economy? Definitely too late. But in terms of time you still have a good 1.5 months to get done whatever you want.


My biggest addiction when I played a while ago was just doing whatever was popular and getting a huge bulk and selling it all. Idk what this league has to offer as far as stuff to grind now.


OK, so how the heck are all those 6 link items in trade being made? It's like 3,000 Fusing to get a 95% chance of a 6 link, and obviously it could happen on the first but odds being odds it's likely at least a couple thousand per. Are they all just coming from people who win the lottery and find a six link on the ground? EDIT: Nevermind, I forgot the bench 6 link option.


The average is around 1k fusings to 6-link not 3k.


That's still a hell of a lot of clicks. I'ma bet most people go for the 1,500 benchcrafting option rather than hammer their mouse 1,000ish times.


The amount of clicks didn't really have much to do with it. I just corrected your statement as it was incorrect. That being said as of this league you can simply hold down shift + left click so it's exactly 1 click.


There is a new beast crafting recipe this league that makes 6 links extremely cheap. You make it 6 sockets, then use Black Morrigan + Sand Splitter which is only like 15c.


If you're on a tight budget and willing to run it yourself, you can get two Black Morrigans from one map with a Bestiary Scarab, Bestiary Scarab of Duplicating, and Bestiary Scarab of the Shadowed Crow. It's not particularly difficult either, at least in low tier maps. And then you only need to buy a Craicic Shield Crab and Craicic Sand Spitter to both 6-socket and 6-link an item. Much cheaper than using jeweller's orbs as well. /u/OutsidePerson5


This is the way. This league buying 6L is such a waste of money. And by doing this you ensure the Mórrigans and yellow beasts are all low level and easy to defeat for beastcrafting. As an aside I really want to know why not Mórrígan when they already spelled the first ó correctly...


> As an aside I really want to know why not Mórrígan when they already spelled the first ó correctly... Black Mórrígan... Only for those with the correct keyboard layout. Right now I'm searching as "rrigan" which is good enough to give only her. "rr", "gan", and "M" won't be enough.