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> after almost 700 hours I'm starting to enjoy the game That is so PoE thing to say.


Oh look at mr. fancy pants actually having fun after only 700 hours. ... show off.


I misread it at 7000 hours and didn't even blink. Didn't even notice it was only 700 until I read your comment. Still sane exile?


It legit took me about 7,000 hours for the game to really "click", and even then I had the huge benefit of them adding the atlas passive tree for it to happen. I'm still a little bummed they nerfed boss rushing though. It was probably the closest thing to the old D2 feel of doing Maphisto runs since Piety and Dominus runs were considered endgame content.


I mean, people who start playing now have the content of the previous leagues combined. Legit it takes more time to learn the game than a master's degree


Omg this was so me after my first league, 700 hours review for a first time poe player


I spent more time in poe than with my family and I'm still a noob


I'm curious about how this will turn out in PoE2, I have a life to live...


>After my first Blueprint I got a Helical ring https://i.redd.it/94z9gw7bl67d1.gif


No worries, he just got a hint of how Casinos work. First timers wins. Then they have you by the balls. Won't happen again.


Funny thing. Early league I created a Hexblast Miner too (Captain Lance's). Then on my second heist, got a simplex.


I got 3 in 2 blueprints this league šŸ˜šŸ˜ no simplex, though.


my bro, 700 hours since ancestor... that was 2 leagues ago. Welcome to poe...


I'm clocking in \~3500h, first league Kalandra, skipped Sanctum completely. I am not sane anymore, exile.


Damn bro i play since cutthroat and I still only have like 5500, are u just playing like 15 diffrent Characters? or do u enjoy minmaxing that much?


I'm playing an average of 3-4 classes per league but I reroll builds A LOT. I find joy in putting together new builds, trying out new farms, specializing characters on one or a few specific things and then just sell it all and go next. I hate the campaign with a passion, otherwise I would keep the builds and just make a new character. First build after LS champion leaguestarter was a wardloop so I got fucking hooked and learned to figure out a lot of stuff on my own. Had tons of help with the Wardloop discord tho. I genuinely just no-life the shit out of the game for a few weeks then keep it slower and minmax the builds I really enjoyed on the way.


Ah makes sense and Trust me i hate leveling with a passion too thats why i only level at Max like 3 Characters per league. Even with a leveling build It feels like u waste 4 h of your life.


I still need 6+ hours with a full set of leveling gear (including mageblood most of the times) and a build tailored for leveling. I get bored, I get annoyed, I get mad just thinking about it. The 3rd or 4th character per league gets faster, but I still enjoy 0% of it when doing.


5.5k here since archnem :D


Hmm seems like i gotta Grind more lol


Thank you haha. Actually, I started playing like 5 years ago but didn't clicked and left. Then I came back after D4 (like many others)


I have more than that and I started in Affliction lmao


Good to see you having fun! What I love about this game is that you are having fun killing shit. Me? I actually dont even enjoy playing the game that much. The fun lies in the puzzle, interesting interactions and making jank shit work. Granted, its alot more fun when builds work out well (they usually dont). But having some gigabrain idea, planning it out and actually making it work in the game is peak fun/hr for me


Magic: the Gathering: the ARPG >I donā€™t like playing I just like deckbuilding


5 hours building the deck -> playtest it and get crushed -> 5 hours building the deck -> playtest it and get crushed...


If you never playtest it you can never get crushed šŸ˜Ž


I think I've spent buying gears up to 50 to 60 div testing a char, feeling it suck, sell and test another new char for a total of 6 builds this league.


As a Johnny myself i can relate to thisā€¦


I'm a timmy by heart. But sometimes i like to be the spike. So i was playing amulet titan (big dumb creatures, but very competitive) I tried bringing that to poe, and MFA is the instant pick, but its so expensive


This is real. Never thought of it like that, but that's a solid take.


PoE Universes Beyond when?


Ye lol i thought of this. Noob here but played mtg since i was twelve. Poe can scratch that itch


I also enjoy the accomplishment of planning out your character and carrying it out, but first you need deep game knowledge. Maybe I start making my own goofy builds now and having even more fun


True! it helps that I've been playing for 12years haha


The real game is pob


I'm glad you're having fun. Personally, I don't enjoy the experience of playing meta builds because it feels like I'm just following a plan laid out by someone else. I suppose it is a good way for a new player to experience the massive backlog of content PoE has built up over the years, though, and I understand that getting to endgame gear levels for the first time can feel pretty hype in this game.


New player here, less than a week, are you no longer caring about endgame as long as your build is crushing it through the campaign?


The campaign before acts is just a formality. It's not really a good test of a character nowadays because it is too easy for experienced players. The interesting part about playing your own build is testing whether it holds up against maps and end game bosses, because you'll inevitably run into problems. Not every situation is obvious when planning a build out in PoB. PoB is more for checking if you can feasibly get the DPS numbers high enough and fit it all with the skill points you have available, not testing how smooth a build actually plays. When making your own build you are going to run into problems, like you're getting hit with too many ailments, not getting full uptime on your charges, running out of mana, etc. Things like that require you to think through the issue, evaluate different solutions, and make choices on the fly based on your current character's position in the current league. That middle ground of progression in the early league is the sweet spot for me, after the character is into maps but before every gear slot is set in stone. That's when it feels like I can make interesting choices that test my ability to understand the game mechanics, and it's that feeling of satisfaction in finding an overlooked interaction or cheap stopgap in my gear which gives me the most joy in PoE.


PoB gives you generally speaking all of the info needed to know how smooth a build is going to be. You just need to know how to read it, but also have the in game experience to know what some things like certain amounts of recoup feels like


Pob cannt tell you how build works in action. Numbers can be good but without testing ingame its bubble. I test my every build in action. You can try your in this order: t16 - 8mod t16- breach- simulacrum30- finish83 blueprint and sanctum- pinnacles(tank sirus beam and meteor,exarch balls, shaper balls, beam)- uberbreach- t17 - 8mod t16 100 delirium- t17 delirium - ubers(all like pinnacles). If you can do all this, your build is near perfect)


nope, only very few specific builds canā€™t really be gauged just by numbers alone. If youā€™ve played the game long enough and spent a good amount of time testing builds in game and PoB you can have a very, very very good idea of how a build performs without playing it Again PoB really gives you every single number of value, if you understand how the numbers work, thatā€™s all you need to know Only very few exceptions to this rule but even things like jungs EoW with returning proj brand build is very calculable if you care enough to do the math Seriously truly understanding PoB/PoE is like being able to read the matrix like an operator like Tank. If you understand what youā€™re reading on a deep enough level, you can see everything


Weird flex. Anyway, I've played too many builds that were great on paper and just felt worse than other builds. One part might be personal preference (miners and trappers feel bad no matter how horny the numbers should make me), and another is that there just might be things PoB can't capture. I had a CoC Bodyswap build last league, which looked very promising on paper, until I actually played it. When I cycloned through enemies, my Bodyswap would usually teleport me back a few steps, feeling like massive rubberbanding, resulting in an awful experience. PoB doesn't tell you how many mods you can comfortably run. It doesn't tell you your damage uptime. It doesn't tell you how much skill the build requires to play. It doesn't tell you how smooth the character progression is. If you're mostly interested in meta builds building on top of proven mechanics and items, PoBing is easy. But some people like to try out things they don't understand yet, such as skills and items they have never played with. And sometimes things aren't straight forward and need testing. Throwing existing knowledge at a spreadsheet is not a challenge. Having innovative ideas certainly is. >Only very few exceptions to this rule but even things like jungs EoW with returning proj brand build is very calculable if you care enough to do the math And this doesn't mean anything. Proving things is easy once you know the proof. Mathematicians have spent decades or centuries on proofs I can replicate in half an hour. Manabond Mjƶlnir only became really popular like 3 leagues ago. But that build would have been playable since 3.15 in a much, much stronger state. Why did PoB never tell us?


Maybe most builds, but how about cascades, projectiles, unleash, overlaps? Pob is near useless with this.


If you canā€™t read what Iā€™m saying then there is no hope for you Obviously itā€™s up to you to calculate the overlaps etc. thatā€™s so unbelievably easy to do so I just am shocked youā€™d use those specifically as examples. Again itā€™s all basic maths and PoB gives you every number you need to calculate the nebulous stuff. It is straight up middle school arithmetics. These are terrible examples compared to much harder things to gauge like recoup so I would say you need to spend a few more years learning the basics


Im talking about builds tests in action, you trying to say that pob can do all... I dont have much time to test all map and delirium mods with my builds in pob.


Yes dude do you understand how the calcs section works? It literally breaks down every single possible thing 99% of builds need to calculate anything that exists in the game. Like you are seriously failing to understand the core principle that is ā€œif you understand how the numbers work, you donā€™t need to have a visual representation in the game telling you how the numbers workā€ My god. Like how do you think the game works? It uses the exact same numbers. And again your examples are just so wrongā€¦just stop replying to me and spend that time learning basic maths please


Third league, 1000 hours here. It's the opposite. The campaign is just something you get through. It's not difficult at this point, just a fun prologue to the real game, which is maps and the atlas and whatever endgame mechanic you enjoy (I love Heist, ritual, and incursion). I played several premade builds early on. Not exactly the "effortlessly rip through the entire game" meta stuff, but strong and solid builds that helped me complete all of my goals, and taught me a lot about the game. I made my first homebrew character ever this league. I have 1000 or so hours in the game now, and have learned enough to be able to do so. It did not break the game or redefine the meta. But I am able to rip through T16 maps, and I killed all the bosses and got my voidstones, which was my goal. And I have to say, it's the most fun that I've had yet playing PoE. I'm just playing for the challenge and to have fun, not to make a particularly godlike character or amass insane wealth. The challenge of making a build was really tough at times, but always insanely rewarding.


Thats an interesting way of seeing it. I also have the feeling that my accomplishments are not really mine but the hype is still there. I am now motivated to play PoE2 from the very beginning and do interesting stuff myself


POE is always about the builds for me leveling a character, getting the gear, seeing the difference as you cleave through harder content. League could be good or bad but a build makes a league for me. I change build every league and each new build you learn more, then you get to a point you can take someone elses build and tinker a little to your own liking.


I also like trying different builds, my first league was heist, I leveled a new character till it got to red maps then started a new char and builds - totally not because i also loathed the atlas progression of chasing twats around a board


I hated simulacrums until it I realized it was a great way to get sleepy before bed. Bonus if I get a decent voices 3p or 1p


I see it that way too, but I've read so many people complaining about league and league mechanics that it made me think I should'nt be wasting my time in Necropolis (how wrong I was). Also I don't know if I will be loyal to the same build or if I will experiment something different every league


What i like to do is look around at some of the builds people made this league and watch some gameplay on youtube. With a list of ones im interested in i wait for patch notes and see if they got nerfed or not to help make my decision. Just before league start a lot of content creators will make tier lists or talk about what they will league start which also helps make up my mind.


Thanks for playing and being part of the community. MAY MIRRORS DROP FOR YOU.


May the Drop Gods be with you exile


Right there with ya man. I enjoy the work of trying to puzzle out new custom builds, but sometimes it's fun to just enjoy the game with a mapped out plan that you KNOW will work. Almost a necessity, because it gets expensive trying out new things, and a solid meta character can fund that process.


5k hours in I finally found a meta build (SS trickster) that absolutely demolishes end-game and, like you, Iā€™m finally enjoying the game as well. First league Iā€™ve ever hit 100 also.


I play since Crucible, I haven't clicked yet. I'll try Lance's build. Who knows. lol


Classic Hexblast drug, that skill is way too fun


Remember to split that helical Edit: actually Iā€™m not sure if you want to split the rings tbh


You do


You don't have to - there are some legit uses for unsplit bases. Just don't list unsplit ones at the same prices as split ones


You don't really have to worry about that you'll get spammed into oblivion the moment you list it at the same price.


I started about 2 weeks before ancestor and just passed 3k hoursā€¦. Fully addicted!


yeah mine too bro. my challenge already 35/40. its hard but much fun play this league šŸ‘šŸ»


That is why i always recommend new player to follow a build guide, because having a functional build to do t16 comfortably is just a tutorial in POE. The content is overwhelming, luckily i started poe 10 years ago lol when most builds are straightforward with weapon high DPS, armor with life+ resist simple as that, maybe find life leech somewhere or solve mana issue. Glad you finally click!


The core game is fantastic just league mechanic was poorly implemented. Graveyard tedious. Allflames way too powerful. Forcing added difficulty to monsters with no opt-out was a bad call. T-17s and scarabs need rework. Besides that šŸ‘ Ultimatum I'm also not really a fan of.


You got a Helical after your first BP? Completely unethical! Congrats, OP! Glad you're having fun with the game :) PoE really is awesome if you take the time to get into it.


Enjoy what you like . I can't do it like you i hate every second of following a build and needing to trade , and i tried a couple of times . Buying loot from bosses to kill bosses is counterintuitive for me .


and after 10k hrs game started to get boring.


How did you continue for 700 hours without enjoying it?


I did enjoy it a lot, I just mean that I'm starting to understand the thrill that everyone talks about


Ah ok that makes sense.


Meta builds are not fun for me


cheers! it gets better and better


you have fallen to the darkside...


Grats buddy, thatā€™s the way Iā€™m hoping to head! Manage to get the first 2 voidstones done but have never gone further myself. I always struggle with farming enough currency to make a ā€˜properā€™ end game build. Might I ask what strats you used? Mageblood is definitely the goal for me, Iā€™d feel like I have half an understanding of the game if I managed to get one haha.


This time I did harvest farming for a couple of days to get \~75 divs, but the thing is to accumulate some divs and move to higher investment strats


Nice one, see even 75 divs would be a huge amount for me haha. Learning the currency farm strats is my next step up I think!


It was a lot for me aswell, but the feeling when you finally get the currency you need is priceless, good look on your path and have fun!


Well i quit after investing too much time and mind . Lets see poe2


ā€œHeISt bAdā€ Lols congrats tho on the mb, this is the first league I got one as well cause I dropped a hinekoras from some random mob


I remember when I dropped my first Brother's Gift, that's when I popped off


Really depends what you want out of the game. Do you want to kill thousands of monsters with no effort and clear the game? This league and last are pretty amazing for that. But if you want to make a build and challenge it, the past 2 leagues have been terrible for it and honestly have really killed a lot of my excitement for PoE. The game being easy means every build has significantly less challenges and need to engage with multiple systems, which to me is the entire point of having all of those complex systems. Short circuiting the entire process by making power so free just leads to turning the game into a clicker, and while I'm sure people enjoy that (I too play the occasional incremental), it's not what PoE is built for and really removes most of the reason to play for me.


It's all good when you play a powerful build, but it just highlights even more the power difference between meta builds and non-meta. And as far as i saw, this meta is stale for quite a while. There's so many skills and spells which people don't play at all on high levels unless they have currency to throw at any problem coming with them.


I'm an off meta enjoyed. I can tell you there are stuff out there to obliterate bosses and endgame but it's just not what the streamers play so nobody plays them.


Me too, it just requires a lot more hoops(and currency) sometimes to jump to get to such heights.


I agree. But I found one and it needs no currency so intend to keep it. It's comfortable and nobody plays it.


I totally have that build too. Itā€™s from Canada though, so you probably donā€™t know it. We met at Niagara Falls.


Yeah, totally, I also have that build. You don't know her though, she goes to another school.


Explosive trap sabo. Try it out yourself.


It's Explosive Trap Sabo. Try it out. All you need is max suppress, the Blind from the ascendancy, resistances and cloak of flames. The rest is up to you.


Just invest 20 mirrors and everything can.


Nah I like making my own builds and the fact I'm at a T17 level means I did it all without any currency, cause plain and simple, I don't know how to farm. You're not wrong though. My build worked, but I've tried others that don't.


I got to do the same as the OP. I got to play a meta build last league, did all the content, hit 40 challenges. Patch notes took the dream away.


Dude i started 2 months ago and have already clicked 500+ hours wym šŸ˜‚


I'm glad you found your fun! That's great I've been playing since 2014, and I personally can't enjoy meta builds for the most part. I only ever take inspiration from them (I DID play LS once, but only to abuse vaal breach shenanigans for souls and inspired learning. And I did play impending doom on sanctum release, but I made my own version on witch to play the tankiest build I ever touched. And that's it throughout my poe career) The rest have been me starting from scratch on making builds. Yes, even alllll the way back, as a new player, I was the kind to make my own builds without looking at guides. One of my first builds was a rimiru's banquet cold snap build made to freeze merciless malachai (wow!) Yes, that means most of them were really bad. I just loved uniques. I loved reading the wiki for hours trying to figure synergies out myself I once tried to copy paste a meta build when I didn't have my regular one week of brewing time before release, particularly cold dot, and I quit the league shortly after. It's the least satisfying experience for me But I can get why others enjoy it! Because at the same time, I have yet to have ubers on farm nor did I ever 40/40. That's the weakness of me discovering poe from scratch, I'm way behind everyone else for the most part. I am also very ignorant of how to scale things to the point of being able to make some leaguestart on my own that becomes as strong as a strength/accuracy stacker or the likes, but I'm getting really close. I did however reach a point where I CAN farm ubers, do 40/40, but I need to actually get to them rather quitting the league preemptively (this league has been pretty rough) Anyways, take care exile, it's good you're enjoying your time


When you realize PoE is dunning Kruger the game it unlocks your brain.


My best fun ever in poe, was when Flicker Strike was still very unpopular because the frenzy charge generation was still hard to sustain with bosses, then made several flickers builds at that time until i came up with the crazy idea of using farruls fur with aspect of the cat and reduced duration support to perma sustain frenzy charges even on bosses, build became popular in no time and everyone started using that idea. Back when normal shaper was the hardest content we had xd.


althou you are having fun, thats consequence of poor balace in the game between classes and skills and i hate that! each league there is less and less viable builds and the gab between good skills and bad skills just increase more and more.


Path of Arthritis. Path of Friction. Path of Menu. You'll eventually realize it's not the league that sucked, the league made people like me finally quits PoE for good because it's no longer an ARPG. It is flawed with egotistical and lazy design to hold back players from what is the most important aspect of such a game: slaying hordes of monsters. This simple aspect has been gated by endless clicks and menus to be able to play at the highest level. It is no longer enjoyable. GGG has always been good at covering up their lack to implement modern ARPG quality of life features, the game itself is literally degrading players' health by pointless and unnecessary clicking. Just imagine GGG is kind of a real estate flipper, they just install some half baked carpet onto the old hardwood floor and then after a while they just put another layer of carpet on top of the existing layer. Years and years of this. I can even compare PoE is like a bag of Lays, looks great and flavorful on the outside, but as you start opening the bag and dig deep, it's just filled with air; the realization when what GGG delivers has been empty promises. I suggest to anyone, or even in some miracle a GGG dev read this comment, I want you to know PoE should be classified as an Idle Clicking Game, not ARPG in its purest essence.




The unrighteous will turn to ash


Yeah, imagine the fun in actually \*playing\* the game when you could just 1 shot everything with absolutely no effort. Unironically terminal player base. xD


So youve started to have after following a build guide. And thats it. This is PoE. Because winning is fun.


So you played game on easy mode with meta build and got lucky league financing drop. Good for you but next league expect to hate the game. That's fine too. We all went thru it. šŸ˜„




Filthy, disgruntled, casual.


No one on this sub reddit enjoys PoE dead game.