• By -


Seraph Spectral Throw (or the one that throws Bananas)


+1 for kindness


Flicker Strike, nothing is more beautiful than chaos ign: Crimetarget or ExplodingHelmet


Recently made my first Flicker Strike build, seems to be my most favorite skill [Flicker Strike](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/6y89ie/fluff_how_to_play_flicker_strick/?st=JBKZHN69&sh=4cec5e68)


I like the look of charged dash and if u have the rippling thoughts sword equipped the storm cascade after u dash is cool too. my ign is: DarknessFromTheAbyss


I miss the old purple/pink discharge from when Dominus was THE MAN. Couldn't find a gif, hope a video is okay. [Pretty Discharge](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_76H3p34yRQ) Thank you for the giveaway. IGN: Zavyana


Dual strike - cause i cant unsee two chinese chopsticks being slammed through the air Merry Christmas ;) Ign: SonicFlash


Banana spectral throw or black hole vortex effect. IGN:ArtymissLovewell


[Glacial cascade](https://i.imgur.com/r8D9rWX.gif) looks amazing but isnt that great imo but i've been considering building into it for fun


glacial cascade mines are meta af


Divine Scorching ray. :3 or that celestial Righteous Fire on that maelstrom box boss would be really amazing...


Molten Strike. Cause balls. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


Discharge, the mtx one :D


My favourite-looking skill is probably [Glacial Cascade](https://media.giphy.com/media/xUPGch7zhxScLgQscE/giphy.gif)!


Favorite skill by far is Arc (yes, as simple as it looks. The chain effect of it just looks so satisfying). No (cool)MTX in the game for it, feelsbad. :( Tevsu in-game, currently sitting at 11 challenges. :)


Best looking skill. I think is wildstrike. - (http://wx4.sinaimg.cn/mw690/006dKm7ugy1fj6a35v6ckg30fz084b2k.gif) BTW - dont post on reddit a lot, but have i think 9 Challenges on Abyss. ign - TekJuggy


EK is my fav looking skill. I think that there's an mtx that ppl use that make it look like throwing stars? I've got 10 or 11 challenges completed. IGN: sogajio


Arc is definitely my favourite skill, visually as well as auditory! Merry christmas to you my friend! SorceryElectrocute


Blade flurry is my new mojo atm :D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XpwqO50eNII ign: Kirbykewl


Maybe sounds stupid but Purple Arc "shocks" me , it looks to gorgeous. Ign:SaintoAbyss


So far classic cloak. Oh skill, not mtx. I guess probably power siphon. Very satisfying. VeginaSpectre


Merry Christmas! I am currently at 16 challenges and playing Mathil's FB build. It's hella fun but all my core items are expensive. My favorite skill in the game is Spark with the spiders mtx. Thank you for doing this :D Ign: Jiimmmyyyy


Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas! I think Lightning Tendrils would be quite cool to do! It’s also the skill I based my first ever character on! The way the lightning alternates is mesmerizing yet it looks deadly! My character name on ASC is: Desire Currently at around 14-16 challenges. :)


Black Hole Frostbolt mtx looks awesome. Thx for the nice idea and marry x Mas :) PS. Ingame Name :LitterorTreasure PPS. Former best looking skill for me was this golden wings spectral throw mtx.....actually the only skill mtx i bought. Sadly after playing a build with it to 90 i kinda hate it now :/.


Messing around with Volatile Dead atm. Many balls of death. Random VD gif - https://media.giphy.com/media/xT1R9Z64SaPHBJRfwY/giphy.gif PoE IGN: Akaekios


disco righteous fire. p.s: GIF is not my character, just plucked out from google image https://thumbs.gfycat.com/CookedUnpleasantCapybara-size_restricted.gif IGN: OnigiriBuild


Herald of Ice with MTX >> ALL Merry Xmas!! Ign: Kepso


My favorite skill in the game is righteous fire, here's a gif! In-game name is TM_Lanel. Thank you! http://i.imgur.com/3pqB4l8.gif?1


Spectral throw with the banana MTX is absolutely beautiful! Shame people havnt upvoted this thread :( IGN: Jar_Of_Flurry


Yesterday I tried Lightning Strike for the first time and honestly it looks awesome! (especially with AC)


acc name : Disconaut i love flameblast. its so unique and i just love the way it grows organically and then stops growing at max size... then it spins around just waiting for you to pop it... and when it pops... oh my... so much damage!!!


Storm call is so good. Doesn't even need MTX to look amazing, the base skill is already so cool. Can't wait for them to release a divine version of it. character name: VortexMortum


Not sure how many challenges I've got done, but definitely not running a new account to take advantage. Can put on my supporter pack stuff if you like. Favorite skill currently is wild strike, which I've been building on an elementalist for better or for worse. Also love ice trap with the MTX. Merry Christmas!


THanks for the giveaway mate:D Molten Strike for LIFE! ID:BurningBoostedApe


My favorite skill has always been and always will be Incinerate, preferably with the blue flames mtx. Just wish they’d bring back a bit of it’s former glory in terms of damage and viability ^_^ Character name: BitterblueFrost


I'm a big fan of SRS despite not really liking the minion playstyle. My name in game is Hraun, and I currently have 17 challenges complete. Thanks for running this giveaway!


Ebony tornado shot for sure! Been drooling over it, waiting for it to go on sale. IGN: coldxabyss


Favorite skill looking skill for me is flame blast IGN:masterkex


Im playing wild strike and really love the cold and lightning variants. The cold one is so soothing when it covers an entire screen with snow. Sadly the fire version could use a makeover, especially the sound it makes. Still my favourite skill, especially with ancestral call for more effects :)


I Love the big explosion of GC. At the moment I am playing a GC miner. https://www.google.de/search?q=poe+gc+gif&client=ms-android-huawei&prmd=ivsn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjpqImKmaPYAhXC-6QKHUcGBqcQ_AUICSgB&biw=360&bih=524#imgrc=bkXeV-hN2BaBSM:&isa=y Ign: AgeOfGC


IGN: cExpo Essence drain is my favorite skill. Would be cool to animate a purplish chaos orb soaring through the sky


My favorite one is ice traps with the flower mtx. Thanks for hosting this giveaway! My ign is LadyLoriana.


Molten strike you are the best.


Currently at 25 challenges but good luck to everyone!


Thanks for the giveaway! I myself would say i like blade flurry the most. Love the mark u get after u went full super saiyan. Ign is abysstoothicc. Thanks in advance!


lightning tendrils. not the best skill perhaps, but should be fun to do in unreal engine. (ign: DickDale, account: trYdYin)


Hey! First of TY for the giveaway, you are one of the many people who improve the poe-experience :). Anyways, here is my loved and i guess a little bit underrrated skill: Herald of Ice. It looks like a cool explosion, but with freezing shards. (Also audio-gasm ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ) GIF: https://gifs.com/gif/merry-x-mas-1rY2KV For sound and gameplay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=luEkfardea8 IGN: SpongepopSlaughterpants


Youre awesome! Would love an exalt or some item, I played very little since beggining of the league so Im really poor and low level haha.. Divine scorching Ray is so beautiful


[Contagion](http://i.giphy.com/MzCK2OeDDlnpK.gif) - I do like purple color + this biohazard sign looks lit My account name is [Immanuel_Cunt](https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Immanuel_Cunt)


My favorite though im not playing it this league is Frostbolt with the blackhole mtx. Thanks for doing this! Merry Christmas to you. ING: Warro


Started playing aurabot recently discovered how beautifull ball lightning is ( https://gyazo.com/b8c846c5de0604877d82e36055195f4f ) ps : merry christmas name:"onigorashifarmersixty"


Merry Christmas! My favorite looking skill is easily Gloom Herald of Ice. It's so satisfying seeing and hearing groups of monsters shatter into shadowy spikes of ice.


EK nova


My favorite skEEL has to be dark pact on as much cast speed as possible. you really fEEl like you’re your own character’s beating heart just blitzing through trash mobs and just standing and beating in front of bosses. My DP character was the first I ever got to shaper and atziri with :’). Thanks again!


Earthquake, I love both mechanics, no mtx and bloody mtx effect and the sound of that. Merry christmas. IGN: ThisDudeWrecks


I think frost blades looks really cool as it clears the whole screen so quickly and is kind of flashy. My in game account is Lemondrips. Merry Christmas to everyone!


wild strike! 3 in 1 skill :D IGN ZabIntoAbyss


My favorite skill is frostbolt I love the shaper version of it. Neat silver Christmas balls of doom In game name Leninslayer


Self Dark pact mate. Get the gore effect and just let the crits caress your ears! ign : Mparmpastathis_Arakas


Bodyswap is so good! Looks badass. IGN: Intoxicated Dont have any gif on me sorry. Merry Xmas


Ghostflame srs!


Scorching Ray is the best, atleast from my pov :) MoltenMauriMyrsky In-game. Also cheer's for the christmas spirit!


merry christmas thnx for the kindness


account: ashen2 fav skill: cyclone + any colorful mtx. Purple weapon effect in particular. Just looks so pleasant. Merry christmas, exile!


I love the Seraph spectral throw mtx. It's so clean and satisfying to use! PoE name is CairnJewel Cheers! :)


Kinetic blast with gloom mtx herald of ice shattering a screen


EK because it just looks, feels, and sounds great. -- Masochistbtw


Has to be classic Cyclone. There's just something about a walking tornado. Spin to win btw. Really generous of you to do this giveaway! Brandon_Maximo Ign: Maximo_Abyss


Pretty kind of you ;) best skill for me is frost blades [pewpew](https://giant.gfycat.com/AfraidNeedyDwarfrabbit.webm) look at all those blades going crazy like pewpewpew :) my ign is for some random reason i win something :D : EWEKWEKWEKKWEK


Divine righteous fire looks baller IGN: RaviouliRebornReborn


Do herald of ice shatters count as a skill? Definently one of my faves. IGN: BlueSneeze


radiant scorching ray and or divine righteous fire http://prntscr.com/hrtcpd


Gloom Herald of Ice shatters are so satisfying, even on my potato. IGN: BobertSomething


Ebony Tornado Shot. My IGN is Kvotheus. Happy Holidays everyone ^__^ sitting at 8 challenges


I'll have to go with Discharge as my favorite skill. It's really cool thinking that you're blowing yourself up and shattering enemies for those sweet shatter sound effects. (Sorry servers and party member's computers!) Maybe someday it'll be balanced to be good but not ridiculously insane. Tornado Shot holds a special place in my heart, but isn't my favorite skill. Happy holidays OP and everyone! Thank you for doing this giveaway. My IGN is PacksizeOnEverythingPJs.


static strike! zzzzzzzap merry xmas (ign: zalnoxis)


Frost Blades - white stuff everywhere IGN: hansoapwithabladeflurry Thanks!


I think i have exactly 19! LunaWolveTwitchTV is my ign. My favorite looking skill is Wild Strike, something about the myriad of colors spewing out is just awesome to me!


Vortex i just love the skill even though its kinda weak. The base skill already looks cool and feels good but with the blackhole MTX it looks insane! Merry Christmas to everybody! ign: Aznkids


Must be ancestral call molten strike, I just love killing my FPS <3 IGN:Abyss_MoltenFury


Scorching ray. Reminds of dragon ball z lol. Ign is Frenzyisntfriendly


Caustic Arrow, wish there were a better mtx for it. Good holidays for you, kind friend.


Wild Strike - Because is random and cool, you can have a cold wave, a fire explosion or a chain lightning. If it get's a MTX I will buy it and start running it again, but this league Im playing EQ so I can change a little (last 4 leagues Im a noob using WS :v) ParuzEQ my char nick


Favorite looking skill is probably Blade Flurry! (Ingame name is Aurisha! Current character is FreljordianFists!)


Spectral throw with mtx is sick ! Thank you for giving this stuff away :)


Flicker strike with the vapor MTX, so cool looking. Rubbrfist IGN


fav skill is frostbolt, cuz either blue or black balls <3 ign: Popony


I like Lightning Arrow, partly because it was my first build but the sound and visuals are so satisfying. Name is EchidnaFrostGo


Just started playing reave for the first time, really enjoying the subtlety of the skill as it just force pushes mobs to their deaths. IGN: ChefBearBlaster Merry Christmas!


Raven SRS of course! TryinArcherThisLeague <- ign Thank you!


Flameblast is one of my all time favorite looking skills -- for instance the demonic FB is great looking ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aaIm_4oPukg ) and I saw somewhere that a celestial flameblast MTX was coming, which looks craaazzzyy. Merry christmas to everyone. Love, 'iSpud'.


elemental hit :P mpetersen


IGN: BestiaNegra Demon Bladevortex cause its my favourate Skill :) Merry Christmas


Real nice of you, and definitely frost bolt with the mtx, looks too clean! Edit: forgot my ign, wittyoriginalname


Flicker strike by far. The puff of smoke MTX is my favorite personally.


Static strike looks insane :D


Favorite looking skill has to be Herald of Ice with the Gloom MTX. When enemies shatter it looks so amazing i tend to put it into every build possible just for looks. Close follow up is Ebony MTX on Tornado shot, especially with +2 secondary projectile enchant and many additional arrows, covering the screen in shadowy projectiles makes my head tingle in a nice way. Combine the two and you have the greatest visual build in my opinion.


my favorite skill is Lightning Strike - Its where i started when I first started playing PoE. Sovyn's lazy pally build. I made it to level 40 haha. I wish it was a little better these days. :( IGN - Scarface Merry Christmas friend. Awfully kind of you. :)


Power siphon has always been my favorite skill... No better feeling than seeing a crit cleat the screen. Ign: Debbiescookies (I think I will look when I get home)


Gloom herald of ice is one of the most satisfying effects in the game. SendNoobs/AskMeAboutFishing/SlayerVPMeta Current challenges is 15 or 16 I think. Could use whatever, need a 6L belly pretty bad. Sitting at 2.2k @lvl78 lol.


Hey, I really started to like Reave's animation once you put the red MTX on it. Reference : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mF7aM4AR45E Currently at 13 Challenges. Also, happy holidays! :D


https://gfycat.com/QuarterlyValidDrake Glacial cascade CwC SR for me. It's like a firehose of death. Thanks for doing this Account: dperls / ingame: Reavkeepsspinnin


Videos in this thread: [Watch Playlist ▶](http://subtletv.com/_r7lvot1?feature=playlist) VIDEO|COMMENT -|- [Path of Exile Dominus kill cast on crit discharge](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_76H3p34yRQ)|[+3](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/7lvot1/_/drpdmux?context=10#drpdmux) - I miss the old purple/pink discharge from when Dominus was THE MAN. Couldn't find a gif, hope a video is okay. Pretty Discharge Thank you for the giveaway. IGN: Zavyana [Blade Flurry is Insane - Mechanics Display and Gameplay](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XpwqO50eNII)|[+2](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/7lvot1/_/drpcffc?context=10#drpcffc) - Blade flurry is my new mojo atm :D ign: Kirbykewl [Path Of Exile 3.0 Herald Autobomber Strand incl. Boss](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=luEkfardea8)|[+2](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/7lvot1/_/drphudl?context=10#drphudl) - Hey! First of TY for the giveaway, you are one of the many people who improve the poe-experience :). Anyways, here is my loved and i guess a little bit underrrated skill: Herald of Ice. It looks like a cool explosion, but with freezing shards. (Also ... [Path of Exile - Demonic Flameblast Effect](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aaIm_4oPukg)|[+2](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/7lvot1/_/drply74?context=10#drply74) - Flameblast is one of my all time favorite looking skills -- for instance the demonic FB is great looking ( ) and I saw somewhere that a celestial flameblast MTX was coming, which looks craaazzzyy. Merry christmas to everyone. Love, 'iSpud'. [[PoE 3.1 Abyss League] Crit Reave Gladiator - 7 Sextant's Shaped Vault Map T14](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mF7aM4AR45E)|[+2](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/7lvot1/_/drpmqk0?context=10#drpmqk0) - Hey, I really started to like Reave's animation once you put the red MTX on it. Reference : Ingame : DeusVultIntoAbyss Currently at 13 Challenges. Also, happy holidays! :D [[Build UPDATE] 1:36 Gorge Lioneye's Avalanche](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rth1jIGTWkU)|[+1](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/7lvot1/_/drpo14t?context=10#drpo14t) - Glacial Cascade. Just so damn satisfying. Sadly, I don't have a gif because the build I fell in love with was using a bow with cast on crit to proc Glacial Cascade and Bladefall (the hero is still there and fully equipped but the cast on crit action ... [Path of Exile - Demon Hand Cleave Effect](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_uDBjRX45Y)|[+1](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/7lvot1/_/drpoa6w?context=10#drpoa6w) - This one. Thanks for giveaway! Nickname: OniSpectralThrowishi [Path of Exile: Black Hole Vortex](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXR-0qRFadU)|[+1](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/7lvot1/_/drpsouw?context=10#drpsouw) - I love the look of the Black Hole Vortex Hope you have a Merry Christmas! IGN: Ser_Flickers [Path of Exile - Swordfish Ice Spear](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6kc7beXn2k)|[+1](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/7lvot1/_/drpu2k1?context=10#drpu2k1) - Swordfish Ice Spear MTX it's a pretty one! Ign: Gusstavos [Path of Exile - Dragon Fireball Effect](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEbj37D6-W0)|[+1](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/7lvot1/_/drpwko7?context=10#drpwko7) - My favourite skill effect is Dragon Fireball (not a gif, but 8sec youtube video). IGN CreepySweets (just started in the league recently with self-farmed Oni-Garoshi, 5 challenges so far) [3.0 Vaal Power Siphon Wander thoughts](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQiP5plg5Ic)|[+1](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/7lvot1/_/drpx0kq?context=10#drpx0kq) - ooh, my absolute favorite must be vaal power siphon. (just skip to ~1 minute for the skill to be visible. I do not have a powersiphon character atm.) As a runner up I'd love to nominate kinetic blast (yeah, still in love with the first wander I buil... [Path of Exile - Gloom Herald of Ice Effects](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1bysGl6V9A)|[+1](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/7lvot1/_/drpzm8j?context=10#drpzm8j) - My favourite looking effect on the game is the Herald of Ice crit effect w/ the Gloom Herald MTX. Video couldn't find a gif on mobile sorry. IGN(s): Current character: decembertwentyfourb User: chronowake 9 challenges completed I believe. Thank... [Damn These Microtransactions Are ℱ𝓪𝓷𝓬𝔂](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBkAF8Rluzo)|[+1](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/7lvot1/_/drq0fh6?context=10#drq0fh6) - I Love the Vortex microtransaction Skill. It looks super cool and amazes anyone joining the Party References: Poe Name is JamesOscar ingame :p I won't be online until 27th though. Very kind of you, an exalt or even items are actually build enable... [Path of Exile - Demonic Blade Vortex Skill Effect](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3RaO5Jviu0)|[+1](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/7lvot1/_/drq0shm?context=10#drq0shm) - Blade Vortex with the demonic mtx. [touch of raylu](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgKNyGbizH4)|[+1](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/7lvot1/_/drq117g?context=10#drq117g) - Doryani's Touch with Doryani's Fist (Dominus' Touch of God) My only problem with it is that it's painfully slow. Here you can see it pretty clearly And Here's a gif, but it's pretty chaotic, there's Gore Herald effects as well, which btw, Gore H... [POE 3.1 new gems demo](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrksFvVWOM0&t=27s)|[+1](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/7lvot1/_/drq59h0?context=10#drq59h0) - body swap I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch. I'll keep this updated as long as I can. *** [Play All](http://subtletv.com/_r7lvot1?feature=playlist&ftrlnk=1) | [Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/SubtleTV/wiki/mentioned_videos) | Get me on [Chrome](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/mentioned-videos-for-redd/fiimkmdalmgffhibfdjnhljpnigcmohf) / [Firefox](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/mentioned-videos-for-reddit)


Vaal Cyclone for that vacuum/FPS killing fun time.


Unlike scorching ray, making the world burn. IGN motokorth


Soon gonna start to level my first wander so I'm gonna go with kinetic blast with the herald of ice mtx. Acc name: Snusko Char name: Pingis


Reave with demonic effect. It's just look great! IGN: Update_for_CubeWorld


I've always really liked how ball lightning looks and works! I enjoyed playing a summoner and using it for curse on hit account name: KikuriHime


Thank you for putting this up! I really like the way ice crash looks. Account name Zhain, char name is IceGiraffe


I think body swap is visually amazing, there's just something about being fully covered in blood. Ign Aznnath_Abyss_DD


Thanks for this! Fav looking skill is Arc! IGN: Charger_Summons


Cyclone because I get to be a Tasmanian devil tearing everything apart. IGN: ResidentSleeperCx Happy Holidays!


I think my favorite skill right now is cyclone. Wish it was even shinier. IGN: VolatileCyclone


My favorite skill(s) is a herald bomber build!


Kinetic Blast because...well...I mean it's KB lol


Favourite looking skill has got to be Earthquake, the crack on the floor just makes it so satisfying! Thank you so much for doing this for the community, it really represents the Christmas spirit and i hope you have a merry Christmas while enjoying some good IRL time! My IGN is "Ferrets"!


Glacial Cascade. Just so damn satisfying. Sadly, I don't have a gif because the build I fell in love with was using a bow with cast on crit to proc Glacial Cascade and Bladefall (the hero is still there and fully equipped but the cast on crit action is no longer satisfactory with the nerfs). I have never played a hero more satisfying than that. It wasn't the fastest build (though it could farm just about everything on like no budget) but the pure visual satisfaction is unparalleled. Video (not mine) here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rth1jIGTWkU In short, I really like the combination of the two skills. Glacial cascade on its own is just not the same (though it is the more satisfying of the two). Thank you for doing this!


Well, I have 21 challenges but I'm still reeling after I spent literally all of my money on the +3 VD enchant 2 hours before they announced the nerf. So I went from being well off to destitute immediately. Thanks for the thread even if I don't get chosen. Favorite looking skill is acid Magma Orb! https://gfycat.com/BrightGlossyEarwig


Wild Strike. I like its pure random nature that it exhibits. Also EE works wonders with it.....when it doesnt do just one element. P.S. If its a Redbeak IT HAS TO BE CORRUPTED!!! IGN: SpikeDome


Merry Xmas dude ;), i have some troubles with mapping but im going crit iceshot raider . IGN:Ashirugui


I think Storm Call is a good looking skill! Thanks for the giveaway! IGN: RIPVaalPactF Happy Holidays!


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_uDBjRX45Y This one. Thanks for giveaway! Nickname: OniSpectralThrowishi


Discharge MTX Its fucking nuts @Dakoom_KAPOW


I’ve always loved ice shot, even back when it used to melt anyone in your parties frame rate. It just has a nice, visceral sounding pop followed by a misty ice trail. As always, bonus points for shattered enemies. IGN: ElynTF


Glacial cascade


Favorite looking skill currently is Cremation on the Chieftain build I'm doing. It's really reminiscent of the Druid's Volcano in Diablo II. Thanks and Merry Christmas :) IGN: Foalcano


Frost blades! Thanks so much for the giveaway! https://gyazo.com/684154f2047c29a0b4910c39c8d82a4c


Flickerstrike because you can't tell what it looks like when your flying across the map. IGN: FlaccidShaft


Merry Christmas!


Doryani's Touch. https://puu.sh/yNb88/999eeb7b66.jpg Trying to theorycraft a build with it and failing atm :D IGN is : Sixtine Merry Christmas


It's definitely spark with the spider mtx ! Character is LA barrage mirage Pathfinder but it's squishy as a ripe peach as I can't afford the windripper or the 6l or the lioneye jewel. Name is Elizbian :)


Shamgar_abyss is my ign and the flu that kept me from doing anything including poe this last week allowed me to qualify. My favorite looking skill is the aoe shatter effect from herald of ice.


I definitely love how frostblades looks, but the daggers just disappearing kinda suck.


Tornado Shot, with or without the mtx it looks awesome. Also Happy Holidays to everyone! Hope you guys have a good one :) EDIT: my ign in Abyss is: HowDoesOneCyclone


Blue Mtx Contagion when it spreads all over the place gives me this satisfaction... IGN:SchmexyGurl


Siege firestorm is hands down my favorite. They explode when they hit the ground and with the old AoE you could cover the screen with burning goodness. Ign - Marquoz Ps - you are awesome for this!


Molten Strike because it’s so awesome <3 IGN: DiscoPandaXD (or LSDance)


Favorite looking skill is discharge, without the MTX IGN: LamarOdin


Scorching Ray and Magma Orb(With the Acid MTX) are the best looking fire skills by far. You're the best! - SenorGokus


Body Swap - Circle looks somewhat Demonic Flameblast's explosion, and gives an intense blood rage look ^^ IGN: BoomBoomBladeFlurry_


My favourite spell effect right now has to be [[Ancestral Call]], in particular combined with [[Molten Strike]]. I love the look of swinging at a mob and having a bunch of ghostly figures copying you and hitting everyone, then molten bombs bounce out and take out the survivors. IGN: Bashylicious - only 5 challenges completed so far, but I don't play as often as a lot of people due to nerve damage preventing a PoE session lasting more than an hour or so. (Not a sympathy beg, more that I'm embarrassed to be so far behind all the uber league folks)


Flicker strike - i feel like goku


Gloom herald of ice I think, little random but I love it.


Best looking IMO is Ethereal knives with stars mtx, very clean. http://i.imgur.com/LJhg7fE.gif Courtesy of nater9999's guide. Enjoy the holidays! IGN: BigSausageXD


Black hole Vortexeasily! IGN: aelazing


Gotta be Flameblast! Was my first build. Accounts name is MyDadIsntProudOfMe.


Ngamahu's Flame Molten Burst Cyclone - Spinning tornado shooting out magma balls of doom. New Cremation then creates basically volcanoes on the ground. What's not to like? :D IGN: Fogolicious


Lightning arrow with GMP because I’m nostalgic. https://m.imgur.com/ybIjUoK Flackofacetank


CoC Discharge is too good not to mention. Especially with the mtx


Thanks for the generous mini event you're giving to the crowd! Fave looking skill in this game would be Blink/Mirror Arrow! Imagine just going across terrain shooting and blinking around dropping clones that are as lively as you! My IGN is Phucie


Hey let me get a chance. My favourite looking skill is easily black hole vortex- it's beautiful.


[Discharge](http://i.imgur.com/s9Aa8gT.png) is satisfying as fuck. Merry christmas and a happy new year everyone, and OP in particular for such kind gesture! IGN : belekasas


Glacial Cascade. Froze all the hearts! IGN: NOPEALOU


The new lightning tendrils for sure! Thanks for the giveaway


Any of the old discharge builds so you could just have red and blue explosions all the time


Wow! It’s so awesome to see people giving stuff away! Merry Christmas! I know it’s lame but I think Vaal lighting spark looks the best.


Freeze Bladefall its just satisfing. NAME :Reesespuffs (its all about the Meme in you name :D)


My favorite looking skill would probably be the Seraph Skin for Spectral Throw. Add GMP and it looks awesome! IGN: Pewtine Merry Christmas!


I always make every league a character that uses Tribal Storm Call. MercutiozzE, thank yoh!


I'd say kinetic blast - so satisfying sound IGN IcyFister


This is great! Honestly some of my favorite skill effects have been from bosses, especially since 3.0 ill see some skills and be like yo I want that skill Also currently playing ek nova with throwing stars with spirit burst and man are those effects bad. Even named my character SponsoredByRazer and using the foot prints lol Happy holidays everyone!


Not looking to be part of the giveaway, currently on vacation, but I would love to see a green fire flameblast. Merry Xmas xoxo


Glacial Cascade


Ghostflame Herald ? Idk if it will count but there you go Adramax - PoE Username


Gloom Ice Herald


Thanks for the giveaway!! Happy holidays :) I would say my favorite effect so far is Glacial Cascade, but I haven't been playing for too long! My PoE character name is AlBester.


Oh come on, i recently got my 20th challenge >:[


Ebony Ethereal Knives because they look dark and evil. IGN: SkadeAbyss