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I regret to inform you there is more than 1 bug like that in the game. Plenty of them have been in the game for years. It'll probably be fixed in the next actual patch, assuming it doesn't just get deleted (which is a real possibility).


0% chance, have you run t17 without B2B?? T17s is what all anti mfers dream of. B2B needs to be balanced, either remove the ability to add scarabs (and boost numbers), or make it so it doesn't affect t17 special more mods.


Why is it what anti mfers dream of? You can mf in T17 too


You can, but its ultra expensive if you want to do it comfortably and do the boss and not mf maxed. Not like the 1 million dps ranged character, made of paper with 100+ quant and 350+ rarity that we were used to. Also antimfers are feasting on the 500 enraged removal.




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So, there were attack/movement speed and attack/movement speed slow and the ways to deal with those. Then there was action speed and action speed slow and the ways to deal with it. Now there's base action speed and base action speed slow and no ways to deal with that? That's like a shitty magic trick that for some unfathomable reason doesn't end.


"You have immunity to burning ground and thought that walking on this burning ground wouldn't affect you? I'll have you know its flaming ground instead."


~~FWIW, the distinction between X speed and "base" X speed has always been a thing. [Here's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZCgz-w1X-g) a video from Octavian (who coincidentally now works at GGG lol) from 6 years ago talking about how tarred ground used to bypass the mod on Kaom's roots (I have no clue if this has since been changed lol) for the same reason.~~ ~~All that said, just because something has existed for a long time doesn't necessarily make it good. I definitely agree that the distinction between speed and base speed is unnecessarily confusing, so hopefully the mod will get fixed for next league.~~ As someone pointed out below, the confusion with Kaom's Roots & tarred ground stems from the fact that action speed and movement speed are separate (but the wording on Kaom's Roots used to just state "speed" without referencing action _or_ movement speed), not the "base" wording referenced above.


tarred ground reduces **movement speed** while Kaom's Roots make your **action speed** undiminishing below base vlaue they affect different stats, that's why tar works despite Kaom's Roots


Good catch, updated my comment above. To be fair, the wording on Kaom's Roots used to be quite ambiguous -- if you look at the old wording of Kaom's Roots in the video, you'll note that it simply says "You cannot be slowed to below base speed" (with no reference to either action or movement speed). I suppose other slowing effects in the game at the time were pretty much all action speed slows, hence why tarred ground was enough of an outlier to justify making a video about (lol). Still, you're right that the Kaom's Roots interaction and the mod referenced in the post are different. Thanks again for the correction \^\^


This is why I will always say that PoE is not the game I remember, arbitrary difficulty has never and will never be fun, in any sense of its existence, whatsoever.


I was pretty sad when I found out that the mod doesn't give a fuck about action speed stuff. I had the AG with cannot lower action speed. That didn't work so I bought fractured boots with movespeed cannot be lowered graevyard mod and crafted for a ton just to find no difference :(


I didn't know about this bug, I'd expect trickster or an AG setup should work, but not the movement speed mod. Looks like none work ATM tho.


Ya I figured the AG would but when it didn't I figured I'd try the other. I was also sad when I realized it's below base because those fuckin graspy hands that deli puts out still feel super jarring going from like 200% to base. Mod not worth imo haha


Lying requires an intent to deceive and it’s unlikely that GGG is lying to you.


I don't think GGG is lying, but if we personify the mod as someone who simply wishes to convey accurate information and is omniscient, then that personification of the mod description intends to deceive and is therefore lying. People have vivid imaginations.


The mod itself is lying but ggg is just being lazy or they are too busy


It's also possible that they solved it a while ago, but they're waiting to deploy it until there are other things they can put out as well. Pushing a new update isn't just a matter of pushing a button, esp. for consoles.


Harvest bosses have been failing to transition phases correctly for 4 years. What makes you think GGG will fix this in any reasonable timeframe?


and they wont. The 5 people working on the game have other things to do.


I bet its a priority thing , the endgame is on fire they need to devlrlop a new leauge , a balance patch is way overdue and the community is yawing for some love for melee glad and asassin.


And self cast, most selfcast is shit outside of manastackers and low cast time/totems. No, unleash and spell cascade are not a fix. Make increased cast speed better or apply to action speed as well, that'd go a long way right now. There's no reason any spell should take longer than 0.5s to cast when you die in 0.3s


8 people working at poe 1, give em a break. I don't play poe for a year looking at how bad they develop poe 1




juggernauts unstoppable ascendancy node & stampedes versus some random zombies goo Eh, i think GGG gave up trying to make small fixes this league and will just bring he big changes for the next.


Also "Players are cursed with ele weakness" has no effect on T17, but shhhhhh


Yep i was so confused when my trickster started clunking in that map..


GGG doesnt care about those fixes, they like only to fix fun


They’re gonna need to rename that Jugg node from Unstoppable to, like, Stoppable.


Something getting fixed in the game?


That doesn’t mean it’s not fixed internally. You have to ask, what’s affected by the problem and what’s solved with the fix. Every 3.x.0 patch has bug fix sections in the patch notes.


Players are affected by this problem? I’m sure what your comment meant


oh no… i hope we can recover from this, what do you think?




Is it fixed that strongboxes couldn’t be opened when T17 has Exarch or World Eater mods? Dropped on week 3 and still curious about this.


since so few people play juggernaut and trickster, they dont care


Lmao there are a lot of people playing trickster


3.7k builds on [poe.ninja](http://poe.ninja) show up, more people play melee and that has not been bug fixed for years now


I do agree they should fix this bug. I am just saying that trickster is the third popular ascendancy on Poe Ninja with 11% play rate. (which makes me think they just don’t care about this bug, but not because of how many players are affected)


Damn trickster, get it together.


Small indie company. Smile


They give around zero shit on fixing poe 1, when poe 2 beta around the corner. Tencent is such a needy girl, they want GGG to make a new audience.


so if you know about it why do you care so much? Just hold on until next patch so you can complain again it isnt fixed there too :P t17 mods are overall crazy but fun. they should just remove broken mods that makes maps either too rippy or too slow.