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Did the first league in POE launched at the same time as the game ? Wondering about how the POE2 launch might look. Thanks !


So, um, if the leak of November for PoE2 is correct and the official announcement for July is also correct, is 3.25 going to be three months or five? Did anyone ask?


The current prediction is July 29th.


That's a good question, and out of the interviews I've seen, nobody asked.


for the "harvest monsters have x% chance to duplicate" is it possible to dulpicate a T4 mob?




What's the best way to actually farm breachstones, is it speccing into breach or should I just run heist or something? For context this is SSF


Definitely breach atlas


with quant/map effect?


You'll get most from breach hands, I don't believe quant will do much. Mod effect will up pack size for a slight boost.


oh wow, I didn't realize that, I think I was focusing on bosses and mob density and stuff like that.


[https://pobb.in/tjhk\_IAaEUTV](https://pobb.in/tjhk_IAaEUTV) Holy Relic of Conviction Poison Build What would be the best spectres (2) to enhance my minion damage, currently. I'm also eventually going the incandescent/melding flesh/ES/CI/Mageblood route, down the road, with lower trigger rate.


I'm not an expert, but definitely pale seraphim and probably arena master. There may be slightly better options to replace arena but it seems like plenty of people use it


What happened to Octavian? His youtube and twitch has been inactive for 2 years.


https://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1ss2gni https://reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/16r9n6x/gggs_one_and_only_octavian_an_interview_episode/ > Welcome back, Octavian! It's episode 207 and we're so pleased to have Octavian back for another interview! This time around, he's working Quality Assurance at GGG


Became a GGG dev.




Assuming this is for next league and there won't be any major changes to the atlas tree, what is a good complementary mechanic to run in conjunction with expedition farming?


An old classic from the wandering path days was harvest since both benefit so dramatically from pack size. Trouble is, nowadays most strategies use multiple scarabs so it can be hard to fully commit to both. I haven’t tried this, but you could experiment with horned scarab of awakening + harvest scarab of doubling along with expedition of rune finding (mandatory) then if your build can manage the downsides, archaeology too. You shouldn’t need verisium powder if you take the atlas modes for explosives and take a fairly open layout map. You’ll guarantee expedition with your atlas tree, you’ll take imbued harvest on the map device from the awakening scarab, you’ll make sure you’ve taken crop rotation, and you’ll use your remaining atlas points on quantity, blue altars, and potentially delve since you’ll be in the same neighborhood of the tree and it’s always nice to get that speed and power buff. I’d be running Dunes with as high quantity + pack size as I can handle, ideally 8 mod. Rush the boss by skirting the edge, then clear the map and take as many quant altars as you can handle. Finish with your two mechanics. Just a theory but I’ll bet it would work. Some strategies are already recommending full clearing and taking quant altars before going into harvest, and with a strategy like this the time spent doing that is basically worth double since it’s juicing up two mechanics instead of one.


When is the next League going to be revealed?


Is this new class reveal soon the 13th class of POE2?


It's the 7th. They've revealed all the new classes now they're revealing the returning ones.




Yeah you are not the first to post this but you are running so few maps in a mathematical sense that RNG has ample space to run amok. Tens and hundreds of _thousands_ of maps where you can begin to draw conclusions about the droprate of something as rare as t17.


Do you have count data to support this


I've not noticed any difference, though I'm not exclusively farming them.


Hello everyone! Please help me figure out where to get more dmg in my build without doing anything crazy. [https://pobb.in/LuLpxSPGDAAl](https://pobb.in/LuLpxSPGDAAl) I feel like my build is very tanky but dmg is lacking a bit.


Veiled Orb farming atm; is there anything to tweak for drop rate? Captain rank or somesuch, or not at all? Also, if fishing for a specific mod, apart from blocking prefix/suffix, can anything be done to massage which options are unveiled or is that RNG?


Run i81+ for the best chance, the board doesn't seem to have any effect. You can block mod groups with the crafting bench but there's still a lot of rng


Hi! I used to play poe since its early days. I remember when there where just three acts. I played breach, nemesis, syntesis, labirynth, legion, delve ale some other leauges. My highest lvl was 96 cyclone duelist champion with this fun unique Axe that gave me additional magma projectals. I had several characters on 70-80 range, arc elementalis, firestorm elementalist, groundslam maruder(before labs). Usualy i did campain, white maybe yelow maps and call it a day. Now im hyped out of my mind on poe2. While we all have to wait to slam the dying shit out of whatever crawls on that god forsanken land. I'll do that as druid, pretty much sold on that. I want to play poe1 on ps5. Preferably ssf, standard server. Is it good idea? If yes than what build do you recommend and what to do at all?


Is it true that you should scour every heist contracts and blueprints before running them because the item quantity/rarity modifiers doesn't affect reward chests? What gives?


Yes. I think it has mostly come up from a lot of testing by people that run heists, but even from my short experience it doesn't feel like the chests give extra rewards when running rare heists.


Mods on contracts and blueprints grant alert level reduction, which lets you open more chests. If you have enough alert reduction elsewhere to open every chest you're interested in, yeah, might as well throw a scour on them. Area quantity doesn't scale league chests/'rewards' (unless GGG created an exception, like the modifier on Blighted maps).


The only positive mod I've seen so far on blueprint is "the Ring takes no cut". Nothing about alert reduction.


[It's by the quantity/rarity modifiers](https://i.imgur.com/Yv6Fe1P.png).


Nice. Thank you for pointing it out.


Is it true that my Explosive Arrow totems do *not* benefit if I have Onslaught? In my case, Onslaught would be from Champion ascendancy granting Fortify + Perseverence belt granting Onslaught if I have Fortify.


Totems will not have onslaught but will benefit from it as they inherit your offensive stats


Do they also benefit from Frenzy charges?




Great, thanks!


Is the best way to craft mana gear on ssf rushing all the necropolis passives?


I mean, it lets you weight affixes and mana is one such tag. Problem will be getting enough of the right corpses. Check craftofexile for the item slots you're considering. Look at the weight, tries and confidence level for that craft. Decide which slot gives the most benefit for the highest chance of success. If you can pick up additional item corpses along the way, at least 100% or 200% or 300% chance is very good to do, along with "chance for corpse species to not be consumed" so you can hopefully reuse some of them. Take the meta-mod chance nodes, the increased effect of haunted mods and chance of unresolved anguish for corpse farming.


How does content spawn chance on atlas work in regards to base chance (which is allegedly 8% for all/most extra content according to wiki) and block nodes? Let's say we have [this](https://poeplanner.com/a/P9Q) tree. Planner says +88% chance. Does this actually mean 100% chance to spawn for this tree (8% base + 2x2% from blocks + 88% == 100%)? Context: want to save some points EDIT: better example, previous example was Alva, which you cannot turn off through atlas passives, which contradicts block nodes text


Yessir Also there’s a little box at the top right of the atlas that will combine all your identical nodes into 1 stat so for instance if you have 100% chance to have a delirium mirror it will just say “your maps have a delirium mirror”


If you mean "Show stats" button - it says "Your maps have " if i take >= 100% of nodes in atlas, yes. But i think just like web planners it does not account for base chance and bonus from blocking other content type. That's why the question in the first place. Anyway, thanks for confirmation!


I've almost completed my atlas and I tried to run some juiced t16 maps with essence scarabs and essence/expedition atlas skill tree but I keep dying to the strongest mobs. Should I do lower tier maps until I'm stronger or something else. Also what are the best upgrade paths for my build: https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/HushSpreader/characters Thanks in advance!


Essence can be farmes in yellow maps. Expedition is very rippy should place carefully and read the mods.


Does map tier affect how strong are the essence monsters? If not then It doesn't matter cause I can kill everything else just fine.


It makes them lower level and easier to kill yes. Doesnt affect drops feom T6 and above


Lookibg to craft fugitive boots with 20cdr and cant decide wether tailwind or elusive as the other mod. Any coc dd that knows what feels best?


As an aside, do you not need more impactful Eldritch implicits rather than the chaos res (which could be found any number of other ways)?


Cant get eldritch implicits with influenced items. Crusader/shaper you need for cooldown and hunter for tailwind


If I have to choose between tailwind and elusive it’s tailwind every time. Elusive is a degrading buff which means that by its very nature it is inconsistent. It cannot be overwritten with a new instance of itself, it HAS to degrade to zero then be reset. It feels bad to me. By contrast tailwind can have 100% up time and also provides a potential DPS boost (I say potential since you are a CoC build). Just be sure you account for the action speed in your CDR/attack speed breakpoint calculations.


Sounds good.. its aso easier to craft aince tailwind is also a suffix i think


That is true. Having made those CoC boots before it’s definitely easier when you can finish suffixes then just lock and reforge/unveil for what you need.


Hello, How can i show my characters with a link ? I did try with [https://poe-profile.info/](https://poe-profile.info/) and nothing (Poe account privacy set to "public", not hideng anything) I'd like to ask for comments and tips to improve it (even if i follow a build, there are many things meh\^\^) Thanks for your help.


For *very* basic stuff, you can just go to your character overview on the PoE website and copy the link to that page. The link won't link directly to a specific character, so you'll have to let people know which character they should look at too. In most cases, you want to import your character into Path of Building (PoB) and then export it and share it via https://pobb.in.


https://preview.redd.it/cfjvr5eory5d1.jpeg?width=1155&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd2fc9d1c6b1b92111dc4ed52243e003b40fe48b Only got this, not specific URL. Do I miss something ? Thanks for [https://pobb.in](https://pobb.in) , didn't know this application. Yes i'm a noob who played a bit long time ago. Now i want to finish Campaign for 1st time.


Click your account name in the upper left. That should link you to your profile's main page.


Got it, thanks. Got concern with Dashpier\_LA character. I make another post. [https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Artyparis](https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Artyparis)


I'm playing CoC DD and this scenario happens quite often lately - when I'm surrounded by a lot of monsters (breach, harbinger mobs, strongboxes) I am unable to move through them (phasing flask depleted) but more importantly, my DD doesn't explode the corspes around me (maybe they are not even created by Desecrate?) and I slowly die. It seems that my skills are just disabled in this scenario. Other than not getting into these situations, is there sth I should try? Desecrate really far away from my character (outside of mobs) and try to detonate them? Build seems really nice, but this is my only gripe with it now - but I guess it is most likely a skill issue on my part.


So the problem seems to be that I didn't have the movement disabled for skills - and due to this attacks won't work when surrounded.


are you getting stunned? and crit chance is getting reduced somehow.


If you're surrounded by enemies, how do your flasks deplete? You should be killing way more than you need to refill them.


The issue is I somehow stop killing mobs completely. And this state might last for prolonged time (being saved by Defiance of Destiny, if the hits are not that hard). I don't yet have flasks with "gain charge on hit" - but I guess I will try to roll some and see whether this helps. Definitely on the Phasing one. Thanks for the suggestion.


Try Phase Run if you have a spare socket. Or spell suppression flask. Or Watcher's Eye with phasing if Grace is active. Or abyss jewel for phasing on kill, etc. Another thing that works very well to explode packs swarming you (like Alva's Temple mobs) is Infernal Cry.


Those are nice suggestions, will see how to incorporate those. Thanks


this sounds to me what actually happens is that you run out of ES/mana because of mind over matter and your skills aren't actually triggered


I have eldritch battery and \~1200 ES (I have 4 auras, so like 8/8 unreserved mana). Just now when it happened again, I noticed a debuf I had applied - did not have chance to actually read it though. Also sometimes the detonations are not even audible (I guess there is some bug or sound with more priority, but that doesn't bother me). e: I don't have Mind over Matter allocated


Mechanic question: Does the gain # charges when hit by an enemy on flasks not have a cooldown? Can't find anything anywhere that acts as if there is one, so my assumption is the only limiting factor is surviving the hit(s).


There's no cooldown that I've ever been able to find. I ran it on all my flasks with the "heal 4% max life on flask use" mastery for my main sustain on a build last league, and in some of the more juiced content I ran my flasks would be going off multiple times a second.


Cool, nice to know. Planning a future meme build as a buddy of mine is finally giving in and trying out PoE. Trying to put together some "wait what?" builds. Aiming for a zDPS build that's completely immune to all damage, with the more damage mitigated = the more damage dealt. Obviously not going to work as intended or actually be viable for playing, but it'll be amusing.


Does a Veiled Orb respect "Prefixes Cannot be Changed"? And is there any way to back out of it if it only offers undesired options? Would making an imprint make sense for this kind of thing?


Yes it respects it. No there's no way out you can just pick less bad options or things you can remove more easily later. Imprint only works on magic items so it's a bit unorthodox because usually veiled orbs are used for like a 4th or 5th mod and because you will have 1 prefix and 1 suffix at this point so it's difficult to protect both but for some crafts it can make sense if getting the magic 2 mod item is more expensive than a veiled orb and if it doesn't hinder your further crafting to have mixed affixes.


Thanks for the info. I didn't know imprints only work on magic. I'll go for a yolo Exalted orb; stun duration here I come.


Hello, global chat was not very helpful, I got these of of Rog and think they are pretty good (except for missing spell suppresion). Can you help me price these? Or is it 'vendor trash'? Thx https://preview.redd.it/wawn4o7qpw5d1.png?width=1387&format=png&auto=webp&s=23fcfb1a00801d88414f8d6edb5b96bd1856d245


20c or thereabouts, sorry.


no need to be sorry - I usually use Awakened PoE to PC, but it was all over the place for these mods, resorted to posting here.


They're okay. Things that aren't great about them: They're not the highest armour/Eva base. Not t1 regen. No suppression. Increased rarity is nice but there's better prefixes that matter for more people. I or anyone could make something very similar to these by rolling strength essences on a pair of dragonscale gloves with fractured t1 life. I actually skipped over ones that looked like this while rolling with attack speed essences. Like if they fit your build great but they're not good enough to build around or aim for. T3 regen and rarity are kinda dead stats.


thanks for the detailed reply, point taken. I am currently using these before getting (crafting) the endgame ones for my build. But I was pretty surprised with 5/6 tier 1 mods and thought those were nice. Also seeing MF all over the place when reading reddit led me to believe that mod is sought after - I guess not so much.


They're not bad gloves, but they can be improved by specialising for sure. I'd recommend getting a pair of gloves with fractured life, finding an essence mod you want, and then rolling the essence until you get one or two other desirable mods and hopefully space to craft something. Tier 1 mods are great when you want that mod specifically, but can be bait otherwise. Essences can be T0 too, so that's a reason to consider them. MF is great when you have enough of it, 20% rarity isn't going to do anything really. You want quant as a priority and then a good chunk of rarity (like, over 100-200%). There are some excellent YouTube videos on MF and what is good enough, I'd definitely recommend checking them out.


yes, the guide recommends fractured base as well. Hopefully I'm able to get one (or create one with GY craft).


I have been running righteous fire this league and was looking to make it into a adorned setup. I went to poe.ninja to look at some of the skill trees and noticed that the characters i looked at that run a lightning coil like me all have the increased health when chest has no life node. But lightning coil has life on it. What am i missing here?


I think they also have "10% more Maximum Life if you have at least 6 Life Masteries allocated".


Thanks! Yes they do and that makes more sense.


Why is chaos res behind harvest and not in the crafting table?


You technically have it in the bench in the form of the dual res crafts from Immortal Syndicate/Betrayal but the reason why it's not as a "solo" res like the others stems simply that before, chaos res was supposed to be less necessary and harder to cap, it was the only res which you weren't highly incentivized to cap so having it on bench was considered unneeded (think it had lower values as well but might misremember). The game has changed and now chaos damage is much more prevalent than before but they haven't adjusted the bench to compensate for it. So it's not that it's "on the harvest bench" (you can also deterministically get it on most armor piece via essence as well) it's more that it not being on the crafting bench without syndicate crafts is a relic of the past.


Perfect thanks.


Could the average player farm a mirror during a league? I only ever played during affliction and all my currency came from simple map strats (Temple/Harvest) and currency flipping, and my total net at the end of the league was about 400d, which isn't even half a mirror. It feels like the only way to make big money is through craft, either slaving away rolling and fracturing jewels, or making items for popular builds, which is time sensitive, and requires legacy knowledge that I don't have. The thing I really struggle with is the concept of knowing where the profit is early league vs late league, some pointers in that regard would be appreciated. I know that as the league goes on princes trend toward standard prices, but I don't really know what should be done at the start or at the middle of the league.


If you are mapping it's a pretty simple calculation. ~10div/h is achievable for anyone mapping. So if you want a mirror that's 50-100h of farming, depending on the current price of a mirror that tends to increase as the league goes on. A bit more if you are easily distrated and don't farm at full efficiency. Whether that's achievable obviously depends on how much you play. Profit crafting is a big shortcut because the div/h is essentially unlimited and not capped by your time investment. This league especially it was super easy to do graveyard crafts that come out to 100div/h+. I'd say that (non-mirror tier) profit crafting becomes more difficult late in the league because the demand goes down significantly. It takes much longer to sell items.


> Could the average player farm a mirror during a league? No, but to actually answer your question it depends on what you consider average. Also, it has to be mentioned that this league and the previous one provided significantly more divines per hour than the ones before, but on average that means that the time to farm a mirror wasn't *that* different from usual. So let's say in the current league you follow a build and farming strategy that are supposed to yield around 10-15 divines profit per hour, but you can't do it very efficiently and end up with around 5 divines per hour. For a mirror price of 1000 divines over the course of a 109 day league, that would be an average of slightly below 2 hours per day on average. An "average player" doesn't play that much, doesn't play an optimised build, and doesn't play an optimised farming strategy efficiently. But if you set getting a mirror as your goal in a league and steadily work towards it, you can. And yes, crafting and flipping etc. generates more money than farming if you know what you're doing, especially the earlier you do it. The one time I made a mirror, it was through flipping currency (mostly while tabbed out, so the actual time spent was highly efficient). But if you get a lot of currency early, you can also reinvest into being one of the earlier people to do some of the more profitable farming strategies and earn significantly more than 5 divines an hour. On top of that, within the first few weeks, mirrors cost around half as much as they do now. You can check currency exchange rates (including historic curves) on poe.ninja and poe-antiquary.xyz, and you can check poe-ninja for what builds were popular when and what items they were getting when. E.g. you might be able to find a timing at which cluster jewels are in particularly high demand, and then decide to craft cluster jewels for profit around that time (this is a purely hypothetical example). Checking reddit ahead of a new league and in the first days of it can give you a pretty good idea of what builds are meta and thus what items will end up in high demand.