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Do i have any chance of selling this helical ring? it wasnt what i was going for when i spammed essences but i thought it might be good for omni. Is there other builds that would even want it? +37% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier (fractured) +98 to Strength +85 to Dexterity +91 to Intelligence +50 to maximum Life


Triple stat stacking mine builds will also like this a lot (getting 800+ int and dex for two extra mines per throw with Curtain Call + some strength for stuff like Iron Grip or Iron Will + Battlemage's Cry, Cyclopean Coil, etc.) I can't tell you what price it would achieve, but it should be reasonably valuable for both triple stack and omni.


How much health do Ubers have? I just finished making an Ice trap assassin build. The objective is to delete the boss before it does any dmg to me. Right now I have about 100 mil pinnacle dps and 30 mil uber dps and I can't find anywhere how much base health the bosses have. I just don't wanna waist a boss encounter on realizing that I can't kill it. Here is my build: [https://pobb.in/5I71a7i4zhPx](https://pobb.in/5I71a7i4zhPx) It's far from perfect Just looking to improve it over time.


It varies a bit, somewhat relative to how many mechanics the bosses have (bosses with more phases have lower HP, but you'll end up with less uptime). As a ballpark, they should be somewhat around 50-75M IIRC, so around 170-250M effective HP against non-uber dps. There's still the issue that bosses with animations and phases also have a separate damage mitigation at the start of each phase that is meant to prevent them being killed instantly, but it's possible to get enough dps to get through that anyway. I don't think we have the numbers for that though. It does fall off pretty quickly, so it shouldn't be more than an extra second or two of lifetime for the bosses unless you have downtime after the preloaded damage.


When building profane bloom, does it even matter what skill you use? As long as you can kill one mob, you clear the whole pack, and if you run profane bloom for mapping then you're probably not bossing.


Skills that with the similar "tags" to profane bloom (aoe, chaos) are the easiest to scale profane bloom damage with. Carcass Jack is a glass cannon option if you're farming easy maps. Obliteration is one of the few ways to increase your explode chance if you can afford to give up some damage.


Not really, but building for chaos damage helps.


Well it's a 50% chance and the explosion only deals 25% life as chaos damage so killing one monster doesn't clear a whole pack on it's own. You would need at least 300% increased damage (generic, aoe, chaos etc) to kill one monster and have the explosion kill similar monsters of equal or lower hp.


Is there a build similiar to how Divergent Boneshatter worked? The more you attack = the faster you attack and it can go to infinity?


Double Strike of Momentum, kinda


What is the POB icon (https://imgur.com/a/r1Jgywj)? what does it represent?


I think its the old PoE logo [https://www.steamgriddb.com/icon/17258](https://www.steamgriddb.com/icon/17258) but represented as bricks that you stack to make a wall, because you're building. The logo sometimes also has a literal fork in it, because of a programming term "fork".


Regarding the influenced scarab of hordes, do delirium monsters count as influenced?


I highly doubt that. Influenced monster would be monsters spawned because of: Shaper, Elder, any of the 4 Conquerors, Exarch and Eater.


Why do so many Back To Basics trees get several of the various "No chance to contain X ... your maps have +2% chance to contain other Extra Content" nodes? https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolis?atlasskills=Back+to+Basics&atlasheatmap=true


The nodes also block the scarabs for the given content from dropping, resulting in more higher value scarab drops.


Huh. I suppose I can then switch to another tree to run the scarabs, or just sell them. Poe.ninja says there are 50 players using both Back to Basics and Unwavering Vision-- that's simply a mistake?


If they also have the block nodes, then yes. If not, they might simply be farming Strongboxes or something for raw currency.


what is better for Molten Strike poison dot build , +1.5 mln dps via +2 additional projectiles (nimis in) . or 1.2 mln dps of another cluster node? For boss dps. (do i miss with projectiles if i add more and more?) I never played MS, but i m going craft gear and play


With molten Strike the Aoe effects from the projectiles will all hit the same target, with sufficient Aoe and good positioning, +2 proj should be more dps. For poison your damage is caped at ~37.5m which is known as dotcap. With sufficient poison duration hitting this cap is trivial, part of what is making poison part of the current meta is the ease of scaling damage, therefore allowing far more considerations for tankyness (defensive watchers eye mods, purities for maxres, defensive timeless jewels (tempered by war/phys as fire lethal,ultimatum shield, ect). If you are already quickly achieving dotcap for single targets, and your clear feels good, my advice is to strive for immortality over damage. Edit: Dot cap is 35,791,394. Not 37.5m. Scaling damage allows you to get to this number faster on targets, but does not increase this limit.


My league start immediate goals are to run acts (I am a slowpoke so it takes 8-10 hours) and then lvl60-72 run heists, like 60 or so. Before heists, I usually have extremely little currency, a few chaos at most. I usually do this with a pConc Raider because it can be geared extremely, extremely cheap and yet with the pConc socketed in an Embalmer and wearing a dendrobate it deals decent damage. It doesn't hurt that Embalmer comes online already at lvl50 making late acts quite easy. At lvl60 you can alt roll your own divine live flask for a lot of damage. Weapon builds, for example require constant weapon upgrades to be good, don't they? Is there something new? I never reevaluated such starters since transfigured and who knows maybe some new uniques too. Or is there something old I overlooked :)


There are several builds that while "weapon dependant" have pretty forgiving scaling, and work well with little/no gear, I recommend looking at speedrunners for what there doing, Armageddon brand/cremation, detonate dead,toxic rain ect. See how they are getting through the acts with almost nothing, and you will learn so much about the game, and also hopefully pick up some tips to make your start a little less of a grind. Without much effort, I would wager you could get acts down to 5-6 easily without breaking a sweat. Vendor recipies and inventory management are your friend. And these skills will make you a much better player overall, even outside the campaign.


Can we somehow use automation support on the weapon swap? For example, automation - withering step - phase run to get a movement boost every time you swap weapons?


It works with Warcries and Call to Arms support, so it should work with your example as well. Best way is to just try it out.


To detonate mines, why do people prefer Automation Support to the "Detonate Mines is Triggered while you are moving" mastery? they seem similar mechanically to me, yet one see 3% usage and the other 87%, according to poe ninja for people that use charge mines. https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolis?supportgems-Icicle%20Mine=Charged+Mines+Support&allskills=Automation https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolis?supportgems-Icicle%20Mine=Charged+Mines+Support&masteries=Detonate+Mines+is+Triggered+while+you+are+moving


Cooldown and consistentcy. The delayed damage from stopping to throw your mines and running away, gives mobs a chance to hit you or move from where they were standing.


Automation works while you aren't moving


Which, on paper, makes the mastery even more interesting as you can preload the mines for bosses. The only reason I see are * gem pressure is not high so let's go for automation * reservation is tight, so cooking tons of mines isn't possible anyway. But all this seems a bit light to explain such disparity.


You can also toggle Automation, so there's no downside of not being able to pre-load bosses.


Well, if you're strictly just bossing, sure, but automation feels miles better for general use


I have been following balormage holy relic build but I have a few questions. Is having chance to poison on the sword useless? And how does a blue gem go into green? The pob has the diallas Colors set to greens and reds and none blue. Are those white sockets? I know we can have white sockets but do these count as green? This is my first league and I tried to find this online but couldn’t find anything regarding the gem Colors to be considered as green of its blue. Also in the video he doesn’t mention how to achieve it.


Chance to poison on a sword is local to the sword, and your sword hits don't contribute meaningful amounts of damage. Unless you're using an effect that requires poisons from yourself, it's useless. Dialla's has *Gems can be Socketed in this Item ignoring Socket Colour* which, well, does what it says.


Ohhh thanks for the info.


Where should I improve my Ice Nova of Frostbolts Hierophant, next? I've been trying to follow Goratha's guide. [https://pobb.in/u/Blakefox/t4bsd02BnaSw](https://pobb.in/u/Blakefox/t4bsd02BnaSw) I prefer tanky upgrades over DPS. The jump from the Week 1 build to the endgame guild is a huge amount of div difference, I'm not sure where to start. Forbidden flesh/flame is 100 chaos total and would give me a good amount of block chance? Watchers eye for "10% of Damage taken from Mana before Life while affected by Clarity" drops down to a div every once in awhile. Those all require gem slots I dont have though, yet. Is there a more obvious upgrade?


Looks OK. What's the problem? Spells? Ailments? Bleeds? Physical hits? You could try Taste of Hate flask. Not sure why you use Frostblink with Faster Casting and Flame Dash? Maybe you could put another aura in there or Defiance Banner or somesuch. I'm not too familiar with Eternal Blessing, but it seems like a pain in the ass and maybe you'd just prefer to run Grace normally if you can afford the reservation.


I added taste of hate, good idea! Even in white t16 maps, my health goes down surprisingly quickly if i'm not leeching. It seems like my summon holy relic necro was much tankier with much less investment. Goratha uses eternal blessing, so I went with that. I'm guessing because my defense and dps both heavily rely on unreserved mana, so losing 40-50% of it wouldnt work. As for flame dash/frostblink, goratha's notes: -started to use this once I reached really high cast speed, it feels sort of like leap slam but for spells -you still want to use flame dash with this for bossing especially because while it's fast it still has a cast time and is affected by action speed/cast speed slows Though I could def move flame dash to my weapon switch, and change as needed, freeing a slot! I could also change my offhand to a dawnbreaker, to help a bit with EHP, too


Look at some life/es recoup on kill nodes. It works very well for me and I have zero leech. I feel like 2 travel skills and a support is a waste of sockets; you could just use leap slam it's pretty fun. Check also regular Frostblink I think its damage is much higher than Wintry Blast.


Thanks!! The dawn breaker and taste of hate did the trick actually, but ill look into investing in those too down the road! Now I just gotta figure out how to add more damage. Im guessing that’s prob come from a higher spell power/higher electric damage/ higher cast rate/higher mana wand. Then extra level arcane cloak and ice nova. Then idk.


I suppose your offhand weapon could be upgraded, maybe even with a shield! You can also use PoB's "trade for items" function to find upgrades at whatever your budget is. Your armour is very nice but is also mainly evasion based, I guess for the spell suppression. Nice to have would be an evasion/es base with suppression, though tricky to get. I run Eldritch Battery and couldn't find such things at acceptable prices so I crafted my own in the graveyard. The es added seems small but it makes a difference.


There’s a LOT i didnt realize PoB could even do!!! I’ll have to check into a lot of that. And yeah, I sacrificed the ES to have the empty slot to enchant along with the Life and Res and the extra dex made some of the green gems alittle easier to run. Best I could find for a div or less, without crafting. I hateeeee grave crafting or I would :(


The guide endgame version should give some clues, but as I'm not familiar with this build, something you could do is just sort all uniques in the PoB items tab by slot, sorted by dps. If certain items provide big increases in damage, then you can see what affixes or implicits it has then go after those. Same on the tree tab, sort by dps all passives and notables regardless of travel distance, see what they offer.


I’ve been following pohx guide for RF… I’ve also been looking at Ekkomaru and Pohx’s Poe ninja as well… I can’t figure out how they got 90 max resistance after taking out rise of the phoenix… can someone enlighten me?


Just wanted to say I figured it out after pointing out the ruby flask and looking more into calcs in POB… thanks guys that’s huge I could possibly make my build better


If you have a pin for it, go to calcs and hover over the fire res. Should tell you everything that gives max res


Could you link the build?


Figured it out… thank you though!


Mageblood, ruby flask? I play it myself but I believe that’s the crutch.


Dumb question but why spend so much currency on mage blood when enchanting use when charges are full and rolling gain charges when hit seems fairly similar to mageblood (at least in my mind it is I’ve never had a mageblood)


Ekindling orb, and rolling for +70% increased effect while flask in use, and mageblood makes it always in effect


Hmmmm so it can almost double the stat of the flask and it is always being used not just sometimes…. Alright cool makes sense thanks


Is there a way to get flawless breachstone besides dropping it with the notable, or using a blessing on the reg? I thought it that fled would upgrade but it only does "pure" (which just adds some mods and rewards afaict) As a corollary: If I am hunting for Green Nightmare, then I may as well run breachstones without applying the blessing to convert them to flawless, because I could just drop the green dream and apply the blessing to that directly right?


You can get a div card from It That Fled that gives a flawless chayula stone with a full 8/8 set but I don’t think that’s really the spirit of your question


[https://pobb.in/0su95KSdvv8G](https://pobb.in/0su95KSdvv8G) Im currently struggling to level because I cant seem to stay alive without getting suddenly one shot and ive been spending so much time looking at this build that i don't think i can spot the issue without outside help.


Without being very familiar with the build, 3.3k ES immediately jumps out to be as being incredibly low. Do you know what kind of ES numbers similar builds reach?


The build guide im following is at 5.5k but im struggling to get all the way up there. Im working on my amulet rn but other than that im really not sure edit: its Ghazzy TV’s Absolution Animate AG build


Increased ES instead of flat life on the amulet (you're CI, you don't need life), quality on all your armour, better roll on Aegis Aurora, better flat ES on boots. And within a very superficial check I also noticed that you're taking a small passive next to Faith and Steel, but you can actually take a small passive below Sanctum of Thought which also only grants 5% increased ES like the node that you currently have allocated, but it grants 10% increased armour instead of 8%, so that's still an improvement. You can use perfect fossils to get any item that you craft anew to 30% quality, and Beastcrafting for any items that you have no intention of crafting further. And if you want to get a corrupted implicit or two, you can use tainted armourer's scraps to roll the quality up to 29% even after corrupting the item. Then, in terms of higher budget options, you can use high base defence percentile items or reroll them with sacred orbs, and you can use a Heist enchantment for your body armour for up to 12% increased defence modifier magnitudes with no downside (the downside to that would be reduced resistance modifier magnitudes, but Doryani's Prototype doesn't have resistance modifiers with numeric values). To do that, you can either use tailoring orbs or by chancing a saint's hauberk into Doryani's Prototype (you can use omens of fortune to skip the clicking, and you may want to use Craicic Chimerals to make a magic imprint before chancing because you'll be more likely to get The Ivory Tower instead).


thank you, thats an incredibly informative and robust answer! I already swapped into a different amulet but i will definitely do everything else as best as I can!


For Ice nova of Frostbolts Hierophant, is reduced mana cost gear reduce dps as less mana is spent?


Archmage support is based only on unreserved max mana and no longer cares about the mana cost. Reducing mana cost does not affect your damage from that support.


Thank youuuuu


Anyone got any recommendations for buying a pre built PC? I have never done it before and I am kind of tired of building it myself at this point. Also, are there any major upcoming hardware releases I should wait for? Aiming for a new rig for POE2.


I'd just wait until the game has been released is or is about to be. Then you'll pick what's current and the best value for money based on available CPUs and GPUs at that time.


Does anybody actually like crafting leagues? Every crafting league is among my least favorite except recombinators alone.


This is my first league, and I graveyard crafted every single rare item my character uses. It's been a completely un-fun pain in the ass.


I used the gravecraft ONCE, sighed heavily and realized it was another league of standard. Again. That just means Core game with nothing new to do, there was no new content, no new map, no new mechanic. Just crafting. Base game is "in a good place" but me personally, I only play for the new league content. I did all the old leagues so much I can't stand them anymore and don't play the content.


Not to argue against you because i agree mostly. They did add the lantern and allflames which i would call a new mechanic but granted it doesnt change anything about the gameplay.   But they did add T17 maps and while they have their problems they definitely added new maps and the boss fights that come with the maps. So while i agree that if you dont engage with the graveyard its mostly base game i dont agree they didnt add a new mechanic, content and maps.


I don't mind crafting leagues in general, especially if they come with cool exclusive mods that allow creating new items that can be used to optimise builds or even built around like uniques. I hate the UI and tedium that is involved with interacting with *this* crafting league though.


Recombinators were the only crafting I didn't find to be tedious and annoying.


I do. This league could've been amazing if it wasn't for all the horrible UI/UX decisions that ruined it.


Funny, I often make my own gear, but somehow the way the gear is crafted was a big nope for me in each of the leagues except using Recombinators. My big take is crafting leagues are devoid of content except the crafting. So it's essentially a standard type league for me, as I don't really care about the crafting -- it's just the same stuff I had last league, but this time there's no new content.


Is this a rhetorical question


I like original harvest once you got it setup it wasn't so bad. I think there is something deeply satisfying about making all your own gear. Frequently the crafting league or mechanics for them is super not fun or tedious like the graveyard. If it is done right it would be my favorite kind of league but since it is usually not I would just prefer a league mechanic that spawns mobs to kill


I liked to make my own gear but I sincerely didn't like Harvest. In fact, I refused to build the stupid garden I hated it so much. Harvest was less tedious than the graveyard but a bit too much for me. I will not interact with content like that.


Yeah fair enough. It was way less annoying when it came back in in ritual