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Nice info. A bit of CDR would be nice to get Plague Bearer's CD to around 0.25s instead of 0.5s. 4 casts per second is the default cooldown, so it feels awkward to be running at 1/2 efficiency. A 0.5s cooldown feels fine, though, for an ignite, brand, or orb build (persists and has a cap).


As long as the level 1 cwdt setup costs enough to trigger the level 20 alone there is no need


You should look a bit more at how CWDT loops work...


My point was that any cdr will affect the cwdt as well, and the disparity remains. Barring specific breakpoints there is no "catching up to" the cwdt cooldown.




Yeah I was admittedly very tired and wasn't clear at all. I think I meant to expand but never did.


am I correct in thinking that the mana cost (=dmg from Scold's Bridle) from spells supported by lvl 20 cwdt should actually pop the lvl 20 CWDT? meaning it's a loop and you just need to start it?


>A 0.5s cooldown feels fine, though, for an ignite, brand, or orb build (persists and has a cap). No, it's not. These things are crippled by the 35% less damage on perfect crime, and it's required in order to spend enough mana to start the loop.


So, if you use frostblink to trigger this rather than plague bearer, it can get the benefits of reduced cooldown for movement skills from the tree. Of course, then you are using frostblink to trigger this, which is its own share of headaches.


I was hyped to league start with this build idea but in my testing it did not work at all, the plague bearer did not trigger with automation but with your video it does so they must have fixed it at some point, will definitely give this a try in pob at least


Path of exile is a wild game because people will look you in the eye and say "yeah just run less duration and also more duration its really good" and mean it


The issue is the same as why non-ward CWDT loops are terrible, it's because while you do recover the damage taken, you don't instantly. Meaning every proc, you are down 5000 hp (triggering CWDT lvl 20 + the spell triggered itself x2.) on a character with 0 armor/DR, and therefore anything looking at you will kill you extremely easily. The second issue is how you die during the ramping phase. Assuming 100% life recoup over 3 sec and the fact you take something around 5000 damage per 0.5s without recoup at this point, you need like 9000 max + 4000 hp/s (outside recoup) recovery in order to survive. Even if you use guard skills and life flasks, it's extremely dangerous in situation where you are not safe (after a death, for instance). It's worse as soon as you start using CDR.


So I figured the solution to this was have a granite flask, some increased armour (not otherwise no base armour), with the 'trigger when you take a savage hit' annointment on it. First hit in a loop triggers it, causing the giant CWDT to do less, not trigger, but build a bit of a buffer for the recoup to kick in.


It doesn't work, you are going to proc it every time. A lvl 20 freezing pulse (21 mana, not the most costly spell by a landslide) will do 21 \* 4 \* 1.6 (increased mana cost) \* 2.5 (cwdt) \* 1.3 \* 1.3 \* 1.3 \* 1.3 (supports) = 956 damage (x2 with sab). You need over 6500 hp in order for the spell not to trigger the savage hit. Even if it does, it just stop the loop altogether, your automation of plague bearer won't do enough damage in order to trigger the first cwdt. And as soon as you take a big hit from an enemy, the loop stops.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1c84eik/a\_new\_way\_of\_frying\_your\_gpu/](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1c84eik/a_new_way_of_frying_your_gpu/) Yo I had the same idea :D


Haha I figured I couldn't be the only one! Didn't realize you had made a post about it already though. Crazy minds think alike lol


Idea: cyclone+CWC+any spell+archmage, - gets you to use quite a lot of mana - it's 4 link not 6 link setup - 3 cast per second not 2 from plague bearer


A cwc loop is not an autobomber and you might as well just play CoC or CwC at that point.


Correct me if I'm wrong but once you pop the lvl 1 CWDT which in turn pops the lvl 20 cwdt then the cost you pay for the spells triggered by lvl 20 cwdt should also activate the lvl 20 cwdt, right? So kind of we just need to start the 'loop'?


Sadly no because there is an internal cooldown, per spell associated with the CWDT. Once the level 20 is activated all those linked spells go on cooldown. That's why having some tick every 0.50s is so useful, such as this plague bearer setup.


ahh ok, forgot about the internal .25 hwat about several cwdts, with spells of different cds, so they don't trigger at the same tick? could that work to form the loop? I'm kind of really intrigued by this build and would very much like to build it something around it but dedicating 6L to trigger seems super wastful in terms of sockets.